First Presbyterian Church of Dunedin 455 Scotland Street Dunedin, FL 34698 727-733-2318 VOICE – December 2014 and January 2015 Has 2014 gone by fast or what? Has that been your experience? As we begin the season of Advent, followed by Christmas and the New Year, we always think about what has been and what is to come, both from a personal and community point-of-view. First Presbyterian Church is entering the heart of its transitional period – a challenging time of evaluation, education, and visioning. How appropriate it is to begin this season of change by celebrating the birth of the One who changed everything – past, present, and future. When the Apollo 13 disaster occurred in the 1970’s, Commander Jim Lovell was forced to navigate his ship by hand, because the guidance system could not be powered up. Lovell knew that all he needed to do was find a fixed point in space in order to correct the ship’s approach to earth, so he used the earth itself, and aligned it with the navigation marks in his window. Through skill and a little luck, Lovell’s correction aligned the spacecraft into the correct position for re-entry, and the astronauts made it home. For we who believe, Christ is always our fixed point in space. By focusing our hearts, our minds, and our lives upon Jesus, we can find our way home, no matter how we perceive the world around us. Time can rush by quickly or slowly; changes occur through our own plans or by happenstance; what seems solid and sure one minute can become shaky and frightening the next- this is the nature of the world and of the human condition. For Christians, however, there is one thing that is absolutely certain - the kingdom of God. We experience God’s kingdom when we suspend time and space at Christmas and throughout the Christian year through acts of prayer, worship, inspiration and illumination. In Christ, past, present and future lose their meaning, for God the Father, the Son, and the Spirit is the Alpha and the Omega. To look forward to Christmas and the New Year with hope and expectation is natural for us, but beyond our hopes and anxieties is that truth which cannot leave us, fail us, or disappoint us - it is the assurance of Christ’s presence in our lives today and in the life to come. That is the true meaning of Christmas. Christians are not those who tick off the seasons of a calendar that ends when our hearts stop beating; we are, instead, residents of a kingdom, and servants of a sovereign whose reign never ends. We live in and for a different reality, and that is why, in faith, we can say with blessed assurance that Christmas is a celebration of an eternal truth. The celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ is not about stars, angels, shepherds and mangers, although they are wonderful aspects of the Christmas story. Rather, as disciples, we celebrate the meaning of all that Christmas tells us: God is always good, and no matter how fast or slow time goes by, we are moving with and toward our Lord and Savior. Have a meaningful Advent, a Merry Christmas, and a joyous New Year filled with the peace of Jesus Christ. Dr. Mack Sigmon DID YOU KNOW? Joy to the world, the Lord is come FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF DUNEDIN 455 Scotland Street, Dunedin, Florida 34698 727-733-2318 727-738-4297 (Fax) Church Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday Noon-1:00 pm office closed for lunch Friday Office closed Interim Pastor Rev. Dr. “Mack” Sigmon 727-733-2318 (ext. 25) [email protected] Church Administrator Donna Dayock (M-W 8:30-4:00 and Thurs 8:30-12:00) 727-733-2318 (ext. 24) [email protected] Assistant to Administrator Stephen L. Allen 727-733-2318 [email protected] Director of Music Stephen L. Allen 727-733-2318 [email protected] Contemporary Worship Leader Jeremy Best Parish Associate Rev. Willard Doyle Financial Secretary (M-W-Thurs) Betsi Knapp 727-733-2318 (ext. 22) [email protected] Preschool Director Cori LoCicero 727-733-2111 Preschool email [email protected] Custodian Dave Rodman Questions about First Presbyterian Church – 727-733-2318 Wedding Questions, Room Reservations, Changes in Address, Phone numbers Web Servant – John Brockman Voice Editors – Donna Dayock-office volunteers Voice Contributors – Members of the Church November 30, 2014 Total Income $ 499,372 Total Expenses $547,632 Difference ($48,260) Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Source: The Psalms of David, Imitated in the Language of the New Testament, 1719 Entitled “The Messiah’s Coming and Kingdom” and based on the second half of Psalm 98, the hymn is representative of Watts’ ability to Christianize the psalms. While it is usually sung at Christmas, the text is actually appropriate to the entire year whenever the theme of the “Kingdom” is observed. The early American church musician, Lowell