FUEL - Petroleum Conservation Research Association

31 March 2014
Volumn 1, Issue 2
Presentation of PCRA at 18th Refinery
Technology Meet (RTM) organized by Centre for
High Technology (CHT), MOP&NG at Kochi
Inside this Issue :
Agricultural Programs conducted
with Krishi Vigyan Kendra's
successfully completed.
Release of handbook on Pharma
sector was another feather in our cap.
Energy audits of large scale industries
has generated a revenue of Rs. 97 Lacs.
Virtual Video Conferencing
Technology for mass awareness on
Energy Conservation : Schools under
Mumbai Municipal Corporation.
Energy Audits of Large Scale
Industries including those under
PAT Scheme.
Release of Hand Book on Energy
Efficiency in Pharma Sector.
It is a matter of pride for Western Region
to publish the first ever journal in 2014.
Energy Efficiency in SME Textile
Cluster at Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur.
WR fulfils the mandate of fuel
conservation in Transport Sector
during 2013-14.
WR has been in the forefront of all the
new initiatives of PCRA and some of our
achievements have been showcased in
this journal.
Pankaj Kumar Sinha
Additional Director (W.R.)
Tips for Staying Healthy in Summer 4
Another milestone was achieved,
when we conducted a Video
conferencing with more than 250
Municipal schools in Mumbai during
The journal also tries to project our
achievements in Transport sector and
SME cluster and we are confident that
WR will scale new heights in 2014-15
in all the sectors under overall
guidance of ED (PCRA)
We have taken a lead in ISO 50001
cer tification and two major
establishments of BPCL viz. Mumbai
Refinery and LPG plat at Uran have been
Variety of Agricultural Programs conducted
with Krishi Vigyan Kendra's
Special points of interest:
In line with decision taken in
Governing Body of PCRA,
linkages were made by WR with
KVK Thane District & KVK
Nanded District. Three inhouse
programs were conducted by
WR with KVK Thane District,
as per their training schedules.
One workshop on fuel saving
was for Agriculture College
where more than 40 students
had participated. Another
workshop was for house wives
cum farmers of Dahanu Taulka
where more than 25 ladies had
participated and third
workshop was for farmers of
Dahanu & near by talukas
where more than 20 male
farmers had participated.
These sessions covered topics
on fuel conservation in
Tractors, Pump Sets, Vehicles,
LPG Stoves as also covered
electricity saving in domestic
household appliances. During
the male farmer session,
topics on biogas from agro
waste, wood, use of gassifier,
use of biogas from algae, solar
lighting, solar cookers, etc were
discussed. In addition to above
five agricultural workshops were
conducted by our external faculty
for Central Farm Machinery
Testing andInstitute, Budni,
C-5, ‘Keshava’ Ground Floor, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400 051. Tel. : 91 22 26592587 E-mail : [email protected]
Page 2
Volumn 1 Issue 2
Application of Virtual Video Conferencing Technology for mass
awareness on Energy Conservation to Students of Various Schools
under Mumbai Municipal Corporation.
For the first time in the history
of PCRA, during OGCF 2014
on 28th January, WR had with
help of ONGC conducted its
youth programme on energy
conservation through video
conferencing for more than
250 schools of Mumbai
Municipal Corporation, by
utilizing the state of art videoconferencing studio facility of
MCGM at its Virtual Training
Centre at Dadar, Mumbai.
The function was inaugurated
by Sh.D.K.Mishra, GGMHRO, ONGC, who also
spoke about ONGC & its
initiatives in promoting Oil &
Gas Conservation during
OGCF. PCRA Officials
imparted the saving tips /
methods on fuel conservation
to the students in addition to
screening film on global
warming, i.e. Hindi-version of
the film. The students had live
interaction with PCRA &
ONGC Officials & lots of
their queries were addressed.
PCRA endeavors to do such
programs for other municipal
corporation schools where
video conferencing facilities
are available.
Release of Hand Book on
Energy Efficiency in Pharma
Energ y conser vation
through video
conferencing at Virtual
Training Centre, Dadar,
Mumbai on 28th January
Energy Audits of Large Scale
Industries including those under
PAT Scheme.
