Monthly Progress Report of Arun-3 HEP (900 MW) for the Month of Feb,201 Sr. No Description 1 MOU Hydrological Data 2 Status as on 28.02.14 The MOU was signed between GON and SJVN on 02.03.2008. Gauge and Discharge sites are operational w.e.f 03.11.08. Data is being recorde lab made operational w.e.f. 03.11.08 and Silt analysis being done regularly. H House discharge site is not working w.e.f. 25/06/2012 due to flash flood. The Gh re- establishment of G&D site at power house has been completed.The me discharge and silt data for PH site has been taken w.e.f 25.01.14. First round of PDA meeting held between17th to 19th, June13 and second round Signing of on 27/28th, June13. Third round of PDA meeting held between 19/20th J Project Template of PDA is being revised/modified. 3 Development Agreement (PDA) Generation Licence Preparation of 5 DPR EIA / EMP study 6 4 13-03-14 Generation license applied on 14.07.2013 is under process. Final DPR submitted to CEA on 31.03.11. 13 chapters of DPR cleared so f progress. The report has been submitted to IBN, GoN on 30th June, 2013. GoN raised for improving the draft EIAEMP report on 23.08.2013 and report is under report has been submitted to Competent Authoriety for approval. RSS comp/d:/official/MPR/MPR-Arun III for Feb 14.xlsx 1 of 4 Construction material survey 7 13-03-14 Work Completed. The material is suitable for non-wearing surfaces only. CSM observations, for use of aggregate for wearing surface. To reply the observatio award for testing samples from DP-15 of Power House area for wearing surf was made on 24.01.2014. The samples from the site has been collected on 2 sent to CSMRS Deptt on 02.03.14. RSS comp/d:/official/MPR/MPR-Arun III for Feb 14.xlsx 2 of 4 Project Roads Readiness of award of work is being acheived by the time PDA is signed. Kuwapani to Num and Num to Dam site : Roads constructed by the Deptt of ro up to Num. Approx. 3.5km road from Dam site/Transit camp to Dam top is yet to b for which estimate has been prepared, and approved. Chainkutty to Diding(Power House): Tender was invited for construction of acce Power House(approx 28.69km) on item rate basis through e-procurement . Case tendering process. Period of construction is 2 years. Estimated cost is 60 crs. Access roads to various sites: i) Power House township to Phaksinda(20.87 Km) : Case is under tendering pr ii) Bridge Dovan to Contractor Facilities & Clay Quarries (4.10 )km :Tendering iii) IP544 of Chainkutty to PH Road to the bottom of Surge Shaft & Adit IV( 0.8 is under tendering process. iv) IP529 of Chainkutty to PH Road to the top of Surge Shaft ( 1.04 Km): Case tendering process. Project Land The land requirement along with cadastral map(180.32 hectares) submitted to Go Land owned by GoN to be transferred to SJVN within 180 days and Land owned b be transferred to SJVN within 1 year of submission of complete information of la per terms of MoU and subject to PDA. It has been proposed by SJVN by inserting a clause in PDA for transferring Pvt. la obligation of GoN. 8 9 13-03-14 RSS comp/d:/official/MPR/MPR-Arun III for Feb 14.xlsx 3 of 4 Transmission line 10 (a) i)DPR(Transmission lines): DPR submitted to CEA on 05.04.11.CEA observation regarding cost of tran was attended and revised cost estimate was submitted to CEA on 20.11.13 DPR being pursued. ii)IEE report: IEE report submitted to GoN on 10.08.12. Ministry of energy,GoN had raised com study report. After incorporation of comments. final report submitted to Ministry by NEA on 14.08.13. MoE,GoN again raised some observations and re submitted. IEE report is likely to be approved by 31.03.14. Extension of Survey Licence has been extended upto 21.05.14. 10( Transmission b) Survey licence Establishment of VSAT have been installed at Imchung and Num . Installation work and trans communication PH& Dam sites through routers will be taken up after signing of PDA. system at Project 11 site and with Corporate office. 13-03-14 RSS comp/d:/official/MPR/MPR-Arun III for Feb 14.xlsx 4 of 4
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