Mason, arranged a melody from George F. Handel (possibly from “Messiah”) which expressed the joy of the text. EVENTS OF INTEREST IN DECEMBER! Wednesday, December 10 HOLIDAY CONCERT AND POT-LUCK DINNER Dinner at 6:00 p.m. – Bring lots of your favorite holiday dish to share! Concert at 7:00 p.m. – in the Sanctuary Performers will include the First Presbyterian Church Handbell Choir, Carol Harp and Dave Eichenberger on strings, Sylvia Rockwell, soprano, and The Bay Voices (a male vocal ensemble accompanied and directed by Stephen Allen) Sunday, December 14 SERVICE OF LESSONS AND CAROLS 10:30 a.m. Service – Sanctuary Choir accompanied by orchestra Christmas Eve – Wednesday, December 24 WORSHIP SERVICES 5:30 p.m. – Family Service 8:00 and 11:00 p.m. – Candlelight/communion services Sunday, December 28 ONE SERVICE OF WORSHIP AT 10:30 a.m. The church office will be closed December 25th and January 1st in observance of the Christmas and New Years holidays. SANCTUARY FLOWERS To have a loved one honored or remembered please complete a “Sanctuary Flowers Request Form” (next to the Flower Chart on the bulletin board in Hager Hall) providing the preferred Sunday date(s) and to whom the flowers are to be dedicated. Put the form with your payment ($27.50 per arrangement) into an envelope and put it into the offering plate or mail it to the church. Payments MUST be made before the week of your request. Payment can be made by “online bill-payer” from your bank, in cash, or by personal check, with “flowers” on the memo line. BAPTISM Rejoice with your family and God’s family with the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism. For information on Baptisms contact the church at 7332318. Information is also available online at WEDDINGS Couples are urged to contact the Church Administrator for an application and a copy of the wedding policy. Information is also available online at MEDICAL EQUIPMENT For inquires about medical supplies and equipment available for loan, please contact our custodian, at the church office 733-2318. We also accept donations; however donations must be approved through the church office. Please do not leave your items. The 2015 Flower chart is now posted in Hager Hall! Arrangements are $27.50 each. Sign up early to honor or remember a loved one. Please complete a request form and return it to the church office with your payment. PRESBYTERY OF TAMPA BAY 813-868-4800 DENOMINATION HEADQUARTERS “TOLL-FREE THREE” Simplifies Phoning Callers to the national offices of the Presbyterian Church (USA) now can reach the information, resources, or people they need without consulting a lengthy directory or paying long distance charges. Callers may choose from the following numbers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1-800-728-7228 for connection to a staff person at 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, KY. 1-800-872-3283 to reach PresbyTel information about PCUSA 1-800-524-2612 to order resources from Presbytery Distribution Services (PDS). Fax number 1-502-569-8099 Website of PCUSA is First Friends Preschool Christmas Concert Thursday, December 11, 2014 10:30 AM First Church Chapel The students of First Friends Preschool of First Presbyterian Church are celebrating the holidays with our annual Christmas Concert. Rev. Dr. Mack will open this event with a special prayer. The children will sing Christmas carols and recite poems that will bless you this holiday season. All of the students of First Friends from ages 2 through 5 will participate. They have crafted festive hats to wear during the celebration and would love to honor the Lord Jesus with their song. Families and friends are invited to attend this lively event and enjoy refreshments in Hager Hall at its close. This is sure to be a memorable day for one and all. WINTER WELCOME COFFEE All are welcome to join Esther and Martha Circles as they host the Presbyterian Women's Coffee on Saturday, January 17, at 10:00 am in Hager Hall. You will enjoy complimentary coffee, tea, and goodies. Eric Houghton will honor us with an entertaining tour de force. No RSVP or ticket needed. Just bring a smile and a friend. Help us decorate our sanctuary on Sunday December 21st by purchasing poinsettias. $8.00 per plant. A signup sheet will be posted in Hager Hall the first week in December. Missionaries - Laura and Bill Connelly will be commissioned at the 8:45 service on Sunday, January 11, as they prepare to leave for Belize where Laura will now live a majority of the time, and where they will be foster parents for eight teenage girls. Please join us at Worship Cafe that day, or between services in Hager Hall, to rejoice in their commissioning. Can you help? If you can help wrap Christmas gifts (that will be given by our congregation to Dunedin Elementary School children, families