TheCaedmonSchool After School and Music School Fall Trimester 9/22 - 12/05/14 1 CAEDMON AFTER SCHOOL FALL TRIMESTER Sept 22-Dec 5 AFTER SCHOOL 40S: 3:40 - 4:20 MON 40s TUES 40s WED 40s THURS 40s FRI 40s 3:40 - 4:20 3:40 - 4:20 3:40 - 4:20 3:40 - 4:20 3:40 - 4:20 MUSIC TOGETHER EP ONLY SPORTS JAM EP, K SPEAKIN’ SPANISH EP ONLY SPY ACADEMY EP, K GUITAR JAM EP ONLY JUNIOR YOGA EP ONLY THE LITTLE SLUGGER EP ONLY HOPPIN’ TO HEBREW EP ONLY FUN WITH FRENCH EP ONLY JUNIOR TUMBLING EP ONLY JUNIOR DRUMMING EP, K IMAGINATION JOURNEY EP, K CAEDMON PUPPETS EP, K ROCK STAR JAM EP, K AFTER SCHOOL 60S: 3:40 - 4:40 MON 60s TUES 60s WED 60s THURS 60s FRI 60s 3:40 - 4:40 3:40 - 4:40 3:40 - 4:40 3:40 - 4:40 3:40 - 4:40 MONDAY CHORUS 2ND, 3RD THEATRE PLAY JUNIOR BUILDERS K, LL EP, K CAEDMON CHEFS EP, K, 1ST BALLET DANCING EP, K, 1ST FOJ YOGA WEDNESDAY CHORUS 4TH, UL EARLY AUTHORS K, LL STORYTIME DANCE K, LL INTRO TO GERMAN EP, 1ST SPORTS MEDLEY SOCROC SALSA DANCING SEWING K, 1ST LL ONLY ML, UL THURSDAY CHESS LL, 3RD FILM MAKING ACROBATICS LL, ML LAURA INGALLS WILDER CLUB 2ND, ML THEATRE GAMES ML, UL WEDNESDAY CHESS LL, 3RD I-PAD CREATIONS ELECTRIC STRINGS ML, UL MARTIAL ARTS I PRE-ROBOTICS MARTIAL ARTS II K, 1ST K, 1ST 2ND, ML 2ND, ML 2 LL, 3RD LL, 3RD ML, UL AFTER SCHOOL 80S: 3:40 - 5:00 MON 80s TUES 80s WED 80s THURS 80s FRI 80s 3:40 - 5:00 3:40 - 5:00 3:40 - 5:00 3:40 - 5:00 3:40 - 5:00 JR GYMNASTICS% SENIOR DRUMMING* LL, ML MAKE MEANING^ ISEE PREP FENCING LL, 3RD UL ONLY ML, UL GAGA MANIA! K, 1ST BOARD GAMES STAGE ACTING# SUPER SKETCHING ML, UL 4TH, UL 2ND, ML CAEDMON HOOPS 2ND, ML SCREEN PRINTING MAD SCRABBLE RUNNERS CLUB LEGO ROBOTICS ML, UL ML, UL 4TH, UL 2ND, ML 4TH, UL % Gymnastics class held at Gymtime (80th & York Ave.) # Stage Acting class held at New Media Repertory (512 East 80th Street)) ! Gaga played at The Gaga Center (230 East 93rd Street) ^ Make Meaning is located at 1501 3rd Avenue between 84th & 85th * Class runs from 4:20 - 5:00 3 4 General Information The fall after school and music school program runs the gamut in classes featuring hobbies in the arts, sports, theatre, languages, technology, and much more. From our young Early Program children through Caedmon’s Upper Level Fifth graders, there are numerous selections certain to entice every child. Caedmon’s talented faculty will again extend their love of children past 3:30. Lower Level teacher Mrs. Benvegna has set up a workshop atmosphere for those children who like to write and have stories to tell. Early Authors will run on Thursdays and is intended for 1st through 3rd graders. Fifth grade teacher Mr. Storti returns with the popular Board Games for Middle and Upper Level students on Mondays while Early Program teacher Mr. Dimmick has a pair of creative classes on the menu – Screen Printing for Middle and Upper Level students on Mondays and Spy Academy for Early Program and Kindergarten children on Thursdays. Several fantastic new classes have made their way to Caedmon as well. Does anyone remember the television show Little House on the Prairie? One of our classes, the Laura Ingalls Wilder Club, pays special tribute to the longrunning show. Taught by art teacher Mrs. Perez, this class invites children to experience the late 19th century prairie life through the classic books that inspired the ‘70s and ‘80s hit television show. Mad Scrabble is another class making its debut on the after school menu. The benefits of increased vocabulary, spelling, math skills, and strategy are enormous and scrabble games are always fun. A few of our other new classes include Film Making and Salsa Dancing, both taught by Fifth grade teacher Mrs. Cannon; Super Sketching, led by Latin teacher Mr. McNerney; Ms. Vrazel’s I-Pad Creations, and Hoppin’ to Hebrew, led by the amazing specialists from Bilingual Birdies. With so many activities, there is definitely something for everyone. Please remember that Caedmon After School classes are 40, 60 or 80 minutes in length with pick up times at 4:20, 4:40 or 5:00. Off-site classes may run about 10 – 15 minutes later. Check the class listing carefully so you or your child’s caretaker knows when the class ends. 5 Registration All registration and payment of classes is now done online via the My Backpack page. Anyone encountering difficulties with the MyBackpack login and password should send an email to [email protected] Please note that registration cannot be accepted from families owing fees from prior terms. This will be strictly enforced. Also, for those registering for either of the two Caedmon Chorus sections, communicate your interest directly to Mr. Davidson or the After School director. There is no MyBackpack registration for Caedmon Chorus. Refunds Tuition is fully refundable until the first class. A pro-rated refund of the course fee is available prior to the third class. There are no refunds after the third class. After School Dismissal ONLY the person(s) indicated on the electronic registration form may pick up children following their After School activity. Any changes in this procedure must be provided in writing to school registrar Pauline Virella or the director. If your child is in school, but will not attend After School that day, please notify the director as well. — Andrew Kagan, Director of After School FALL TERM SCHEDULE MONDAY CLASSES (10 classes) MONDAY – 40s Music Together (Infants through EP) Whether you are new to Music Together or a veteran, you and your child are sure to love it. MT is built on the foundation of two principles: 1) that all children are musical; and 2) the parents/caregivers play a major role in this development. Start your child’s love of music with Music Together. Siblings are free. Kathleen Kilbane $295 6 Guitar Jam (EP) Watch in wonder as our youngest friends explore world culture through singing, moving, listening, and guitar playing. Classes feature award-winning curriculum, certified teaching artists, and 12 – 15 activities to develop skills and build music literacy. Each week introduces new rhythm instruments (in addition to guitar) and props for imaginative exploration. It’s a proven formula that sparks interest and builds the foundation for a life-long love of music and learning. FunikiJam Staff $495 Junior Tumbling (EP, K) For the high-energy child who loves to jump, climb, and roll, the Junior Tumbling class may be the perfect place. Students will learn basic techniques used in gymnastics to strengthen core muscles while improving balance, flexibility, stamina, and concentration. No specific tumbling outfit is required, but