.A. 2.5 2.6 2.8 .A. .A. 2.9 2.5 2.5 3.1 1.8 109 yr* .A. .A. 1.1 .A. 2.1 3.9 1.4 1.8 1.0 1.0 3.7 567 yr* .A. 0.2 Amer Cent:T2025;Inv 251.1 23.6 9.5 26.5 12.8 Amer Cent:T2020;Inv 204.4 14.0 8.6 17.0 9.8 Amer Cent:T2015;Inv 317.1 7.4 4.1 12.8 7.7 Blackrock:Long Dur;Br 174.4 15.0 12.8 7.8 N.A. Amer Cent:T2010;Inv 289.4 2.5 0.5 6.9 4.7 ©© 2013 Dow Jones Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. MONDAY, AUGUST 5, &&& 2009 Dow Jones Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 2013 2009 2014 Dow Jones Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. FRIDAY, 3, 2014 Old JANUARY Mutual:Bh Cre Bd;I 56.7 4.8 4.0 5.3 N.A. Sa Funds:Us Fixed Inc 148.7 2.4 1.0 3.8 N.A. Category Kings in 22 Realms Franklin Inv:Adj Gv;A 609.1 0.6 0.4 3.6 3.3 Total return for the top 10 funds ranked by one-year performance of Nov. 29. Total Direxion:Ev Mgd Bd;Inv 33.0 as of Dec. 5.531; assets, in millions 5.3 of dollars, as3.2 N.A.return includes capital appreciation and reinvested distributions. Returns shown for periods of one year or less are cumulative. Fixed-income Investing Funds: Quarterly January 2009 Category Kings in 16inRealms performance numbers areRtn;I preliminary. Group average A returns may differ 4.1 fromAnalysis, those in Yardsticks because this0.8 table uses a different Afba 5Star:Tot 20.6 3.5 4.4 set of objectives; for funds with multiple share classes, only the largest is shown. Top-performing funds in each category, ranked by year-to-date total returns (changes in net asset values with reinvested distributions) as of July 31; assets Category Average: N.A. –0.9 4.2 –5.6 3.5 are as of June 28. Equity data is final. All other data is preliminary. Large Cap Growth Category Kings in 22 Realms Number of Funds: 57 Total return 57(%) ——— 46 ——— The following has been excerpted 27 F O Top-performing funds in each category, ranked by one-year total returns (changes in net asset values with reinvested distributions) as of December 31; assets ANNUALIZED are as of November 28. Fixed-income performance numbers are preliminary. Multicap Core Fund Symbol Dec. iPath ETN LgEx Rus 1000 ROLA 4.61 iPath ETN LgEx Rus 1000 ROLA 4.61 Large-Cap Value UBS AG Enh BC Growth ETN Morg Stan Focus Gr;A Transam:Cap Growth;I2 4th qtr 1-year The following has been excerpted 18.55 71.37 3-year 5-year 10-year Assets 35.27 n.a. n.a. $11.3 n.a. $11.3 O R P 18.55 71.37 35.27 n.a. FBG 4.45 AMOAX 5.54 Total returnn.a.(%) 17.05Assets 62.66 n.a. n.a. 13.65 9.77 ($ millions)49.48 July 17.09 YTD 28.691-yr 5-yr* ... 5.68 12.97 49.17 Assets 2.648.60 Nysa Srs Tr:Nysa Fund Morg Stan I:Growth;I MSEQX 5.48 12.83 ($ millions) 4th-qtr (%) n.a. n.a. n.a. Total return (%) 9.8 December 28.1 –1.1 18.5729.8 27.31 10.15 1-yr 5-yr* JPMorgan:Dyn Gro;Sel JDGSX 3.94 11.90 45.52 18.00 22.92 n.a. 1,042.9 6.1 18.7429.3 24.46 45.7 13.6 Vanguard Cap Value;Inv T Rowe Price I LgCp Gro TRLGX 3.45 Forester:Value 50.212.59 –10.244.44 3.0 0.4 9.34 4.6 Columbia:SelectFrank LCG;Z UMLGX 5.30 9.93 10.62 18.344.28 6.9 17.2129.1 23.84 32.9 11.2 Value;Inv FMI:Large Cap –18.343.93 0.3 –26.9 7.53 2.6 Putnam Voyager;A PVOYX 3.941,494.012.53 10.63 21.77 6.9 18.180.2 28.9 23.67 34.8 N.A. Formula Inv US Sel;A3.38 N.A.12.32 243.7 Homestead:Growth Am Ind:Stock;Inst HNASX –22.343.40 –27.1 8.72 3.3 Category Average: ... 7.30 49.934.00 6.7 14.954.9 28.7 19.01 45.4 GW:Ariel Val;Init3.09 200.210.72 –14.2 PowerShares DynMC LC Vl –27.7 13.4 N.A. Number of Funds: ... 759 756 723 609 536 376 20.5 6.7 2.0 28.4 33.9 Jensen n.a. Not Available a =Cullen:High DivQuality Eqty;I Val;J 224.3 –18.0 –29.2 N.A.N.A. 6.5 –1.5 28.4 44.7 Ariel:Appreciation;Inv ING Corp Leaders 365.8 1,676.2 –18.5 –29.3 13.0 4.0 Multi Cap Growth Endowments:Gro & IncBybck Ach 79.7 734.0 –18.2 1.4 –30.9 13.1–0.9 6.9return 28.1 35.1 PowerShares ——— Total (%) ——— Morg Stan Fund Opptc Value;BUS Stk;I 29.6 –19.8 –30.9 N.A. 0.2 ANNUALIZED 6.3 7.8 3.2 26.3 43.4 Dreyfus FundMunder:LgCp Val;Y Symbol Dec. 4th qtr –18.6 1-year 3-year 5-year 10-year 0.9 –31.5 9.6 a Neuberger Mlt-Cp Opps;I 47.9 1,239.5 7.5 15.581.2 26.3 24.04 34.8 RidgeWorth:Ag Gr St;I SCATX 3.39 6.09 59.79 n.a. ! Wilmington:LC Val;Inst Morg Stan MultiCp Gr;A CPOAX Category Average: FPX First Tr:US IPO Index Category Average: Lord Abbett Gr Leadrs;A LGLAX Fund Count