at RCS Grace House and homeless veterans), please attend our Mission Commission meeting on Tuesday, December 2, at 6:30 pm in the church library, as we will have a wrapping session as we also talk about mission topics. Call Nancy Geyer at 215-896-4060 for more information, or just show up! The Drop Off Your Drawers’ drive in October was successful with 194 pairs of underwear and 86 pairs of socks given to Clothes-to-Kids. Thank you for helping to clothe Pinellas County students. at Grace House - On Saturday, December 20, a group from our church will see that Santa visits children at Grace House (homeless shelter in southern Clearwater) and also provides them and their families with a ham dinner. If you would like to come along or can provide some food please contact Nancy Geyer at 215-896-4060 for details. Church food pantry - Food that is collected and was previously stored on shelves in our mailroom is now being delivered directly to families in need and to Religious Community Services in Clearwater. Please continue to be generous and bring your food items on Sundays, much is needed in our community, especially at this time of year. December Monday 1, 15, 22, 29- Carole Anne and Welch Agnew Monday 8- Lynn and Paul Burks Join us on Monday’s at 8:30 am in the Tuesday 2, 9, 16, 23, 30- Nell and Dave Thomas First Presbyterian Church Parking lot for a Wednesday 3, 10, 17, 24, 31- Sue Legg and Babe Young 35-minute walk in silence as we look up, Thursday 4, 11, 18, 25- Lynn and Paul Burks Friday 5, 12, 19, 26- Mary Ann Beall and Dodi Anderson down and around at the beauty in God’s world. Walking together in silence at a leisurely, non-competitive pace, we open our hearts to offer our prayers to God. At the end of the walk, we gather at the Broadway Deli to talk and share our stories and love for one another with coffee and laughter! Bring a friend; newcomers ALWAYS welcome!! What a nice surprise to open the door on Sunday afternoon and there was a lovely arrangement of beautiful fall flowers. How speedy can you get! Thanks to everyone. I am doing well just bored being inside and cannot do anything. Visitors are welcome. Hope we can get to church soon! Please keep us in your prayers. Interested call Nancy Christy 727-726-6684 Allen Arnold Random acts of flowers To My Church FamilyThank you a lot for all you did for the memorial service for my sister. It helped me realize how much we both are loved and cared about by the people in the church. Much love and thanksMarcia Allen The worship commission thanks the congregation for the collection of vases and money for the random acts of flowers. We collected 90 vases and $45.00. Thanks for bringing smiles to people who otherwise would not have received flowers. Melinda Archer Laura Connelly Eric Houghton Jennette Marsden Susan Ausmus Mary Beth Dauble Nell Thomas Addie Lou Gilchrist Ethel Smith Matthew Long Doris Hinson Deborah Kynes Betsy B Smith Bill Burckhardt David Wolters Babe Young Lois Hager Al Schlorholtz Patricia Buol Scott McDonald Thelma Powell Marcia Allen Betsi Lewis-Knapp Pat Duffy Kim Kirchoffer Debbie Blocher Joe Gould Richard Kirchoffer Paulette Derr Beverly Weese Skippy Boynton Kenneth Skinner Jackie Chalk Jeff Gow December 2 December 2 December 4 December 4 December 6 December 6 December 7 December 8 December 8 December 10 December 12 December 13 December 13 December 14 December 14 December 14 December 15 December 15 December 16 December 17 December 17 December 19 December 19 December 20 December 20 December 25 December 25 December 26 December 28 December 28 December 29 December 30 December 31 December 31 Mack Sigmon Carolyn Kistner Dodi M. Andersen Beth Fisher John Wigle Sean Skinner Ann E. Sabo Don Knapp Judy MacDougall Fredrica Shaxby Chad Fisher Jamie D. Poppler John Brockman Greg Long Marion Yongue David Walthall Debbie Watson Sue Armagost Spencer Friend Mandy Boldman Rose McNamara Kathryn H Schultz Ann Thomas Patricia A Haskins Darv Koenig January 2 January 3 January 5 January 5 January 10 January 11 January 12 January 14 January 17 January 17 January 19 January 21 January 22 January 22 January 23 January 24 January 24 January 26 January 26 January 27 January 28 January 28 January 28 January 30 January 31 December January FPC LIBRARY NEWSLETTER "The joy of brightening other lives, bearing each other's burdens, easing other’s loads and supplanting empty hearts and lives with generous gifts becomes for us the magic of Christmas." - WC Jones Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We hope your Christmas will be filled with the spirit of the Babe. Have you enjoyed the serenity of the Nativity in the library window? These beautiful figures were given to the library by the family of June and Walter Brashear. As you prepare for Christmas, remember these three phrases that sum up