The T Com mmonwealth off Massa achusettts CHAR RLES D. BAKER R Executive E e Office off Health and Human Service es Departme ent of Pub blic Health h Bureau u of Health Care Sa afety and Quality Office e of Emerrgency Me edical Serrvices 99 Ch hauncy Sttreet, Bosston, MA 0 02111 Governor MARYLOU SUDDERS Secre etary KAR RYN E. POLITO Lieutenant Governor EILEEN M. SULLIVAN Acting Com mmissioner Tel: 617-7 753-7300 www.mass EMERGENCY WAIIVER TO: All Parramedic‐Licen nsed Ambulan nce Services FROM: Michael Kass, Direcctor, Office off Emergency M Medical Serviices RE: Weath her Related W Waiver of Minimum Staffin g Requirements for Param medic Ambulaances DATE: Januarry 26, 2015 Due to tthe severe winter storm th hat is anticipaated to affect the Common nwealth, and under the authoritty of the Com mmissioner of the Departm ment of Public Health, undeer M.G.L. c. 111C, §22, cerrtain provisions of the Eme ergency Medical Services SSystem Regullations, 105 C CMR 170.000 0, have been suspend ded through tthis waiver. The purpose of this w waiver is to faacilitate continuity of para medic‐level EEMS care and assure sufficcient EMS personn nel to staff paramedic amb bulances, by ssuspending foor the temporrary waiver period certain conditio ons for param medic ambulan nce staffing. Term off the Suspenssion: This order shall be efffective: From: 1 1700 hours, M Monday, January 26, 2015 To: 1 1700 hours, Thursday, Janu uary 29, 2015 5 Effective e section: 105 5 CMR 170.30 05(C)(2) Stafffing In its plaace, for the duration of this temporary storm staffin g waiver, 1055 CMR 170.30 05(C)(2) shall read as follows: When a Class I, II or V V ambulance transports a patient receivving care at tthe Paramedic level of ALSS, the ambulan nce must be sstaffed with aa minimum off two EMTs, aat least one o of whom is certified at the EMT‐ Paramed dic level. Contact information In the evvent that you u may need fu urther information or an u pdate on thiss waiver, you may contact the Massach husetts Emergency Managgement Agenccy (MEMA) att (508) 820‐2000 and ask tto speak to one of the stafff members att “ESF 8” deskk in the Operaations Room,, or dial the ESSF8 number d directly at (50 08)‐ 820‐145 56. You may aalso contact M Michael Kass, at [email protected]. Thank you.
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