FOCPX Number of Funds: Fidelity OTC 5.48 19.913.78 –20.549.61 10.29 4.16 7.99 JPMorgan:Gro Advtg;R5 JGVRX 4.18 10.56 CB Aggressive Growth;A SHRAX 2.50 8.92 2.2 n.a. 650.0 790 62946.50 811 17.53634 1,937.3 771.7 1,098.1 198.6 9,270.9 6,461.6 4,151.3 70.6 965.1 ... Assets unch. 12.56 $45.3 –1.9 296.9 7.3 n.a. 349.6 n.a. n.a. 498.5 –37.4 771 25.91 10.76 596 571 429 9,796.6 n.a. n.a. 2,794.4 23.37 8.40 8,980.1 14.58 20.01 9.75 17.72 19.42 7.87 44.97 18.54 44.62 20.24 N.A.: Not applicable; fund is too new. *Annualized. with multiple share classes, is shown. Kinetics:Paradigm;NL WWNPXNote: For funds 1.53 9.44 only the largest44.07 N.A.: Not applicable; fund is too new *Annualized Note: For funds with multiple share classes, only the largest is shown. RS Inv:Growth;A RSGRX 3.42 10.65 43.61 American Funds NEco;A –31.6 27.26 302.647.85 5.4 25.6219.5 27.72 27.7 321,596.0 –21.746.73 3.16 8.55 5.55 0.2 15.67 1,018.4 Source: 1,252.9 Lipper. Source: Lipper 237.4 ANEFX 2.89 11.91 43.36 18.82 22.52 9.97 12,437.3 Category Average: ... 3.04 9.71 35.03 15.02 20.03 8.25 573.3 Number of Funds: ... 550 547 521 447 393 252 ... Multi-Cap Value n.a. = Not Available Assets ($ millions) 4th-qtr (%) Total return (%) December 1-yr 5-yr* The Publisher ’ s sale Of This rePrinT DOes nOT COnsTiTuTe Or imPly any enDOrsemenT Or sPOnsOrshiP Of any PrODuCT, serviCe, COmPany Or OrganizaTiOn. (over please) Custom Reprints 800.843.0008 www.djreprints.com DO NOT EDIT OR ALTER REPRINT•/ • REPRODUCTIONS NOT PERMITTED 47428 Copley Fund 62.0 –4.5 –1.0 –15.6 #47931 1.5 The Publisher ’ s sale Of This rePrinT DOes nOT COnsTiTuTe Or imPly any enDOrsemenT Or sPOnsOrshiP Of any PrODuCT, serviCe, COmPany Or OrganizaTiOn. Custom& Reprints (609)520-4331 08543-0300. DO NOT EDIT OR ALTER REPRINT• Bread Butter Fund P.O. Box 300 Princeton, N.J. N.A. –14.5 4.0 /• REPRODUCTIONS –18.5 NOT PERMITTED N.A. European Region Fidelity Nordic ——— Total return (%) ——— ANNUALIZED FNORX 5.29 14.38 49.09 13.05 21.93 12.14 $466.6 WisdomTree:Eur SC Div DFE 4.09 13.88 iShares:MSCI Ireland Cp EIRL 1.53 8.74 47.17 14.94 23.40 n.a. 505.3 46.76 22.34 n.a. n.a. iShares:MSCI Denmark Cp EDEN 3.66 11.04 43.36 119.0 n.a. n.a. n.a. 17.3 DFA Cont Small Co;I DFCSX 2.78 10.55 39.33 9.14 DFA UK Sm Company;I DFUKX 5.49 11.69 39.07 19.95 16.95 11.22 172.6 28.96 12.35 iShares:MSCI Finland CIM EFNL 1.30 9.53 38.43 n.a. n.a. 37.0 n.a. 15.3 iShares:MSCI UK Sm-Cap EWUS 4.78 10.87 38.32 n.a. n.a. n.a. 22.0 JPMorgan:Intr Eu;Inst JFEIX 3.57 11.81 36.58 13.89 15.98 9.65 864.5 Mrkt Vctrs:Germany SC GERJ 1.26 8.51 35.63 n.a. n.a. n.a. 6.0 Category Average: ... 2.59 8.31 27.49 10.42 14.71 8.21 437.0 Number of Funds: ... 138 132 119 100 87 74 ... n.a. = Not Available Global Equity Income Funds ——— Total return (%) ——— ANNUALIZED Guinn Atkin:Infl Mgd Div GAINX 2.05 7.45 29.87 n.a. n.a. n.a. $2.5 Invesco Gl Low Vol E;A GTNDX 2.16 6.80 29.23 12.42 15.40 6.69 161.2 Chr Weil & Co Glbal Div CWGDX 1.84 7.74 25.72 n.a. n.a. n.a. 32.3 DWS World Div;S SCGEX 1.24 6.38 22.70 10.97 13.23 6.04 356.2 ING:Glbl Eqty Div;A IAGEX 1.99 6.91 22.68 10.55 12.50 6.38 75.8 Eaton Vance Gl Div Inc;A EDIAX 2.23 8.83 22.60 9.53 9.29 n.a. 430.4 Sit Global Div Gro;I GDGIX 2.13 6.83 21.70 10.44 13.38 n.a. 21.9 Allianz:GI NFJ Gl DV;I ANUIX 1.22 6.56 21.60 10.14 n.a. n.a. 70.2 JPMorgan Glbl Eq Inc;Sel JEISX 1.80 5.56 21.12 n.a. n.a. n.a. 112.0 Henderson:Gl Eq Inc;I HFQIX 2.55 5.70 21.02 11.28 n.a. n.a. 2,497.9 Category Average: ... 1.79 6.33 20.63 10.30 13.01 5.77 137.5 Number of Funds: ... 82 82 81 61 51 18 ... n.a. = Not Available NOT FDIC INSURED| NO BANK GUARANTEE| MAY LOSE VALUE This article must be distributed with the J.P. Morgan performance and disclosure page. REP-CatKings2014 NOT FDIC INSURED | NO BANK GUARANTEE | MAY LOSE VALUE Data as of December 31, 2013 J.P. Morgan Asset Management JPMorgan Dynamic Growth Fund2,3,4 Total returns Average annual total returns Since inception 11/30/2007 8.18 8.44 7.48 6.00 Performance at NAV (%) Latest QTR YTD 1 yr 3 yrs 5 yrs A Shares 11.89 45.20 45.20 17.74 22.61 Select Shares 11.90 45.52 45.52 18.00 22.92 Russell 1000 Growth Index 10.44 33.48 33.48 16.45 20.39 Lipper Large-Cap Growth Funds Index 10.74 35.41 35.41 15.08 19.43 With sales charges (%) A Shares with 5.25% max. sales charge 6.00 37.60 37.60 15.65 21.30 7.22 Benchmark since inception returns are as of month-end. The performance quoted is past performance and is not a guarantee of future results. Calendar-year returns (%) Select Shares at NAV Russell 1000 Growth Index Lipper Large-Cap Growth Funds Index 2009 43.31 37.21 38.50 2010 19.14 16.71 15.13 2011 -4.69 2.64 -2.90 2012 18.47 15.26 15.92 2013 45.52 33.48 35.41 The performance quoted is past performance and is not a guarantee of future results. Mutual funds are subject to certain market risks. Investment returns and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original cost. