The WLC Weekly Oak Hill ~ Valley Creek ~ St. Croix Campuses July 20-26, 2014 GREATER… Growth ~ Connection ~ Service ~ Reach ~ Sacrifice GREATER GROWTH GREATER CONNECTION SANCTUARY/GENESIS VC SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY: When the going gets tough, what does a Chrisan do? The writer of the Psalms would say – Persevere! Even in a world that is no friend to grace, God has given us tools like: hope, paence, worship, repentance, and joy. All of these, and more, help us to grow in our ability to persevere. Come study with us; 9:30am in the Genesis Room (VC). HEALING SERVICE is held at the Valley Creek Campus every third Sunday. For prayers of healing, attend our service today at 12:15pm, in room 1-250 (VC Fireside). Questions, call Pastor Tim at 651-739-5144. SUMMER MIDWEEK BIBLE STUDIES: • “Life and Ministry of the Messiah” by Ray Vanderlaan is the topic for our midweek summer Bible study, Wed. 9:30-11am, in room 1-250 (VC Fireside). We meet weekly through July 23. Contact: Elly McDaniel. • “Gospel of Mark” will meet on Thursdays in room 1-250 (VC Fireside), 10-11:30am. Dates are July 24 and August 14 and 28. Contact: Pastor Paul Pfotenhauer. • A Charles Stanley DVD study is being offered on Wednesday evenings. This weeks topic is “The Courage to Obey”. Join us from 6:30-8pm in room 1-250 (VC Fireside). Contact: Michael Zenner, 651-592-9435. ALL ARE INVITED to join together at the Oak Hill campus today at 6:30pm to joyfully worship our Lord! We will be using the Chicago Folk Service as the liturgy for this special service and communion will be celebrated. We hope you can join us! GREATER REACH GREATER SACRIFICE DONATIONS STILL NEEDED: Thank you for your generous donaons. There are a few items sll requested on posters at both campuses. Please drop off items for Urban Plunge TODAY and for Robin's Nest by July 27. Stop by our poster display in the OH Lobby or VC hallway by the office. Take a Post-It note for the item(s) you can donate, a;ach the Post-It to the item and return it to the designated trip box in the VC office or OH lobby. Thank you! FOLLOW THE MISSION TRIP BLOGS during their trip. Links can be found at ministries/outreach/shor;erm/. As of June 30, 2014 GENERAL FUND Year to Date Actual: $1,345,632 2014 Total Year Budget: $1,346,200 $568 GREATER PLEDGE Year to Date Greater Actual: $146,732 VBS DONATIONS - Thanks to the many kids and families who donated cereal and juice to the Chrisan Cupboard during our week of VBS. We collected over 100 items! Thanks for reaching out to those in our community who need our help. WE REACHED OUR GOAL OF $500: Sports Camp kids raised $502.20 during their week of camp to help raise money to support Uncharted Waters Sports Camps, reaching children for Jesus through sports. In 2008 they launched a "Global Impact'' iniave that has allowed UW Sports to give away their sports camp program by training pastors worldwide how to effecvely use sports to reach kids for Christ. Thousands of children have been reached, and this year we helped! Way to go campers! STOCK DONATIONS: There are many different ways we can donate our me, talents and treasures to Woodbury Lutheran Church. One way some members choose to donate is through the transfer or donaon of stocks. I donaon form is located by the welcome desk. If you have quesons or want more informaon on how to donate stock please contact Trecie Horner at 651-731-3349. GREATER SERVICE URGENT NEED FOR VOLUNTEERS for Chrisan Closet. Due to summer commitments of the Chrisan Closet Staff, I urgently need a few volunteers to fill in the void for scheduling from August to October 2014. The Chrisan Closet is open every Friday. We have two shi)s, 8:30 to 11:15am (morning shi)) and 11:15 to 1:45pm (a)ernoon shi)). Please call Gloria Johnson at 651-253-5416 if available and advise which shi) you would like to work. Thank you for being a vessel of Jesus’ grace. HOPE FOR THE JOURNEY HOME is a shelter in Oakdale serving homeless families. During the week of Aug. 31– Sept. 6, WLC will be filling the volunteer needs for the shelter located at the Guardian Angels’ former parish house. There are 3 shi)s a day and children of any age are welcome to serve with their parents on any shi). Shi) mes are: a)ernoon 2:45 to 5:15pm, dinner 5:00 to 8:15pm and overnight/breakfast, 8:00pm-9:15am If you can stay overnight but cannot stay through breakfast, we will find someone to relieve you. If you completed the training last year you do not need to go through it again. For those interested in serving who have not completed the training there is now an on-line opon for you (h;p:// password: RockpointChurch3172). To sign-up to serve, follow the link on WLC’s homepage. Addional informaon on each shi) can be found at, or contact Mike Fouts ([email protected], 651-503-3380) for more informaon. “He must become greater, and I must become less.” - John 3:30 OAKHILL CAMPUS ANNOUNCEMENTS KID’S AND FAMILY MINISTRY ALL ARE INVITED: Join us TONIGHT at 6:30pm to joyfully worship our Lord! We will be using the Chicago Folk Service as the liturgy for this special service and communion will be celebrated. We hope you can join us! FALL CLASSES: Start planning ahead. Online registraon is now open for TNT and LINK Sunday School. Classes start in September. Register online at Contact: Nancy Schubbe at [email protected]. ASPIRING for 100% of INCREDIBLE GREATER SERVING: In the past 2 months 25 new people have signed up to serve in some way bringing Oak Hill serving up to 84%! Please talk with