Is Systems Engineering a Stifler or an Enabler of Innovation? of Innovation? A contribute to the ongoing debate Vincenzo Arrichiello IBM System Symposium Italia - Roma - 26 Giugno 2014 "To To those in industry who have expressed fear that government would stifle creativity, government spokesmen replied that they yp preferred the word "limit" to stifle" E.J. Morrison, “Defense Systems Management: The 375 Series”, California Management Review, 9, 4, 1967. ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 2 "There There are many instances in the experience of the authors and our colleagues where an unthinking adherence to process led to wasted time and money." y K. Forsberg, H. Mooz, and H. Cotterman, “Visualizing project management: models and frameworks for mastering complex systems, “ John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2005 ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 3 "selecting selecting specifications and standards prematurely can stifle innovation and limit the benefits of trade-offs, risk mamagement, and other alternatives typically yp y considered under systems engineering analysis" A. P. Sage, W. B. Rouse, "Handbook of Systems Engineering and Management", John Wiley & Sons, 2011. ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 4 Some people believe that this prescription [AFSCM 375 series] resulted in a backlash hostile to the systems approach that survives today in design group attitudes attitudes. Some companies, fearing that the constraining effects of this organized process would damage the creativity of their design engineers, invented system engineering organizations to shield their "real engineers" from contamination contamination. System Engineering Planning and Enterprise Identity, Jeffrey O. Grady, CRC Press, 1995 ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 5 System engineers thus became beca e typecast as documentation specialists rather than system architects. architects System Engineering Planning and Enterprise Identity, Jeffrey O. Grady, CRC Press, 1995 ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 6 System engineers thus became beca e typecast as documentation specialists rather than system architects architects. System Engineering Planning and Enterprise Identity, Jeffrey O. Grady, CRC Press, 1995 INSIGHT, Publication of the International Council on Systems Engineering, April 2011 | Volume 14 Issue 1 ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 7 So, does Systems Engineering really stifle Innovation? ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 8 Probably yes, but only if one just "goes by the book" Norman Rockwell "Reading Book" - particular ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 9 AFSCM 375-5 Systems Engineering Management Procedures, Air Force Systems Command Manual, 1966 ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 10 AFSCM 375-5 Systems Engineering Management Procedures, Air Force Systems Command Manual, 1966 This organized creative technology is called "system engineering" ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 11 Engineering Design in a nutshell NEED ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello All design begins with a clearly defined need Royal Academy of Engineering - Principles of Engineering Design 1999 19 Engineering Design in a nutshell NEED All design begins with a clearly defined need VISION All designs arise from a creative response to a need ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello Royal Academy of Engineering - Principles of Engineering Design 1999 20 Engineering Design in a nutshell NEED All design begins with a clearly defined need VISION All designs arise from a creative response to a need DELIVERY ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello All designs result in a system, product or project which meets the need d Royal Academy of Engineering - Principles of Engineering Design 1999 21 Innovation "[Innovation is] the successful i l implementation t ti off creative ti ideas" id " T. M. Amabile, “Componential Theory of Creativity,” Harvard Business School Working Paper 12-096 12 096, April 26 26, 2012 2012. ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 22 Which Creativity? ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 23 Which Creativity? ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 24 Which Creativity? ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 25 Creative technology ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 26 Creative technology "there are inventions that are original, clever, impratical and useless ... I have always started with a clear need and objective ... [and] ... searched for ways to meet the challenge" Jay Forrester ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 27 Creative technology "there are inventions that are original, clever, impratical and useless ... I have always started with a clear need and objective ... [and] ... searched for ways to meet the challenge" Jay Forrester ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 28 "Vee" System Development Model User Needs Validation Requirements Sys. Verific. Architecture Integration El Elem. Design D i El Elem. Verific. V ifi Implementation ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 29 ©2014 Vincenzo The Relationship Arrichiello of System Engineering to the Project Cycle - Kevin Forsberg and Harold Mooz - Center for Systems Management - 1991 30 ©2014 Vincenzo The Relationship Arrichiello of System Engineering to the Project Cycle - Kevin Forsberg and Harold Mooz - Center for Systems Management - 1991 31 Comparing SE and Creativity: Processes De fine re quire d be havior and functional pe rformance X O utput Is the Solution ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello Sta age 6 (Valiidation) Stage 5 municatio (Comm X Sta age 4 (Veriffication) Sta age 3 (Illumiination) X Evaluate solutions vs crite ria, e valuate risks and failure , se le ct the be st l i Ge t buye r approval of solution [or go back to first ste p] X X Unde rstand the Conce pt Conce ive candidate solutions Sta age 2 (Incu ubation) SE (Architeccting) Process De fine the Proble m and e valuation crite ria Sta age 1 (Inforrmation) Sta age 0 (Prep paration) The “C re ativity Phase Mode l” X X X 32 Comparing SE and Creativity: Processes SE (Architeccting) Process De fine the Proble m and e valuation crite ria Unde rstand the Conce pt De fine re quire d be havior and functional pe rformance Conce ive candidate solutions Evaluate solutions vs crite ria, e valuate risks and failure , se le ct the be st l i Ge t buye r approval of solution [or go back to first ste p] O utput Is the Solution ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello X Sta age 6 (Valiidation) Stage 5 municatio (Comm Sta age 4 (Veriffication) Sta age 3 (Illumiination) Sta age 2 (Incu ubation) Sta age 1 (Inforrmation) Define the Problem to be solved and the evaluation criteria for the solutions. Sta age 0 (Prep paration) The “C re ativity Phase Mode l” Stage 0, Preparation: when latent knowledge –both general and X specific- is gathered to be useful in X future. the X X X X X 33 Comparing SE and Creativity: Processes SE (Architeccting) Process Unde rstand the Conce pt X De fine re quire d be havior and functional pe rformance X Conce ive candidate solutions Evaluate solutions vs crite ria, e valuate risks and failure , se le ct the be st l i Ge t buye r approval of solution [or go back to first ste p] O utput Is the Solution ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello Sta age 6 (Valiidation) Stage 5 municatio (Comm Sta age 4 (Veriffication) Sta age 3 (Illumiination) Sta age 2 (Incu ubation) Sta age 0 (Prep paration) •Understand the Concept of Operations of the Level Under Analysis. •Define the required behavior and De fine the Proble m and e valuation X functional performance. crite ria Sta age 1 (Inforrmation) The “C re ativity Phase Mode l” Stage 1, Information: when both cognitive processes –such such as perception, remembering and learning- and non-cognitive elements –such as interest and curiosity- are X X applied li d tto th the llatent t t kknowledge l d gathered Xin stage 0, when a particular problemX occurs. X 34 Comparing SE and Creativity: Processes SE (Architeccting) Process De fine the Proble m and e valuation crite ria Unde rstand the Conce pt De fine re quire d be havior and functional pe rformance Conceive candidate solutions Conce ive candidate solutions Evaluate solutions vs crite ria, e valuate risks and failure , se le ct the be st l i Ge t buye r approval of solution [or go back to first ste p] O utput Is the Solution ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello Sta age 6 (Valiidation) Stage 5 municatio (Comm Sta age 4 (Veriffication) Sta age 3 (Illumiination) Sta age 2 (Incu ubation) Sta age 1 (Inforrmation) Sta age 0 (Prep paration) The “C re ativity Phase Mode l” X X Stage 2, Incubation: when a particular X problem is refined and redefined. X X X X Stage 3, Illumination: when divergent X thinking is implemented, which means X synthesis, transformation, inference, construction and Xcontext shifting are applied to the vast amount of cognitive factors found in stage 2. 35 Comparing SE and Creativity: Processes ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello Sta age 6 (Valiidation) Stage 5 municatio (Comm X Sta age 4 (Veriffication) Sta age 3 (Illumiination) Evaluate solutions De fine re quireagainst d be havior criteria, and functional pe rformance evaluate risks and failure modes and select the best Conce solution. ive candidate solutions O utput Is the Solution X X Unde rstand the Conce pt Evaluate solutions vs crite ria, e valuate risks and failure , se le ct the be st l i Ge t buye r approval of solution [or go back to first ste p] Sta age 2 (Incu ubation) SE (Architeccting) Process De fine the Proble m and e valuation crite ria Sta age 1 (Inforrmation) Sta age 0 (Prep paration) The “C re ativity Phase Mode l” X X X X Stage 4, Verification:X when the novel configurations coming from X stage 3 are evaluated. 