Board Volume 34, Issue 21 JPS SCHOOL BOARD: Dr. Otha Burton, Jr. President Mr. Timothy D. Collins Vice President Ms. Beneta Burt Secretary Ms. Monica Gilmore-Love Member Ms. Kisiah W. Nolan Member Mr. Jed H. Oppenheim Member Ms. Linda Rush Member Dr. Cedrick Gray Superintendent Ms. JoAnne Shepherd JPS Counsel Ms. Dorian Turner Board Counsel Ms. Vikki Mumford Secretary to the Board Briefs JACKSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS May 20, 2014 CALL TO ORDER Dr. Otha Burton, President, opened the May 20, 2014, regular meeting of the Jackson Public Schools Board of Trustees. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Zion Wood, an eighth grade student at Northwest International Baccalaureate Middle School, led the Pledge of Allegiance for the May 20, 2014, Board meeting, in both English and Spanish. Selected Mr. Eighth Grade, Wood is described as a charismatic school leader. He discovered his love for acting after starring in the play “10 Ways to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse.” Wood is a member of the National Junior Honor Society and has made the honor roll for multiple terms. He is also in the drama club and plays on the football and soccer teams. He looks forward to studying theatre and performance at the University of California, Los Angeles. His parents, Robert and Christi Woods, were recognized along with Principal Chinelo Evans. PRAYER OF INVOCATION Rev. Edward Hightower gave the Prayer of Invocation. Rev. Hightower is the pastor of Mount Moriah Baptist Church in Morton, MS. He was born and educated in Drew, MS, and was baptized at Pilgrims Rest Baptist Church where he served as a youth. He accepted his call to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in 1972 and attended Missouri Baptist Theological Seminary. Rev. Hightower attended Alcorn College before he enlisted and served in the Army for 30 years. His service in the armed forces allowed him to travel to many cities in the United States. He had three tours of duty in Vietnam and spent time in Berlin, West Germany. While still on active duty in the military, he pastored a church in Minneapolis, MN. Board member Monica Gilmore-Love presented certificates of appreciation to Zion Wood and Rev. Edward Hightower for their participation in the meeting. 1 JPS BOARD MEETINGS: The Board of Trustees holds two regular meetings per month. The next regular JPS Board meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. June 10, 2014, in the Board Meeting Room at 621 South State Street. The JPS Board of Trustees welcomes public comments regarding policy revisions. CONTACT THE BOARD: Jackson Public Schools School Board Office 662 S. President Street Jackson, MS 39201 E-mail: [email protected] JPS Website: OUTSTANDING PARENTS Melissa Stokes was recognized as an Outstanding Parent. Stokes is a Lanier High School parent and serves on the school’s Site Council, Parent Teacher Student Association, and as chair of the band booster club. In addition to these duties, she assists with weekly bus duty, hall monitoring, and test proctoring. Watkins Elementary parent Katyna Montgomery was also recognized as an Outstanding Parent. Montgomery has served in various volunteer capacities at Watkins for Melissa Stokes & Dr. over three years. She has been a field trip volunteer, a Cedrick Gray room parent, and more. She has been a strong supporter of the programs at the school and the leadership of Principal Josie Blake. Montgomery regularly participates in classroom activities and often reads to students. JPS Superintendent Dr. Cedrick Gray presented Outstanding Parent Katyna Montgomery (center), with husband certificates to Melissa Stokes and Sedrick (left), their two children & Dr. Gray Katyna Montgomery. WATCH MEETINGS ON JPS ITV: Channel 19 Program Schedule JPS ITV on YouTube CONNECT WITH JPS ONLINE! Glenn Davis, Joe Wade, & Dr. Gray Jerry Luckett, Tuesday Jones & Dr. Gray GOLDEN BOWTIE AWARDS Campus Enforcement Deputy Chief Glenn Davis presented Investigator Joe Wade with the Superintendent’s Bowtie Award in recognition of his 11 years of service to Jackson Public Schools. He previously served for 25 years on the Jackson Police Department. Deputy Chief Jerry Luckett presented Officer Tuesday Jones the Superintendent’s Bowtie Award for going above and beyond the call of duty. During her regular patrol duties, she recognized a house on fire and alerted the home’s occupants. She further assisted in removing one of the residents who was disabled. Board Briefs, May 20, 2014 JACKSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2 ANNOUNCEMENTS APPROVAL OF SUMMER FEEDING PROGRAM AGREEMENT School Board Budget Hearing The Board of Trustees approved a contract to allow the Food Service Department to enter into a contract with the City of Jackson, Department of Parks and Recreation to provide vended meals to their various locations throughout the city of Jackson during the summer months. The Board of Trustees of Jackson Public Schools will hold a public hearing on its proposed school district budget for fiscal year 2014– 2015 on Thursday, June 12, 2014, at 4 p.m. in the School Board Meeting Room located at 621 South State Street. JPS Parent Survey Parents, please take