Couchiching Family Health Team

North Simcoe Muskoka LHIN
August 5, 2014
Couchiching Family Health Team --- School Success Program
The Couchiching Family Health Team launched its new School
Success Program in January 2014. To date the program has
received 96 referrals from physicians and area schools.
Reasons the program was created:
• Children experiencing difficulties in school need the
education system to be partners in addressing the issues.
• Physicians asked to assist children with school problems
need information from the education sector to inform their
assessment, as well as timely access to resources for families. L-R:- Lisa Holmes Program Administrator, Dr. Sue Surry
Pediatrician, Cassandra Eriksson Social Worker, Dr.
• Families will benefit from greater coordination and
Jennifer Coolbear Psychologist, Michelle McLaughlin, RN,
a consistent approach from both educators and
Dr. John Stokreef Physician Lead - Absent: Dr. Nicky
healthcare providers in identifying and supporting
Jones Developmental Pediatrician
their needs.
Note sent by an area Principal, March 20, 2014
The program offers:
“Just wanted to send you a note about our work with the Student
• Information gathering for assessment
Success Clinic.
by family physician
Currently, we have two students who are receiving support from
• Standardized tools and assistance for families in
this initiative, and we can already see that this process is
their completion
efficiently utilizing the medical system and improving outcomes
• System navigation, including community resources for students, families, and school staff. We have had almost
• Supportive counselling
immediate contact with the Couchiching Family Health Team once
• Pediatric consultation
the student success packages were completed and sent to [the
• Ongoing interface with education, as needed
board’s special education consultant]. The parents have been both
• Process & outcome evaluation
relieved and excited to receive feedback and support so quickly as
they perceive a much more aligned utilization of resources and
effort between medical and educational personnel. This, of
• Tracking by intake forms
course, has made it so much easier to effectively plan, teach, and
• Goal Identification
assess student learning and promote student well-being every day
in our school.
• Standardized tools
• Feedback
The ongoing communication with the medical team includes
expert recommendations to allow for differentiated instruction,
resources, and assessment to be utilized with the students, and
For further information on North Simcoe Muskoka
allows for more focused and productive conferences with parents.
LHIN initiatives or partnerships, please contact
Susan French at 705-326-7750 x234 or by email at
[email protected].