Montclair Elementary School June 11, 2014 Red & White Times F ROM THE P RINCIPAL ’ S D ESK Montclair Families, This is our last Red &White Times for the 2013-2014 school year. It has gone by so quickly and, yet, has been filled with memorable events for our students, families, and staff. We are finishing year-end assessment of every student’s performance. Please continue to maintain your home routine as we continue to maintain our school routine up through June 19. Your child’s teacher will inform you of your child’s year-end DRA grade level reading level in the comments section of the report card. Also, important summer skills and summer reading lists will be included for suggestions for summer review. Remember, your child is accustomed to reading, writing, and focusing on math concepts every day. Please set aside daily time this summer to keep your child’s skills at the “top of his/her game!” To our fifth graders: we are PROUD of your personal best in showing your 8 Smarts and using your Quality Lifeskills while you’ve been here at Montclair. I know that you will continue to “show what you know and strut your stuff” and make Monty proud wherever you learn. Each of you has grown as a learner and as a young person while here at Montclair. To our fifth grade parents: we will miss you, too! Your support and tireless effort have added to Montclair’s success. I know that your continuous support of your child’s learning will benefit whatever schools your child attends. THANK YOU for all that you’ve given to Montclair. If I don’t see you personally before the summer vacation, I wish you a safe summer filled with wonderful memories. I will be here most of the summer and the office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily. If the hours should change, a sign will be posted on the door. Please call before coming to make sure that someone is in the office at that time. The office will be staffed starting on July 23. We register new students all summer between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. As new neighbors move into your neighborhood, please encourage them to register their children right away. Completion of all paperwork results in a smooth entrance. I look forward to another excellent school year in 2014-2015 with the Montclair community - the best in all of PWC!! Sincerely, OUR NEW BELL HOURS FOR THE 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR WILL BE FROM 8:50 A.M. UNTIL 3:40 P.M. Tawnya S. Soltis Principal Mrs. Sols Awarded Bey D. Covington Educator of the Year Award On May 15, Mrs. Soltis was awarded the Betty D. Covington Educator of the Year Award for her years of service to children by the Greater Washington/Prince William-Manassas Boys and Girls Clubs. Mrs. Soltis began her career in PWCS in 1986 at King Elementary School in Dale City as a third grade teacher and a Learning Disabilities teacher. In 1991, she began her administrative career and has held positions as: Administrative Coordinator in the Office of Professional Development, Assistant Principal at Triangle and West Gate Elementary Schools and Principal at Old Bridge Elementary (4 years) and at Montclair Elementary School since March, 2004. She is proud to be able to impact the lives of children, staff and families. It is a privilege to be recognized with this honor, Mrs. Soltis says, especially because of its namesake, Mrs. Covington. She humbly shared her honor with our students and applauds the service of Mrs. Covington as a former PWCS principal and as our Potomac District School Board member. Mrs. Covington’s tireless efforts on behalf of educating children are extraordinary. Her continuous support of Montclair Elementary has been exceptional. I would like to thank our parents, students, and staff for the incredible outpouring of praise. I am truly honored and was so surprised by the “Blooming and Growing” sentiments. As I always say, I am the proudest principal in PWCS. Montclair is the BEST school because of our families and staff. Check our website’s slide show to “see and feel” the love. Thank you, Mrs. Soltis Mrs. Soltis & Mrs. Covington Montclair Elementary School Red and White Times Assistant Principal’s Corner As the 2013-2014 school year comes to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our community partners for the support and encouragement you give to the Montclair Learning Community as we all strive to help our