St. Jerome School Council Minutes Thursday, September 4, 2014, 7:00pm Attendance: Ingrid Cuffe, Nancy Bereziuk, Fay Emmond, Jennifer Hoglin, Coleen Hughes, Virginie Restivo, Meghan Francis, Chris Gingrich, Heans Keeler, Catherine Puchalski, Maribel Ruales, Keely TangKorpany, Jennifer Raffard, Stacey Cesario, Mary Coakley, Nicole Normandeau, Carla Selk, Alison Halyk, Jing Wang, Barbara Fouillard, Lori Scarcelli, Anna Buonomo, Nadia Oliverio, Jill DeMan-Jones, Emily Albo, Amanda Resch, Silvia Mauro, Mark Hickie, Nick Fatica, David Gustavson, Virginie Restivo, Lianne King, Mistie Logullo, Brenda Bloski 1. Call to Order & Welcome – Lianne King 2. Prayer – Mark Hickie 3. Introductions – Lianne King All members in attendance asked to introduce themselves and share if it was their first meeting. 4. Approval of Minutes from May 2014 – Lianne King Motion by Ingrid Cuffe to approve minutes, seconded by Jennifer Hoglin, motion passed. 5. Agenda & Adoption – Lianne King Motion by Mistie Logullo to adopt agenda, seconded by Chris Gingrich, motion passed. 6. Reports a. PSPFS & Fundraising Update – Mistie Logullo - Mistie reiterated for those who are not sure what the Panorama Special Project Fundraising Society (PSPFS) is. It is the society created by parents of St. Jerome school to apply for grants on the school’s behalf and fundraise accordingly for the school. - Advised members of the trip for 2 donated for Westjet to be sold at meet the teacher night and advised council approval is required. Motion by Mistie Logullo to have raffle during Meet the Teacher night, seconded by Nancy Bereziuk, motion passed. b. Treasurer’s Report – Virginie Restivo Current bank balance is $12,059.04. Proposed budget for 2014-2015: Sacramental Recognition - $500.00 Grade 6 Farewell - $300.00 Patrol Appreciation - $300.00 Staff Appreciation - $200.00 Staff Parting Gifts - $200.00 Free Fun Lunch - $2000.00 Shrove Tuesday - $750.00 Family Dance - $2500.00 Fun Lunch (non food items) - $200.00 Classroom Enhancements - $1450.00 Spirit Wear - $50.00 Discussion was held with regard to Spirit Wear – clothing with school logo that students may wear year round. Members felt it would be good to have this available this year since it was not done last year. $50.00 would be used for bags to put clothing in. Alberta School Council - $500.00 Lianne provided background that this is a day session held yearly for a Council representative (typically Chairperson) in Edmonton. Value add in learnings brought back to Council members. Members agreed that this was a worthwhile item and for it to continue. Motion to adopt the amended budget with a total of $8850.00 in purchases by Jennifer Hoglin, seconded by Jennifer Raffard, motion passed. Mistie received word after motion passed that Karen Juurlink’s bakery would donate the pancake mix. Lianne advised since motion already passed we would leave the Shrove Tuesday budget intact it would just mean we would be ahead. c. Chair’s Report – Lianne King – no report d. Parish Liaison – Barb Fouillard Emphasized importance of parents being active in the teaching of the sacraments. Beginning in October baptism and reconciliation. Retreats offered for parents. Her door is open for any questions or sharing. Advised there is a new additional priest at Acension, Fr. Lucas. They want to encourage families to know the associated parish with the school. 7. Elections – Lianne King a. Chair – Lianne King (acclaimed) b. Vice Chair – Brenda Bloski (acclaimed) c. Treasurer – Virginie Restivo (acclaimed) d. Secretary – Alison Halyk (acclaimed) 8. Committee Coordinators – Darryl Wolski a. Fun Lunch – Marisa Frustaci b. Spirit Wear – not filled will revisit in October c. Staff Appreciation – Maribel Ruales d. Family Dance – Meahan Francis and Coleen Hughes e. Volunteer Coordinator – Jennifer Raffard f. Parish Liaison - Heans Keeler 9. Admin Report – David Gustavson, Mark Hickie, Nick Fatica a. Class Organization/Staffing - David Gustavson Total of 692 students (that number includes Kindergarten). Sitting at a number that will warrant an additional 1.0 which means 1 additional teacher. There are a number of students still on vacation, once final number is determined (students in seats) the District will advise. Teacher will be added to Grade 6 team as this has historically been a large base. It will be hard to get a portable from the District so looking at current plan. The art room is the most likely to be used for a classroom. David addressed that he understands concern of children moving once settled but that they will do their utmost to keep friends together and assess the learning needs of each student. Emphasized the importance of filling out the sheet at the end of the year indicating if student will be returning the following year in order to have a number to work with before the next year. b. Catholic Community of Caring – Nick Fatica Big Family Groups (“BFG’s”) will continue. Watch for Pass It On fundraiser that was mentioned in June newsletter which will be Oct 2-4. c. Code of Conduct/Progressive Discipline Policy – Mark Hickie RRSP – respect, responsibility, safely, praise. This is the school philosophy. It was introduced to all students on the first day of school. Classroom rules and consequences are consistent throughout the school. Division 1 and Division 2 have rules specific to their age. Behavior infraction form was shown to