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance data shown. For performance current to the most recent month-end, please call 1-800-480-4111. Annual operating expenses Expense cap expiration date Expense cap (%) Total annual Fund operating expenses (%) Fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements (%)1 Net expenses (%)1 A Shares 10/31/2014 1.25 1.43 (0.17) 1.26 Select Shares 10/31/2014 1.00 1.15 (0.14) 1.01 1The Investment Advisor, Administrator and Distributor (the "Service Providers") have contractually agreed to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent that Total Annual Operating Expenses (excluding Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses, dividend expenses relating to short sales, interest, taxes, expenses related to litigation and potential litigation, extraordinary expenses and expenses related to the Board of Trustees’ deferred compensation plan) exceed the expense cap of the average daily net assets through the expense cap expiration date. This contract continues through that date, at which time the Service Providers will determine whether or not to renew or revise it. JPMorgan Growth Advantage Fund5,6 Performance at NAV (%) A Shares R5 Shares11 Russell 3000 Growth Index Lipper Multi-Cap Growth Funds Index With sales charges (%) A Shares with 5.25% max. sales charge Calendar-year returns (%) R5 Shares at NAV11 Russell 3000 Growth Index Lipper Multi-Cap Growth Funds Index Total returns Latest QTR YTD 10.42 44.36 10.56 44.97 10.25 34.23 9.93 36.52 4.60 1 yr 44.36 44.97 34.23 36.52 Average annual total returns 3 yrs 5 yrs 18.03 22.16 18.54 22.66 16.47 20.56 14.94 20.53 10 yrs 11.31 11.62 7.95 8.15 36.75 36.75 15.94 20.86 10.72 2009 37.10 37.01 39.17 2010 21.57 17.64 20.39 2011 -1.24 2.18 -4.02 2012 16.36 15.21 15.88 2013 44.97 34.23 36.52 The performance quoted is past performance and is not a guarantee of future results. Mutual funds are subject to certain market risks. Investment returns and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original cost. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance data shown. For performance current to the most recent month-end, please call 1-800-480-4111. 1 1 The Investment Advisor, Administrator and Distributor (the "Service Providers") have contractually agreed to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent that Total Annual Operating Expenses (excluding Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses, dividend expenses relating to short sales, interest, taxes, expenses related to litigation and potential litigation, extraordinary expenses and expenses related to the Board of Trustees’ deferred compensation plan) exceed the expense cap of the average daily net assets through the expense cap expiration date. This contract continues through that date, at which time the Service Providers will determine whether or not to renew or revise it. JPMorgan Intrepid European Fund7 Performance at NAV (%) A Shares Institutional Shares MSCI Europe Index (net of foreign withholding taxes) Lipper European Region Funds Index With sales charges (%) A Shares with 5.25% max. sales charge Calendar-year returns (%) Institutional Shares at NAV MSCI Europe Index (net of foreign withholding taxes) Lipper European Region Funds Index Total returns Latest QTR YTD 11.70 35.96 11.81 36.58 7.88 25.23 9.45 30.36 5.86 1 yr 35.96 36.58 25.23 30.36 Average annual total returns 3 yrs 5 yrs 13.34 15.41 13.89 15.98 9.89 13.36 11.38 16.64 10 yrs 9.09 9.65 7.28 9.48 28.85 28.85 11.32 14.17 8.51 2009 29.21 35.83 41.58 2010 9.94 3.88 10.37 2011 -14.63 -11.06 -13.17 2012 26.68 19.12 22.07 2013 36.58 25.23 30.36 The performance quoted is past performance and is not a guarantee of future results. Mutual funds are subject to certain market risks. Investment returns and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original cost. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance data shown. For performance current to the most recent month-end, please call 1-800-480-4111. Annual operating expenses Expense cap expiration date Expense cap (%) Total annual Fund operating expenses (%) Fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements (%)1 Net expenses (%)1 A Shares 2/28/2014 1.50 1.74 (0.24) 1.50 Institutional Shares 2/28/2014 1.00 1.35 (0.35) 1.00 1The Investment Advisor, Administrator and Distributor (the "Service Providers") have contractually agreed to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent that Total Annual Operating Expenses (excluding Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses, dividend expenses relating to short sales, interest, taxes, expenses related to litigation and potential litigation, extraordinary expenses and expenses related to the Board of Trustees’ deferred compensation plan) exceed the expense cap of the average daily net assets through the expense cap expiration date. This contract continues through that date, at which time the Service Providers will determine whether or not to renew or revise it. JPMorgan Global Equity Income Fund8,9,10 Total returns Average annual total returns Since inception 2/28/2011 7.56 7.84 9.98 8.65 Performance at NAV (%) Latest QTR YTD 1 yr 3 yrs 5 yrs A Shares 5.45 20.85 20.85 N/A N/A Select Shares 5.56 21.12 21.12 N/A N/A MSCI World Index (net of foreign withholding taxes) 8.00 26.68 26.68 N/A N/A Lipper Global Equity Income Funds Index 6.55 20.15 20.15 N/A N/A With sales charges (%) A Shares with 5.25% max. sales charge -0.08 14.54 14.54 N/A N/A 5.54 Benchmark since inception returns are as of month-end. The performance quoted is past performance and is not a guarantee of future results. Calendar-year returns (%) Select Shares at NAV MSCI World Index (net of foreign withholding taxes) Lipper Global Equity Income Funds Index 2009 N/A N/A N/A 2010 N/A N/A N/A 2011 N/A N/A N/A 2012 14.32 15.83 13.70 2013 21.12 26.68 20.15 2 The performance quoted is past performance and is not a guarantee of future results. Mutual funds are subject to certain market risks. Investment returns and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original cost. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance data shown. For performance current to the most recent month-end, please call 1-800-480-4111. Annual operating expenses Expense cap expiration date Expense cap (%) Total annual Fund operating expenses (%) Fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements (%)1 Net expenses (%)1 A Shares 2/28/2014 1.25 2.32 (1.06) 1.26 Select Shares 2/28/2014 1.00 2.21 (1.20) 1.01 1The Investment Advisor, Administrator and Distributor (the "Service Providers") have contractually agreed to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent that Total Annual Operating Expenses (excluding Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses, dividend expenses relating to short sales, interest, taxes, expenses related to litigation and potential litigation, extraordinary expenses and expenses related to the Board of Trustees’ deferred compensation plan) exceed the expense cap of the average daily net assets through the expense cap expiration date. This contract continues through that date, at which time the Service Providers will determine whether or not to renew or revise it. Contact JPMorgan Distribution Services, Inc. at 1-800-480-4111 for a fund prospectus. You can also visit us at www.jpmorganfunds.com. Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives and risks as well as charges and expenses of the mutual fund before investing. The prospectus contains this and other information about the mutual fund. Read the prospectus carefully before investing. Depending on a fund’s share class, there are different purchase minimums required to establish an account and to add to an account. For example, the purchase minimum for Select Class shares is $1,000,000. The fund prospectus states the applicable purchase minimums for each of the fund’s other share classes. RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH INVESTING IN THE FUND: 2The Fund may invest in derivatives that may be riskier than other types of investments because they may be more sensitive to changes in economic or market conditions and could result in losses that significantly exceed the Fund’s original investment. Many derivatives create leverage that can cause the Fund to be more volatile than it would be if it had not used derivatives. 