Christmas: Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men, and Batteries not Included. Have you heard about the father who once bought his kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, Toys not Included? ~Bernard Manning. Kidding aside, at Christmas, all roads lead to home and family. Leila Bugenhagen gave a superior presentation of IN THE LAND OF THE INVISIBLE WOMEN: A Female Doctor's Journey in the Saudi Kingdom by Qanta Ahmed, a young British Muslim doctor. Thank you, Leila for sharing your time and talent with us. On December 16, Gayle Pinkowski will review SIXTEEN PLEASURES, a very interesting story about Margot Harrington who discovers a fabulous volume of sixteen erotic drawings by Giulio Romano that accompany sixteen steamy sonnets by Pietro Aretino. When published more than four centuries earlier, the Vatican had insisted all copies be destroyed. This one—now unique—volume has survived. The abbess prevails upon Margot to save the order’s finances by selling the drawings discreetly. Meaning: without the bishop’s knowledge. It is a delightful book and will be tastefully presented Gayle. Don’t miss it. Christmas treats for those who meet! The New Year 2015 brings a delightful program for Koinonia. Do you remember the wonderful Sherlockian, George Steel who so enthusiastically reviewed Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock books last year? He’s back! On January 20, George will present THE RAINMAKER by John Grisham. George has 36 years’ experience as a trial lawyer and he has seen everything related to civil litigation. He will discuss the mindset, tactics and the motives of the characters as portrayed by Grisham. We are so privileged to have a man of George’s caliber and qualifications as our guest. Do not miss George on Tuesday, January 20 at 2 PM in the FPC library! Thanks to Greg Long, the FPC library has donated 2 boxes of books to Pinellas Hope. Greg tells us that the residents of Pinellas Hope are thirsty for the Word of God and are eager to learn how to develop their faith. The books given to Pinellas Hope should give the residents food for thought. Thank you for your response to the Reminder Cards. We received several books back and they are now available for checkout. Iris Poppler continues to bless our library with Amish fiction books. Please come in to peruse them if this is your genre. Thanks to “Anonymous” who has also donated many books. Look for the following new books on the shelves immediately to your left as you enter the library. They might be in the window—or they might be checked out. EDGE OF ETERNITY BY KEN FOLLETT SOMEWHERE SAFE WITH SOMEBODY GOOD BY JAN KARON THE AUSCHWITZ ESCAPE BY JOEL ROSENBERG HOME BY MARILYNNE ROBINSON OUTLANDER by Diana Gabaldon Ken Follett’s Century Trilogy follows the fortunes of five intertwined families—American, German, Russian, English, and Welsh. This third and final book covers the 1960s through the 1980s. After five hectic years of retirement from Lord’s Chapel, Father Tim Kavanagh returns with his wife, Cynthia, from a so-called pleasure trip to the land of his Irish ancestors. Luc, a French pastor, who is sentenced to the Auschwitz death camp for helping Jews, joins forces with Jacob, a Jewish man sent to the camp after his attempt to hijack a train bound for Auschwitz fails. Together they plan to escape to tell an unbelieving world about the Holocaust. Remember John Ames in Gilead, Marilynne Robinson’s Pulitzer Prize–winning novel? Home takes place concurrently in the same locale, this time in the household of Reverend Robert Boughton, Ames’s closest friend. Read this to be ready for LILA, Robinson’s newly-released 3rd book in this series. The year is 1945. Claire Randall, a former combat nurse, is just back from the war and reunited with her husband on a second honeymoon when she walks through a standing stone in one of the ancient circles that dot the British Isles. Suddenly she is a Sassenach— an “outlander”—in a Scotland torn by war and raiding border clans in the year of Our Lord . . . 1743. This is the first book in the series upon which the TV series is based. We have a great, but difficult, puzzle going. It is quite appropriate for the Christmas season. We need your help to complete it by Christmas. Borrow a puzzle for the holidays. Set up a puzzle table at your home over the holidays for guests. Puzzling is a great way to develop relationships, especially with grandchildren! Call the Bookworm at 733-4609 or leave a note in the library closet if you would like to recommend a book for our FPC Library. If you have read a book that should be in our library, tell us about it. We are always eager to respond to your suggestions. Propose other activities or displays for the library. Call Mary at 733-4609 with your ideas. REMINDER ~ MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR KOINONIA ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16TH AT 2 PM! LET’S PACK THE ROOM TO WELCOME GUEST REVIEWER GAYLE PINKOWSKI REVIEW SIXTEEN PLEASURES.” ALSO MARK YOUR 2015 CALENDAR FOR KOINONIA ON JANUARY 20TH TO HEAR GEORGE STEEL GIVES THE TRIAL ATTORNEY’S TAKE OF JOHN GRISHAM’S “THE RAINMAKER.” The church website has valuable information at your fingertips! Checkout the website and let your fingers do the walking. Look at the calendar, pictorial directory, worship information, mission information, preschool information and current events. Also, check out the new donate now button. All available at the click of a button! Gifts to the Christmas Joy Offering support the unmet needs of families who have given their lives to the mission of the Presbyterian Church (USA) – current and retired ministers, church workers and their families. This offering also supports students at racial ethnic schools and colleges, helping them develop their gifts and find their calling. Please contribute to the Christmas Joy Offering, using the specially marked envelope in your giving box. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! The Staff The 2014 Giving Statements will be mailed out ----------. In order to save money on paper and stamps, the infrequent givers will not receive a statement. If you haven’t received your Giving Statement and need one, please email Betsi Lewis Knapp at [email protected] or call her at 727-7332318 and she will be happy to provide one. The Holidays are almost here! Thinking about giving gift cards? Check out the flyer of First Presbyterian at the end of the VOICE and see a sampling of the Church of Dunedin many cards that are available. Holiday shopping is easy and you are helping First Church! This year we are participating in Blanket Sunday on January 18, 2015. Your participation is welcomed. Sarah Circle would like to invite the ladies of First Presbyterian Church and their friends to our annual Holiday High Tea, Last year we all became familiar with the polar vortex storms and massive snow in parts of the country. This year we are already hearing about the “Polar Plunge”. One way to offer help that can have a significant impact on the lives of those in need is through Blanket Sunday. Church World Service provides help to families around the world recover from disasters and displacement. Some ways your support plays out in real life - Through homeless shelters and warming stations that offered warm CWS Blankets and relief for individuals during dangerously cold weather like the arctic blast that hit the Midwest in January 2014. - -Relief and recovery assistance to communities in Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Ohio and Kentucky following a November 2013 outbreak of tornadoes, hail and high winds. - Blankets and other emergency supplies sent to Colorado communities when heavy rains brought deadly flooding in the Fall of 2013, thousands of families were evacuated, their homes damaged or destroyed - Assistance to displaced people forced to leave their homes December 13th at noon, in Hager Hall. Tickets are $8.00 and can Whatever else a blanket can be, it is most certainly a sign of generosity, a sign of loving care, a very real sign of compassion. You probably won’t meet the people who receive the blankets you give, but you can be sure your compassion will be remembered for a long time. These blankets will remain a tangible reminder to our most vulnerable neighbors that someone was thinking of them. As in every New Year, the children welcome it with great energy. The weather is cool and crisp, just perfect for outdoor play and activities! This month we also welcome a special visitor to the preschool. The dentist office of Dr. Johnny Johnson sends Miss Barbara who will teach and encourage students to brush and floss as well as making healthy food choices. Goody Bags will be a great treat for the students as well as a great reminder to “Be Good to Your Smile.” It’s always nice to get a new toothbrush! Last year our congregation provided over $1400 to support this project through contributions made on Blanket Sunday. $10 provides a blanket to a person in need. be bought from a circle leader or between services in East Hager Hall starting November 16th. Look for updates in the bulletin and announcements from the pulpit. Thank you for our Fall Fundraiser success! The Enjoy the City coupon books were well received by the church and the preschool parents. Enough books were sold to help buy new things for the preschool. Once again, we would like to thank everyone involved who participated in this event. The money is going towards much needed preschool toys and equipment updates. “Laugh, Smile, Sing and Play, make new friends along the way!”
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