VALAG GRO S.p..a and th he Interna ational Fertilizer F Develop pment Ce enter to collaborrate on developi d ng innov vative ferrtilizers for f develloping co ountries Valagrro and IFD DC agrees to collabo orate to de evelop ferrtilizers with enhanced d nutrient uptake to o address specific n needs of small s farmers in the e developin ng regions of the w world Atessa - M Muscle Sho oals (Alaba ama – USA A), 12 June e 2014 – Va alagro, a leaader in the production n and marke eting of biostimulants and trace e elements, and a the Inte ernational F Fertilizer De evelopmentt Center (IFDC), an intternationally y reputed p public organ nisation in the t United States thatt deals with h global food d security, the fight against a worrld hunger and povertty, environm mental prottection and d promotion of econom mic developm ment, have agreed to collaborate, on a noneexclusive basis, b in the e field of innovative ferttilizers to en nhance agriicultural pro oductivity an nd improve farm livelih hood, with a particular ffocus on countries in Africa A and S outh Asia. The collab boration be etween Vala agro and I FDC will study s the different appplication re egimes and d models forr fertilizers, with the go oal of impro oving their efficiency. e It will also innitiate research aimed d at the pro oduction an nd validation of existin ng or new fertilizers under bothh controlled d and farm m conditions.. Finally, th he agreeme ent will allo ow for an exchange e of o informatioon in orderr to identifyy production systems, manageme ent practice es, environm mental facto ors, fertilizeer products s and otherr tools to achieve a more sustainable use of n nutrients. "This agree ement is furrther eviden nce of Valag gro's comm mitment to developing d ssolutions tha at meet ourr customers' needs more m closely y and dem monstrates the company's intentition of contributing to o innovation in the entiire sector”- stated Pre em Warriorr, COO of the Valagrro Group. - Valagro o continues to carry outt research and a develop pment prog grams both directly andd through in nternationall collaboratio ons with le eading unive ersities and d scientific institutions, including tthe IFDC, and a targetss % of total tu R&D invesstment of ap pproximately y at least 4% urnover ann nually. IFDC throu ugh its new wly develop ped Virtual F Fertilizer Research R Ce enter (VFR RC) aims to catalyse a process off enhanced d research and a develop pment to arrive at innovative ferttilizers that are readilyy taken up b by plants an nd affordable e for small ffarmers. Drr. Amit Roy y, CEO of th he IFDC, ex xplains thatt it pursues an inclusivve process to t objective ely inform th he public ab bout emergiing productts, enhance e al productivity, reduce negative n en nvironmenta al side effects and increease farm in ncome. agricultura Valagro is a leading comppany in the production andd marketing of o plant biostimulants and hhigh efficiency cy nutritionalss for use in aggriculture, law wncare, garden ning and variious industrial applicationss. Founded in 1980 and bassed in Atessa,, Italy, Valagrro is committeed to providin ng innovative and effectivee solutions forr nutrition annd plant care that can helpp customers acchieve higherr yields and healthier h cropps with lowerr environmenttal impact. Va Valagro puts science s at thee service of huumanity by help lping to enhan nce wellbeing, promote improved nutritio on and respectt our habitat. For further innformation: Valagro Marco Rossoo +39 334 67337943 [email protected] MSL Italy P Press office Alice Quitaddamo +39 02 77336241 7 [email protected] David Sevaliié +39 02 77336247 - +39 348 3 6722879 [email protected]
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