WR had during year 2013-14
carried out Electrical &
Thermal Energy Audit of
Large Scale Industries in the
State of Maharashtra &
Gujarat, namely; BPCL
Mahul Refiner y where
savings identified is 69.87
Lakh Kwh, 8.16 Lakh SCM
Natural Gas & 182 MT FO,
Indian Oil Gujarat Refinery,
where savings identified is
142.85 Lakh Kwh, Oil &
Natural Gas Corporation,
Hazira, where savings
identified is 33.36 Lakh Kwh
& 8.2 CSM Natural Gas,
WR and ONGC conducted its youth programme on energy conservation
through video conferencing for more than 250 schools of Mumbai Municipal
Corporation,at its Virtual Training Centre at Dadar, Mumbai on 28th
Gujarat Flourochemicals
Limited where savings
identified is 99.1 Lakh Kwh,
6983 MT Coal & 13.1 Lakh
SCM Natural Gas & HPCL
Refinery Mumbai (Savings
yet to be finalized). Total
savings of these four
Industries excluding HPCL
is 12517 KLOE. Total
Revenue generation is Rs. 97
The Hand Book is based on a
number of energy audits
carried out by the PCRA
Engineers in small and
medium enterprises as well as
large enterprises in the
pharmaceutical sector. The
Hand book presents
opportunities for energy
conservation in a simple
manner, which can be easily
u n d e r s t o o d by f a c i l i t y
managers who make daily
decisions about utility
management and
maintenance. There are many
operations in the pharma
industry that demand huge
energy supply. Price and
supply volatility of energy
negatively effects financial
performance. The challenge
of maintaining high product
q u a l i ty wh i l e red uci n g
production cost can be met
through investments in energy
– efficient technologies and
energy – efficiency practices for
these operations. The Energy –
efficiency technologies stated in
this book may offer additional
benefits, such as quality
i m p r o ve m e n t , i n c r e a s e d
production, and improved
process efficiency, which can
lead to further productivity
gains. The hand book for the
pharma sector follows in a
series of earlier PCRA
publications, including a
practical guide for energy
conser vation in ceramic
industry and energy audit
manual for textile industry.
PCRA – WR thanks to EDPCRA and all the Officers and
Staff of PCRA for all excellent
work being done without whose
efforts it would not have been
possible to release this book.
C-5, ‘Keshava’ Ground Floor, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400 051. Tel. : 91 22 26592587 E-mail : [email protected]
Page 3
Volumn 1 Issue 2
Energy Efficiency in SME Textile Cluster at
Ichalkaranji, Dist Kolhapur.
WR had picked up textile
cluster in Ichalkaranji area,
d i s t r i c t Ko l h a p u r, f o r
improvement of Energy
Efficiency in it, where
normally cloth is being
processed. There are more
than 150 such industries in
this area. Most of these
Industries use fuel as Wood.
Some use Coal & Baggase
also, but in lesser quantity.
The fuel used is for Boilers &
Ther mic Fluid Heaters
Walk through energy audit
was car ried out in 20
industries, as also training on
Energy Conservation &
Environmental Protection
was also provided to their
employees. The industries
selected were ranging from
small to large cloth
processing units, where small
units use around 2500 Kg of
Wood per day & large units
use more than 15000 Kg of
Wood per day.
The Walk through audit
covered following: 1) Air to
Fuel Ratio in Boiler / TFH,
2) Insulation of Boiler,
Combustion Chamber of
Boiler, TFH Combustion
Chamber, Primary Coil of
TFH, Secondary Coil of
TFH, Connecting Portion
carrying flue Gas between
Secondary & Primary Coil,
Steam Flanges / Valves,
Steam Lines, Thermic Fluid
Valves / Flanges, Thermic
F l u i d P i p e l i n e s, A i r Preheaters, Dryi ng Range
Drums, Hot Water Storage
Tanks, Economizer, 3)
Condensate Recovery &
Waste Heat Recovery, 4) Fuel
Substitute, 5) Gasification of
Fuel, 6) Improvement of
Power Factor, 7) Reduction
in Maximum Demand, 8)
Source of Energy (partially)
– mainly solar hot water
system & solar PV system.
Results of Walk Thru audits
& Suggestions were as
1. Air to Fuel Ratio is
high than what it
s h o u l d b e
(reduction of
excess air will save 5
to 8 % of fuel)
2. Po o r I n s u l a t i o n
( A d e q u a t e
insulation will save
10 to 20 % of fuel
with payback
period of 6 to 20
3. Direct Combustion
o f
F u e l
(Gasification will
increase efficiency
of Thermal
Utilities leading to
WR fulfils the mandate of fuel conservation in Transport
Sector during 2013-14.
In line with directions from number of Drivers trained were Fuel Substitutes, Alternative
MOP&NG, major thrust was
accorded to Transport Sector.
