Brussels, 26th August 2014 CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS FOR THE JECI-MIEC COLLOQUIUM “YOUNG CHRISTIANS AND SEXUALITY IN THE 21st CENTURY’S EUROPE” – “THE CHOICE OF OUR LIFESTYLE” 5th – 12th OCTOBER 2014 Coordination Européenne JECI-MIEC European Coordination [email protected] To: All Organizations and Federations of the European Coordination JECI-MIEC We have the great pleasure to invite your organization to nominate candidates for the JECI-MIEC Colloquium “Young Christians and Sexuality in the 21st Century’s Europe” – “The Choice of our lifestyle”, which is taking place in the Educational Centre for Blind in Laski, Warsaw from 5th – 12th October 2014 (including arrival and departure day). The Colloquium is designed for members of the organizations. This means that participants in the meeting should be actively involved in projects at national / local level or to be members of the national / local board of the organization. Participants should have a good knowledge about their National Organization, be motivated towards the given subject and be willing / able to function as multipliers back in their organizations. Moreover, participants have to be young people (students), active members of their National Organizations; be 15-30 years old; be able to work and communicate in English; be motivated to participate actively in the Colloquium; be willing to transmit their experience and the outcomes of the Colloquium to their National Organizations; be able to participate for the whole duration of the activity. In order to apply for this activity, you have to fill-in the application form (you can find it together with this document or download from our website at and sent it by email ([email protected]) from the national office of your organization (official email address). The deadline for receiving the applications is the 5th September 2014. After receiving the applications we will inform your movement of the participants confirmed and we will send them the “Participants’ Info-Pack”. A Colloquium • Gathers 40 young people engaged on local, regional or national level in different European youth organizations (among them around 30 from JECI-MIEC) to share their experiences and reflections around a subject of common concern. It is held every three years. • Promotes exchange on the work and engagement of the participants and their organizations and to deepen their knowledge about each other. • Analyses different aspects of a social, political or cultural theme coming from a diversity of viewpoints and backgrounds in a European perspective. • Initiates common formation processes around a subject in an inter-organizational, interconfessional and inter-cultural context. • Develops common reflections about the possibilities and motivations of young people to engage in Society and the common challenges arising from the theme for them and their organizations. • Defines possible lines of action for the concrete reality on all levels (local-national-European), by encouraging collaboration as an important dimension of changes. The Colloquium addresses both secondary and university student leaders from different European countries. This Colloquium is financed by the European Youth Foundation (EYF) regularly alternating with other typical activities of the European Coordination JECI-MIEC. Coordination Européenne JECI-MIEC European Coordination [email protected] What is our Colloquium about? Understanding of sexuality in 21st century’s Europe is diverse – as the debates and controversies are. Although Europe’s history and culture has been profoundly shaped by Christian values, European secular societies are nowadays facing the “challenge”, that to the tradition of living in a two-sexeslifestyle there are many more options, which might even will have their role to play as it regards the demographic development of future Europe. Especially as secular positions towards sexuality meet faith-based (and particularly Christian) convictions and beliefs, debates and discussions tend to become inevitable: Some topics such as sexual orientation, marriage and divorce concern particular lifestyles, while others such as contraception and abortion even have controversial ethical implications. Most recently topics such as pedophilia and sexual abuse within Church have been subjected to strong criticism globally. What does this have to do with young people in Europe? The European Coordination JECI-MIEC is a platform of secondary and university students in Europe who share their common identity as Catholic believers. Taking into account contemporary developments, it is clear that apart from morals and values concerning sexuality also Christianity in itself has further developed. Different world-views and debates on what is, can or should be allowed in one’s sexual life do not only come up between Church and secular society, but exist also within the community of Christian and especially Catholic believers in Europe and beyond. To give an example: “What is in the eyes of a Catholic student better? A committed homosexual partnership or a ‘proper’ marriage