General Terms and Conditions for the Procurement, Management and Billing of Load Flow Commitments ("LFC GTC") of Open Grid Europe GmbH ("Open Grid Europe") th of November 13 2014 1 Article 1 Object of the LFC GTC 1. Open Grid Europe procures load flow commitments (hereinafter referred to as "LFC") in accordance with Article 9 (3), Sentence 2, No. 1 GasNZV (German Gas Network Access Ordinance) taking into account the specifications for load flow commitments as laid-down in the ARegV Ordinance (KOLA) §11 section 5. The purpose of LFC is to ensure that the existing freely allocable entry and exit capacities in the NetConnect Germany market area are maintained. 2. Open Grid Europe conducts a market-oriented, non-discriminatory, and transparent call for tenders to cover its requirements for LFC in accordance with these LFC GTC. 3. These LFC GTC state the general conditions for the procurement, management and billing of LFC by Open Grid Europe. Article 2 Tender Procedure A. Issue of Calls for Tenders and Tendering Phase 1. The call for tenders shall be published on the website of Open Grid Europe. 2. The tendering period shall be two weeks, starting on the date of publication of these LFC GTC and ending on the date stated in the bidding forms. 3. In order to participate in the call for tenders, the LFC bidder shall submit one or more completed and signed bidding forms to Open Grid Europe. The submission of the tender documents must be carried out within the bidding period either by mail (in duplicate) or fax to the address or fax number indicated on said forms. 4. Bidders may form groups to submit tenders, always provided that one bidder shall be designated as the responsible contact in connection with each tender. 5. The LFC bidder shall be responsible for the correctness and completeness of its LFC tender. Tenders which are incomplete, incorrect or unclear shall be deemed not to have been submitted. The same shall apply to any tenders not received before the end of the last day in the tendering period. Tenders shall not be deemed to have been submitted in good time unless they are received by Open Grid Europe in good time. 6. By submitting a tender, the LFC bidder shall be deemed to have made a binding declaration of intent. All tenders shall be complete and submitted without reservations. The bidder shall be 2 bound by the tender submitted until the end of the last day of the contract award phase as defined in Section B of this Article 2. 7. Open Grid Europe issues calls for tenders for LFC on the basis of a combination of commodity charges and demand charges. Specifying a commodity charge in the amount of 0.00 € / kWh or a demand charge in the amount of 0.00 € / kWh / h is permissible. An offer with a value of 0.00 € or no quotation means that the LFC has no such commodity or demand charge component. B. Contract Award Phase 1. The contract award phase shall start at the end of the tendering phase and end at the end of the day stated in the bidding form. 2. For contract award, all tenders received in due time in the proper form shall be listed in order of ascending price ("merit order list") considering the published weighing factors for demand and commodity charges. Contracts shall then be awarded in the order in which tenders are listed, starting with the lowest-priced tender and continuing until the demand of Open Grid Europe for LFC has been met. Where the same price has been quoted in more than one tender, contracts shall be awarded in the order in which the tenders concerned were received by Open Grid Europe. 3. The award of contracts shall not constitute any obligation on the part of Open Grid Europe to make use of the services covered by such contracts. 4. Bidders shall be notified of contract award by Open Grid Europe in writing; for the purposes of this provision, notifications made by fax shall be deemed to have been made in writing. 5. Immediately after the award of the contracts Open Grid Europe shall publish an anonymous list of the contracts awarded without stating the bidders or prices concerned. Article 3 Services 1. The LFC bidder shall be obligated to make the services stated in the bidding form submitted available to Open Grid Europe. Open Grid Europe shall be entitled, but not obligated to use such services. 2. The LFC bidder shall give Open Grid Europe reasonable advance notice of at least ten working days of any change in its contact data. 3 3. For the period covered by the LFC the LFC bidder shall be the holder of the firm or interruptible, freely allocable capacity rights required for the provision of the load flow commitments for which it submits tenders. The LFC provider shall assign the underlying capacity contract either to a balancing account or a sub-balancing account in due time and inform Open Grid Europe thereof. It shall be deemed timely if the LFC provider makes these assignments and notifications no later than the day after the monthly capacity auction on PRISMA European Capacity Platform for which the respective monthly LFC lots are offered. The cost of booking and utilizing the capacity rights required shall be borne by the LFC bidder. 4. Open Grid Europe shall be obligated to pay the charge agreed under LFC contracts concluded depending on the respective demand and commodity charges. 5. Each LFC shall consist of one or more lots of 10 MWh/h each. Article 4 Operational Handling A. Prerequisites 1. As a prerequisite for the offering and requesting of LFC services, the Parties shall maintain functioning data communications in accordance with Paragraph 2 of this Section A. 2. The LFC bidder shall conduct with Open Grid Europe, no later than 14:00 hours on the working day before the start of each LFC, a communication test to ensure that the LFC bidder meets the applicable data communication requirements for LFC. Without limitation, such requirements shall include the ability of the LFC bidder to engage in automated data communications with Open Grid Europe using Edigas. Data communication shall take place in the form of a NOMINT/NOMRES message in a version of EDIG@S supported by and agreed with Open Grid Europe. 