Offshore Technology Review

52 OFFSHORE Technology Review / 2014
Stopaq (Seal For Life Industries)
The Netherlands, booth 353
adhere to the wet surface by displacing the water and
It is no surprise that many existing subsea structures and
the moisture left behind is encapsulated in the special
pipes suffer from corrosion. In some cases, however, and
additive in the Stopaq compound and insulated by the
with much inconvenience, relatively new objects can
PIB. The natural behaviour of the PIB makes it to fully
show signs of rust. In many of these cases, the approach
‘wetten’ the steel and protects it
towards corrosion prevention
against further corrosion.
during the engineering
The mechanical properties
phase or the method of
found in PVC films, amalgamating
application/handling of
rubbers and or moisture cured
the objects has lead to
polyurethanes are applied on top
such damage. The available
of the Stopaq subsea materials.
solutions for repair are not
The Stopaq corrosion preventative
always satisfactory for the
compound does not cure and
comes packed as tapes or sheets
Over the past few years
for the ease of application, or
Stopaq, a Seal for Life
as putty, to be moulded around
company, has gained great
difficult shapes such as flanges and
experience in offering durable
subsea and splash-zone
Backed up by a strong and
repairs. The repairs range
Figure 1. Subsea pipeline damaged by anchor load.
dynamic engineering division,
from the replacement of
Seal for Life industries also
damaged/failing FBE/HSS and
optimises application methods,
PE/PP coatings to the repair
designs equipment to ease
of CWC and even insulating
applications and realises optimal
electrical powerlines on the
safety and time-saving solutions. In
Stadskanaal, the Netherlands, the
Stopaq started in the
SFL Engineering group features an
late 1980s as a contracting
in-house diving facility to simulate
company heavily involved in
various applications. This allows SFL
the sealing and protection
to rely on a great and successful
of clay walls, tunnels and
track record built up over the years
infrastructural objects against
in a wide range of applications,
the ingress of water. The
Figure 2. Repair of a subsea field joint. Application
ranging from subsea pipeline coating
company name STOPAQ
over damaged tapewra system.
repair to the protection of risers,
reflects its business: stop
sheetpiling, X-knots, jetty piles,
aqua (Stopaq water). The
jacket legs etc.
company has developed from
To optimally cater to the needs
these early days refining the
of its customers, SFL Industries is
technology to the extent that
associated with partner companies
it is now involved in many
providing inspection and application
services, training and project
The Stopaq product range
management. SFL industries subsea
is based on polyisobuthene
offers a one-stop shop for the entire
resin technology. The visco
corrosion prevention package and
elastic resin, which has in
mechanical protection of offshore
control cold-flow properties,
and inshore infrastructure. This
can appear as a solid if
offers clients all over the world an
suddenly attacked by a force,
end-to-end service in the protection
or can show liquid properties
and lifetime extension of their
if slowly agitated. Stopaq
Figure 3. Replacement of a damaged field joint
valuable infrastructural assets.
subsea systems and materials