where there is disrespect and violence?” As recognizable from this question, decisions on (especially one’s own) sexuality need to be taken individually, consciously, respectful and responsibly – even if there for sure exist collective catalogues of values from several secular and religious instances. Our colloquium therefore aims at raising awareness about the diversity existing among secular societies and Christians in Europe as it regards the topic sexuality and the reality of young people (SEE), to enable the participants of this colloquium to take their decisions on their sexuality more consciously and without prejudices or discrimination (JUDGE) and to make society aware of the results of these reflections (ACT). Out of the variety of topics and issues existing, JECI-MIEC decided upon the following fields of interests to be addressed during the colloquium: 1) sexual orientation: particularly topics such as heterosexuality, homosexuality, transgender and queer-theory; 2) sexuality and responsibilities: particularly pregnancy, abortion, contraception; 3) decisions and life-styles such as traditional family models and alternative concepts existing; 4) sexual disorders such as pedophilia; 5) sexual abuse within Church as a current global debate relevant to both believers and nonbelievers. Coordination Européenne JECI-MIEC European Coordination [email protected] What do we want to achieve with our Colloquium? The aim of this colloquium can be understood as a contribution to better understanding sexuality as a central dimension of human life and society from a two-fold perspective (both from a secular and religious point of view) and with both a decision and action guiding impact as it regards young individuals and society in Europe. This aim has its starting point from the following needs of young Europeans: • the need to live a responsible life in accordance with one’s own conscious decisions about sexuality and respectful towards the conscious decisions of other people (especially those we share an everyday-life with); • the need to overcome ignorance, prejudices, discrimination and hate speech related to one’s sexuality, sexual orientation or choice of lifestyle; • the need of open, respectful and constructive dialogue between defenders of conflicting positions and about inevitable issues related to sexuality. Furthermore these needs correspond to the following needs within society: • the need of society to be informed and made aware of what young people in Europe think about sexuality and about controversial issues related to this topic; • the need of young people serving as good examples for the next generation of youth building our societies. The aim of the colloquium can therefore be differentiated into the following objectives: • to analyse the current realities concerning the topic and to give the participants an overview of the Catholic Church’s teaching on human sexuality as well as about alternative lifestyles existing in order to make them understand what can be meant by expressing one’s own sexuality; • to overcome prejudices towards each other’s convictions and to decrease existing discriminatory behaviour through the encounter with different understandings enabling the participants to take an individual, conscious decision about their own lifestyle which is also compatible with their own spirituality; • to design and implement individual or joint actions to multiply and tie back to society what has been learned throughout the colloquium both at the activity itself and in the local realities after the activity. How did the idea for our Colloquium come about? For sure, sexuality is an important part of human life and especially concerns nowadays’ young people – especially in Europe. For our coordination, the need to speak about the sensitive topic of sexuality expressed itself throughout several of our activities in the past, where there came up serious controversies and conflicting opinions between participants. A climax was reached in 2010 at the EYF supported summer week “Learning to live in MY/YOURrope”: The discussions revealed to us as coordination once more the existing diversity of what is understood by Catholicism as it regards the particular topic of sexuality and that the existing opinions on it cannot be simply generalized by labeling positions into “west/liberal” or “east/conservative”. As we realized, the issues at stake are far more complex: Our members, while not all agreeing with every part of the official Catholic Church’s teaching on sexuality are yet reluctant to dismiss everything taught on that topic by the Church. Especially contemporary controversies (e.g. cases of sexual abuse) and criticism (as it regards contraception, role of women, homosexuality, divorces etc.) the Catholic Church is facing make our membership deeply concerned and profoundly contributed to the willingness to address the topic within a European activity. In September 2012 the participants of our EYF supported study session “The students’ role in a European society – ‘Identifying who we are’” brought up the topic again to be included in