students be successful! Thank you: • Shoppers Food Warehouse • Prince William County Parks Authority • Forest Park Teacher Cadets • PW Soil and Conservation District • Master Salon Stylist • NOVA Community College June 11, 2014 Field Day 2014 Field Day was a GREAT success! A big THANK YOU to the parents who volunteered at all of the stations. We received many compliments about how helpful the parents were and how fun they made each station. One classroom made thank you cards, with hand drawn pictures of their favorite activities on them, for the PE Teachers. They were awesome. Thanks to all the Teachers for accompanying their students around to all the stations. You all made this Field Day the most successful one yet! Thanks, Ms. Slonka Assistant Principal JUNE 2014 June 12-3:45 p.m. Talent Show Practice 6:00 p.m. Autism 2 Parent Night June 13-1st Grade Picnic 9:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 5th Grade Social 7:00-8:15 p.m. June 16-4th Grade Picnic 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Talent Show June 17-2nd Grade Picnic 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 5th Grade Picnic 11:45 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Talent Show 1:30 p.m. June 18-3rd Grade Picnic 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Kindergarten Celebration 1:30 p.m. 5th Grade Promotion 7:00 p.m. June 19-Kindergarten Picnic 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Report Cards Sent Home Last Day of School 1:40 p.m. Dismissal JULY 2014 July 1,8,15,22,29 & Aug.1-Library Open 2:00-5:00 p.m. Come with your child to check out books! AUGUST 2014 Mr. Muster & Mrs. Bridis SAVE THE DATE: Back to School Nights 7:00-8:30 p.m. Sept. 30-3rd, 4th, 5th Oct. 7-Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd WHERE ARE YOU GOING THIS SUMMER? In September, our Personal Best bulletin board will focus on our school families’ summer vacations and our students’ 8 Smarts and Lifeskills. If you travel this summer and want to send a postcard or your child wants to use his/her Word Smarts and write a letter, please mail it us! We will display our families’ summer memories ~ 8 Smarts and Lifeskills ~on this bulletin board. Please mail postcards and letters to: Mrs. Soltis Montclair Elementary School 4920 Tallowood Dr. Dumfries, VA 22025 We’d love to hear from you! Aug. 28-Kindergarten Orientation 6:30-7:45 p.m. Aug. 29-New Student Orientation 9:30-10:00 a.m. Open House 10:00-11:30 a.m. HAVE A FUN, SAFE AND SEPTEMBER 2014 RESTFUL SUMMER! Sept. 2-8:50 a.m. 2014-2015 School Year Begins LOOK FOR THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR CHILD’S REPORT CARD: • • • • • • • Summer Review Skills Packet from this year’s teacher Summer Reading List/Log/Brochure Educational Websites Writing Rubrics Supply List for next school year Attendance Certificate: Perfect (0 missed days) Outstanding (3 or fewer absences) Testing Results (K-3rd graders) PALS REGISTRATION FOR 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR Please remind anyone you know who is new to Montclair to register their students. The office will be open for registration through June and then again in August. The sooner parents register, the sooner their child will be placed in a classroom. ARE YOU MOVING? If you are moving, please call the office any time this summer at 703730-1072 to let us know. We will take care of transferring your child’s records to their new school upon request. Montclair Elementary School Red and White Times June 11, 2014 *Life Skill Student Lunch* This year we are focusing on one of our 9 Quality Lifeskills each month. Every month, one student will be selected to represent their class. The selection process varies from class to class as students decide with their teachers. This is a difficult selection since we have so many worthy students. The selected students eat on the stage with Mrs. Soltis and Ms. Slonka at a monthly luncheon. April’s focus was “Effort.” May’s focus was “Flexibility.” Congratulations to the students chosen in April: Kindergarten: Jessica Nguyen, Lucas Bonsignore, Destinee Flores-Rubio and Winner Nsiah-Yeboah First Grade: Mayelly Guerrero, Alexandra Lopez-Guardado and Jhonathan Peraza Second Grade: Kaden Mood, Tyler Bassett, MJ Waldera, Sharon Lake and Natalie Guardado Third Grade: Luz Bonilla, Evan Kashmer, Neo Teavahasakulthong and Trace Jones Fourth Grade: Sidney Garland, Nataly