students should be in comfortable, casual clothing. Note: Class is taught by a Gymtime instructor, but is held on-site in Caedmon’s downstairs space. Coach Megan, Gymtime $355 MONDAY – 60s Sports Medley (K, 1st) Learn the fundamentals of individual and team sports in this active, high-energy, hands-on athletics class. Boys and girls will experience the climbing wall, soccer skills, scooter play, tag games, and much more. In addition to developing fine and gross motor skills, students will learn the value of teamwork and good sportsmanship. In short, it is an hour in the Caedmon gym of non-stop sports. What could be better? DramaZone Staff $335 Caedmon Chorus (2nd by invitation, 3rd) Young vocalists are encouraged to join Caedmon Chorus where students will develop harmony, pitch, and self-expression. In addition, students will rehearse and perform together at various school assemblies, concerts and shows. This class requires concentration, discipline and a semester-long commitment. Jeremy Davidson Free 7 Full of Joy Yoga (K, LL) Conclude the school day with this amazing journey of physical exploration and wonder. Students will increase balance, strength, flexibility, concentration, and breath awareness while learning a myriad of fun poses and exercises. Language development, social interaction, and respect for the earth are just some of the other many benefits. Drew Kindred $295 I-Pad Creations (2nd, ML) Students will have the opportunity to create their own electronic stories using a host of fun apps on the iPad. These include Do Ink, where the student can create a library of drawings and animations, and Givit, the easy to use video-editing app that also allows the user to share his videos. Technology has never been so much fun. Mary Beth Vrazel $315 Film Making (ML, UL) If you are intrigued by movies and want to know how they are made, this is the class for you. All elements of movie production will be introduced, including screenwriting, acting, camera work, directing, and editing. Students will make their own short films over the course of the term and will celebrate in grand style with a film festival to showcase their work. Hitchcock, Spielberg, and Cameron were all kids once, too. Zhanna Cannon $335 MONDAY – 80s Junior Gymnastics (K, 1st) In this class for the emerging gymnast, students will learn and build upon basic tumbling, uneven bar, balance beam, Tumble Trak, and vault skills. Children will practice on regulation size Olympic equipment at one of the finest gymnastic centers in the city. All teachers are USA certified gymnastic coaches. Note: Class is held at Gymtime (1520 York Avenue) with after school staff chaperoning the children to and from Gymtime. Gymtime Staff $435 8 Screen Printing (ML, UL) Combine your interest in drawing and painting with clothing design in this most unique and colorful art class. In a step-by-step process, students will bring their ideas from paper to clothing material. Children can stick with their own designs, create embroidery, or work on icons or logos. Whatever their imaginations conjure up can be brought to life in this class. Levon Dimmick $375 Board Games (ML, UL) Character-building games like Dominion, Pandemic, Alhambra, and The Settlers of Catan will challenge each student’s focus and executive functioning as they square off in this ultimate games class. Students will also learn cooperation, how to handle adversity, sportsmanship, demeanor and grace; lessons that go far beyond this after school class. Bryan Storti $355 TUESDAY CLASSES (10 classes) TUESDAY – 40s Sports Jam (EP) Future champions never stop moving with this innovative program that celebrates sports and music from around the world. Build teamwork and athleticism with jumping, running, balance, and agility challenges. Jam with musical instruments and equipment like hoops, balls, frisbees, and inflatable guitars. FunikiJam Staff $495 Junior Yoga (EP) Conclude the school day with this amazing journey of physical exploration and wonder. Students will increase balance, strength, flexibility, concentration, and breath awareness while learning a myriad of fun poses and exercises. Language development, social interaction and respect for the earth are just some of the other many benefits. Yogi Beans $355 9 Junior Drumming (EP, K) This introductory in-line drumming class will teach the basics of snare drumming and group performance in a fun and engaging atmosphere. Our young drummers will establish the beat while learning stick grip, beginning exercises, rhythms, and fundamental music concepts. Jared Soldiviero $495 TUESDAY – 60s SocRoc – Soccer classes for kids (LL) Former professional soccer player James Christie has designed this unique program that combines the fundamentals of soccer with a series of ageappropriate and fun fitness games. Young soccer players learn the basics of trapping, passing, and scoring in addition to playing fun games like Bulldozer; Red-Light, Green-Light and Freeze Tag. SocRoc Staff $335 Storytime Dance (K, LL) This class teaches students dance fundamentals while also improving comprehension, performance skills, and an understanding of character. By structuring learning in direct partnership with a story, students learn to connect their movements to specific characters, emotions, and themes while collaborating to achieve a performance goal. An in-class performance for parents concludes the class. Design Dance $335 Electric Strings (ML, UL) This class introduces the rock and pop genre to violin and cello players. Students will learn to play electric instruments while understanding the use of digital effects on the music. Areas of focus include pentatonic and blues scales, rock harmonic vocabulary, and rock articulation. Pre-recorded tracks will simulate the experience of playing with a live band. This is a highly specialized class and the only one of its kind in the New York City metro area. Note: Only students with a minimum of two years of private cello or violin lessons may register. Susan Aquila $545 10 Acrobatics (LL, ML) Children will increase strength and flexibility as this class incorporates many of the movements of dance, gymnastics, yoga, improvisation, martial arts, and body awareness in a completely unique and fun way. Our young acrobats will be put through a physically challenging but thoroughly engaging workout. It’s not to be missed. Note: Students must change into gymnastics clothing or similar athletics attire prior to class. DramaZone Staff $335 Theatre Play (K, LL) Build strong group dynamics and emotional