oshawa central newsletter june 2014

Oshawa Central Collegiate Institute
JUNE 2014
Congratulations to all the OCCI students who have met or
exceeded their goals this year. The administration and staff
are very proud of you and feel privileged to have been there
to support and witness your successes. We would also like
to wish the graduating Class of 2014 every success in the
It has been a great year and I would like to thank all the
staff and student leaders, from the bottom of my heart, for
making Oshawa Central a great place to learn every day!
Not only are we saying good-bye to our graduates but we
also have to say farewell to several staff. We wish Ms. Anderson and “Jimmy” Lyvers all the best as they retire this
year. Congratulations to Mrs. White, Miss Morra and Ms. A.
Murray who will be teaching at J. Clarke Richardson S.S. in
the fall. We also say good-bye to our Head Secretary, Monica
Porteous, who is moving to Anderson C.V.I. and Brenda Duffin who has worked at our front desk for several years. You
will all be missed!
For all Oshawa Central C.I. students and their families,
please enjoy a safe and happy summer break. Hope to see
you in September! Kathleen Sivell, Principal
Mon. Sept 1 - Labour Day Holiday
Tues. Sept 2 - Graduated Entry Gr 9 only Early
Dismissal (1 hour early)
Wed. Sept 3 - First Day of Classes Gr 10-12 + all Gr 9’s
Thurs. Sept 4 - Photo Day
Wed. Sept 10 - Western Day
Wed. Sept 17 - Last day for timetable changes
Thurs. Sept 18 - Throw back Thursday - retro day
Fri. Sept 26 - Formal Friday
Wed. Oct 8 - Cream A Teacher
Thurs. Oct 9 - Progress Reports
Fri. Oct 10 - Fall Awards Assembly
Mon. Oct 13 - Thanksgiving Holiday
Wed. Oct 15 - Hawaiian Day
Thurs. Oct 16 - Parent/Teacher Interviews
Mon. Oct 20 - Photo Retakes
Oct 20 –23 Awareness Week
Fri. Oct 24 - PA Day
Mon. Oct 27 - Municipal Election
Oct 27-31 - Halloweek
Thurs. Oct 30 - Halloween Dance
Fri. Oct 31 - Halloween/Costume Contest
Tues. Nov 4 - Civics/Careers Exam
Wed. Nov 5 - Stripe Day/Take a student to work day
Tues. Nov 11 - Remembrance Day/Assembly
Thurs. Nov 13 - Report Cards
Nov 17-20 - Fall Literacy Carnival
Fri. Nov 21 - PA Day
Nov 24-27 - Spirit Week
155 Gibb Street
Oshawa, ON ~ L1J 1Y4
905-723-9361 (fax)
Principal ~ K. Sivell
SCC Meetings - All Parents/Guardians are welcomed to attend.
Vice Principal ~ J. Klodnicki
Tuesday, September 23 - 6:30pm VIP Room
Vice Principal ~ C. Noel
Tuesday, November 18 - 6:30pm VIP Room
SCC Chairpersons
Tuesday, February 17 - 6:30pm VIP Room
Tuesday, May 19 - 6:30pm VIP Room
Marie-France Labreche &
Tom Pennington
Congratulations to our Graduating Class of 2014!
We wish you the best of luck in your bright future.
Graduating next year? Why not start researching post-secondary options over the summer.
You might want to check out the following websites:
Just a reminder that there is Graduated Entry in September. Only
grade 9 students come on Tuesday September 2nd and Grade 10, 11 and
12 students start classes on
Wednesday September 3rd.
Oshawa Central C.I. is GOLD again for 2013-2014 Eco School certification!! Congratulations to all. Thanks to all students and staff who
recycle, re-use GOOSE paper, and turn the lights and other electronic equipment off when they leave a room. I would especially like to give a
special thank you for helping Central move from silver to gold status to:
Mrs. White’s Associated Class for all their hard work in collecting both red (containers) and blue (paper) recycling containers
Ms. Krzysztofiak for her creative displays and all her work in the front gardens with the staff and students in the PLP class
Mr. Grylls who raises young rainbow trout for our creek re-stocking program; and for building bird houses in Outdoor Ed. Classes to help
promote biodiversity
Mrs. Rule for all her research and report writing for the indoor greenhouse proposal….to grow our own herbs and vegetables for our food
Mrs. Raphael for running so many fun activities in Science Club this year
all staff and students who participated in school wide events such as Wacky Sweater Day, Earth Hour, Community Outdoor Clean up
Days, etc.
all teachers who submitted Environmental Lesson Activities from various departments
Next year we are being evaluated so please keep contributing to our Environmental Friendly School. We need everyone to Reduce, Reuse
and Recycle. Please see me if you would like to become more involved with Eco Schools. I also need some volunteers for watering/weeding
our front gardens over the summer…This is a great opportunity for Community Hours. Also, please let me know in September if your room
has no GOOSE bin, blue or red recycle bins.
Many thanks, Ms. Matchim
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This year Central had 15 students and 4 staff members participate in the Oshawa
Relay for Life. The team was able to raise over $2700 for the Canadian Cancer Society through school fundraising and individual pledges. Some of the fundraising events
included: Freezie sales, Coin Drive, Casual Fridays, Song Raffle, Candy Count and
Stop the Song. Special congrats to Travis Thomas for walking in the survivor lap!