3The Fund may invest foreign securities which are subject to additional risks including political and economic risks, greater volatility, currency fluctuations, higher transaction costs, delayed settlement, possible foreign controls on investment, and less stringent investor protection and disclosure standards of foreign markets. 4The Fund is subject to management risk and may not achieve its objective if the adviser’s expectations regarding particular securities or markets are not met. The Fund is also subject to equity market risk. The price of equity securities may rise or fall because of changes in the broad market or changes in a company’s financial condition, sometimes rapidly or unpredictably. 5Mid-cap funds typically carry more risk than stock funds investing in well-established "blue-chip" companies. Historically, mid-cap companies' stock has experienced a greater degree of market volatility than the average stock. 6 The Fund may invest a portion of its securities in small-cap stocks. Small-capitalization funds typically carry more risk than stock funds investing in well-established "blue-chip" companies since smaller companies generally have a higher risk of failure. Historically, smaller companies' stock has experienced a greater degree of market volatility than the average stock. 7 International investing involves a greater degree of risk and increased volatility. Changes in currency exchange rates and differences in accounting and taxation policies outside the U.S. can raise or lower returns. Also, some overseas markets may not be as politically and economically stable as the United States and other nations. Because the Fund is concentrated in a single country or region, it is subject to the additional risk associated with a smaller number of issuers. 8There is no guarantee that companies that can issue dividends will declare, continue to pay or increase dividends. 9International investing involves a greater degree of risk and increased volatility. Changes in currency exchange rates and differences in accounting and taxation policies outside the U.S. can raise or lower returns. Also, some overseas markets may not be as politically and economically stable as the United States and other nations. The risks associated with foreign securities are magnified in countries in "emerging markets." These countries may have relatively unstable governments and less-established market economies than developed countries. Emerging markets may face greater social, economic, regulatory and political uncertainties. These risks make emerging market securities more volatile and less liquid than securities issued in more developed countries. 3 10 All mutual funds carry a certain amount of risk. You may lose money on your investment in the Fund. Here are some of the specific risks of investing in the Fund. The price of equity securities may rise or fall because of changes in the broad market or changes in a company’s financial condition, sometimes rapidly or unpredictably. The Fund may use derivatives in connection with its investment strategies. Derivatives may be riskier than other types of investments because they may be more sensitive to changes in economic or market conditions than other types of investments and could result in losses that significantly exceed the Fund’s original investment. RETURNS: 11The quoted performance of the Fund includes performance of a predecessor fund/share class prior to the Fund's commencement of operations. Please refer to the current prospectus for further information. INDEXES DEFINED: The Russell 3000 Growth Index is an unmanaged index which measures the performance of those Russell 3000 companies (largest 3000 U.S. companies) with higher price-to-book ratios and higher