Torres, Matthew Porras and Lexi Hedges Fifth Grade: Jasahn Smith, Rachel Adam, Alex Nguyen and Josh Sanders Congratulations to the students chosen in May: Kindergarten: Paola Guerra Rivera, Landon Ludington, Jacob Cruz and Stephanie Lopez-Rubio First Grade: Graci Freese, Shane Hudson, Alan Hernandez and Christopher Winston Second Grade: Ti’Asia Lewek, Isabella Miller, Melinda Deras, Madelyn Barbour and Jonathan Roberts Third Grade: Michael Blados, Ashley Hernandez-Guerra, Hayden Hauser and Elijah Asante Fourth Grade: Tatiana Coley, Victoria Gil, Laiba Lone, Caleb Cooney and Nicholas Noguez Fifth Grade: Kennedy Rochon, Amber Doan, Jake Montrose and Angel Watjen MONTCLAIR SUMMER LIBRARY The Montclair School Library will be open this summer. Students and families are welcome to drop in on Tuesdays from 2 p.m.-5 p.m. on the following dates: July 1, July 8, July 15, July 22, July 29, and August 5. You may return books, check out new books, sit and read, or enjoy some of our regular library activities. If you are new to Montclair, we'd love to meet you! If you are an enrolled student, you may check out books, including rising 6th graders. Ms. Vibbert Librarian READ, READ, READ! Along with summer skills practice that will be in every student’s report card, I’d like to remind you to make a schedule to include at least one hour of reading (3rd, 4th, and 5th graders should read 90 minutes a day) AND 1/2 hour of math facts review. Personal writings in a journal make a great keepsake of summer adventures and assist students’ practice of learned written language skills. LACK OF SUMMER ROUTINE MEANS “SUMMER LOSS” OF KNOWLEDGE As hard as you and your children have worked this year, it would be a shame to find that they had lost skills when they return to school in September. Research repeatedly shows that continuing to read makes the BIGGEST DIFFERENCE in student achievement and success. A child can lose three to six months reading level if he/she doesn’t read EVERY DAY for this length of time. Calculating ahead, a summer loss of three months becomes a gap of nearly two years by the end of the sixth grade. Your child cannot afford that loss. Take the time … make reading a priority in June, July and August and keep all of your child(ren)’s 8 Smarts bright! Please take advantage of the Library Summer Quest program and remember the Suggested Summer Reading List will be included in the report card and posted on Montclair’s Homepage. Every student returning their log will receive a free wristband and earn up to 3(gr. 3-5) or 5 (g. K-2) to extra credit grades in Reading grade recognizing their Word Smarts. Montclair Elementary School Red and White Times accounts, for example a change in school location or grade level. The service will be available again on August 14, 2014. For additional information, please contact Fatima Somma, Admin. Coordinator Technical Support at 703.791.7242. REMINDER: Cash or checks are also accepted as pre-payments in the cafeteria. If you have any questions, please call Students who qualify for tuition-free summe before 10:00 a.m. or after 1:15 p.m. mer school include students who are perat 703-878-2930. forming below grade level in reading and/or Mrs. Sandy Goodman math, students receiving ESOL services, and Cafeteria Manager SUMMER SCHOOL Summer School registration is on Friday, June 27 at Swans Creek Elementary School. Summer is a time to continue practicing what has been learned this year. To lessen the chance of “summer loss” in learning, an exciting summer school program is being offered to Montclair students in the areas of reading and mathematics. Summer program classes will be in session 5 days a week (Monday-Friday) for 3 weeks. Classes will be held from 9:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. (July 7th- July 25th). students receiving Special Education (LD) services. Tuition free letters were sent home in April for eligible students based on grade level performance. If your child does not qualify for the tuition-free program, you may opt to send them at a cost of $250 per student. Summer school will be held at Swans Creek Elementary (703-445-0930) this year. Transportation will be determined once students are registered and communicated in June. The principal will be Ms. Dawn Johnson. Please call her with questions. Nurse’s Message If your child has medication in the clinic, it must be picked up by an adult before