Cheri or Amy about how you can use your gi)s and talents for joyfully serving in our church and community. Or, if you need some ideas they would love to help you brainstorm! We want to help everyone grow in discipleship through serving our Lord! NEW SMALL GROUPS FORMING THIS FALL: If you are interested in being part of a small group please connect with Naomi Golnitz: [email protected]. WALK AND TALK BIBLE STUDY, Thursdays at 9:30am. There will be stretching and study, then walking and discussing, rain or shine throughout the summer. We meet at Carolyn’s house, 2737 Gerald Ave., N. St. Paul. Quesons? Contact Carolyn at [email protected]. YOUTH BBQ NIGHT: All incoming 6-12th graders are welcome for a BBQ and some fun summer games on Sunday, July 27 at 6pm. We will meet at the Baumgarn home at 10725 Sailor Way in Woodbury. Parents, please pick up your young person at 8pm. Sign up at the sign-up board in the OH lobby or contact Molly Schulze at [email protected] for more info. STEPHEN MINISTRY—A caring ministry for those in need: For informaon on the training class beginning in September or being matched with a Stephen Minister, please contact Paul Lieder (651) 653-3467 or Bernice Bunkowske 651-340-3366. YOUTH MINISTRY SUMMER STRETCH (SS): Our next Summer Stretch is Thursday, July 24 from 8:15am-5pm with me in God's Word, service and fun. This week’s event is Grand Slam, signed waiver form is required. The July 24 event is FULL, but you can register for July 31. Haven’t signed up yet? You must register one week in advance for each SS date. To register, please contact Lindsey Schmidt ASAP (check out the website for FAQ). Cost is $20 per week you a;end (ValleyFair is $30). MS SUMMER BIBLE STUDY (6th-8th) Join us on Tuesday nights 6:30-8pm for Bible Study at the Valley Creek Campus in the Bridge. HS SUMMER BIBLE STUDY (9-12th): Come to the Brewer house on Wednesday’s this summer to dig deep in God’s word, cute kids to play with and some kind of dessert to devour as well! We’ll meet from 6:30-8pm at 9041 Duckwood Trail in Woodbury. FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN MARATHON (9th-12th) Are you up to the challenge? We’re going to hit not one, not two, but all 3 FMSC locaons in the Twin Cies in one day on Tues., July 22, 8:30am-8pm. Please sign up early, we need to send FMSC a head count! Cost is $10 to cover lunch and dinner. Bringing addional money to donate to FMSC or shopping in their gi) shop is encouraged. (Please wear closed toe shoes). OTHER MINISTRIES AND EVENTS COLORADO PEACHES: There are sll peaches le), but they are going fast. Get your order in to enjoy these delicious peaches! Order forms are available at a table in the lobby or at the Welcome Desk. Price per crate for these fabulous peaches is $29 (approx. 35-40 peaches), or half-crate for $14.50. Peaches are scheduled to arrive around Aug. 4, approximately 2-3 days a)er they’re picked. Now that’s fresh! This fundraiser raises money for the WLC Youth Scholarship Fund and runs through mid July (or when we sell out) at both campuses. Thanks for supporng our youth programs! CELEBRATION, our adult vocal ensemble, has an opening for an alto and a tenor. Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 5:50pm, beginning in Sept. Please contact Mark Shepperd for more informaon at 651-739-5144 or [email protected]. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE: Pastor Paul and Rhoda are planning a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in October of 2015. There will be a planning meeng on Oct. 5 at the VC campus. If you have interest in parcipang please contact Pastor Paul at [email protected] or 651-261-3416. STEPHEN MINISTRY TRAINEES WANTED: Do you have a passion for bringing Christ’s love and care to people during a me of need, to support someone by listening and prayer? If so, Stephen Ministry may be for you. A new training class begins in September. For informaon, contact Paul Lieder at Oak Hill 651-653-3467, Larry Wilford at Valley Creek 651-458-0147, or call Shirley Mertens at 651-276-7224. MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) at Woodbury Lutheran needs your help! We have paid/volunteer posions available and childcare workers are needed for the 2014-2015 school year. Ages of children range from birth to 5 year olds. When you ask? Every other Monday 9am-11:30am at Woodbury Lutheran Church (VC). Contact: Chrise Denson 773-320-3642 or email [email protected]. WLC “YARN” MINISTRY: Beauful prayer shawls, comfort shawls, chemo caps, baby caps, prayer cloths or prayer squares are lovingly made by generous women who donate them for several caring ministries and missions. If you are interested in helping out or would like informaon on geXng something for an ill, lonely, or hurng person…please call Tamara 651-734-3974 or e-mail her at [email protected] . A huge, sincere “Thank You” to all who have helped out. Also, feel welcome to work on your project at the Women’s Gathering on Monday a)ernoons 12:30pm in the WLC Valley Creek Fireside Room. WLC INFORMATION WANT MORE INFORMATION? Woodbury Lutheran Church ministries, worship schedule and acvies at all campuses can be found at: the welcome desk in the lobby, at, by downloading our church app at h;p:// or you can contact us at 651-739-5144. If you want more info on how to connect with a group, see the church calendar, check out your profile/ financial informaon and more, go to myWLC at “MulƟplying Disciples. Transforming lives.”
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