literacy through the theatrical creative process. Students will participate in improvisational exercises that warm up their bodies and minds as well as explore the hands on artistic elements of theatre, such as mask making. By the end of the term, students will have learned basic aspects of theatre and will have gained experience both sharing and stepping into the spotlight. Elizabeth Swearingen $335 TUESDAY – 80s Stage Acting (4th & UL only) Veteran actress and playwright Miranda McDermott opens the doors of a genuine theatre experience to Caedmon students. Children interested in furthering the acting technique, characterization, scene study, and improvisation will flourish in this class. Development of creative writing skills and end of term presentations in front of a live audience are just some of the highlights. Note: Stage Acting is held off-site at New Media Repertory (512 East 80th Street). After school staff will escort the students to and from the class. Miranda McDermott $445 Senior Drumming (LL, ML) This intermediate level in-line drumming class will teach the basics of snare drumming and group performance in a fun and engaging atmosphere. Our drummers will establish the beat while learning stick grip, beginning exercises, rhythms, and fundamental music concepts. Note: Class will be held from 4:20 – 5:00. Jared Soldiviero $495 11 Mad Scrabble (ML, UL) The beloved board game Scrabble is now available to our students. Middle and Upper Level children can work on spelling, increase their vocabulary, and sharpen math skills just by playing Scrabble. In addition to the academic benefits, there’s a great deal of strategy involved in choosing which tiles to use and where to place them. Whether familiar with the game or a Scrabble novice, it’s sure to be a hit with your child. Matt Vescovi and Peter Barkman $385 WEDNESDAY CLASSES (9 classes) WEDNESDAY – 40s The Little Slugger (EP) Grab your bats, balls, and gloves and head to the diamond in this thrilling baseball class for the little ones. Children will learn to hit, field, throw, and run the bases like the pros in this physically active class. Padded bats and soft, oversized balls provide all the safety and encouragement needed to bring out the baseball star. DramaZone Staff $295 Imagination Journey (EP, K) Children are the producers, directors, and stars in this exploratory voyage to magical places only children’s imaginations can go. This one-of-a-kind class is filled with a variety of movement games and songs. It’s a fun and dramatic class perfect for young boys and girls who like to express themselves. DramaZone Staff $295 Speakin’ Spanish (EP) Hola! Using interactive songs, movement, dance, puppetry, and an assortment of engaging props, students will become engrossed in Spanish language and culture. This lively class features a myriad of multi-sensory approaches to teach Spanish words, phrases, expressions, and more to young children. Bilingual Birdies $335 12 WEDNESDAY – 60s Junior Builders (EP, K) If you like working with tools and you’ve got a knack for construction, you’ll want to be part of the Junior Builders team. Students will learn all the basics of woodworking, including cutting, sanding, and hammering with age-appropriate tools and under close supervision. Children get to wear a nifty tool belt as they work all term at their projects. April Milton $285 Wednesday Chess (LL, 3rd) For both introductory and intermediate level chess players, this class teaches all the basic principles of the game, including pieces, positions, and strategy and then pairs off all of our players in instructive, but challenging games against their peers. Novice players will advance to game level only when they are ready while more experienced players can begin to test their abilities in week one. Selfdiscipline, concentration, focus, and patience are just some of the great benefits afforded in chess. Mary Beth Vrazel $285 Caedmon Chorus (4th Grade, UL) Fourth and Fifth-grade vocalists are encouraged to join Caedmon Chorus where students will develop harmony, pitch, and self-expression. This class requires concentration, discipline, and a semester-long commitment. In addition, students will rehearse and perform together at various school assemblies, concerts, and shows. Note: New students must receive permission from Mr. Davidson. Jeremy Davidson Free Martial Arts I (K, 1st) This introductory martial arts class teaches focus, discipline, and respect through an array of fun physical and mental challenges. With more than 25 years of teaching experience, Sifu Donald Tampubolon, an owner of nine black belts himself, has crafted an exciting program for young children that will help them achieve balance, strength, agility, and confidence, all while having fun. Donald Tampubolon $335 13 Salsa Dancing (ML, UL) If you like to move and are hungry for a Latin beat, then Salsa Dancing is the place for you. Students will experience the culture of Cuban and Puerto Rican dance by learning the steps associated with the popular dance movement. It’s not only fun, but a quality workout. Salsa dancing is an excellent group activity. No experience necessary, but don’t be surprised if you find yourself getting hooked. Zhanna Cannon $285 WEDNESDAY – 80s Make Meaning (LL, 3rd) Called “a candy shop for creativity” by Time Out New York Kids, Make Meaning is the premier DIY crafts store. Its upper eastside location will continue to welcome Caedmon children this fall. Each week, students will create an assortment of beautiful projects including candle molds, custom bars of soap, glass design, and everyone’s favorite, cake decoration. Note: A Caedmon teacher accompanies the children on the bus and stays with the students throughout the class. There will be all new projects this fall. Melissa Watter, Make Meaning Staff $395 Super Sketching (2nd, ML) By drawing from various works of art, photographs, nature, and still life around them, students will dedicate themselves to this focused activity that develops visual thinking skills. Concentration is key as children learn to sketch what they see. Drawing skills will naturally improve as children choose for themselves what they would like to draw each week. Dan McNerney $335 Runners Club (4th, UL) Join 4th grade teacher and running enthusiast Ms. Fisher on various jaunts through Carl Schurz Park and Central Park in this class with great physical and social benefits. Children will improve their running stride, pace, and stamina while handling the hills, steps, and long stretches that are the