time to help us improve. Your answers to the 20132014 Parent Survey will help us to determine your level of satisfaction with Jackson Public Schools. Please complete this survey by Friday, June 14, 2014. Questions about the survey can be e-mailed to Sherwin Johnson, Executive Director of Public and Media Relations. JPS High School Graduations and DVD Orders Families of recent JPS high school graduates may still purchase DVDs of their ceremonies for $10 each. JPS Partners in Education is accepting DVD orders now. Pre-purchased DVDs will be available to pick up from Partners in Education until June 28, 2014. For more information, call (601) 960-8905. The City of Jackson, Department of Parks and Recreation, will operate summer programs at several of their sites and several Jackson Public School sites. Many of the City of Jackson sites cannot prepare food, therefore the City of Jackson requested to enter a contract with JPS to provide lunches and snacks for children throughout the City of Jackson. APPROVAL OF SUMMER FEEDING PROGRAM FOR DISTRICT SITES The Board of Trustees granted approval to allow the Food Service Department to operate the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) in the District from June 2 July 18, 2014. Serving time will be 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Monday through Friday. Blackburn Middle, 1311 West Pearl Street Boyd Elementary, 4531 Broadmeadow Drive Brown Elementary, 146 East Ash Street Chastain Middle, 4650 Manhattan Road Clausell Elementary, 3330 Harley Street Galloway Elementary, 186 Idlewild Street Key Elementary, 699 West McDowell Road Lake Elementary, 472 Mt. Vernon Avenue Lee Elementary, 330 Judy Drive Powell Middle, 3655 Livingston Road Provine High, 2400 Robinson Road Woodville Heights Elementary, 2930 McDowell Road APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH RENAISSANCE LEARNING The Board of Trustees approved Renaissance Learning as a consultant to provide professional development to 63 principals and 60 assistant principals in the Jackson Public School District. The training will focus on using learning progressions to escalate proficient implementation of common core standards and increase rates of success in standards-based instruction. APPROVAL OF THE MCKINNEY-VENTO PROGRAM The Board of Trustees granted approval for the McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program for the 2014-2015 School Year. The McKinney-Vento program is designed to address the problems that homeless children and youth have faced in enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school. Under this program, Mississippi educational agencies must ensure that each homeless child and youth has equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, including a public preschool education, as other children and youth. Board Briefs, May 20, 2014 JACKSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS APPROVAL OF THE MCKINNEY-VENTO PROGRAM (Continued) District-wide Closure Homeless children and youth should have access to the educational and other services that they need to enable them to meet the same challenging Mississippi student academic achievement standards to which all students are held. In addition, homeless students may not be separated from the mainstream school environment. States and districts are required to review and undertake steps to revise laws, regulations, practices, or policies that may act as a barrier to the enrollment, attendance, or success in school of homeless children and youth. The administrative offices of Jackson Public Schools will be closed July 1– 4, 2014. The Summer Feeding Program will be closed July 4 only. Regular office hours will resume Monday, July 7. Online Registration Jackson Public Schools has adopted the Infosnap online registration program. Returning students begin registration July 14. For more info, visit JPS Summer Feeding Program The JPS Food Service Department provides free lunches at 12 school sites through the Summer Feeding Program. The program operates from 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m., Mon.–Fri., throughout the summer until July 18, 2014. The program serves youths 18 and under. The Summer Feeding Program will be closed July 4. JPS Summer Reading The Jackson Public Schools Summer Reading Program is underway and continues until students return to school in August. All JPS students in grades K–12 are required to read at least three books and complete a reading log for each. To learn more, visit the JPS Summer Reading List page. Board Briefs, May 20, 2014 APPROVAL OF REVISIONS TO POLICY GACD–CONFLICT OF INTEREST Policy GACD–Conflict of Interest was presented for approval. This policy outlines what is considered as conflict of interest is necessitated by audit findings in state and federal programs to prohibit conflicts of interest in contracts supported by federal funds. Approval of this policy will assist the District in achieving its goal of attracting and retaining quality teachers and administrators and the implementation and maintenance of strategic planning. APPROVAL OF REVISIONS TO POLICY GBF–PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The Office of District Counsel recommended the approval