3. The LFC bidder shall be accessible 24 hours per day on each gas day via the telephone number indicated in the bidding form. In addition, the LFC bidder shall be in a position to receive and confirm LFC nominations received from Open Grid Europe at any time. B. Nomination of LFC 1. Open Grid Europe shall nominate LFC on the basis of a list including all tenders for lots at the entry or exit points concerned received by Open Grid Europe for the gas day concerned. LFC shall be nominated by Open Grid Europe by a non-discriminatory procedure taking into consideration the criteria of safe and reliable network operation as well as economic viability at the time of nomination. To enable a cost-effective use of LFC, Open Grid Europe may deviate 4 from the order given by the merit order list as defined in Section B of this Article 2 (reference is made to section 5 of ordinance BK9 11/606). 2. Each LFC shall be nominated by Open Grid Europe by a NOMINT message sent at least three hours in advance of the start of the LFC concerned. The LFC bidder shall respond promptly to each such nomination message received from Open Grid Europe by sending a confirmation of receipt through its communication system. The LFC bidder shall confirm the NOMINT message by a NOMRES message in the agreed EDIG@S format. 3. Each such NOMINT message shall contain at least the following information: - designation of LFC (contract no.) - validity period and amount of nomination as an hourly time series 4. The nomination of an LFC shall result in a change in the entry or exit flow rates of the LFC bidder without impact on balancing groups. The LFC bidder shall make and implement any renominations which may be necessary to prevent impact on balancing groups. 5. Values from substitute nomination procedures shall not be deemed to be nominations for the purposes of LFC. 6. In the event that an LFC is nominated, the LFC bidder shall only make such renominations for the period covered by the LFC if and to the extent that the load flow resulting from any such renomination does not frustrate the purpose of the LFC which has been nominated. Without limitation, a renomination shall be deemed to frustrate the purpose of an LFC in the case of a LFC to maintain a minimum flow, in the event that renominations running counter to LFC are made in the same groups. Article 5 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Taxes 1. The charges agreed under LFC contracts shall be net charges and value added tax thereon, if payable, shall be charged in addition thereto at the applicable rate and indicated separately in each invoice. 2. Any excise tax on natural gas ("natural gas tax") which may be payable shall be charged at the applicable rate in addition to charges under the LFC contract concerned and indicated separately in each invoice. 5 B. Invoicing and Payment The LFC bidder shall issue to Open Grid Europe monthly invoices for the charges payable under each LFC contract. C. Force Majeure 1. If a Party is unable to perform its obligations because of force majeure pursuant to Paragraph 2 of this Section C, said Party shall be released from the obligations concerned. The other Party shall be released from its corresponding obligations to the extent that and as long as said first Party is prevented from performing its obligations because of force majeure. 2. For the purposes of this Contract, "force majeure" shall be deemed to be any unforeseeable external circumstance which the Party affected could not have been expected to prevent or could not have prevented in good time by applying reasonable care and measures which it would have been technically feasible and commercially viable to take. Without limitation, force majeure shall include natural disasters and terrorist attacks, power failures, the failure of telecommunication connections, strikes, lawful lockouts, and statutory provisions or acts of governments, courts or authorities, irrespective of the lawfulness of such acts. 3. The Party affected by force majeure shall promptly inform the other Party thereof, stating the reasons for and likely duration of force majeure. In any such case, the Party affected shall take all technically feasible and economically viable steps to resume the performance of its obligations as soon as possible. 4. Where possible, the Parties hereto shall cooperate to remedy any errors or disturbances. 5. Nothing contained herein shall affect Section 16 (2), EnWG (German Energy Industry Act). D. Liquidated Damages Should the LFC bidder infringe its LFC obligations in whole or in part, Open Grid Europe shall be freed completely from its obligation to pay for the month of breach and additionally entitled to require the LFC bidder to pay, for each such infringement, liquidated damages. These liquidated damages shall be calculated for each month of breach as follows: • In case of a commodity component of a LFC the amount of agreed lots per month shall be multiplied with a utilization period of 20 % of the respective month of breach. • The demand charge component of the LFC shall be calculated by multiplying the agreed lots under the LFC contract for the month of breach. Open Grid Europe shall be entitled to charge a penalty with outstanding payment claims of the LFC bidder. 6 The payment by the LFC bidder of liquidated damages to Open Grid Europe under this Section D shall be without prejudice to the right of Open Grid Europe to claim actual damages in excess of such liquidated damages. E. Confidentiality and Data Protection 1. The Parties shall treat confidentially the content of any contract concluded under these LFC GTC and all information and data in whatsoever form which they obtain in connection with such contract (hereinafter referred to as "Confidential Information") and shall not disclose such Confidential Information or make it accessible to third parties without the prior written consent of the Party affected. The Parties undertake to use the Confidential Information obtained exclusively for the purpose of the performance of such contract. 