Accordingly, WR has during the
year 2013-14, done highest
number of Driver Training
Programs (460 nos) involving
v a r i o u s S t a t e Tr a n s p o r t
Undertakings such as MSRTC,
GSRTC, PMPL; Public Sector
Undertaking BPCL and; Private
Transport Organizations &
Private Organizations, namely
Prassana Transport, Delhi Public
School, Bhusan Steel, Dayjeet
Nimay Bus Logistics, Vighbyor
School, Free Express Logistics,
DNBL & many others. Total
11 to 13 % saving of
fuel with payback
period of 20 to 24
4. T12 lights being used
(replacement with T5
lights will save
electrical energy with
payback period of 7
to 8 months)
5. N o Wa s t e H e a t
Re c ove r y &
C o n d e n s a t e
Re c ove r y ( Wa s t e
Heat & Condensate
Recovery will save 2
to 4 % of fuel with
payback period of 12
to 18 months).
The EC measures identified in
20 industries will be
disseminated to entire cluster
through cluster manual
distribution & presentation of
same in a Technical Meet.
Theme for this year
8232. Besides DTP's, WR has fuel sources, CNG, Waste to
also conducted many Transport Energy & many more.
Workshops & Programs for
Driver Training Instructors.
Nevertheless to mention, WR has
also organized three Regional
Transport Seminars during the
period of Mega Campaign
announced by Hon'ble Minister
of Petroleum & Natural Gas.
Two of them were done in
Mumbai & one in Pune, wherein
participants were from RTO,
MSRTC, PMPL, Private
Transport Organizations, IOCL,
BPCL. Topics covered were
Eco-Driving, Fuel Additives,
C-5, ‘Keshava’ Ground Floor, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400 051. Tel. : 91 22 26592587 E-mail : [email protected]
Page 4
Volumn 1 Issue 2
Tips for Staying Healthy in Summer
Drink Water :
Drink water, at least two to four cups upon rising and similar amounts if you are going out for activities and exercise.
Avoid Sunlight :
While enjoying the sun and outdoors, protect yourself from overexposure to sunlight by wearing a hat and using natural
sunscreens without excessive chemicals.
Enjoy Nature :
Fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables are always at their organic best. Consuming foods that are cooling and light - fresh
fruits, vegetable juices, raw vital salads, and lots of water - will nourish your body for summertime activities.
Family Time :
With your family, kids, and friends who share the enjoyment of outdoors. Plan a fun trip if you're able and motivated for a
day or longer - hiking in the wild, camping, playing at the river, or a few days resting at the ocean.
Fitness Mantra :
Aerobic activity is important for keeping the heart strong and healthy. If you only work out in a health club, take some
time to do outdoor refreshing activities - hiking, biking, swimming, or tennis.
Nutritional supplements :
It can support you with a greater amount of physical energy, enhancing your summer activities. The B-complex vitamins
are calming to the nervous system and helpful for cellular energy production, while vitamin C and the other antioxidants
protect your body from stress, chemical pollutants, and the biochemical by-products of exercise. Consult your family
Relax, Breathe and Mediate :
You've been working hard. This is the season to slow the pace a bit and absorb the light that stimulates your hormonal
message center. Leave your cell phone at home or take a week off from TV. Use the summer months to deepen the
spiritual awakening begun in the spring. Begin by checking your local bookstore or the web for ideas that interest you.
Complied by :
Sandeep Padhye
fpj ifjfpr Loj
fpj ifjfpr Loj dksbZ vkl&ikl gSA
Eesha Khare invents 20-second phone
eu D;ksa mnkl gSA
vjekuksa ds Tkky cqusa gS geus fey djA
viuh eafty rks vkt lkFk&lkFk gSaA
blls igys dh vkleka esa dksbZ lwjt pedsA
cknyksa dk nkeu Hkh vius ikl gSaA
ckfj'kkas dh Qqgkjkas esa ;s bUnz/kuqi dh NVk
vkt jkr rks panzek Hkh vkxkt gSA
fpj ifjfpr Loj dksbZ vkl&ikl gSA
eu D;ksa mnkl gSA
WASHINGTON (Times of India : April 21 '2014):
Eesha Khare, 18, of Saratoga, California received the Intel
Foundation Young Scientist Award of $50,000 for
developing a fast-charging supercapacitor that fits inside a
cell phone, charge the battery in under a minute, and hold it
for long. Khare says the device will also result in batteries
that can last for 10,000 charge-recharge cycles, compared
with 1,000 cycles for conventional rechargeable batteries.
The most electrifying breakthrough came from IndianAmerican high-schooler. A device she has developed can
fully charge a cell phone in 20 to 30 seconds in what will be
a boon for a gazillion mobile users who need to juice up
their cell phones quickly.
lanhi ik/;s
C-5, ‘Keshava’ Ground Floor, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400 051. Tel. : 91 22 26592587 E-mail : [email protected]