Ashley Davis raised the most money in individual pledges and also cut off 12 inches
of her long beautiful hair and donated it to Locks of Love!
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This past May, 28 students from Oshawa Central travelled to New York City! It
was a five day adventure full of fun and
dancing in the streets. The Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Top of the Rock, Coney Island, China Town , Math Museum,
and a Dinner and Dance cruise were only
some of the many highlights of the trip.
The students made some fantastic memories including meeting some celebrities
and were such good ambassadors of
Oshawa Central. Teachers, Mr. Garcia, Miss Jadoon, Mr. Morris and Vice Principal, Mrs. Noel, were very impressed with all the students and loved their energy and positive attitudes
throughout the trip. Overall, it was a fantastic tour to NYC, and Oshawa Central can’t wait to
run another great trip for the next school year!
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The Social Sciences department was busy learning this semester as the reports from Mr. Atzema’s HSP 3C1
class and Ms. Rushton’s HSW 3C1 show.
The HSP class studied the three major branches of the Social sciences which are Sociology, Anthropology, and
Psychology during the semester.
In the Sociology section of the course we learned about social norms and how people conform in public. We
conducted experiments where we observed how people behave differently in public.
Anthropology focused on Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and the study of primatology, or the great apes.
When we studied psychology, in addition to learning about the giants of the field, such as Freud and Jung, we
also examined the five major areas of personality (openness, conscientious, extroversion, agreeableness, and
neuroticism) as well issues of human motivation and perception.
Living Working with Children
Building a “flour baby” and then caring for it over three days was an activity that the student in the Living and
Working With Children Course really enjoyed an found worthwhile. The students were responsible for their
“babies” around the clock and they reported both positive and negative aspects of the experience. Congratulations to the class who were all fabulous parents and did a fantastic job! Way to go!
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The students in the Canadian and World Studies have
had a successful semester exploring the world around
them. Grade ten history students continued to make local connections by creating tributes to the Ajax Bomb
Girls. Civic students were very busy this semester assisting in community initiatives, from the 30 Hour Fast
where students went 30 hours without eating to fundraise for “Feed the Need in Durham” to “Relay for Life”
where the Central team walked a track for 12 hours to
raise money for cancer research. Oshawa Central students certainly exercised some new civic initiatives this
semester that the school can continue in the years to
come. Senior law students continued to explore the legal world around them. They visited law courts, performed their own mock trial and had police officers visit
the classroom to explain their role in our legal system.
It is my pleasure to acknowledge the opening of a
second Practical Learning Program (PLP) class, along
with 3 new educational assistants into our department
this coming school year. They bring a wealth of
knowledge, a dedicated attitude and a hardworking
work ethic to our experienced staff. Congratulations to
our Sr. Associated and PLP students who represented
Central at the all Ontario Special Olympics held at Seneca College’s Finch Campus in Toronto. They were victorious in winning a AA gold medal in soccer and a
AAA silver medal in basketball. Way to go students you
made us all very proud!!
The PLP and Sr. Associated class accompanied Mr.
Grylls’ Science classes to the Ripley’s Aquarium in Toronto.
The Challenged Track and Field Meet was held on
Friday June 11 at the Civic Fields in Oshawa and our
Sr. Associated, PLP and M.E. “School to Work” classes
participated and a super time was had by all. This
school year has been witness to a significant increase
in the number of identified students now totalling 182
students at the end of June.
Have a safe and enjoyable summer holiday and we
look forward to a positive and challenging year ahead.
Grant McCrae
Any students who are 17 years old
may donate blood and receive 5 community service hours. Please see Guidance for a community service hours
form and have the nurse sign this
sheet. You can make appointments at
the permanent Oshawa Blood Donor
clinic at Harmony and Taunton (Tel:
905-579-6138). Each donation has the
potential to save up to 3 lives .
Please see Ms. Matchim if you have
any questions. You must have photo
identification, be over 110 lbs., in good
health, and have no new piercings or
tattoos in the last 6 months.
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Oshawa Central C.I.’s Science Club finished on
a sweet note this year. The Club explored the
world we live in through a series of experiments
involving candy. It was yummy.
Mrs. Raphael wants to thank Ms. Matchim, Mrs.
Williams and all the students who participated
in the club this year. You all helped demonstrate the informative, fun and collaborative
sides to science.
Join the Science Club next September for more
wacky scientific fun. New and current members
will be welcome. Have an awesome summer and
enjoy the science behind the world we live in.
On Thursday, April 10th, 2014 Oshawa
Central C.I., hosted its 3rd Annual “Girls’
Night In” Self-Esteem Workshop for female
students of the school. This year grade 8
students from Village Union and College Hill
public schools also attended.
The evening included fun activities such
as getting your hair done, manicures, a photo booth, dinner, learning a dance routine,
and an educational aspect to help build selfesteem. In addition to this, There was a personal video message shown from Olympic
Gold Medalist, Jennifer Wakefield, and each
girl was surprised with a gift bag at the end
of the evening.
Next year Central will continue with this
most popular event pampering female students and teaching them how to love who
they are.
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Durham District School Board is on
Durham District School Board website
905-666-5500 or 1-800-265-3968
Email [email protected]
Central Guidance is on
Oshawa Central Website
Oshawa Central’s Email
[email protected]
Michael Barrett
Kathleen Hopper
Larry Jacula
City of Oshawa
City of Oshawa
City of Oshawa
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Board Chair
Joe Allin
[email protected]
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