日本研究演習(英語)A Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) [email protected] / http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess Draft Immigration Control Plan Aims to Bar Terrorist Suspects from Entry (2015/6/16) 第5次出入国管理基本計画の原 案の骨子 Tokyo's Shibuya ward is first municipality in Japan to recognise same-sex marriage • Shibuya votes to issue certificates recognising samesex unions as “equivalent to marriage” • Recent Mainichi Shimbun poll showed 44 % for same-sex marriage, 39% against • 2010: Tokyo governor Ishihara categorizies lesbians and gay men as “deficient” and genetically lacking... LGBT supporters in the Tokyo Rainbow Pride parade in April. March 2015 Celebrity Gay Wedding Japanese actress Akane Sugimori and her partner Ayaka Ichinose held a symbolic wedding ceremony in Tokyo, as calls grow for Japan to legalise same-sex marriage. Their marriage will not be recognised under law. Japanese actress Akane Sugimori (R) and her partner Ayaka Ichinose, both dressed in white, speak at a press conference after their marriage ceremony in Tokyo on April 19, 2015 HOMEWORK FOR NEXT WEEK Contemporary Issues about Japan in the English Media Newspaper, Magazine, Internet… Bring ➍ copies of your (short!) English article on Japan for next week Prepare comprehension questions about facts in the article! (not general opinion questions) 女性の労働力率 Female Labor Force Participation Rate: How to Resolve the “M-curve”? How feminism could save Japan from demographic doom 女性活躍へ六つの柱 初会合、支 援策まとめ 安倍政権 • 安倍政権が力を入れる女性 活躍施策の司令塔となる「す べての女性が輝く社会づくり 本部」の初会合が10日開か れ、支援策をまとめた「政策パ ッケージ」を正式に決定した。 国民から意見を募り、女性が 暮らしやすい社会環境をつく るための新たな方策も検討す るという 2014年10月11日 Equal Opportunity Legislation 1986: 1st Equal Employment Opportunity Law (男女雇用機会均等法) 1997: EEOL revised • definitions of sexual harassment and legal penalties for employers introduced for 1st time 1999 The Basic Law for a Gender-equal Society (男女共同参画社会基本法) 2007: 2nd revision of EEOL, focusing on • indirect discrimination of pregnant women • “sexual harassment” to include male victims Criticism of EEOL: No Penalties • Penalties only allow for making the names of the offending companies public. They do not allow for the government to assess fines, nor for plaintiffs to seek punitive damages against the employer. • 2009: U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) raised concerns over ‘toothless’ penalties. 2009年度バージェスゼミ卒業論文: 「少子化対策におけるレトリックと不況下における働く 女性の現実: “育休切り”に対して政府は無力なのか」 マタニティ・ハラスメント4人に1人 25% of Pregnant Workers Experienced Harassment 妊娠・出産で 退職強要: 職場で心な い言葉 育休後に雇い止めに遭った女性。記入 を求められた退職願の理由欄には「労 働契約期間満了」と下書きがあった Yomiuri 2013/07/31 p. 35 Japan in International Rankings http://hdr.undp.org/en/content/human-development-report-2014 Japan: 10th UNDP 国際連合開発計画 Japan: 57th GEM replaced by GII=Gender Inequality Index (ジェン ダー不平等指数) from 2010 (Japan 17th in 2014) UNDP 国際連合開発計画 World Economic Forum 世界経済フォーラム GII Criteria (UNDP) • Reproductive health – Maternal mortality rate – Adolescent fertility rate • Empowerment – Seats in national parliament – Secondary school education • Labor Market Participation UNDP 国際連合開発計画 UNDP 国際連合開発計画 Japan: 104th World Economic Forum 世界経済フォーラム GGI Criteria 2013 (WEF) • Educational Attainment 91st • Health and Survival 34th • Political Empowerment 118th • Economic Participation & Opportunity 104th While over 98% of the health and education gender gaps have been closed, only 58% of the economic gap and 6% of the political empowerment gap have narrowed http://www.weforum.org/re ports/closing-gender-gapjapan April 16th: イコール・ペイ・デー Average monthly wage (一般労働者の平均賃金) * Men=\328,300 Women=\231,900 「女性が男性と同額の賃金を得るには78 日余分にはたらかなければならず、それを 1月1日から週5日間働く計算に当てはめる と。。。4月16日になる。」 (2012年4月19日 読売新聞) Group Work WORKSHEET QUESTION 1: OPINION POLLS “Husbands should work outside the home and wives should take care of their families.” (夫が外で働き、妻は家庭を守るべき) What do you think? Write your personal answer and then explain to the group Cabinet Office Poll: “Husbands should work while wives stay at home” 「夫は外で働き、妻は家庭を守るべきだ」反対 49%=再び賛成上回る―内閣府調査 2014 For (賛成)44.6% (-7%) (incl. 43.2% women!); against (反対)49.4% (+4.3%) • More than half of Japanese support “traditional” gender roles – In 2012, supporters increased for 1st time since 1992 • Economic uncertainty & increased importance of home life post 3.11 factors? • Largest rise amongst those in their 20’s (20歳代 男女で大幅増) – 55.7% of men and 36.6% of women in their 20’s agreed! WORKSHEET QUESTION 2 Defining Terms: Sex, Gender, and Sexuality Sex/Gender/Sexuality Sex Gender (身体の性別) (ジェンダー) e.g. Man = Masculinity = Sexuality (性的指向) Heterosexual Gender = Societies’ Interpretation of the body: “One is not born a woman, one becomes one.” Simone de Beauvoir Q. Why does sexuality & gender tend not to be differentiated in Japan? Sex Gender (身体の性別) (ジェンダー) Sexuality (性的指向) A: Just like “race” and “language/culture” are typically intertwined & not distinguished in Japan (=the clover model of identity), gender and sexuality are often combined together and treated as the same thing. More precisely… A: In Japan sexuality is not a major source of identity… • In Japan, sexuality is usually left unspecified (and unacknowledged): it is conflated with (and often subsumed under) gender • In Japan, the focus is on gender ambiguity (androgyny) rather than sexuality: transgression of gender boundaries (such as cross-dressing= 女装=じょそう) rather then sexual preference. Thus おかま, is translated variously as “gay man” and “drag queen/transvestite”… (異性服装倒錯者) ネットオカマ。。。 • Men who adopt female names in internet chat-rooms • Again, here ‘okama’ refers to playing with and crossing gender roles (feminine manner/dress), rather than sexuality (sexual preferences) • In particular, female sexuality is rarely acknowledged and largely invisible… Sexuality (?)Terminology in Japan MALE FEMALE 男色 「ホモ」「レズ」、および「オカマ」は、当事 同性愛者 者が不快に感じる「差別語」と言える ゲイボーイ・ニューハーフ ホモ・ゲイ レズ(ビアン) WORKSHEET QUESTION 3 Gender Stereotypes: masculine and feminine characteristics (男性特有・女性特有) Yamato Nadeshiko Teishu Kampaku "Women have their proper place: they should be womanly," said LDP policy chairman Syoichi Nakagawa, right-hand man to premier Shinzo Abe. "They have their own abilities and these should be fully exercised, for example in flower arranging, sewing, or cooking. It's not a matter of good or bad, but we need to accept reality that men and women are genetically different, " he said over breakfast in Tokyo. (2007/06/01) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ 10月1日、中山義活経済産業省政務官が、 アジア太平洋経済協力会議(APEC)中小 企業相会合にあわせて岐阜で開催された 「女性企業家サミット」(21 カ国・地域から 約300人参加)で、「日本の女性は家庭で 働くことを喜びとしている」「(女性が家庭で 働くのは)日本の文化」と発言したと報じら れていま す。 WORKSHEET QUESTION 4 Man or Woman (in terms of sex)? A D B C Man Man Mikawa Ken’ichi Woman Takarazuka Review Kabuki Man IZAM from Shazna Q5. Final Discussion Personal experiences: share stories with your group about incidents when you were told to act/behave in a certain way “because you are a women/girl” - How do these pressures and expectations differ from country to country (or generation to generation)? 日本研究演習(英語)A Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) [email protected] / http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess Homophobia in Japan • Dec. 2010: Ishihara makes comments criticizing the representation of homosexuals in the media and categorizing lesbians and gay men as "deficient" and genetically lacking: “I feel sorry for them” 東京都の石原慎太郎知事は7日、同性愛者について「どこかやっぱり 足りない感じがする。遺伝とかのせいでしょう。マイノリティーで気の毒 ですよ」「テレビ なんかでも同性愛者の連中が出てきて平気でやるで しょ。日本は野放図になり過ぎている」「それをことさら売り物にし、 ショーアップして、テレビのどうのこうのにするってのは、外国じゃ例が ないね」「サンフランシスコでゲイのパレードを見ましたけど、見てて本 当に気の毒だと思った。男のペア、女のペアあるけ ど、どこかやっぱ り足りない感じがする」と発言した。(Mainichi Shimbun 2010/12/08) Ffrfrfrrfrfrfrf Ffrfrfrrfrfrfrf Ffrfrfrfrf Ffrfrfrfrf • Husbands do 17.6% of the housework on average / 40% cook • “Cooking together seems to positively affect matrimonial harmony”… Daily Yomiuri 2012/04/23 p. 3 Japan falls to 101st place in gender equality rankings (男女平等度 日本101位) • Japan came 101st in the World Economic Forum's 2012 global gender equality rankings announced Wednesday, down three places from last year. • Japan was at the bottom among the Group of Eight major countries. The WEF rankings are compiled based on the group's survey on the gap between men and women in four categories — economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival, and political empowerment. Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012 2011 White Paper on Gender Equality Japan 121st in world for ratio of female legislators 特集編: ポジティ ブ・アクションの推 進―「2020年 30%」に向けて― セクシュアルマイノリティの基礎認識 あなたの性別は? 