lr DET}ARTMTNT OF EDUCATION OTPICI OF THE UNDERSECRETARY FoR Rnc I ONAL GPE RATIONs SCHOLARSHIP ADWSORY Scholarship No. 24, s.,2014 TO Bureau and Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Heads of Public Elementary, Secondary and Tech-Voc Schools DATE Z3luly 2014 The ]apan International Cooperation Agency in coordination with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) announces its offering of training for Industrial Technology Education for CY 2014. The program aims to get an overview of technology education in ]apan, to study the curriculum and methods in six areas of ]apanese technology education and experience these technologies through lecfures, observations and discussions and formulate action plans with focus on teacher training curriculum and textbooks for industrial technology education. Each region and bureau is requested to send one (1) nominee noting the criteria for selection of the participants (see attached Annex A). Please note the need for English language certification from the head of office. The application forms and other instructions can be downloaded at this website: http// For further inquiries and clarifications, kindly call at telephone numbers (+S1) 525330220 or email address at [email protected]. appticants should be endorsed by their respective heads of division and region or bureau. Applications should be addressed and sent to the Scholarships Secretariat, Staf{ Development Division, HRDS, Department of Education, Teodora Alonzo Building II, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City on or before August 10,201.4. A11 DrpED COMpLEX, MERALCO AVENUE, PA5IC CITY 1600 | [email protected] DrMCr [rNE 633 72 03 I FAX 631 84 92 | W\{W.DEPED.GOVPH i_' DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICI oF THE LJNDERSECRETARY FOR RUC I ONAL OPTNN"rISN5 SCHOLARSHIP ADWSORY Immediate dissemination Advisory is desired. and appropriate action Ior this Scholarship INO D. RIVERA Undersecretary W I I CA/T r ainin g/ d a g ar/0 7 -2 3 - 1 4 DEPED COMPLEX, MEMLCO AVENUE, PAsIC CITY 1600 DTRECT Lu{E 633 72 03 | FAX 631 84 I RIZATINO.RIVER.A&DEPED,GOVPH 92 | IVIVWDEPED.COVFH ?ts 6,P&R\ DEI1ARTMENT OF EDUCATION ,iffi# ::rffii;| Orptcn oF THE Ui{nERSECRETARv Fan RrctoNAL OPrnnrtoruS *g,, SCHOLARSHIP ADWSORY Addressee Bureau and Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Heads of Public Elementary, Secondary and Tech-Voc Schools Sponsoring Group Japan International Cooperation Agency Scholarship Program Industrial Technology Education Application Addressee Scholarships Secretariat Staff Development Divisioru HRDS Department of Education Teodora Alonzo Building II DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City Target Participants Secondary Public School Teachers Number of Nominees Date of the Program October 19 -November 29,2014 Deadline of Submission of Nominees One (1,)per region, or bureau August 1,0, 201.4 Website: http: / / www.chubu.a / englis Website/Contact Numbers h/ Division and Endorsement Email: cbictpl@jica. (+81) 525330220 DEPED COMPLEX, MERALCO AVENUE, PASIC CITY DTRECT tlNF 633 72 03 | I600 I [email protected]'VPH FAX 631 84 92 | W\\I\,V.DEPED.GOV.FH Regional Heads DET'ARTMENT OF E NUCATION Opplce oF THn UNDERSECRE]ARY FoR Ruc I oNAL OpE narIoNS SCHOLARSHIP ADWSORY A. ANNEX A QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS L. Philippine Government a. b. c. d. e. f. Candidate must have rendered at least three (3) years of service; Must hold a permanent appointmenf Must have a college degree related to the field of study or has sufficient demonstrated ability and experience along the field of study; Must have obtained at least a very satisfactory performance rating for two consecutive periods preceding the nomination Must not have a pending application for scholarship under another program; and Must have rendered the service obligation required under Executive Order 367 for scholarship recent$ concluded before he/she could again nominated for another course where the field of study is different from the previous training. B. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE 1,. DepEd will provide the salary of the nominee for the duration of the award 2. Donor Country c. DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS (DEPED) 1.. Supporting documents to be submitted prior to screening and evaluation: a. A letter of nomination addressed to the Chairman of DepEd Scholarship Committee signed by the Regional Director or its duly authorized official b. Updated Personal Data Sheet/Resume with list of in-service training and seminars attended (spell out acronyms of organizerfs and topic/s or subject/s of the training: certificates of training NEED NOT be submitted) c. Ceitified copy of statement of actual duties and responsibilities d. Copy of Passport 2. Other documentary requirements to be submitted if accepted: a. Certified copy of service record b. Photocopy of Diploma (Baccalaureate/graduate) c. Photocopy of Transcript of Records (Baccalaurete/graduate) d. Certification that the nominee has no pending scholarship nomination to other program e. Certification that the nominee has no pending administrative and criminal f. g. case Certification from the school/division that the nominee has no financial and office accountabilities Scholarship Contract DEPED COMPLEX, MERALCO AVENUE, PASIC CrTy 1600 | zuZALINO.RMRASDEFID.GOVPH Dlr{ECr LrNE 633 72 03 | FAX 631 84 92 | ww\ rDEpED.COv.pH DEI}ARTMENT OF EDUCATION Orrlcn oF THE UI.{nERSECRETARY FoR RTGIONAL oPERATIoNs SCHOLARSHIP ADWSORY D. PROGRAM REeUIREMENTS (|apan Internationar cooperation Agency) a' Officers and employees nominated by the head of departrnent/agency, instifution or university or non-gevernmental organizatron and private enterprise; b' Must have rendered at least two years of service in the governemnt at the time of nomination; c' Must hold a d' permanent appointment at the organizaion nominating him/her; Must have obtained at least a very satisfactory performance rating for two consecutive periods preceding the nomination; have a college degree and/ or sufficient demonstrated experience related/rerevant to the course applied for; Must have no pending administrative and/or criminal case; e' Must ability and t. g' Must have no pending nomination for scholarship in h' i' j. another program/ course; Must have already rendered the required service obligation for a scholarship previously enjoyed; Must meet the position level, age, ed.ucation and experience required and specified by the donor country/organization / course; Must be physically fit to travel and undergo overseas training. DEPED COMPLEX, MERALCO AVENUE, PASIG CITY I6T]0 RIZALINO.RIVEMSDTPED.GOVP}I I DTRECT LINE 633 7? 03 I FAX 63t 8492 1A.1,\,V/.DEPED.COV.FH I
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