the last day of school (June 19, 2014). Any unclaimed medication will be disposed of according to Prince William County Regulation 757-4. Please don’t forget that effective July 1, 2014, the Virginia ment of Health has mandated that all The service for rising 6th graders must have a boostprepayments into school cafeteria acer dose of the Tdap (Tetanus, counts will not be available after June Diptheria, and Pertussis) vaccine 20, 2014 for this school year. Parents can fund the account with cash or check before school starts in September. if needed. This is a change from previous Parents using the Smart Pay option years. Please send the documentashould turn off the smart pay option prior tion of this vaccine to me, if you have to June 13th so a payment not done so already, by June 19, is not generated at the end 2014 or provide it to your child’s midof the school year. Parents dle school before the start of the can fund the account with new school year. Your child will cash or check if needed. not be permitted to start middle Seniors graduating this school without the immunization. year, or students moving . from Prince William County Schools, should contact their cafeteria manager for a refund. Students graduating or moving from Prince William County will no longer be active in the food service program and their account balances will not be updated in Students attending Prince William County Schools next year will have their Cafeteria account balances available. However Parents should update their students’ information in their Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Have a safe and relaxing summer! Cindi Sutton, RN, BSN School Nurse June 11, 2014 TOO MUCH TELEVISION? Children in the U.S. watch more than 19 hours of television per week. Not many of them adhere to the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation to watch fewer than 2 hours per day. Known adverse effects of television include obesity, aggressive behavior, decreased physical activity, and attention problems. Television can also cause sleep disorders. Among school-aged children and adolescents, television is associated with poor sleeping habits and disordered sleep (late bedtimes and disturbances during sleep). Among adolescents, high levels of television viewing might also lead to sleep problems in early adulthood. (Thompson DA. Pediatrics 2005;116(4):851-856.) Action Based Learning Beginning in October, 50 kindergarten and first grade students participated in our Action Based Learning Lab. twice a week for 15 minutes each time. We danced, jumped, skipped, and exercised in ways that are proven to increase blood flow to the brain and ready ourselves for learning. Action-based learning (ABL) is a series of progressions and stations that uses physical movement like balancing, cross-body motions, eye tracking and spatial awareness to help children learn. At the same time, we skip counted, practiced the alphabet, read sight words and played math games. We've had so much fun, I think we forgot we were learning. I would like to thank Mrs. Conatser and Mrs .Harris for volunteering their time and talents every week. Their caring and support for each of these children shows! I would also like to thank our 5th grade volunteers. They showed much patience and leadership while they encouraged younger peers to play and learn. Ginger Bridis, Physical Education Teacher Assistant Montclair Elementary School Red and White Times June 11, 2014 Monty’s News Crew Every Tuesday and Thursday morning and Friday afternoons (Popcorn Show) our news crew reported the news and ran the camera. A big thank you for a job well done to our news crews for the 2013-2014. 1st Crew Gabe Gaskin, Gabby Babauta, Angelina Gooden, Tyler Majors, Phoebe Kibler, Isabell Scales, Jawuan Hill 2nd Crew Cory Whitmore, Caitlyn Gates, Christina Rodriguez, Gabriela Prudencio, Amelia Litowitz, Barbie Campbell, Hallie Burns 3rd Crew Kendall Sneed, Raghav Chalamgari, Colton Kemerer, Savannah Turgal, Kennedy Rochon, Justin Hall, Faith Baylor, Penelope Castro-Martinez First LEGO League Robotics Teams Montclair Elementary School’s First LEGO League Robotics teams had a great year! Our returning 5th graders, “Next Generation Builders," team members were Raghav Chalamgari, Gabriel Gaskin, Georgina Gyamfi, Latrell Guy, Chloe Pressley and Kendall Sneed. They were joined this year by a new 4th grade team, "The Robot