36 Comparing SE and Creativity: Processes De fine re quire d be havior and functional pe rformance X l i Ge t buye r approval of solution [or go back to first ste p] O utput Is the Solution ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello Sta age 6 (Valiidation) Stage 5 municatio (Comm X Sta age 4 (Veriffication) Sta age 3 (Illumiination) X Conce ive candidate solutions X X Unde rstand the Conce pt Gett buyer G b approvall off solution l ti [ [or Evaluate solutions vs crite ria, e valuate go back torisks firstandstep]. failure , se le ct the be st Sta age 2 (Incu ubation) SE (Architeccting) Process De fine the Proble m and e valuation crite ria Sta age 1 (Inforrmation) Sta age 0 (Prep paration) The “C re ativity Phase Mode l” X X X Stage 6, Validation: when the X community evaluates effectiveness and relevance of the final outcome. 37 Comparing SE and Creativity: Processes SE (Architeccting) Process De fine the Proble m and e valuation crite ria X De fine re quire d be havior and functional pe rformance X Conce ive candidate solutions O utput Is the Solution Sta age 6 (Valiidation) Stage 5 municatio (Comm Sta age 4 (Veriffication) Sta age 3 (Illumiination) Sta age 2 (Incu ubation) X Unde rstand the Conce pt Output is the Solution to" Evaluate solutions vs "Design crite ria, e valuate risks and failure , se le ct the Specification and Concept ofbe st l i Ge t buye r approval of solution [or go Operations for the next level. back to first ste p] ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello Sta age 1 (Inforrmation) Sta age 0 (Prep paration) The “C re ativity Phase Mode l” Stage g 5,X, Communication: when the X discovered solution is communicated X to other people/experts. X XX 38 Comparing SE and Creativity/Innovation: Traits ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello Comfortable with change X X X X X X X X X Proper paranoia Self confidence and decisiveness Appreciate the value of process X X Comfortable with uncertainty Diverse technical skills. Proogram managers / leaaders / “business innovatorrs” Entrepreneur/prod duct champion Idea generators The courage of one's own convictions Tolerance of ambigu T uity Willingness to take riisks W Nonconformity X Sponsor/coach Ability to see the big picture Ability to make system systemwide connections Exceptional two-way communicator Strong team member and leader X Critical Behavioral Roles in Gatekeepers/Speciaal communicators Person nal Characteristics oof Good Systems Enggineers Intellectual curiosity. Flexibility Openness Personal Properties and Motivational X X X X X X X 39 Comparing SE and Creativity/Innovation: Traits Person nal Characteristics oof Good Systems Enggineers Intellectual curiosity. ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello Ability to see the big picture Ability to make system systemwide connections Exceptional two-way communicator Strong team member and leader Comfortable with change XX X X Sponsor/coach Idea generators X •Openness •Nonconformity N X f it X X X X X X X X Proper paranoia Self confidence and decisiveness Appreciate the value of process Gatekeepers/Speciaal communicators XX Comfortable with uncertainty Diverse technical skills. Proogram managers / leaaders / “business innovatorrs” Entrepreneur/prod duct champion Critical Behavioral Roles in Idea generators The courage of one's own convictions Tolerance of ambigu T uity Willingness to take riisks W Nonconformity Flexibility Intellectual curiosity - ability and desire to learn new things things. Openness Personal Properties and Motivational X X X X X X X 40 Comparing SE and Creativity/Innovation: Traits ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello Comfortable with change X X X X X Flexibility X X X X X X Proper paranoia Self confidence and decisiveness Appreciate the value of process X X Comfortable with uncertainty Diverse technical skills. Proogram managers / leaaders / “business innovatorrs” Entrepreneur/prod duct champion Idea generators The courage of one's own convictions Tolerance of ambigu T uity Willingness to take riisks W Nonconformity Flexibility X Sponsor/coach Ability to see the big picture Ability to make system systemwide connections Exceptional two-way communicator Strong team member and leader X Critical Behavioral Roles in Gatekeepers/Speciaal communicators Person nal Characteristics oof Good Systems Enggineers •Ability to see the big picture •Ability Abilit tto make k system-wide t id connections. Intellectual curiosity. Openness Personal Properties and Motivational X X X X X X X 41 Comparing SE and Creativity/Innovation: Traits ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello Proogram managers / leaaders / “business innovatorrs” Entrepreneur/prod duct champion X XX •Entrepreneur/product X champions •Gatekeepers / Special X communicators •Sponsor/coach p X X X X Proper paranoia Self