hallmarks of these two Manhattan parks. It’s a fun way to enjoy the outdoors this fall. Lauren Fisher $315 14 THURSDAY CLASSES (9 classes) THURSDAY – 40s Spy Academy (EP, K) Children will learn what it means to be a real secret agent in this hands-on course that incorporates physical play, ingenuity, and design thinking. Students will use their own skills of observation and reasoning to figure out clues and eventually solve the mystery. Numerous art projects and games will be used to help stimulate ideas as our young cadets evolve into seasoned agents. Levon Dimmick $285 Hoppin’ to Hebrew (EP) Young children will be introduced to the Hebrew language and culture in this multisensory class that uses songs, costumes, props, and exploratory games. Bilingual Birdies successfully uses music to teach children a foreign language. It’s fun, interactive, engaging, and useful. Bilingual Birdies $335 Caedmon Puppets (EP, K) In a wonderful mix of art, theatre, and storytelling, students will learn the concepts of mask making and puppets by constructing and designing their own characters. In addition to the masks, students will make hand-and-rod and sock puppets, Japanese Bunraku, Classic Marionette, and many others. It’s a class not to be missed. Gladys Maldonado $315 THURSDAY – 60s Thursday Chess (LL, 3rd) For both introductory and intermediate level chess players, this class teaches all the basic principles of the game, including pieces, positions, and strategy and then pairs off all of our players in instructive, but challenging games against their peers. Novice players will advance to game level only when they are ready while more experienced players can begin to test their abilities in week one. Selfdiscipline, concentration, focus, and patience are just some of the great benefits afforded in chess. Mary Beth Vrazel $285 15 Caedmon Chefs (EP, K, 1st) Become the star in the kitchen in this tasteful course. Students will have a lot of fun as they learn the basic culinary art of food preparation and presentation. From mixing to chopping to seasoning to baking, students will be taught how to blend all the ingredients so the meals turns out just right. Joyce Schneider $335 Early Authors (LL, 3rd) Young scribes will find their home in this creative writing workshop. Students will learn the key ingredients in formulating a story, including characters, plot, conflict, and themes. Even as children are just learning the mechanics of writing, the ideas are always present and this class provides them the perfect platform to bring them to the paper. Kim Benvegna $285 Laura Ingalls Wilder Club (2nd, ML) Although best known as a heart-warming television show of the ’70 and ‘80s, the best-selling Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder remain a classic and a must-read family drama. In this class, students will listen to, read, and discuss Little House on the Prairie. The children will make the toys that Laura and her sisters played with, cook their dishes, do needle work of the time period, and listen to the songs Pa played on his fiddle. Pilar Perez-Yepes $295 Pre-Robotics (K, 1st) Learn the basics of building and experimenting with science using Lego, battery boxes, and robots. Students will use their own imagination to innovate and create, and will then design and construct their very own robots. Having a lot of fun along the way, students will work through several motorized projects while developing critical math and science skills. RoboFun Staff $335 16 THURSDAY – 80s Caedmon Hoops (2nd, ML) Emerging basketball stars take over the Caedmon gym in this weekly basketball clinic delivered by Mo’ Motion. Children will learn the basics of passing, shooting, and dribbling, the key fundamentals in becoming an all-around basketball player. This 80-minute class is for the serious-minded young athlete who strives to become a player on the court. It’s a great way to prepare for the winter basketball season. All sessions include real full-court games. Mo’ Motion Staff $355 ISEE Prep (UL) Keep the children at Caedmon for this ultimate test prep class that will not only sharpen your children’s math, verbal, and writing skills in preparation for the big day, but will demystify the challenge by assessing and then working with each student’s individual needs. In addition, our fifth graders will be best equipped to attack the exam strategically and, most importantly, manage test stress. UL faculty, Thinking Caps Staff $385 Lego Robotics (2nd, ML) In this more advanced robotics class, students will learn basic computer programming as they instruct their robots to perform a variety of functions. By concentrating on sturdy building blocks and programs that are multi-sensory, students will learn all the nuts and bolts about programming with almost no limit to the tasks your robots can do. RoboFun Staff $355 FRIDAY CLASSES (9 classes) FRIDAY – 40s Rock Star Jam (EP) Young rockers get schooled in the 3R’s: rhythm, riffin’, and rhyme as they tour through the “decades of rock.” They give voice to a new generation by creating and performing original works. Each session features rock-inspired activities like rock-til-ya-drop dance parties, tambourine time, hand drumming, rock vocals, and keyboards. FunikiJam Staff $445 17 Fun with French (EP) Bonjour! Using interactive songs, movement, dance, puppetry, and an assortment of engaging props, students will become engrossed in French language and culture. This lively class features a myriad of multi-sensory approaches to teach French words, phrases, expressions, and more to young children. Bilingual Birdies $335 FRIDAY – 60s Intro to German (EP, K, 1st) Guten Tag! Let experienced German and Early Program teacher Stephanie Messing lead the way in this German immersion class where students will learn quickly to communicate in German language only. The German people have been at the center of European culture for centuries and now Caedmon children have the opportunity to taste some of that culture in this fun and academic setting. Both new and returning German students are welcome. Danke. Stephanie Messing $295 Martial Arts II (2nd, ML) Sifu Donald Tampubolon, a martial arts instructor with more than 25 years of teaching experience and the owner of nine black belts, has designed this course for both the beginner and intermediate level martial arts student. Children will learn all the punches, kicks, elbow strikes, and defensive stances necessary for martial arts proficiency. It’s a physically engaging workout with great benefits in focus, balance, core