our coordination’s orientation guidelines 2012-2016. As it was a decision of the following European Committee 2012, the delegates had the courage to bring the topic finally up in an activity. Though Christian faith can be considered as an element that ties Europe together historically Coordination Européenne JECI-MIEC European Coordination [email protected] and culturally, we believe that at European level an irreplaceable diversity of opinions towards the topic “sexuality” is faced, which does not necessarily exist at the national or local level of our coordination: What is as a position maybe taken for granted at a national level is questioned when put into a European context. Without the European diversity at an international gathering the need to discuss would not necessarily come up at all. In order to have the diversity graspable for the participants, we chose the local reality of Ukraine where the colloquium was originally going to take place, since the topic “sexuality” proved itself most recently as an indeed controversial one through the attempt to organize the so called “Kyiv Pride” in 2012, which was cancelled by the activists themselves after having faced certain restrictions. CONDITIONS OF THE COLLOQUIUM Travel Expenses: According to our Reimbursement System, the travel expenses of the participants will be 90%1 reimbursed, according to the following criteria: Participants must necessarily attend more than 80% of the activity; Originals or copies of ALL travel tickets indicating the price, as well as (when available) a copy of its invoice/receipt, must be provided; The following travel costs of the participant from his/her permanent residence to the activity venue are considered: Plane tickets for APEX-price – for distance above 750 km; Train tickets (2nd class) – for distance less than 750 km; Local public transport (tram, bus, metro, train…) – (!!!NOT Taxi!!!). Notes: - When travelling by train, participants must get two-way tickets and make use of all kind of reductions (student, <26 card…); When travelling by plane, participants must hand in their boarding passes as a proof of travel; Participants whose travel costs exceed 500 EUR need to inform the European Coordination JECI-MIEC before booking; Participants should not write on the original receipts! Explanations should be made on an additional paper. 1 Depending on the number of participants, it might result in raising the participants' contribution to their travel costs to 20%. Coordination Européenne JECI-MIEC European Coordination [email protected] Participation-Fee: Participants will have to pay a participation-fee (please, consult the list below), which will be deducted from the travel reimbursements. Such list was defined in a solidarity basis and updated in 2013, according to the Gross Domestic Product per capita, Purchasing Power Parity and Human Development Index of the country. Participation fees for JECI-MIEC organizations (in Euro): Albania 70 Italy Austria 260 Lithuania Azerbaijan 70 Luxembourg Belarus 70 Macedonia, FYR Belgium 260 Malta Bosnia and Herzegovina 70 Moldova Croatia 120 Poland 2 Cyprus 170 Portugal Czech Republic 170 Romania Denmark 260 Slovakia France 260 Slovenia Germany 260 Spain Greece 170 Switzerland Hungary 120 Ukraine Ireland 260 United Kingdom 260 120 260 70 170 70 120 170 70 170 170 260 260 70 260 If your country is not in the list, please write the European Coordination at [email protected] to ask the participation fee. The payment or reimbursement (depending on the difference between travel expenses and inscription fee) will be done during the activity, being the operations in Euro. In case your inscription fee is higher than the travel expenses, please make sure the participants will have enough cash for the payment. We remind that this system strongly takes in consideration that participants are attending the meeting as members of a national organization. Therefore, we raise awareness for the fact that the role of the organizations in supporting / encouraging participation in the meeting must be reinforced. Before purchasing your ticket, ensure that your candidature was accepted by the organizers. Note: In any case financial matters should not be a reason for non-participation. Please let us know if any problem and we will find common solution. Further Information: For any further information, please contact the European Coordinator via e-mail: [email protected] or by phone (mobile): +4915782671939 2 Participants from the Polish member organization are exempted from the participation fee as they are the hosting organization. Coordination Européenne JECI-MIEC European Coordination [email protected] WE HOPE TO HAVE A LOT OF PARTICIPANTS – ESPECIALLY FROM ORGANIZATIONS THAT ARE NOT SO OFTEN PRESENT IN THE ACTIVITIES. With best regards, Maximilian Niessen Laura-Ioana Sopon Eirini Freri Anna Holodnytska Maximilian Niessen Rev. Dr. Markus Wasserfuhr Romana Mysula Eirini Freri Preparatory Team JECI-MIEC European Team Coordination Européenne JECI-MIEC European Coordination [email protected]
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