the members. These are filled out at the office if a child is having behavior issues in the classroom. The forms are shredded at the end of the year. This allows the student to reinvent themselves in the next school year. The kids are really responding to RRSP and really liking it. Using a common language for rules and consequences is beneficial. Focused on internal reasoning. d. Baseline Testing – Nick Fatica Teachers began testing students once school year began. Use of key words, spelling, math to get a baseline. Grades 4,5,6 are easier to assess . Teachers will report on this testing at parent teacher interviews next week. Reminder that Sept 11 & 12 are parent teach interviews and on Monday the on-line registration will open. e. School/AISI Plan – David Gustavson David introduced the plan, encouraged and pointed out school council involvement. Great focus on resiliency with children. f. Technology Plan – David Gustavson It is within the school plan. Focus on increasing access to technology for all students. Smartboards will be in all classrooms. Currently working on a Learning Commons. g. Homework Policy – Mark Hickie Hope is that majority of work is done at school any homework is typically what was not completed at school. Reading is encouraged at home. Any concerns with homework, please address with teacher. The homework policy is online and in students agendas. h. Volunteer Orientation Handbook – Mark Hickie Volunteer orientation was held Sept 4. It is held annually in September and throughout the year as required ad hoc for parents who are volunteering for the first time. Volunteer efforts are rolled out in October. Emphasis on confidentiality. i. Standards of Dress and Appearance – Mark Hickie Outlined in agenda. Staff is expected to dress professionally. Students are expected to wear appropriate clothing to school. Watch inappropriate shirts. Spaghetti strap tops and dresses are not acceptable – “Lasagna straps over Spaghetti straps” j. Critical Incident/Disaster Plans – David Gustavson In the Emergency Response Plan Students will practice fire drills and lock down. There are 6 fire drills annually and 2 lockdowns. They are proud that a school of 700 can get all persons out of the school in 1 minute in a fire drill. David likes to have someone from the school council executive join him and walk around on one of the lockdowns to gain understanding of how it works. Members told that the key is to ensure the children are out of line of sight. David stated that the children are not scared of the lockdown practice. k. School Based Budget – David Gustavson The budget for the school for 2014-2015 is $52,000 (this does not include salary’s) The breakdown of that budget is provided at end of the year. Before moving ahead with the agenda, David showed members the thank you card from the students at St. Henry School thanking St. Jerome for their financial gift which was used towards books. 10. Teacher Representative Report – Anna Buonomo, Nadia Oliverio, Jill DeMan-Jones, Emily Albo, Amanda Resch a. Parent/Teacher Interviews – Reminder of what was specified earlier in meeting. Interviews will be held on Sept 11 4-7pm and Sept 12 9-noon;1:30-3:00. Interviews will be in 10 minute blocks. Signs will be on doors as last year (interview times & please knock when it is your turn) b. Opening Liturgy/St. Jerome Day (wear red) Sept 17th @ 10:30am Parents are welcome to attend. It will be a full mass this year. c. Foothills Brass performance – Sept 17 – 12:50pm (K-3);1:50pm (Gr 4-6) d. Photo Days – Sept 24-25th Sept 24 – Grades 1,3,5 & 6 Sept 25 - Grades Kindergartern and Grades 2 & 4 e. Terry Fox Day – Sept 26th Bring a toonie for Terry. Run will occur in the field. Details to follow. Parents are welcome to attend and run. f. Swimming lessons & Rock Climbing (Nick Fatica) – Grade 4 will swim end of September and Grade 6 will will will be rock climbing in tandem. At end of year it will be Grades 3 & 5. g. St. Stephen’s Clothing Drive (Nick Fatica) – “Pass it On” October 2-4 preferably winter items, footwear & toys. Ideally would like 1 winter coat/family. 11. New Business a. Bylaw Summary/addition – Brenda Bloski At last school council meeting it was requested that the Bylaws move to policy/procedure. Majority of general amendments were to structure, making language more direct (e.g. removing “shall” in favor of “will” or “must”). Walked through with members with amendments and/or additions to the following: 3.2 Terms adding “with approval from the Principal and their Superintendant” 3.3.2 Removal of reference to the Chairperson including minutes as part of the annual report 3.3.4 adding the word “possible” before audit 5.6 Remove reference to “ratepayers” and add”Executive” at the beginning of second sentence. 5.7 replacing “member” with “Executive member or Committee Coordinator” 5.8.1 Reverse steps 1 & 2 7.0 Add reference to the requirement of providing 24 hours notice Glossary Remove reference to “ratepayers” Motion to abolish by-laws and adopt Policies & Procedures as amended made by Brenda Bloski, seconded by Mistie Logullo. Motion passed. 12. Schedule of Meetings – first Thursday of the month with the exception of December, April and June. Meeting times are at 7pm with the exception of November when it is at 9:00am. 13. Closing Prayer Meeting adjourned at 9:05pm
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