
平成 27 年度
入学試験問題(平成 27 年 3 月 7 日)
問題 (1)~(4):次の4音節の単語の最も強いアクセントがある音節を選びなさい。
(1) com-pe-ti-tion
(2) for-tu-nate-ly
① ② ③ ④
① ② ③
(3) dis-ad-van-tage
① ② ③
(4) fun-da-men-tal
① ② ③
問題 (5)~(10):下線部とほぼ同じ意味を持つ語を一つ選びなさい。
(5) Terry stands by me whenever I’m in trouble.
① supports
② surpasses
③ supplies
④ surprises
(6) Rodger went through a lot of difficulties before he found his new job.
① induced
② experienced
③ approved
④ showed
(7) All the students majoring in nursing must turn in their papers next Friday.
① post
② explain
③ complete
④ submit
(8) She strongly believed she was right and didn’t take back her remarks.
① wither
② withhold
③ withdraw
④ withstand
(9) Considering the present situation, we should rule out other choices.
① exclude
② dislike
③ raise
④ collect
(10) I can’t put up with such pain even for a day.
① endanger
② emerge
③ emphasize
④ endure
3 問題 (11)~(15):次の英文の空欄に入れるのに最も適当なものを一つ選びなさい。
(11) I can’t tell you much about your new teacher because I have (
① a few informations ② few informations
③ a little information
(12) After class, we went to the cafeteria and enjoyed (
① arguing
② to argue
③ talking
(13) You shouldn’t let your children (
① to watch
② watching
) about our plans for the winter vacation.
④ to talk
③ watch
② there were no
④ watched
) tax on them.
③ it were not
(15) She told me that she couldn’t come because she was ill, (
① which
② who
③ that
④ little information
) TV while they are eating.
(14) Cigarettes would be a lot cheaper if (
① there is no
) about him.
④ what
④ were it not for
) was a lie.
問題 (16)~(20) :次の会話文の空欄に入る最も適切なものを一つ選びなさい。
(16) Patrick : Did you understand Professor Emerson’s lecture?
Geoff : (
) It was all Greek to me.
Patrick : Me, too. I have no idea what’s going on in the philosophy class.
① Couldn’t be better!
② Yes, that was just amazing.
③ Far from it!
④ Yes, it was better than I expected.
(17) Kate : Are you leaving now, Joanna?
Joanna : I’m afraid so. I have an important meeting.
Kate : I see. (
Joanna : I’ll be sure to do that.
① See you again!
② Don’t forget to check you have everything.
③ That’s what I was thinking.
④ Please remember me to your parents.
(18) Jane : Hi, Susan. Have you finished your report on physiology?
Susan : (
Jane : Well, I can give you the names of a couple of books that might give you some ideas.
Susan : Oh, thank you. That’ll be a great help.
① I haven’ t even started. Can you give me some advice?
② No, I’ve just started working on it. How about you?
③ I’m about half way through. Have you finished yours?
④ Yes, I’ve already finished it. I’m thinking of the couple’s name.
(19) Scarlet : Excuse me. How much is this electric dictionary?
Clerk : It’s 30,000 yen.
Scarlet : Is there any reduction for students?
Clerk : Well, only if (
① it is already inexpensive.
② you can give me a discount.
③ five students buy the same one.
④ your teacher knows the price.
(20) Keith : What happened? Your eyes are all red.
Greg : Well, last night I happened to find an old movie on a website and ….
Keith : I see. So, you sat up late watching it.
Greg : (
① So am I.
② I have to sit for the next examination.
③ Guess what I’ll watch.
④ Those sites are addictive.
5 問題 (21)~(25):次の英文の意味として最も適切なものを一つ選びなさい。
(21) She may have nothing to do with the matter, but we can’t help suspecting her.
① 彼女はおそらく何も持っていないが、彼女を助けることはできない。
② 彼女はおそらくその問題とは関係がないが、彼女を疑わざるを得ない。
③ 彼女はおそらく何も持っていないが、彼女を信頼して助けるしかない。
④ 彼女はおそらくその問題とは関係ないが、彼女を誤って信頼したことに違いはない。
(22) Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
① 読書と心の関係は、運動と身体の関係と同じである。
② 読書は心でするものだが、運動は身体を動かすことだ。
③ 何が心に影響を及ぼし、運動が身体に影響を及ぼすかは読書をすればわかる。
④ 何が心に影響するかは読書次第であるが、何が運動によって身体にもたらされるかはわからない。
(23) Having a bad cold, he still came to work.
① とても寒かったのに、彼はそれでも仕事をしに来た。
② とても寒かったので、彼は仕事に行かず静かにしていた。
③ ひどい風邪をひいていたので、彼は仕事に来ても静かにしていた。
④ ひどい風邪をひいていたが、それでも彼は仕事に来た。
(24) We missed you very much at the party yesterday.
① 私達は昨日のパーティであなたを完全に見失ってしまった。
② 私達は昨日のパーティであなたと他の人を間違ってしまった。
③ 昨日のパーティではあなたがいなくてとても寂しく思った。
④ 昨日のパーティではあなたの話を中断してしまって申し訳なかった。
(25) Not until the examination did I notice the heart disease.
① 私はその心臓病が気になりはじめるまで検査を受けなかった。
② 私はその心臓病は注意しなくてもよいと思ったので検査を受けなかった。
③ その検査を受けるまでその心臓のことは秘密にされていた。
④ その検査を受けて初めてその心臓病に気づいた。
平成 27 年度 入学試験問題(平成 27 年 3 月 7 日)英語Ⅰ 解答
(2) 1
(6) 2
(9) 1
(11) 4
(14) 2
(15) 1
(16) 3
(19) 3
(20) 4
(21) 2
(24) 3
(25) 4
(10) 4