Crafters". This team members are Tristan Green, Matias Massignotti, Connor Armstrong, Cheyenne Brown, Nicholas Noguez and Leigha Gonzalez. This year, the teams were challenged to program their robot to complete missions related to a natural disaster theme. The Next Generation Builders programed their robot to complete a rescue mission reuniting stranded family members in the field of play. The Robot Crafters programed their robot to tackle the problem of removing damaged limbs from trees without interfering with power lines. On May 10th at Osbourn Park High School, both teams showcased their collaborative teamwork, technological design, and gracious professionalism. We are so proud of our teams! Ms. Blevins, Mrs. Doyle, Mrs. Grayson, Ms. Vibbert & Mrs. Wiggins Sponsors SAFETY PATROL NEWS We would like to thank all patrols for a job well done this year. Montclair's patrols served with the Lifeskills of courage, caring, problem solving, and cooperation as they carried out their duties. Although many students were exceptional in their behavior and diligence, we would like to announce Safety Patrol of the Year for 2013-2014 Ninah Jackson. Ninah served on her bus using the Lifeskills of patience, problem solving, and caring. She was respected by students and staff. Safety Patrol Members Nicholas Willard, Bailee O'Connor, Jenna Chancellor, Alexander Nguyen, Cedric Tucker, Michaela Murphy, Sydney Thaxton, Jimmy Brymer, Julian Edwards, Carloe Ferrufino, Jaden Toomer, Lilly Singleton, Hannah Steele, Elena Delach, Rachel Adam, Kennedy Rochon, Mariama Bangura, Kieaira Harris, Chiweta, Aninye, Iqra Ali, Georgina Gyamfi, Amber Doan, Breanna Shaw-Morris, Jada Pierre, Andrew Blanchard, Tayyeba Bibi, Zohaib Khalid, Ashleigh Craft, Chloe Pressley, Katie Cienfuegos, Reynaldo Quinteros-Cruz, Gabriela Flores, Keyani Stewart, Ryan Roth, Peter Navarrete, Ninah Jackson, Abigeal Cronan Mrs. Brown & Mr. Scotto, Patrol Sponsors Montclair Elementary School Red and White Times PTCO BOARD 2013-2014 June 11, 2014 ADVISORY COUNCIL President-Mary Roberts Vice President-Erinn Conley Treasurer-Yvonne Conaster Corresponding Secretary-Stacy Frye Recording Secretary-Sunday Frye-Blanchard For more information about our PTCO, check out the PTCO link on Montclair’s home page. Our parent representatives for the 2014-2015 School Year are: Holly Majors (Lake Terrapin, Ewell’s Mill, Spriggs Rd.) Peter Klucefski (Wexford/Forest Hills) Melissa Simpson (Cardinal Station) Christopher Cronan (Montclair) Uma Kalsoom (Dale City) Michelle Lake (Minnieville Rd, Courtlandt Manor, Charles Ewell) Summer Fitness Calendar SUMMER 2014 FUN WEBSITES FOR EVERYONE AT MONTCLAIR! For fun, educational websites, check out: or (click on side link: FUN WEBSITES FOR EVERYONE). In this large collection of websites you will find numerous math, reading, science and social studies websites. Check out the Mr. Muster’s Fusion page (a direct link is on Montclair’s home page under the Summer Information heading) for the Summer Activity Log. This is a great way to see if your getting the required 1 hour a day of physical activity. There are two ways to use the log. Save it to your computer or print the log out and fill it out. Turn it in to the PE staff next school year to earn FREE activity time in our gym with the Teacher. Have a great summer! Mr. Muster, Physical Education Teacher Mrs. Bridis, Physical Education Assistant MATH MASTERY As you know, it is very important for your child to have quick recall of math facts in order to adequately meet computation objectives in the Prince William County mathematics curriculum. Computation is an essential part of the curriculum and can impact other curriculum strands such as: Number/Number Sense, Measurement and Geometry, Patterns/Functions/Algebra, and Probability and Statistics. Knowledge of basic math facts is one tool that will help your child build confidence and success in mathematics! A variety of assessment techniques will be utilized to assess your child’s ability to recall math facts: observation of classroom activities, daily work-DOM, Mad Minutes, etc. By the end of the year, the math fact requirements at each grade level are: Kindergarten: Knowledge of basic addition and subtraction facts to 5. First Grade: Quick recall of addition and subtraction facts to 10. Second Grade: Quick recall of addition and subtraction facts to 20. Third Grade: Quick recall of all addition