strength, and discipline. Donald Tampubolon $315 Ballet Dancing (EP, K, 1st grade) This graceful and flowing style of dance continues at Caedmon. Learn basic barre exercises including plies and eleves. Girls are required to wear a black leotard, pink tights and pink ballet slippers. Boys must wear black tights, a white T-shirt, and black ballet slippers. Long hair should be pulled back. Both new and returning students are welcome. Ariella Goldberg $315 18 Theatre Games (ML, UL) Professional actor and improvisation performer Kirk Stevens brings his high-energy program to Caedmon in this non-stop display of creativity and imagination. Children will develop their listening and communication skills while also improving focus, confidence, and expression. It’s a great physical and mental workout that will leave each child both amused and exhausted with fun. Kirk Stevens $315 Sewing (LL, 3rd) Creating through the delicate art of sewing has never been so much fun. Students will construct their very own projects such as a stuffed animal, pillow, doll, and handbag, all made from bright and colorful fabrics. Best of all, students get to keep all of their creations. No sewing experience is necessary. Nelly Agron $335 FRIDAY – 80s Fencing (ML, UL) For both the new and experienced fencer, this group class is the perfect format to develop coordination, muscle strength, flexibility, focus, and high mental discipline. Students will learn the fundamentals of stance, lunge, retreat, and a myriad of other fencing maneuvers that are the building blocks of this exciting sport. All equipment will be provided. Empire United Fencing $355 Gaga Mania! (4th, UL) Gaga is a fast paced, high-energy sport played in an octagonal pit. Played with a soft foam ball, this safe game combines the skills of dodging, striking, running, and jumping, while trying to hit opponents with a ball below the knees. Players need to keep moving to avoid getting hit by the ball. Fun and easy, all children get a serious workout. Note: Class is held at The Gaga Center (230 East 93rd Street). After school will provide round-trip transportation. Gaga Center Coaches $475 19 2014-2015 CAEDMON AFTER SCHOOL AND MUSIC SCHOOL CALENDAR CAEDMON AFTER SCHOOL FALL TRIMESTER CALENDAR MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT SEPTEMBER 222324 X X X OCTOBER 29 301234 678910X X 1415161718 202122232425 2728293031 1 NOVEMBER 345678 10 X X 131415 171819202122 2425XXXX DECEMBER 123456 TOTALS 10 109998 20 CAEDMON AFTER SCHOOL WINTER TRIMESTER CALENDAR MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT DECEMBER 8 9 10111213 15161718 X X JANUARY X678910 1213141516 X X 2021222324 262728293031 FEBRUARY 234567 9 10111213 X X X 18192021 232425262728 MARCH 2345 7 9 1011121314 TOTALS 9 11121211 9 CAEDMON AFTER SCHOOL SPRING TRIMESTER CALENDAR MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT APRIL X 31 1 2 X X 678910 11 131415161718 202122232425 27282930 1 2 MAY 456789 11 X X 141516 1819202122 X X 2627282930 JUNE 123456 TOTALS 8991098 21 MAKING MUSIC IS FOR EVERYONE. THE CAEDMON MUSIC SCHOOL IS OPEN TO STUDENTS OF ALL AGES AND ABILITIES, AS WELL AS BEING A COMMUNITY-WIDE RESOURCE TO ALL THOSE RESIDING IN THE NEW YORK CITY AREA. THE BEST KEPT SECRET ON THE UPPER EAST SIDE! The Caedmon Music School Music education is a joyful and enriching experience, which enables us to find both beauty in the world and give voice to our thoughts and feelings. We are proud to offer private lessons for piano, violin, voice, guitar, cello, flute, saxophone, recorder, rock guitar, rock drums and keyboard. The Funikijam Guitar Jam, Sports Jam, Rock Star Jam, and Junior Drumming classes are offered for the little ones, and classes in Electric Rock Strings and Senior Drumming are perfect for older children. Performance recitals occur twice during the year. No experience is necessary. All that one needs is a love of music and a desire to learn. Adults are welcome for all private lessons that we offer. The Caedmon Music School is fortunate to have a faculty of highly qualified teachers with years of both teaching and performance experience. We invite you to review their impressive bios in the brochure. “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” —Plato 22 THE CAEDMON MUSIC SCHOOL Faculty Bios [PIANO] Jason Andrews, a Texas native, performs in solo piano, vocal, and chamber music recitals. Mr. Andrews has performed in many of New York City’s noted venues including the Weill Recital Hall and Isaac Stern Auditorium at Carnegie Hall, Avery Fisher Hall, Alice Tully Hall, Radio City Music Hall, Symphony Space, Steinway Hall, and CAMI Hall. Mr. Andrews is a frequent performer for the Saint Alban’s Recital Series, having performed both with the orchestra and chorus for the series and solo recitals. He attended the Sam Houston State University and the Manhattan School of Music, where he received a Bachelor of Arts and Masters Degree in Music for piano performance. Ages 4 and older Adults welcome [VIOLIN] Susan Aquila has performed solo and chamber music recitals at the White House for Presidents George Bush and Bill Clinton. Here in New York City, she has played concerts at the Weill and Merkin Concert Halls, in addition to playing for numerous Broadway shows including Wicked, The Lion King, and Annie Get Your Gun. Ms. Aquila can be heard on album recordings and movie soundtracks for Columbia Records, A&M Records, Sony Records, and Silvercup Studios. Her artistic vision and crossover styles have garnered her appearances on Good Morning America, Live With Regis and Kelly, Late Night with David Letterman, and the Today Show. Ms. Aquila attended the Julliard School, Rice University, Queens College, and Princeton University. She has been on the faculty at Brooklyn College, The Brooklyn Conservatory of Music, The Huntington Suzuki School and The Sylvan Academy of Music. Ages 4 and older Adults welcome 23 Electric String Rock Class (2nd-5th Grades) NEW! This class introduces the rock and pop genre to violin and cello players. Students will learn to play electric instruments and use electric and digital effects. The class will focus on pentatonic scales, rock harmonic vocabulary and rock articulation. There will be a strong emphasis on learning improvisation. Students will work with pre-recorded tracks to emulate playing with a live band. This is a highly specialized class and the only one of its kind in the New York City metropolitan area! This class includes the use of electric violin instruments. Note: Students must have at least two