2. Either Party shall be entitled to disclose without the written consent of the other Party any Confidential Information obtained from the other Party - to an affiliated company in, provided that such company assumes the same confidentiality obligation; - to its representatives and consultants if and to the extent that disclosure is needed for proper performance of the contractual obligations and such persons or companies have undertaken to treat such information confidentially prior to the receipt thereof or are under a professional secrecy obligation in respect of such information; or - to the extent that the Confidential Information o was legitimately known to the Party receiving the information at the time it was obtained from the other Party; o was already in the public domain or becomes publicly available other than through an act or omission of the receiving Party; or o has to be disclosed by a Party due to a statutory provision or a court or official order or a request of the regulatory authorities; in any such case, the disclosing Party shall inform the other Party thereof without undue delay. 3. The confidentiality obligations stated hereinabove shall remain in force for a period of two years after the expiry or termination of the contract concerned. 4. Nothing contained herein shall affect Section 9, EnWG (German Energy Industry Act). 7 F. Assignment 1. Neither of the Parties shall assign any of its rights or obligations under any contract concluded under these LFC GTC or such contract in its entirety to any third party without the prior written permission of the other Party. Said permission shall not be withheld in the event that such third party assignee reliably warrants the performance of the obligations under said contract which are to be assigned. 2. In the event that Open Grid Europe assigns its rights and obligations under these LFC GTC or any contract concluded under these LFC GTC to a third party which is an affiliated company of Open Grid Europe under Section 15 AktG (Joint Stock Corporation Act), such assignment shall not require the permission of the bidder. 3. Paragraph 2 of this Section F shall apply mutatis mutandis in the event that Open Grid Europe transfers network operation to a third party. G. Severability 1. If any of the provisions of these LFC GTC or any contract concluded under these LFC GTC are or become ineffective or void or are found not to provide for any matter requiring to be provided for, the other provisions of these LFC GTC or said contract shall remain in full force and effect and shall be deemed to be otherwise complete. 2. The Parties hereto hereby undertake to replace any such ineffective or void provisions or provisions which have been found not to provide for any matter requiring to be provided for by effective, valid and complete provisions having as far as reasonably possible the commercial and financial effect intended by the contract concerned and corresponding as closely as reasonably possible to the intentions of the Parties. H. Changes in Circumstances 1. If unforeseeable circumstances occur during the term of any contract concluded under these LFC GTC which have considerable economic, technical or legal effects on said contract but which were not provided for in said contract or were not considered when said contract was concluded, and if it would consequently be unreasonable for a Party to fulfil any specific provision of said contract, the Party affected by such changed circumstances shall be entitled to require the other Party to amend said contract to take account of the changed circumstances, also considering any commercial, technical and legal effects on the other Party. 2. The Party citing the circumstances described in Paragraph 1 of this Section H shall specify and prove the necessary facts. 8 3. The right to require an amendment to the provisions of any contract shall apply from the time when the Party requiring such amendment requests such amendment for the first time as a result of changed circumstances, unless the Party concerned could not reasonably have been expected to require such amendment at an earlier date. I. Written Form Except as stated hereinabove, any amendments or additions to these LFC GTC or amendments or additions to or terminations of LFC contracts concluded under these LFC GTC, including amendments or additions waiving the requirement for amendments, additions or terminations to be made in writing, shall be invalid unless made in writing. J. Term and Termination LCF contracts concluded under these LFC GTC may only be terminated prematurely for reasonable cause. Without limitation, the following shall be deemed to constitute reasonable cause for the premature termination of such contracts: - infringement by either of the Parties of any material provision of the contract concerned; - refusal by the Federal Network Agency to recognize the costs incurred for the provision and/or uptake of load flow commitments as volatile costs according to §1 section 5 ARegV ordinance regardless of any reason; - the making of an admissible application for the opening of insolvency proceedings against either of the Parties. K. Venue for Disputes, Applicable Law, Miscellaneous 1. These LFC GTC and the contracts for LFC concluded hereunder shall be governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with German law, with the exception of the UN conventions on contracts for the international sale of goods (CISG). The venue for any disputes arising between the Parties out of or in connection with these LFC GTC and any contracts concluded hereunder shall be Essen. 2. Open Grid Europe shall not make any charge for the participation by shippers in a call for tenders. Each of the Parties shall itself bear any and all costs which it may incur in connection with the tender procedure. 9
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