8 Link SINEC L2--FDL 7 Link SINEC L2 FDL This chapter is identical for P16 and P32 communication. As opposed to other SINEC bus systems, no additional configuring tool (COM, NML) is necessary. 7.1 General Description SINEC L2 FDL (FDL = Field Bus Data Link) is a bus system according to DIN 19245 Section 1 ‘‘PROFIBUS”. Both SINEC L2 FDL and SINEC L2 FMS nodes can be interconnected on the same bus cable. The bus access is implemented via token passing with a subordinate Master to Slave procedure. The Master are active nodes that pass on the token and can initiate transmission. Slaves are passive nodes that can only transmit when directly requested to by a Master. The standards define three FDL utilities: -- SDA (Send Data with Acknowledge) for Master to Master Communication -- SDN (Send Data with No Acknowledge) for Broadcasts -- SRD (Send and Receive Data) for Master to Slave Communication SIMADYN is always a Master, with respect to FDL and exclusively utilizes the FDL utility SDA. Communication partners are other FDL Masters. The only SIMADYN communication utility that can utilize the SINEC L2 FDL link is the process data utility (or for P16: direct / indirect communication). 7.2 Hardware and Central Block A CS7 board with SS5 module must be installed and configured in the STRUC Master program. The necessary hardware: -- Rack -- Processor Module P32 or P16 -- CS7 with SS5 The data exchange operation (Dual Port RAM) between the processor module and SS5 have a size of 16 k byte. 7.2.1 Light Emitting Diodes The significance of the green (H10/H20/H30) and yellow (H11/H21/H31) LED’s on the CS7 front panel: Green Yellow Significance Off Off Waiting for Synchronization with SIMADYN. Flashing (Fast) Off Intermediate Status during SIMADYN Synchronization. Off On Temporary Status for Initial Use of the SS5 Module with FDL. On Off Temporary Intermediate State during Start Up; Node waiting for Connect to Bus. On On Start Up without Error, no Bus Activity. On Flickering Start Up without Error, with Bus Activity. Siemens AG 465 980.7107.22 SIMADYN D Configuring Manual Communication Release 02.96 8--1 8 Link SINEC L2--FDL 7.2.2 Central Block @CSL2L A function block @CSL2L must be configured for the initialization of the SS5 interface module with SINEC L2 FDL. SINEC L2 FDL -- Specific Connectors BDR: Baud rate, the values 0 to 5 can be specified for the baud rate. 0 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = = 9,6 19.2 93.75 187.5 500 1,5 k Baud k Baud k Baud k Baud k Baud M Baud MAA: Node address, the values 1 to 126 can be specified for the node address. The host node address is set here. AST: Number of active stations, the values 1 to 126 can be specified here. Active stations are all FDL (and FMS) Master, that are located on the same bus cable. This parameter is utilized for a rough calculation of the token run time. The specification should approximately correspond to the actual set-up. Error Class and Error Code Principle warnings and grave errors are indicated at the central block connectors ECL (Error Class) and ECO (Error Code). Error Class Error Code Explanation 0 (Warning) 0 O.K. 1 Stations Address Error 5 Incorrect Link Type 6 O.K. Irrelevant Unresolvable Error Status, Exit only possible with Reset; Note Error Class and Error Code and Report to Siemens AG. > 0 (Error) 7.3 Address Connectors The channel name and address stage 1 must always be specified. Address stage 2 is mandatory for transmitters and optional for receivers. General layout of an address connector for the utilization of SINEC L2 FDL: AR -- ’kkkkkkkk.#2--ll.nnn--rr’ The ‘dot’is a mandatory separator! ~ 8--2 kkkkkkkk: Channel name, can be selected without restriction to a maximum of 8 characters; must always be present. The channel name has no specific significance for SINEC L2 FDL. Release 02.96 Siemens AG 465 980.7107.22 SIMADYN D Configuring Manual Communication 8 Link SINEC L2--FDL ~ ~ #2--ll: Address stage 1, must always be present. The address stage 1 consists of: ~ #2--: Reserved ID for the utilization of SINEC L2 FDL. ~ ll: Local Service Access Point (LSAP). The LSAP is a decimal number, value range 2 ... 50. nnn--rr: Address stage 2, must be present for transmitters. The specification is optional for receivers. The address stage 2 consists of: ~ nnn: The node address of the communication partner (= receiver) and is a decimal number, value range 0 ... 126. ~ --: The hyphen is mandatory and is utilized for the separation of the node address and the RSAP. ~ rr: Remote Service Access Point (RSAP). The RSAP is a decimal number, value range 2 ... 62. In addition, specifications are possible for the peer to peer (SIMADYN) network. If the address stage 2 is configured for the receiver, then telegrams are only accepted from the correspondingly specified communication partner. If no address stage 2 is present in the receiver, then all telegrams from the LSAP specified by the address stage 1 are excepted (‘‘Open’’LSAP). Each LSAP can be utilized only once, i.e. either for transmitting or receiving. A bidirectional utilization is not possible. Address Example: AT -- ‘Trans.#2--44.2--12 ’ ‘‘Transmit via LSAP 44 to Partner with the Node Address 2 on its LSAP 12” AR -- ‘Recv.#2--10.2--13’ ‘‘Receives via LSAP 10 from Partner with the Node Address 2 from its LSAP 13” AR -- ‘Recv2.#2--48’ ‘‘Receives via the ‘‘Open’’LSAP 48 from an undefined Partner” The transmission of data only requires care to be taken that the length for the communicating transmitters and receivers are conform. Otherwise the transmission is ‘‘Transparent’’, i.e. the SS5 module passes everything unchecked. Word (2 byte) and double word (4 byte) variables are transmitted in Little Endian format, i.e. the least significant byte first and the most significant byte last. Communication with machines that down load their data in Big Endian format, require conversion by the user (i.e. using the SIMADYN conversion blocks CBRx). Siemens AG 465 980.7107.22 SIMADYN D Configuring Manual Communication Release 02.96 8--3 8 Link SINEC L2--FDL 7.4 Data Volume, Cycle Times Maximum Number of SIMADYN Channels (Low Net Data Volume) approximately 100 Maximum Number of SIMADYN Channels (242 Byte Net Data) 40 Maximum Channel Length (Net Data) 242 Byte Fastest Cycle Transmit or Receive 10 ms The SS5 module requires a certain processing time for each transmit and receive telegram. This must be taken into account during configuring. The value shown in the table is an approximate value for the fastest possible processing cycle, with which an error free sequencing is guaranteed. If, for example, 8 transmit channels are configured, then the SIMADYN sampling time in which these channels are configured should not be lower than 8 x 10 ms = 80 milliseconds. The cycle times of the transmitting link partners should be calculated for the receive channels. 8--4 Release 02.96 Siemens AG 465 980.7107.22 SIMADYN D Configuring Manual Communication
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