confidence and decisiveness Appreciate the value of process X X X Comfortable with uncertainty Diverse technical skills. X X X Exceptional two-way communicator Strong team member and leader Comfortable with change Idea generators The courage of one's own convictions Tolerance of ambigu T uity Willingness to take riisks W Nonconformity X Sponsor/coach Person nal Characteristics oof Good Systems Enggineers to see the big ExceptionalAbility two-way picture Ability to make system systemcommunicator communicator. wide connections X Critical Behavioral Roles in Gatekeepers/Speciaal communicators Intellectual curiosity. Flexibility Openness Personal Properties and Motivational X X X X X X 42 Comparing SE and Creativity/Innovation: Traits ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello Proogram managers / leaaders / “business innovatorrs” X X X X X X Proper paranoia Self confidence and decisiveness Appreciate the value of process X X Comfortable with uncertainty Diverse technical skills. X X Strong team member and leader Comfortable with change Entrepreneur/prod duct champion Idea generators The courage of one's own convictions Tolerance of ambigu T uity Willingness to take riisks W Nonconformity X Sponsor/coach Ability to see the big picture Ability to make system systemwide connections Exceptional two-way communicator Strong team member and leader X Critical Behavioral Roles in Gatekeepers/Speciaal communicators Person nal Characteristics oof Good Systems Enggineers Intellectual curiosity. Flexibility Openness Personal Properties and Motivational XX •Program P X managers / leaders l d / “business innovators” X •Sponsor / coach X X X X X X 43 Comparing SE and Creativity/Innovation: Traits ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello Comfortable with uncertainty Self confidence and decisiveness Appreciate the value of process X X X X X X X X X Flexibility X Idea generators Proper paranoia Diverse technical skills. X X Comfortable with change Comfortable with change Proogram managers / leaaders / “business innovatorrs” Entrepreneur/prod duct champion Idea generators The courage of one's own convictions Tolerance of ambigu T uity Willingness to take riisks W Nonconformity X Sponsor/coach Ability to see the big picture Ability to make system systemwide connections Exceptional two-way communicator Strong team member and leader X Critical Behavioral Roles in Gatekeepers/Speciaal communicators Person nal Characteristics oof Good Systems Enggineers Intellectual curiosity. Flexibility Openness Personal Properties and Motivational X X X X X X X 44 Comparing SE and Creativity/Innovation: Traits Comfortable withComfortable uncertainty with change ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello Proogram managers / leaaders / “business innovatorrs” Entrepreneur/prod duct champion Idea generators The courage of one's own convictions X X X X X X X X X X Tolerance of ambiguity Proper paranoia Self confidence and decisiveness Appreciate the value of process X X Comfortable with uncertainty Diverse technical skills. Tolerance of ambigu T uity Willingness to take riisks W Nonconformity X Sponsor/coach Ability to see the big picture Ability to make system systemwide connections Exceptional two-way communicator Strong team member and leader X Critical Behavioral Roles in Gatekeepers/Speciaal communicators Person nal Characteristics oof Good Systems Enggineers Intellectual curiosity. Flexibility Openness Personal Properties and Motivational X X X X X X 45 Comparing SE and Creativity/Innovation: Traits Comfortable with change ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello Proogram managers / leaaders / “business innovatorrs” Entrepreneur/prod duct champion Idea generators The courage of one's own convictions X X X X X X X X X X X Proper paranoia Self confidence and decisiveness Appreciate the value of process X X with Proper Comfortable paranoia uncertainty Diverse technical skills. Tolerance of ambigu T uity Willingness to take riisks W Nonconformity X Sponsor/coach Ability to see the big picture Ability to make system systemwide connections Exceptional two-way communicator Strong team member and leader X Critical Behavioral Roles in Gatekeepers/Speciaal communicators Person nal Characteristics oof Good Systems Enggineers Intellectual curiosity. Flexibility Openness Personal Properties and Motivational X X X Program managers / leaders / X X “business innovators” X 46 Comparing SE and Creativity/Innovation: Traits Comfortable with change ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello Proogram managers / leaaders / “business innovatorrs” X X X X X X X X Diverse technical skills Proper paranoia Self confidence and decisiveness Appreciate the value of process X X X Comfortable with uncertainty Diverse technical skills. Entrepreneur/prod duct champion Idea generators The courage of one's own convictions Tolerance of ambigu T uity Willingness to take riisks W Nonconformity X Sponsor/coach Ability to