years of private lessons experience. Tuesdays 3:40-4:40pm $545 Brian Barrentine, a Georgian native, Nashville musician and a New York actor, is an award winning arts program producer who specializes in education and entertainment for young children and their families. Educational credits include writer/lead teacher for Gymboree Music, Early Childhood Director for Brooklyn Conservatory, and Director of teacher training and professional development for the Manhattan Institute of Music Education. His dynamic performance and teaching style inspired the creation of “Funikijam” Music in 1999. Funikijam—Get smart. Get fun. Join the “Funikijam” Fall World Party with award winning musical exploration classes at Caedmon! Award winning curriculum brings world cultures to life with rhythm, dance, singing, instrument play, beginning music literacy and music stories. Each class presents 12-15 activities. Enrollment includes a Funikijam World Part CD. Rock Star Jam (3-5 year olds) NEW! Young rockers get schooled in the three R’s: rhythm, riffin’, and rhyme, as they tour through the ‘decades of rock’. They give voice to a new generation by creating and performing original works. Each session features rock inspired activities such as rock til-ya-drop dance parties, tambourine time, hand drumming, rock vocals and keyboards. Let your little one become a rock star! Fridays, 3:40-4:20pm $445 Sports Jam (3-5year olds) NEW! Future champions never stop moving with this innovative program that celebrates sports and music from around the world. Build teamwork and athleticism with jumping, running, balance and agility challenges. Jam with musical instruments and equipment like hoops, balls, frisbees, and inflatable guitars. Each week culminates in a showcase performance/demonstration for families. Tuesdays 3:40-4:20pm $495 24 Guitar Jam (3-5 year olds) NEW! Young musicians get a jump -start on private lessons in this hands-on guitar class from Funikijam Music. With an emphasis on individual expression and ensemble play, students explore world culture through singing, moving, listening and guitar playing. Repertoire features indigenous music from around the world combined with original Funikijam rhymes, chants, stories and songs. Each session features award -winning curriculum, certified teaching artists, and 12-15 activities to develop skills and build music literacy. Each week introduces new rhythmic instruments (in addition to guitar) and props for imaginative exploration. The idea is to spark interest and build the foundation for a life-long love of music and learning. Small guitars are provided for the children to learn on in this class by the Caedmon school. Mondays 3:40-4:20pm $495 [VOICE] Mary Bowen performs opera, oratorio and solo recitals. She has sung leading roles with opera companies such as New York City Opera at Lincoln Center, The Santa Fe Opera Company, Opera Ireland, Opera de Zapopan (Mexico), Des Moines Metro Opera, Dayton Opera and Opera Southwest. She has appeared as a soloist on the concert stage with the Venice Baroque Orchestra at BAM, Alpha Omega Ensemble, Kentucky Symphony, Tulsa Philharmonic and the Lima Symphony Orchestra, just to name a few. She recently debuted at Carnegie Hall as the mezzo soloist in Beethoven’s Mass in C and in recital at New York City’s Trinity Church series. Ms. Bowen has taught healthy singing in her private voice studio throughout her career to all ages and levels of experience and in all genres of music. Ms. Bowen holds a Master of Music in voice and an Artist Diploma in Opera Performance from the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and a Bachelor of Music in voice from the University of Texas. Ages 5 and older Adults welcome 25 [PIANO] Jiuan-Jiuan Chiou is the recipient of the Norman Stanley Smith Award for Outstanding Achievement in Piano Pedagogy in New York City. She has won first prize in the Taiwan Piano Competition, and second prize in the Tainan Piano Competition. As one of the most sought after piano teachers in the New York City area, Ms. Chiou has produced students that have received acclaimed awards with performances at the Kennedy Center, debuts at the World Journal, Merkin Concert Hall, and Steinway Hall, to name a few. Ms. Chiou has been on the faculty at the 92nd Street Y, Blessed Sacrament School, and P.S. 207. She holds degrees from the Dalcroze School of Music, Julliard Summer Music Dalcroze Institute, a B.A. from Tung-Hi University in Taiwan, and a Masters of Music and Professional Studies diploma from the Manhattan School of Music. Ages 3 and older Adults welcome [PIANO] Vivian Choi has performed extensively throughout Australia, Europe, Russia, North America and Asia. The recipient of many awards, she is the First prize winner of the Maria Yudina International Piano Competition (Russia), G.A Fano Prize at the Guido Alberto Fano International Piano Competiiton (Italy), the Peter De Grote International Music Competition (Netherlands), and the Dobrich-Albena International Music Competition (Bulgaria). Her debut album was released on the St Petersburg Musical Archives Northern Flowers label with critical acclaim. Ms Choi received her formal musical training at the St Petersburg Conservatory in Russia, graduating summa cum laude. She holds a Masters of Music and Graduate Diploma from the New England Conservatory, and Artist Diploma from Carnegie Mellon University. Vivian Choi has been a juror in many piano competitions throughout the US, including the Music Teachers National Association Piano Competition. A much sought-after pedagogue, she has been invited to teach master classes at the Accademia Filarmonica di Camposampiero in Italy and the Australian International Conservatorium of Music in Sydney. Currently, Vivian Choi also serves on the piano faculty at Concordia Conservatory in New York. Ages 3 and older Adults welcome 26 [VIOLIN] Paula Flatow, an experienced performer, teacher and Director of the Caedmon Music School, is a much sought after freelance violinist in the New York City area. Ms. Flatow has performed with the American Symphony Orchestra, St. Ignatius Orchestra, Northeastern PA Philharmonic, Oratorio Society, Musica Sacra, Stamford Symphony, Grace Church Chorale, and the NY Gilbert & Sullivan Players. She has been featured in both films and TV including August Rush, Confessions of a Shopaholic, Gossip Girls, the NBC pilot Kings and most recently the hit show 666 Park Avenue. Performances with artists have included Last Play at Shea with Billy Joel, Josh Groban, Aretha Franklin, and