LIMBDI CONST DIVISION, Tender Notice CDL-12-14-17-19-/13 & CDL-03/14 GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LTD Const. Division,Limbdi Near Jamuna Hotel, 220 kV S/S Compound NH8A- Limbdi E-mail : [email protected] • Save Energy for the Benefit of Self and Nation • Tender Notice CDL-12-14-17-19-/13 & CDL-03/14 The selaed Tenders in two separate envelopes 1) Technical and Qulification Bid 2) Price Bid on percentage basis are invited from the contractors registered with GETCO or P.W.D. and having adequate experience for the following supplies/ Contracts. Tender papers and specification may please download from GETCO WEB SITE of the GETCO on payment of non – refundable tender fee as shown in column No 06 below for respective tender, & same will be opened at 15.00 Hrs. On the date shown in last column. All the tenders will be received only by R.P.A.D. or Speed Post addressed to Executive Engineer of Const. Dn. Limbdi. Courier Service or Hand Delivery will be not allowed. Sr. Tender Notice Blank No. No & Tender Tender No. available at www. 1 1 2 CDL/12/13 CDL-28 3 WEBTENDER 2 CDL/14/13 CDL-38 WEBTENDER 3 CDL/17/13 WEB- Description Estimated cost in Rs. Tender Last date of Fee Rs. receiving the tender (up to 15:00 Hrs.) & Date of opening. 6 7 2100.0 21.03.2014 (Date Extension) 4 Erection of 66kV D/C tower LILO line from existing 66kV Narichana – Raigadh line at 66kV Rampara S/S with DOG conductor. Erection of 66kV H Frame line from 66kV Chokadi S/S to 66kV Sudamada S/S. 5 20,99,838.4 2440430.76 2440.0 21.03.2014 (Date Extension) Raising/Shifting of 220kV 208150.24 210.00 21.03.2014 CDL-53 TENDER Chorania - Dhrangadhra line near village Samla Due to SSNNL Crossing WEBTENDER Raising/Shifting of 66kV Limbdi - Surendranagar line near village Samla Due to SSNNL Crossing 201334.69 200.00 21.03.2014 (Date Extension) WEBTENDER Raising/Shifting of 66kV Dhandhuka - panshian line on DOG conductor near village Mota Taradia 50729.48 50.00 21.03.2014 (Date Extension) WEBTENDER Raising of 220 KV D/C Chorniya - Bala line loc no 16A - 17 crossing to SSNNL canal (Kataria Sub Distry LD-6) near Village Bhalgamda. Raising of 220 KV D/C Chorniya - Dhrangdhra line loc no 182A 183A crossing to SSNNL canal ( Katariya Distry) near Village Bhalgamda 163813.72 170.00 21.03.2014 (Date Extension) 163813.72 170.00 21.03.2014 (Date Extension) WEBTENDER Raising of 220 KV D/C Chorniya - Dhrangdhra line loc no 196 & 197 crossing to SSNNL canal (Chorniya Minor LD6)near Village Bhalgamda 182563.2 190.00 21.03.2014 (Date Extension) WEBTENDER Raising of 220 KV D/C Chorniya - Viramgam line loc no 209 - 210 crossing to SSNNL canal (Chorniya 182563.2 190.00 21.03.2014 (Date Extension) PART-I & III (Date Extension) PART -II 4 CDL/17/13 CDL-54 PART-I & III PART -II 5 CDL/17/13 CDL-55 PART - I & III PART -I 6 CDL/19/13 CDL-58 Part-I & III Part-II 7 CDL/19/13 CDL-59 WEBTENDER Part-I & III Part-II 8 CDL/19/13 CDL-60 Part-I & III Part-I 9 CDL/19/13 CDL-61 Part-I & III Part-II 10 CDL/03/14 CDL-05 WEBTENDER 11 CDL/03/14 CDL-06 WEBTENDER Minor LD-6) near Village Bhalgamda SUPPLY OF VARIOUS TYPE OF T-CONNECTOR FOR S/S FOR THE YEAR 14-15 @ LIMBDI CONST. DIVISION. Construction of wave trap foundation and misc civil works at 400 kv Halvad (Mansar) s/s 127920.00 130.00 21.03.2014 (Date Extension) 450204.00 600.00 21.03.2014 (Date Extension) Executive Engineer (Const) GETCO, Limbdi. CDL/12/13 CDL-28 List of PDF File 1. Part-I Tender specification 2. Part-II Erection of 66 KV line 3. Part-II FQP for Transmission line 4. Part-II Counter Poise earthing Model 5. Part-III Price Bid Tender No. CDL-38 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. List of PDF File Part-I Tender specification Part-II Technical Specification of Erection of 66 KV line Part-II FQP for Transmission line Part-II Pipe type Earthing Arrangement Part-II H Frame Drawing Part-II Bore type Earthing Drawing Part-II DP Concreting & Guy Concreting Drawing Part-III Price Bid
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