ICERP 2015 - FRP Institute

A 3 DAY ' S
26th June to 28th June 2014
Andhra Mahila Sabha
(Opposite to Sathya Sudio)
#12, Dr.Durgabai Deshmukh Road,
R. A. Puram,
Chennai- 600028
044- 24938888 , 2464 1234
Organized by
NP 23 & 24 Developed Plot
Chennai - 600032
email : [email protected]
Mobile : +91-98414 26644
Composite materials have emerged as
an important material system for industrial
and societal applications. India has a good
industrial base for making various products
using these materials. However, there is
no corresponding effort to impart education
for beginners on how to use these materials
and manufacture them. FRP Institute is
conducting this training programme to give
the basic understanding of the technology,
manufacturing methods and applications.
The aim is to provide the necessary
knowledge to take up employment in
composites (FRP) industry or enhance
knowledge, if already employed in this
Composites Industry, like information
technology, is a knowledge driven industry.
Hence acquiring the basic knowledge is
very essential to be effective in the industry
for making world-class products.
The training programme is intended to
cover the technology of fibre reinforced
plastics (FRP) product manufacture utilizing
various manufacturing processes.
It consists of lectures, practical work
and video demonstrations. The lecture
sessions are intended to give the basic
understanding of raw materials,
manufacturing methods, properties and
applications. Hand-lay up, sheet moulding
compounds, filament winding, pultrusion
and vacuum infusion processes will be
covered in the course.
Thursday 26-06-2014
0900 - 1100 hrs. Introduction to Composites Materials
1115 - 1215 hrs. Reinforcement fibres, Glass fibres
1215 - 1300 hrs. Polyester Resins ,
1400 - 1700 hrs. P r a c t i c a l D e m o n s t r a t i o n o n
materials, laminate making by
Hand lay up Process
Friday 27-06-2014
0900 --1030 hrs Epoxy & Phenolic Resins
1045 - 1200 hrs. Fillers, Additives and Core materials
1200 - 1300 hrs. Moulding compounds, (DMC, SMC)
1400 - 1700 hrs. P r a c t i c a l d e m o n s t r a t i o n o n
making, finishing
operation , compression moulding
Saturday 28-06-2014
0900 - 1000 hrs. Vacuum infusion methods
1000 -1100 hrs. Pultrusion, Filament winding
1115 -1300 hrs. Sandwich construction
1400 -1700 hrs. P r a c t i c a l d e m o n s t r a t i o n o n
laminates with stiffeners sandwich
construction and demonstration of
vacuum infusion method. Testing of
fibres, resins and Composites,
Applications in Infrastructure,
Chemical, Energy and Electrical
and other sectors.
Forthcoming Mega Event of FRP Institute
International Conference and
Exhibition on Reinforced Plastics
The Seventh Mega Event
of The FRP Institute
29th to 31st January 2015
Hitex Exhibition Center,
Hyderabad, India.
FOR WHOM: This programme is
suitable for beginners and also for
and technologists who are
interested in the manufacture of FRP
Name : _____________________________
Designation : _______________________
Products, marketing of FRP raw materials,
Organisation : ______________________
etc. This programme will also provide the
Address : ____________________________
necessary introduction and training in FRP
technology for those who are engaged in
manufacturing of FRP products but do not
programme will also benefit the end users
Tel. No. _____________________________
have formal training in FRP.
of FRP in understanding the technology,
quality control and maintenance.
Fax : ________________________________
E-mail : _____________________________
necessary aptitude for engineering work
Type of Industry / Business ___________
will also find this programme useful for
enriching their knowledge and skill to
DD No. _____________________________
take up carrier in this field.
There is a general shortage of trained
composites technologists in the industrial
Date : ______________________________
Amount Rs. _________________________
sector. There is no formal education
Name of Bank : _____________________
programme in the country to train
Signature ___________________________
engineers specifically to this field of
Course Fee: Rs. 8500/- which is inclusive
12.36% service tax levied by Govt. of India.
The cheque / demand draft should be in favour
of “FRP INSTITUTE. There will be a concession of Rs.1000/- for FRP Institute members.
Please forward the registration form together
with payment details to ” :
Dr. A. Selvam
Executive Secretary
N.P. 23/24, Developed Plot,
Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-600032.
FRP Institute, therefore, strongly
recommends to the composites industry
to depute newly recruited engineers to get
trained. This will certainly improve their
capability which will in turn help to
improve product quality and profitability
of the industry.
FRP Institute is a professional society
registered under Govt. of Tamil Nadu
Societies Act-1975. It has members from
all over India consisting of scientists,
composites specialists, fabricators, raw
material suppliers, consultants, designers,
educational institutions etc. The Institute
works in close collaboration with the
industries and institutions for upgrading the
Composites Technology and to promote the
growth of the Indian composites industry.
FRP Institute works with the following
three main objectives in-order to promote
the growth of industry:
i )Education & Training
ii) Technology Upgradation & Quality
iii) Industrial Growth & Export
HRD Programme
Well-trained man power is an essential
requirement for the rapid growth of
c o m p o s i t e s i n d u s t r y. F R P I n s t i t u t e ’s
educational and training programmes are
created to meet this need.
For further details and information on the
contact :
Dr. A. Selvam
Executive Secretary
NP. 23/24, Developed Plot,
Ekkattuthangal, Chennai - 600032.
Tel : +91 44 42900325
Fax : +91 44 22250349
Mobile : +91 - 98414 26644
Email : [email protected]
Visit Us :,