Johnny Matthis, to name a few. Broadway credits include Radio City, Miss Saigon, Titanic, Peter Pan, The Lion King, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, Showboat and The Boy From Oz. Ms. Flatow was a recipient of the Edward B. Stein Award and the Helena Rubenstein Award. She holds a B.A. from Boston University and a Masters of Music from the Manhattan School of Music. Ages 3 and older Adults welcome [RECORDER/FLUTE] Clare Hoffman has toured the United States, Europe and Asia, performing in major concert halls. Recent engagements include the Berkshire Bach Society in Tanglewood, Bang on a Can Festival at Lincoln Center, Cutting Edge in New York City, Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir and Tallinn Chamber Orchestra at Lincoln Center Great Performers Series, Scandia Symphony, and Bronx Arts Ensemble. She has recorded for television, film, RCA and High Harmony Records. Ms. Hoffman received her BM from the Mannes College of Music, studied at L’École d’Été in France with legendary French flutists Jean-Pierre Rampal, Alain Marion, Samuel Baron, and Julius Baker. She is both co-founder and artistic director of the award-winning Grand Canyon Music Festival, and serves on the faculty of Concordia College Conservatory and The Dalton School. Ages 4 and older (recorder) Ages 8 and older (flute) Adults welcome 27 [PIANO] Katia Kravits is one of the most sought after collaborative pianists today. She has performed both as a soloist and chamber music collaborator with various musicians in her native Russia and throughout Europe, North America, and Israel. Ms. Kravits gave her first recital at age eight and by age eleven was the winner of numerous competitions for young musicians, including the renowned Tchaikovsky Piano Competition for young musicians in Klin, Russia. She received her Bachelor and Master of Music degrees and graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Tel-Aviv Academy of Music. Ms. Kravits has served on the faculty of the Sharon Music Academy, the Third Street Music School, and the Piano School of New York. She has been on the faculty of The Browning School, and is a chamber music coach for the New York Youth Symphony. Ages 4 and older Adults welcome [ROCK GUITAR, ROCK BASS GUITAR, ROCK DRUMS] JJ Murphy is a 20 year veteran of the rock n’ roll music business, and happens to be a popular member of the Caedmon School faculty. Mr. Murphy has held numerous jobs in the music industry, including being a performer, songwriter, record producer, a recording engineer, and an A&R representative. He has toured throughout the United States and Europe with various artists and has appeared on well over fifty professional recordings. In addition to teaching Kindergarten at the Caedmon School, he continues to perform at New York City venues, recording studios, and with touring acts. Ages 5 and older Adults welcome [ROCK/JAZZ GUITAR] Joel Peralta began his formal study of music at age seven, playing the classical piano under the direction of the late City College professor Roger Verdesi. Developing strong skills in music theory and composition, Mr. Peralta began playing the guitar, learning several different styles of music that range from rock to jazz. As an undergraduate student at The University of Vermont, he studied guitar with Paul Asbell. Mr. Peralta has performed in local venues and currently studies jazz guitar with Allan Jaffe. He is a graduate student during the summer at Middlebury College and a Spanish teacher at The Caedmon School. Mr. Peralta is very excited to join our faculty. Ages 5 and older Adults welcome 28 [CELLO/SUZUKI AND TRADITIONAL] Amy Ralske began her studies of the cello at age 8. She is a well sought after teacher and performer having played on Broadway in Elton John’s and Tim Rice’s Aida, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, 9 to 5, Green Day’s American Idiot. She currently holds the cello chair at the popular show, Motown the Musical. Her vast performance experience includes The American Ballet Theater, The American Symphony Orchestra, The New York Pops, and the New Jersey Symphony. In addition, Ms. Ralske has performed and recorded with many popular artists including wSheryl Crow, Hall and Oates, Barbara Streisand, and Harry Connick Jr. Ms, Ralske attended the Juilliard Pre-college as a student of Harvey Shapiro, and holds a BM from the Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University and a MM from Rice University, holding a teaching fellowship as an assistant to Shirley Trepel. Ages 4 and older Adults welcome [ROCK GUITAR] Adam Schlessinger is currently a full-time teacher at The Caedmon School. He has completed undergraduate work in child and adolescent development and graduate work in special education. In addition to his work and studies in education, Mr. Schlessinger is a professional actor having worked in stage, screen, and radio. He has studied theater at H.B. Studios, The American Academy of Dramatic Arts, and with the Atlantic Theatre Company. He has a love of teaching that will resonate with students of all ages! Ages 5 and older Adults welcome [KEYBOARD/PIANO] David Sklar, professional piano/keyboard player and music instructor, is a graduate of the Manhattan School of Music and Berklee College of Music. His style of teaching has been developed over the last 16 years and is very unique. His students have gone on to win competitions, and awards, and gain acceptance into major conservatories. In addition to teaching piano, Mr. Sklar has composed music for independent films, and has released two albums. His music has been featured on radio stations throughout the country and has been performed in numerous concert venues. Ages 5 and older Adults welcome 29 [SAXOPHONE] NEW! Brad Slepian, one of our beloved teachers at the Caedmon School has been enjoying the saxophone since elementary school. As a student of Joel Levy, Mr. Slepian studied the saxophone throughout high school and performed in his high school marching band. He then continued his saxophone studies throughout college with both private saxophone lessons and jazz improvisation. Mr. Slepian received his undergraduate degree in business and economics, with a major in marketing. In addition, he received a Masters in childhood education and students with disabilities, grades 1-6. Ages 5 and older Adults welcome [CLASSICAL/POP GUITAR] Michael Cedric Smith appears in recitals and chamber music concerts in both New York City and across the country. He has performed contemporary American chamber