CHARITY PROFILE √ √ - The Australian Charities Fund

Earthwatch Institute Australia
25 875 253 851
Deductible Gift Recipient:
Breakdown of services provided by cause area – indicate all that apply:
% Aged care
% Hospitals
% Animal Welfare/Preservation
% Human Rights
% Arts and culture
% Indigenous People
% Cancer
% International Aid and Development
% Children and Families at Risk
% Major Diseases/Medical Research
% Children’sWomen
of Revenue
from Government
% Mental Illness
% Conservation/Environment
% People with Disabilities
% Drug/Alcohol/Gambling Addictions
% Poverty/Homelessness/Unemployment
% Education
% Refugees/New immigrants
% Emergency/Disaster Services
% Youth at Risk
% General
Contribute to Scientific Research through Participation with a Sustainable Legacy
Volunteers travel to research locations and contribute through participation in scientific research
expeditions that are conducted globally, ranging from the Great Barrier Reef to the forests of the Otway
Ranges as well as over fifty other international destinations.
Earthwatch funds independent scientific field research by partnering with scientists, business and the
community to deliver sustainable outcomes.
Earthwatch engages a large number of people, in scientific research and education to promote the
understanding and action necessary for a sustainable environment, through Citizen Science. That is,
non-scientists collecting, analysing and interpreting information in a scientifically validated way, that
contributes to a larger, knowledge database.
Why does the charity exist? Describe its vision:
Earthwatch exists in order to support world-class field research with hands-on learning to inspire global
change. Every day in Australia and around the world Earthwatch is providing scientists with funding for
their research, volunteers to staff their expeditions, researchers, educators and you, our donors, without
whom our scientific research work would not be possible. We help communicate the outcomes from the
research, finding science-based solutions to the threats that confront our planet.
With your help, we can continue the massive task of providing the reliable science, education and
inspiration needed to underpin conservation initiatives on a global scale.
This document has been prepared by the charity named in it. Information and statements in it have not been vetted or
verified by The Australian Charities Fund Operations Limited.
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What does the charity do? Describe its mission, including key programs/services:
Our mission is to engage people worldwide in scientific field research and education to promote the
understanding and action necessary for a sustainable environment.
Earthwatch volunteers have contributed to more than 10 million hours of field research, in over 120
countries on nearly 1400 expeditions.
Earthwatch expeditions combine world-class field research with hands-on learning to inspire global
change. We support more than 50 expeditions around the world designed for people looking to make
an impact.
If expeditions are not for you, you can still participate by donating through workplace giving. We put
your gifts to work, helping to save species, habitats and cultural legacies.
List up to three key statistics relevant to the charity’s cause:
Earthwatch has contributed to more than 10 million hours of field research, in over 120
countries, on nearly 1400 expeditions.
In 2013, our committed volunteers, donors, and partners helped make it possible for more than
8,000 citizens to go into the field and conduct about 110,000 hours of research.
A six-year Earthwatch study in Queensland, concludes that turtles mistaking plastic litter for
tasty jellyfish, accounts for nearly 30% of turtle deaths – this is double what was previously
Describe the potential impact of workplace giving donations (if the charity directs workplace
giving donations to a particular area of work, describe the work). Consider explaining this as $
handle impact statements:
The gifts received by Earthwatch are used in the field to support a wide range of expedition functions.
Gifts from your WPG program could be used to assist with scientific research in the Artic or on species
such as whales or koalas.
Over a twelve month period
$10 will tag a critically endangered leatherback turtle in the Pacific Ocean
$100 will provide equipment to help safeguard butterflies in the Indian Himalayas
$120 will plant 120 mangroves assisting regeneration of a vital coastal ecosystem in Kenya
$240 will buy 22 flipper tags to track and protect Robben Island’s endangered African penguins
Describe the benefits of partnering with the charity (eg dedicated contact, bi-annual meeting,
promotion on charity website, use of charity logo, invitation to site tours, recognition in charity
publications, etc.
WPG partners are just that, partners in what we do and how we do it, so that entitles the WPG partner
Use of EWA logo on partner website
Recognition in EWA newsletters
Opportunities to volunteer on an EWA expedition, conducting scientific research in an exciting
part of the world, or in the backyard of your own city
Become a EWA champion at special events
Invitation to sign up as EWA Alumni
EWA Alumni will receive invitations to exclusive Alumni events throughout the year
The offer of lunchtime or special event speakers – scientists or experts in the field of
This document has been prepared by the charity named in it. Information and statements in it have not been vetted or
verified by The Australian Charities Fund Operations Limited.
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Describe how the charity will measure employer and employee workplace giving donation
Each dollar donated to Earthwatch supports scientific research that contributes towards our mission.
Our scientific research takes place on Earthwatch expeditions scheduled in all corners of the globe.
EWA can give updates on its scientific research and activity made possible through WPG.
EWA can provide regular information and statistics on the resources that has been provided to that
research through the efforts of the WPG donation. This would be either in the form of a regular report or
presentation to the WPG partner. The regularity of the updates would depend upon the needs of the
WPG partner and their employees.
Describe how the charity will communicate workplace giving donation impact to employer
Written reports
Presentations to your staff
Earthwatch will send regular reports on donation amounts from the workplace alongside information on
the work this gift is supporting. The research updates can be in written format, or regular lunchtime
information sessions presented to interested members of the workplace. The scientists conducting the
research present regularly to Earthwatch Alumni. Workplace giving donors are welcome to join the
Alumni (there is no charge) and thus receive invitations to these scientist presentations. In some
circumstances we could arrange for the scientists to present directly at the workplace. 92/100
Are there other ways the charity can provide engagement opportunities for staff?
Volunteer days for WPG partners
Participate in collecting data for ClimateWatch
Sign up for expeditions and work with scientists, contributing to their research and helping to
find science-based solutions to the threats that confront our planet.
Provide professional pro bono expertise to the business
Become an Earthwatch Alumni to attend events with scientists or assist at functions
Become an Earthwatch Alumni Champion to promote the work of the scientists and their
Earthwatch can also tailor programs to complement and work with the values and strategic
directions of the WPG partner for volunteer days or expedition participation
This document has been prepared by the charity named in it. Information and statements in it have not been vetted or
verified by The Australian Charities Fund Operations Limited.
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Key financial information:
FY 2013
Total revenue (from all sources)
Revenue from fundraising
Revenue from workplace giving
Revenue from Government
Cost of fundraising (as a %) of total funds raised
Net surplus / deficit
* ACF recognises that industry standards do not exist for measuring the costs of fundraising. If there are aspects of your fundraising that
require explanation (e.g. a start-up community organisation will generally incur higher COF), please provide a commentary below.
Contact details:
Direct Phone
Key Contact
Michelle Joy
0417 116 427
[email protected]
David McInnes
9016 7590
[email protected]
126 Bank Street, South Melbourne Vic 3205
This document has been prepared by the charity named in it. Information and statements in it have not been vetted or
verified by The Australian Charities Fund Operations Limited.
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