of revisions to Policy GBF–Professional Development. The committee on policies and procedures reviewed the District’s existing policy in March 2014 and determined that the current policy required revisions to ensure alignment with Standard 21 of Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards (2012), which requires that the District implement professional development programs aligned with the Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning. The revisions to Policy GBF will improve the accreditation standing at each of the District’s schools. APPROVAL OF REVISIONS TO POLICY IDAA–GIFTED EDUCATION PROGRAM The Office of District Counsel recommended the approval of revisions to Policy IDAA Gifted Education Program. The committee on gifted education reviewed the existing policy in March 2014 and determined that the current policy required revisions to include the two additional documents that provide information on the statutory basis and support for gifted education in the State of Mississippi. The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) requires that school districts adopt a policy regarding gifted education to ensure that gifted children who demonstrate unusually high potential are identified and offered an appropriate education based upon their exceptional abilities. The revisions to Policy IDAA will ensure the District is meeting all requirements for Standard 23.9 for accreditation purposes. JACKSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS 2014–2015 District Calendar August 12, 2014 – Teachers Report/ Convocation/Building Level PD August 13-15, 2014 – Building Level PD/Classroom Organization August 18, 2014 – Students Report (Full day for students) January 5, 2015 – Winter Break Ends/Teachers Return January 6, 2015 – Students Return June 3, 2015– Second Semester Ends/Last Day for Students (60% day for students) June 4, 2015 – Last Day for Teachers Inclement Weather Days The following days will be used for Inclement Weather Make-Up Days as needed: October 13, 2014 – Fall Break November 24, 2014 – First day of Thanksgiving Break April 6, 2015 – Last day of Easter Break May 25, 2015 – Memorial Day The District will delay the start of school when possible to address inclement weather. If additional days are needed, adjustments to the calendar will be made. For more, download the JPS Inclement Weather Procedures (PDF). APPROVAL OF REVISIONS TO POLICY IGB–GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS The Office of District Counsel recommended the approval of revisions to Policy IGB–Graduation Requirements. The committee on graduation requirements reviewed the existing policy in September 2013 and March 2014 and determined the District’s current policy required revisions to ensure alignment with Standard 20 of the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards (2012). The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) requires that school districts implement Standard 20 of the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards (2012). The revisions to Policy IGB will improve the accreditation standing at each of the District’s high schools and will increase the average daily attendance and decrease the truancy of many high school students. These revisions will provide high school students with more graduation options, ultimately leading to an increase in the District’s overall graduation rate over the years. APPROVAL OF REVISIONS TO POLICY JCBAAA–USE OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES The Board of Trustees granted approved revisions to Policy JCBAAA–Use of Electronic Device Code of Student Conduct. This policy reflects the Board and District having authority to discipline students for the use, display or activation of an electronic device which disrupts the educational process. The unauthorized use of the wireless communication device capabilities during school hours, the use of a wireless communication device to commit a crime, or the use of a wireless communication device that disrupts or interferes with the safety-to-life issue for students being transported on a Jackson Public School District bus, would be violations of the Code of Student Conduct, subjecting violators to disciplinary action in accordance with district policy. APPROVAL OF REVISIONS TO POLICY JKA–CREDIT RECOVERY PROGRAM The Office of District Counsel recommended the approval of revisions to Policy JKA–Credit Recovery. The Office of District Counsel recommended the approval of revisions to Policy JKA Credit Recovery. The revisions will include State Board Policy 2905 that requires that school districts implement a credit recovery program that includes rules, regulations, and processes. The approval of Policy IGB will improve the accreditation standing at each of the District’s high schools and will increase the average daily attendance and decrease the truancy of many high school students. These revisions will provide high school students with more graduation options, ultimately leading to an increase in the District’s overall graduation rate over the years. Board Briefs, May 20, 2014 JACKSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS 5
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