and subtraction facts by the end of the first semester. The student will recall multiplication facts through the 12 table, and the corresponding division facts. Fourth Grade: Quick recall of addition, subtraction and multiplication facts by the end of the first semester. Quick recall of division facts by the end of the year. Fifth Grade: Quick recall of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts by the end of the first quarter. Lack of mastery of these facts will affect your child’s math grades and your child would be considered performing below grade level if the above mastery is not met by the specified time. Please join us in encouraging all of our Montclair students to do their Personal Best in meeting these math fact expectations. Your support is critical in providing additional time/practice in order to memorize these facts! We use a variety of smarts to practice math facts at school (songs, games, puzzles, flashcards, etc.) and hope that you and your child will choose ways to practice at home that are successful in meeting his/her individual needs. If you have questions about how to practice or need ideas, please contact your child’s teacher for any assistance. Once your child has quick recall, remember that it is essential to review periodically to maintain progress! Montclair Elementary School Red and White Times June 11, 2013 A Fond Farewell We would like our parents to know which teachers will not be returning to Montclair next year. Each of these teachers has shared their “SMARTS” with us and we will miss them. We know you join us in wishing them a continued successful teaching career or other future endeavors. Mrs. Akremi (transferring within PWCS) Ms. Connor (transferring within PWCS) Ms. Draggoo (transferring within PWCS) Mrs. McNeely (transferring within PWCS) Mrs. Sirag (transferring within PWCS) Ms. Smith (transferring within PWCS) Mrs. Trest (California) Mrs. Tuthill (transferring within PWCS) Welcome to Montclair We are proud to announce new staff who will be sharing their “Smarts” with us next year. Kara Thompson (Autism 1) Mike Salomon (Autism 2) Jonathan Hudges (ESOL) Diana Bilello (Kdgn.) Ellen Pashiardis (Guidance, Tuesdays) Paul Alef (5th Grade) Grade Level Changes Mrs. Blevins to 2nd Grade Mrs. Bodnarchuk to 3rd Grade Mrs. Kennedy to 3rd Grade Ms. Sukanovich to 3rd Grade SCA NEWS In May, the SCA helped to wrap up an event-filled school year and get geared up for our SOL testing by leading Montclair’s spirit week. Each day, students and staff showed their “Montclair Pride” through Hat Day, Twin Day, Mismatch Day, Red Day, and Spirit Day. As we look back on the successful year that we’ve had, we are very proud of all of the things that we were able to accomplish. Through our fundraisers, food drives, and other events, we have been able to help support the efforts of local food banks and shelters, raise money to aid in cancer research, and help with various schoolwide and community events. The SCA would like to take the opportunity to thank our Montclair community. We certainly could not have completed so many tasks and helped so many people without the support of our school and community. See you next year. Ms. K. Smith Mrs. Akremi Sponsors SOAR: Monty’s Book Donation and Celebration Program This year we invited families to donate library books in honor of students’ birthdays or other special occasions. We would like to thank all of the families that participated. Thanks to you, Montclair’s library now has 33 additional books for students to read and enjoy. We like to call this the Lifeskill of Generosity! Thank you very much to each of the following families: Raquel Acosta, McKenzie Allen, Christian Ashford, Meridian Blanchard, Hanna Brookstein, Bryan Conatser, Raghav Chalamgari, Vaishnavee Chandler, Caleb Cooney, Quentin Davis, Jonathan Dean, Keyin Dixon, Trinity Garrett, Sarai Gibbs-Gerrald, Collin Hughes, Damian Jackson, Sharon Lake, Eldon Lyvers, Francois Mickiewicz, Justin Nobles, Caitlin Owlett, Aidan O’Brien, JC Ovando, Andrew Parsons, Christian Roberts, Kendall Sneed, Jack Tamboli, Jennifer Tamboli, Aaron Quantrille, Elizabeth Valascho, Jane Voith, and Daimian Wright If you would like to donate a book to the library for any celebration or honor, information is on our library website. Ms. Vibbert, School Librarian Mrs. Davis, Library Media Assistant
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