No. F.vr. 1 2(41-TAx I e2lPaftl/ 4s e GOVERNMENT OF TRIPURA OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF TAXES & EXCISE PANDIT NEHRU COMPLEX. GURKHABASTI. AGARTALA Dated, Agartala, tfr" t#h January, 2oI4. TENDER NOTICE Sealed tenders in plain paper are hereby invited from organisation/person having experience in the respective field for running - BC 11644D1) and for 1(one) years at Office of the Generator Set (1O KVA Generator Set, Kirlaskar, T)rpe of said Generators Commissioner of Taxes & Excise Organisation, Pandit Nehru Complex, maintenance Gurkhabasti, Agartala. The operation and maintenance of Generator (10 KVA Generator Set, $pe - BC ll644D1) is required to be provided on all working days during 1O.OO A.M to 7.OO P.M. and only male personal need to be deployed for this purpose. The tenders will be received up to 15.OO hours of O5th February, 2Ol4 in the office of the undersigned by speed post or registered post/Courier service only and shall be opened on the same day at 16.00 hours, if possible, in the chamber of the Joint Commissioner of Taxes. & conditions of the aforesaid tender are available in the Store Section of this office and in website Details of terms Interested Tenderers are requested to contact the Store Section of this office or visit the website as mentioned above. ;fuv (U.Sinha, TCS.Gr.-Il Joint Commissioner of Taxes Government of Tripura oFFrcE or uiB::ffi3JlffiJ:TIHES & EXCT'E PANDIT NEHRU COMPLEX, GURKHABASTI, AGARTALA No.F.vr-12(41-TA)(/e 2lPa'/4f 498 Dated, Agartala, the .-'lh 1'l January, 2014. Sub : OPERATION & RUNNING OF A GENERATOR SET. TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. The applicant should have experience in the respective field for providing a Generator Operator having experience certificate for operating Generator and maintenance of Generator (10 KVA Generator Set, Tlpe - BC Il644D1). The Operator of Generator and maintenance of Generator is required to be provided on all working days of the year during 10.00 A.M. to 7.00 P.M. (with half an hour break from 1.30 P.M. to 2.00 P.M. every working day) and only male person need to be deployed for this purpose. 2. Intending tenderers will have to submit tender by registered post/ speed post only with sealed cover duly superscribed as '"fender for Opbratign & Running of a Generator Set" addressed to the Commissioner of Taxes & Excise, Government of Tripura, Pandit Nehru Complex, Gurkhabasti, Agartala alongwith an earnest money of amounting Rs.S;0OOl- (Rupees five thousand) only in the form of Deposit at Call drawn in favour of the Commissioner of Taxes, Office of the Commissioner of Taxes & Excise, Government of Tripura, Pandit Nehru Complex, Gurkhabasti, Agartala from any Nationalized, Bank or Scheduled Bank of India. 3. The amount of earnest money of the unsuccessful tenderer will be refunded but in case of successful tenderer, the earnest money will be converted in to security deposit and shall be retained till termination of the contract. The securitv shall not earn anv interest. Contd, to Page - 2 =2= 4. The contract period shall initially be for 1 (one) year from the date of execution of agreement which may be extended on mutual consent of both the parties- 5. There shall be no increase in the rate/charge during the contract period. The successful tender shall provide I (one) male person of age not les than 18 years but not exceeding 45 years daily for operating and maintaining the Generator of Office of the Commissioner of Taxes & Excise, Government of Tripura, Pandit Nehru Complex, Gurkhabasti, Agartala. The duty hours shall be form during 10.00 A.M. to 7.00 P.M. on all working days. The agency shall offer rates in figure and in words for the services in the form prescribed in Annexure-A. 7. Necessary spare parts as and when required shall be provided by this office. 8. The successful tender shall provide within four days of being informed in writing, the name of person to be deployed for the above purpose containing name, father's name, address, educational quaiification, past experience, if any, etc. alongwith copies of educational certificates duly attested by any Gazetted Officer. 9. The person so deployed shall maintain official discipline and decorum by abiding by rules and regulation of the office and shall work under the direct control of the Taxes & Excise Organisation, Pandit Nehru Complex, Gurkhabasti, Agartala. The tender (the successful bidder herein after be called as the agency) shall be responsible for conduct and performance of the person deployed by him. 10. Fuel for generators shall be provided by this office from time to time as per requirement. Contd. to Page - 3 =3= bidder shall submit bill monthly within 10ft Day of the following each month alongwith certified attendance register to the Commissioner of Taxes & Excise, Agartala for payment. Payment due shall be made by the Commissioner of Taxes & Excise after deduction of all applicable taxes. 11. The successful tenderer / L2. Any offer submitted with reference to this tender shall be considered to be an offer that abides bv all the conditions mentioned herein. 13. The Commissioner of Taxes & Excise, Government of Tripura, Agartala reserves the right to accept lreject any or all tenders without assigning any reason. Tender notice, Terms & Conditions and tender the successful tender shall construe the agreement for the service which shall be binding on both the parties. L4, The Commissioner of Taxes & Excise, Government of Tripura, Agartala also reserves the right to terminate I rescind the contract any time in the public interest if so required. Signature of the tenderer accepting The above mentioned terms & conditions: ( lil;'hl YV" U. finha,TCS.Gr-If Joint Commissioner of Taxes Government of Tripura Date Place : : ANNEIIURE--A RATE SCHEDULE sl. Item Description No. Rate per person for duty from 1O.OO A.M. to 7.OO P.M. with half an hour break from 1.3O P.M. to 2.OO P.M.(inclusive of agency charge and all applicable taxesf (in Rs.f I 1 2 Providing daily Generator Operator and maintenance of Generator of O/o the Commissioner of Taxes & Excise, P.N. Complex, Gurkhabasti, Agartala on all working days round the year from 10.00 A.M. to 7.00 P.M. by engaging 1 (one) male person as indicated in Clause 6 of the Terms & Conditions. The activities shall continue throughout the year (on atl working days) Rate for Generator operator per day Rate for maintenance of Generator per annum Signature of the Tenderer Name of the Tenderer (in BLOCK letters) Business Address Contact Phone Place Date / Mobile No. 3
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