music as a guest artist with the St. Luke’s Chamber Ensemble at the Guggenheim Museum, with the New York University Chamber Players at Merkin Concert Hall, and in solo recitals at Carnegie’s Weill Hall. Mr. Smith brings a warm and easy style to teaching and performing. His students have been accepted at leading music schools, colleges, and graduate programs. Mr. Smith serves on the faculty of CUNY/New York Technical College and has taught at the University of South Carolina, the National Summer Guitar Workshop, and the Interlochen Center for the Arts in Michigan. He is a graduate of the Peabody Conservatory. Ages 5 and older Adults welcome [ROCK DRUMS] Jared Soldiviero, percussionist and drummer, enjoys a multi-faceted career in his hometown of New York City. Mr. Soldiviero performs with Ensemble ACJW, Newband, Argento, St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, ICE, and Alarm Will Sound. As an orchestral musician, he is Principal Timpanist at Crested Butte Music Festival in Colorado and has performed with the symphonies of Vermont, Springfield, Stamford, and Albany, as well as American Ballet Theater and New York Philharmonic. Mr. Soldiviero has taken part in numerous premieres at the Lucerne Festival under Pierre Boulez and with St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, Newband, Alarm Will Sound, and Wordless Music. Ensemble XII, of which he is an original member, has premiered nearly a dozen commissions for large percussion ensemble. Mr. Soldiviero was an inaugural fellow of the Academy at Carnegie Hall and has toured with Ensemble ACJW, performing interactive concerts for young audiences around the world. Mr. Soldiviero holds a B.M. and Masters of Music degree from The Juilliard School, where he was a student of Roland Kohloff and Gordon Gottlieb. Ages 5 and older Adults welcome 30 Junior Drumming Class (3-5 year olds) NEW! A new and exciting opportunity for beginning drummers to learn and play together! “In Line Drumming” will teach students the basics of snare drumming and group performance. They will learn stick grip, beginning exercises, rhythms and fundamental musical concepts in a fun and engaging atmosphere. Rudiments (the “musical scales” of the drum) will be taught, along with call-andresponse exercises and other musical activities. Don’t miss out on the fun! (This class includes the cost of all instruments and equipment). Tuesdays 3:40-4:20pm $495 Senior Drumming Class (1st-3rd Grade) NEW! Tuesdays 4:20-5pm $495 [TRUMPET] Thomas Verchot, a New York City based trumpeter, has played solo recitals at the Church of the Heavenly Rest, the Church of St. Thomas More, and the First Unitarian Church of Brooklyn Heights. He is principal trumpet for the Amor Artis Orchestra, and the Orchestra of the S.E.M. Ensemble. He performs with the New York City Opera Orchestra, Opera Orchestra of New York, Brooklyn Philharmonic, New Jersey Symphony, Philharmonia Virtuosi, Bach Aria Group, Orchestra of St. Ignatius Loyola, Greenwich Symphony, Springfield Symphony, and Opera New Jersey. In addition to being a member of the New Philharmonic of New Jersey and the Modern Brass Quintet, Mr. Verchot is a dedicated music educator. He has taught trumpet at The Allen Stevenson School, The Fieldston School, the New Jersey Youth Orchestra, the Vermont Youth Orchestra, and holds a K-12 certification for Music in New Jersey. Ages 8 and older Adults welcome 31 32 33 CALENDAR FALL TRIMESTER 2014 Music Lessons and School Calendar FALL TERM 2014 Monday, September 22 After School Music Lessons/Classes Fall Trimester Begins Thursday, September 25-Sunday, September 28 No Music Lessons/Classes School Closed (Rosh Hashanah) Saturday, Ocotober 11-Monday, October 13 No Music Lessons/Classes School Closed (Columbus Day Weekend) Tuesday, November 11-Wednesday, November 12 No Music Lessons/Classes (Family Conferences) Wednesday, November 26-Sunday, November 30 No Music Lessons/Classes School Closed (Thanksgiving Break) Sunday, December 7 Fall After School Music Trimester Ends Monday, December 8 After School Music Lessons/Classes Winter Trimester Begins School Policies & Procedures Contact Information Email: [email protected] Caedmon Music School Phone: 212-879-2296 ext. 399, (leave message) Director of the Caedmon Music School: Paula A. Flatow Registration Registrations for After School private music lessons and group classes are processed online at My Backpack. All families have received a log in and password. For additional information, please send an email to [email protected] Tardiness/Missed Lessons Students who are late for a lesson will not receive their full lesson time. Lessons missed by a student due to illness will be rescheduled if 24-hour notice is given to the teacher and a mutually agreeable time can be found. Lessons missed for reasons other than illness and family emergencies will not be rescheduled. There are no refunds for missed lessons and there are no makeup lessons for missed group classes. All teacher absences will be made up. 34 *Makeup Lesson Policy Please contact your private teacher to arrange for makeup lessons on a mutually agreeable day and time. *All makeup lessons must be completed by the end of each trimester. Refunds Tuition is fully refundable until the first lesson/class. A pro-rated refund of the trimester/class fee is available prior to the third class. There are no refunds after the third class. Tuition Full payment must be made at the time of online registration. Please see the following charts for pricing for private music lessons and group classes for the payment due. 35 AFTER SCHOOL MUSIC CLASS SCHEDULE MONDAYS TUESDAYS 3:40-4:20PM GUITAR JAM 3:40-4:20PM SPORTS JAM 3-5 year olds $495 3-5 year olds $495 — — — 3:40-4:20PM JUNIOR DRUMMING 3-5 year olds $495 3:40-4:40PM ELECTRIC STRINGS 2nd-5th Grade $545 4:20-5:00PM SENIOR DRUMMING 1st-3rd Grade $495 WEDNESDAYS THURSDAYS FRIDAYS 3:40-4:20PM ROCK STAR JAM — — — — — — — — — — — *EP Early Program (for Caedmon students only) *3-5 years old (for non-Caedmon students) 36 FALL TRIMESTER 2014 3-5 year olds $445 AFTER SCHOOL PRIVATE MUSIC LESSONS PRICING 30 MINUTES 45 MINUTES FALL TRIMESTER 2014 60 MINUTES MONDAY$550 $825 $1,100 TUESDAY$550 $825 $1,100 WEDNESDAY $495$742.50$990 THURSDAY $495$742.50$990 FRIDAY $495$742.50$990 SATURDAY $440$660$880 SUNDAY $440$660$880 *These prices are based upon: 30 Minute Lesson 45 Minute Lesson 60 Minute Lesson $55 $82.50$110 37 38 39 The Caedmon School 416 East 80th Street New York, NY 10075 40
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