forecasted growth values. The performance of the index does not reflect the deduction of expenses associated with a fund, such as investment management fees. By contrast, the performance of the Fund reflects the deduction of fund expenses, including sales charges if applicable. Investors can not invest directly in an index. The performance of the Lipper Multi-Cap Growth Funds Index includes expenses associated with a mutual fund, such as investment management fees. These expenses are not identical to the expenses charged by the Fund. The performance of the Lipper European Region Funds Index includes expenses associated with a mutual fund, such as investment management fees. These expenses are not identical to the expenses charged by the Fund. An individual cannot invest directly in an index. The MSCI World Index (net of foreign withholding taxes) is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market performance of developed markets. The performance of the index does not reflect the deduction of expenses associated with a fund, such as investment management fees. By contrast, the performance of the Fund reflects the deduction of the fund expenses, including sales charges if applicable. Total return figures assume the reinvestment of dividends. The dividend is reinvested after deduction of withholding tax, applying the maximum rate to nonresident individual investors who do not benefit from double taxation treaties. An individual cannot invest directly in an index. The Russell 1000 Growth Index is an unmanaged index which measures the performance of those Russell 1000 companies with higher priceto-book ratios and higher forecasted growth values. The performance of the index does not reflect the deduction of expenses associated with a fund, such as investment management fees. By contrast, the performance of the Fund reflects the deduction of fund expenses, including sales charges if applicable. Investors can not invest directly in an index. The performance of the Lipper Global Equity Income Funds Index includes expenses associated with a mutual fund, such as investment management fees. These expenses are not identical to the expenses charged by the Fund. An individual cannot invest directly in an index. The performance of the Lipper Large-Cap Growth Funds Index includes expenses associated with a mutual fund, such as investment management fees. These expenses are not identical to the expenses charged by the Fund. The MSCI Europe Index (net of foreign withholding taxes) is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market performance of the developed markets in Europe. The performance of the index does not reflect the deduction of expenses associated with a fund, such as investment management fees. By contrast, the performance of the Fund reflects the deduction of the fund expenses, including sales charges if applicable. Total return figures assume the reinvestment of dividends. The dividend is reinvested after deduction of withholding tax, applying the maximum rate to nonresident individual investors who do not benefit from double taxation treaties. An individual cannot invest directly in an index. Total return assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions and reflects the deduction of any sales charges, where applicable. Performance may reflect the waiver of a portion of the Fund's advisory or administrative fees for certain periods since the inception date. If fees had not been waived, performance would have been less favorable. J.P. Morgan Asset Management is the marketing name for the asset management businesses of JPMorgan Chase & Co. Those businesses include, but are not limited to, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc., Security Capital Research & Management Incorporated and J.P. Morgan Alternative Asset Management, Inc. J.P. Morgan Funds are distributed by JPMorgan Distribution Services, Inc., which is an affiliate of JPMorgan Chase & Co. Affiliates of JPMorgan Chase & Co. receive fees for providing various services to the funds. JPMorgan Distribution Services, Inc. is a member of FINRA/SIPC. ©JPMorgan Chase & Co., January 2014 PS-CATRANKINGS NOT FDIC INSURED | NO BANK GUARANTEE | MAY LOSE VALUE
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