男 身体の性別 Sex 戸籍上の性別 { } 心の性別(性自認) 生活上の社会的 Gender 文化的性別 性的指向 Sexuality (恋愛・性愛の対象) 女 { 出典:佐倉智美 (http://homepage3.nifty.com/tomorine3908/) } 伊藤悟 (2012年4月22日 Daily Yomiuri) “Forty Years of Japanese Feminism: What It Has Achieved … and What It Has Not” (By Chizuko Ueno, Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University) • Has the second wave of feminism improved women’s status in Japan? Chizuko Ueno discusses achievements and failures of the last 40 years, as well as the lingering effects of the March 11 Fukushima nuclear disaster and current nuclear politics, with a special focus on how these issues relate to women. Click for video (1 hour) April 22, 2013 (The 2013 Najita Distinguished Lecture in Japanese Studies) Japan falls to 101st place in gender equality rankings (男女平等度 日本101位) • Japan came 101st in the World Economic Forum's 2012 global gender equality rankings announced Wednesday, down three places from last year. • Japan was at the bottom among the Group of Eight major countries. The WEF rankings are compiled based on the group's survey on the gap between men and women in four categories — economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival, and political empowerment. Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012 Most common terms for gay men (women?) in Japan かま (お)釜 なべ (お)鍋 The male homosexual is placed in the ‘female sphere’, in the kitchen… Gender News…. US Lists “JK osanpo” as human trafficking (人身売買) • The U.S. State Department’s annual report on human trafficking has cited “high school walking” in Japan as a recent trend in this area, and put the nation in Tier 2 「監視対象国」 of a fourtier ranking system (Tier 4 =worst). • In high school walking, “girls are offered money to accompany men on walks, in cafes or to hotels, & engage in commercial sex,” the report said. 女性都議に「産めないのか」 自民? 議員席からセクハラヤジ (Sexist Heckling in Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly: “You’d better get married soon” • 「自分が早く結婚すればい い」「産めないのか」。18日の 都議会で、妊娠、出産、不妊 に悩む女性への支援の必要 性を訴えた女性都議に対し、 議場からこんなヤジが飛び、 所属会派が抗議する騒ぎに なった。 2014年6月19日 http://edition.cnn.com/2014/06/20/world/asia/japan-assembly-sexistoutburst/index.html?iid=article_sidebar Tokyo assemblyman Suzuki admits heckling lawmaker with sexist remarks • Akihiro Suzuki, 51, apologized to Your Party member Ayaka Shiomura, 35, and offered to quit the LDP, five days after interrupting her as she raised questions about maternity support measures. • “You should get married first,” a heckler was heard calling out. “Can’t you have babies?” a voice continued. • Suzuki admitted to making the first remark but denied making the second. Jun 23, 2014 1 in 3 young men feel they may not be able to marry • A survey by a life insurance company show that 1 in 3 Japanese men in their 20s think they may not be able to find a wife, with some 60 percent of these young lovelorn males citing economic insecurity as the main reason. • Asked whether they think they can marry, only 27.8 percent said they want to marry and think they will, while 35.3 percent said they don‘t want to get married. Of those who would like to get married, 36.9 are afraid they won't. Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2012 20% of young fathers put in 60-hour weeks 初産30・1歳、「晩産」鮮明…少子化対策白書 • Nearly twenty percent of male employees in their 30s work more than 60 hours a week, making it difficult for them to participate in raising children, a 2013 government white paper on dealing with the low birthrate showed Tuesday. • The average age of first marriages for women nationwide stood at 29, up 3.8 from 1980, and the average age of first-time mothers topped 30 for the first time Jun 25, 2013 2% of fathers take child care leave • The proportion of fathers who took child care leave in fiscal 2013 stood at 2.03%, (up 0.14%) far below the government-set target of 13% by 2020, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry said Monday. • Meanwhile, the rate of mothers who took child care leave in fiscal 2013 declined 7.3 points to 76.3%, down for the second straight year, according to the ministry. June 24, 2014
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