MÊÙ T«Ä JçÝã Dã Keep Your Program Data Current PSIP (Program System Informa on Protocol) is the standard file format that sta ons feed into the PSIP generator. The PSIP data is transmi ed along with the digital television (DTV) signal which then shares important sta on and programming informa on. In turn, the ATSC tuner inside a digital television will display the informa on for consumers to view via an electronic program guide (EPG). MediaStar PSIP is customized to interact with the MediaStar Suite, enabling sta on personnel to plan, change and publish their base schedule in real- me. The MediaStar Suite of program management tools provides a one-step publishing process, which in addi on to upda ng PSIP data also updates the sta on’s TitanTV data services and the na onal lis ngs guide at TitanTV. com. MediaStar PSIP is able to be delivered in a variety of formats including the industry benchmark, PMCP (Programming Metadata Communica on Protocol). As required by the digital broadcas ng transi on that took effect in February of 2009, the FCC requires PSIP informa on to be a part of broadcas ng signals and updated regularly. For full compliance, sta ons must update their PSIP data to match programming which is preempted, runs over the allo ed me frame or undergoes any other change. Outstanding Performance Since before the digital television transi on, BIM has been offering PSIP service. We produce files compa ble with systems from Triveni, DTV Innova ons, Thales, T-Vips, AdTech and others. The MediaStar ESG Advantage As the mobile digital television industry evolves, ESG is posi oned to offer sophis cated program data including keyword search func onality and serve geo-targeted, behavioral, and contextual ads. MediaStar ESG is designed to seamlessly inherit program schedule updates from our MediaStar Suite, allowing for convenient, consistent, and streamlined schedule administra on. B r o a d c a s t I n t e r a c t i ve M e d i a i n fo @ b i m l o c a l . c o m 8 0 0 - 3 6 5 - 76 2 9 We produce over 900 PSIP files every day for major broadcast groups including Bahakel Communica ons, Entravision Holdings, ION Media Networks, Gray Television , Raycom Media, Sinclair Broadcast Group, ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX television sta ons. Low Power and Cable Providers BIM also offers PSIP for low power, cable, and other television providers. B r o a d c a s t - I n t e r a c t i ve . c o m Fa c e b o o k . c o m / B r o a d c a s t I n t e r a c t i ve M e d i a Tw i t t e r. c o m / B i m l o c a l T i t a n T V. c o m A n t e n n a We b . o r g BIMvid.com M a d i s o n - S a n Fr a n c i s c o Po r t l a n d - A u s t i n Cedar Rapids
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