APP-DSK-100 Exam Preparation Guide The APP-DSK-100 exam is weighted across all four DesktopNow products. Questions are drawn from a large pool of questions, making it highly unlikely that the same questions or topic mix will appear in any given sitting. The percentages of questions asked for each product area are broken down as follows: Questions : 50 Pass mark : 70% Preparation In preparing for the exam, candidates should attend the AppSense Professional 2.0 course. 100% of the exam questions can be answered from the AppSense Professional 2.0 Student Guide and Exercise Guide. Successful candidates will have: o Participated in the course’s lectures and discussions o Performed and practiced the hands-on exercises o Reviewed and studied the Student Guide and Exercise Guide Alternatively, if candidates do not wish to attend the AppSense Professional 2.0 course, they could also prepare by reviewing and studying the DesktopNow Product Documentation and gaining hands-on experience installing, configuring, administering, troubleshooting and maintaining DesktopNow. Benefits of becoming AppSense Certified AppSense is the leading provider of user virtualization technology to enterprise organizations. Leading vendors, such as Microsoft, Citrix, Cisco and VMware, validates our pioneering desktop solutions. Becoming an AppSense Certified Professional validates you have the knowledge and skill to administer, manage and maintain a DesktopNow solution to ensure a secure, tailored user experience across all platforms, improving your organization’s user productivity and security while reducing operational and capital costs. By meeting the standards of an AppSense technical certification program, you demonstrate that you are prepared to take on AppSense projects. AppSense values our growing community of certified IT professionals and offers exclusive benefits, such as access to participate in application beta programs, beta training courses and exams and official AppSense Certified logos. Page 1 of 4 © 1999-‐2014 AppSense Ltd. All Rights Reserved. APP-DSK-100 Exam Preparation Guide Application Manager 30% o Describe the general functionality of Application Manager o Configure application access control, application network access control and enable rights discovery o Configure privilege management, web downloads and snippets o Utilize auditing and the Rules Analyzer for troubleshooting o Perform basic troubleshooting techniques o ANAC functionality o Trusted Ownership requirements and functionality o Using Digital Signatures to secure access o Creating custom rules o Automatically block unauthorized applications without the need for administrative intensive listing techniques. o Configure application access based on user, group, access times and client rules. o Track and audit user activity, including automatic archiving of unauthorized applications including file types used. o Understand the uses of End point analysis. o Default Application Manager Configuration settings and effects. Performance Manager 10% o Describe how Performance Manager deals with perceived performance o Identify the performance benefits from using a default policy configuration o Manage resource allocation based on user and application groups o Default configuration settings o Ensure quality of service is maintained by applying CPU and memory control to preserve system resources. o Ensure that server freezes are eliminated by tuning system resources. o Implement a memory optimization schedule to reduce rebasing and excessive RAM usage. o Understand application and system state control to provide granular control of system resources. o Recognize and distinguish between the performance features available in PM. Page 2 of 4 © 1999-‐2014 AppSense Ltd. All Rights Reserved. APP-DSK-100 Exam Preparation Guide AppSense Manager Centre 20% o Manage and deploy packages o Deploy the Client Communications Agent o Configure server and object level security o Utilize alerts and event auditing for monitoring and troubleshooting o Install and configure additional Management Servers o Configure and test failover o Perform basic troubleshooting techniques o Install packages. o Administer package delivery. o Install and Configure Failover Servers. o Understand the endpoint components CCA, Watchdog service. o Recognize the pre-requisites for a successful install of AMC. o Configure Enterprise Auditing and understand the effect of collecting events on client and server. Understanding Basic AppSense Functionality o Understand the various components of the AppSense Management Suite, as well as key features of each. o Understand the endpoint components (PVC, EMLoader, EMSystem, EMAgent, and EMUser) and how to troubleshoot them. o Recognize and use Microsoft Event code and error codes used to troubleshoot AppSense products. o Identify how AppSense DesktopNow addresses the challenges of managing the user environment o Identify and define AppSense products and their roles Perform and verify an installation Installing AppSense Suite components o Know the system requirements to run the AppSense Management Suite IIS Services and extensions o Using the SCU to troubleshoot upgrades and configuration problems Licensing the AppSense solution o Understand the types of licenses used in AppSense Suite. o Recognize the different methods of Installation of licenses. Page 3 of 4 © 1999-‐2014 AppSense Ltd. All Rights Reserved. APP-DSK-100 Exam Preparation Guide Environment Manager 40% o Describe how policy and personalization are applied on the endpoints o Create and test a basic policy configuration by utilizing triggers, nodes and conditions to begin adding actions that apply to specific users under specific conditions o Configure global settings, desktop settings, session data, personalization groups and applications o Configure lockdown and self heal actions o Enable data collection and use the Configuration Assistant and the template creator to configure the includes and excludes for an application group o Configure a complex policy utilizing hiving, importing and layering o Install an additional personalization server and import settings from the original personalization server o Manage user settings with Personalization Analysis and enable the EMBrowser Interface and the Self-Service Portal o Perform basic troubleshooting techniques o Show understanding of personalization profile rollback and archive, including timings for archives, data and configuration. o Use self-healing functionality to ensure critical files, service, and registry keys remain unchanged. o Implement application lockdown to remove unwanted functionality such as menu items and other components from the user interface. o Understand the differences between policy and personalization, and how they are activated on the endpoint including the name and format of configuration files. o Recognize the effect of stop if fails, run once, and the logical operators in EM policy. o Recognize the relationship between Session data, Desktop Settings and Global excludes. o Understand the difference between application isolation, application grouping and desktop settings Configure Security o Set up console security delegation, and differentiate functionality and access rights between default security groups o Securing server communications with HTTPS Configure components o IIS configuration o SQL account requirements for database creation and access o How to connect to the management server and which protocols are used o Create Deployment Groups o Options to Install the CCA on managed Computers Page 4 of 4 © 1999-‐2014 AppSense Ltd. 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