see the big picture Ability to make system systemwide connections Exceptional two-way communicator Strong team member and leader X Critical Behavioral Roles in Gatekeepers/Speciaal communicators Person nal Characteristics oof Good Systems Enggineers Intellectual curiosity. Flexibility Openness Personal Properties and Motivational X X X X Flexibility XX X Idea generators X X 47 Comparing SE and Creativity/Innovation: Traits Comfortable with change Proogram managers / leaaders / “business innovatorrs” Entrepreneur/prod duct champion Idea generators The courage of one's own convictions Tolerance of ambigu T uity Willingness to take riisks W X X X X X Proper paranoia Self confidenceDiverse andtechnical decisiveness skills. X ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello X X X Comfortable with uncertainty Self confidence and decisiveness Appreciate the value of process Nonconformity X Sponsor/coach Ability to see the big picture Ability to make system systemwide connections Exceptional two-way communicator Strong team member and leader X Critical Behavioral Roles in Gatekeepers/Speciaal communicators Person nal Characteristics oof Good Systems Enggineers Intellectual curiosity. Flexibility Openness Personal Properties and Motivational X X X •Willingness to take risks •The courage of one's own X convictions X X X X Entrepreneur X/ product champions 48 Comparing SE and Creativity/Innovation: Traits Comfortable with change Proogram managers / leaaders / “business innovatorrs” Entrepreneur/prod duct champion Idea generators The courage of one's own convictions Tolerance of ambigu T uity Willingness to take riisks W X X X X X X Proper paranoia Appreciate the value of process X X Comfortable with uncertainty Diverse technical skills. X X X X X Self confidence and Appreciate the value of process decisiveness ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello Nonconformity X Sponsor/coach Ability to see the big picture Ability to make system systemwide connections Exceptional two-way communicator Strong team member and leader X Critical Behavioral Roles in Gatekeepers/Speciaal communicators Person nal Characteristics oof Good Systems Enggineers Intellectual curiosity. Flexibility Openness Personal Properties and Motivational X X X Program managers / leaders / “business innovators” X X X 49 Conclusions (preliminary) Systems Engineering principles principles, if properly applied applied, can effectively support successful innovation, on one side exploiting the benefits of procedures and methods to support the effective production of creative ideas and their successful implementation, and on the other employing the specific skills and competencies p of Systems y Engineers g not only y to develop p innovative solution, but also to produce a working environment conducive to creativity and innovation. ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 43 "Creative technology": oxymoron or tautology? ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 50 The etymological origins of Technology (the word) ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 51 The etymological origins of Technology (the word) Greek vase painting: Hecuba led away to captivity "Ἕκτορ τέκνον ἐμὸν" Hector, my child (Hecabe) Homer, Iliad 22.84 ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 52 The etymological origins of Technology (the word) Greek vase painting: Hecuba led away to captivity "Ἕκτορ τέκνον ἐμὸν" Hector, my child (Hecabe) Homer, Iliad 22.84 Hector and Andromache with Astyanax Apulian red-figure crater [Ἀστυάναξ] "παῖδ᾽ παῖδ ἐμὸν ἐμὸν" [Astyanax] my child (Hector) Homer, Iliad 6.476 ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 53 The etymological origins of Technology (the word) Greek vase painting: Hecuba led away to captivity "Ἕκτορ τέκνον ἐμὸν" Hector, my child (Hecabe) Homer, Iliad 22.84 Hector and Andromache with Astyanax Apulian red-figure crater [Ἀστυάναξ] "παῖδ᾽ παῖδ ἐμὸν ἐμὸν" [Astyanax] my child (Hector) Homer, Iliad 6.476 τέκνον: child (used only by the mother) from τίκτω: bring into the world, engende ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 54 Acknowledgments I want to acknowledge my gratitude to Selex ES for supporting my attivities in INCOSE ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello 55 Thank you for yor attention. Questions? Vincenzo Arrichiello Innovation Unit ,Selex Selex ES SpA [email protected] President INCOSE Chapter Italia [email protected] Based on a paper presented at the IEEE 2014 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE 2014) by: Vincenzo Arrichiello Innovation Unit Selex ES SpA La Spezia, Italy La Spezia, Italy ©2014 Vincenzo Arrichiello Monica Rossi Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering Politecnico di Milano Milano, Italy Sergio Terzi Department of Industrial Engineering Università degli Studi di Bergamo Università degli Studi di Bergamo Dalmine (Bergamo), Italy 56
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