PT. RAFI KAMAJAYA ABADI (A Subsidiary of TDM Berhad, a Company listed in Bursa Malaysia) VISION 3022 Sustainable Plantations Attachment 1 (Tender Form) Date : …………………… PT. RAFI KAMAJAYA ABADI Attn: The Tender Working Committee Jl. Provinsi Sintang Nanga Pinoh, Desa Sidomulyo No. 05 Nanga Pinoh, Melawi 78672, Kalimantan Barat-Indonesia. Tel : Fax : Email : Cc : +62 568 - 22766/22784 +62 568 - 22767/22783 [email protected] [email protected] Dear Sir / Madam, QUOTED PRICE OF FERTILIZER. We are please to append below the fertilizer price from our company: TYPE OF FERTILIZER : Item Fertilizer Type Brand Source Rock Phospate Source of Nutrient Rock Phospate Delivered Price/MT (Rp) Material Transport Material 1 Rock Phospate Country % Solubility Note : Please attach laboratory analysis report for the above fertilizer Jl. Propinsi Nanga Pinoh - Sintang, Desa Sidomulyo No. 05, Nanga Pinoh Kab Melawi, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia Tel: +6256822766 Fax: +6256822767 PPN Total Remarks PT. RAFI KAMAJAYA ABADI (A Subsidiary of TDM Berhad, a Company listed in Bursa Malaysia) VISION 3022 Sustainable Plantations 1. TYPE OF FERTILIZER : Item Fertilizer Type Brand Source NPKMg 12:6:22:3 Source of Nutrient N P2O5 K20 MgO Delivered Price/MT (Rp) Material Transport PPN Total Remarks Material 2 NPKMg Country 12-6-22-3 % Solubility Note : Please attach laboratory analysis report for the above fertilizer 2. TYPE OF FERTILIZER : Item Fertilizer Type Brand Source NPKMg 15:15:6:4 Source of Nutrient N P2O5 K20 MgO Delivered Price/MT (Rp) Material Transport Material 3 NPKMg 12-6-22-3 Country % Solubility Note : Please attach laboratory analysis report for the above fertilizer Jl. Propinsi Nanga Pinoh - Sintang, Desa Sidomulyo No. 05, Nanga Pinoh Kab Melawi, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia Tel: +6256822766 Fax: +6256822767 PPN Total Remarks PT. RAFI KAMAJAYA ABADI (A Subsidiary of TDM Berhad, a Company listed in Bursa Malaysia) VISION 3022 Sustainable Plantations 3. TYPE OF FERTILIZER : Item Fertilizer Type Brand Source MOP (60% K2O) Source of Nutrient K2O Delivered Price/MT (Rp) Material Transport PPN Total Remarks Material 4 MOP 60% K2O Country % Solubility Note : Please attach laboratory analysis report for the above fertilizer 4. TYPE OF FERTILIZER : Item Fertilizer Type Brand Source KIESERITE (26% MgO) Source of Nutrient MgO Delivered Price/MT (Rp) Material Transport Material 5 Kieserite Country % Solubility Note : Please attach laboratory analysis report for the above fertilizer Jl. Propinsi Nanga Pinoh - Sintang, Desa Sidomulyo No. 05, Nanga Pinoh Kab Melawi, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia Tel: +6256822766 Fax: +6256822767 PPN Total Remarks PT. RAFI KAMAJAYA ABADI (A Subsidiary of TDM Berhad, a Company listed in Bursa Malaysia) VISION 3022 Sustainable Plantations 5. TYPE OF FERTILIZER : Item Fertilizer Type Brand BORATE (48% B2O3) Source of Nutrient Source B2O3 Delived Price/MT (Rp) Material Transport PPN Total Remarks Material 6 Country Borate % Solubility Note : Please attach laboratory analysis report for the above fertilizer 6. TYPE OF FERTILIZER : Item Fertilizer Type Brand Source ZINCOP 25 (15% Cu, 10% Zn, 5% S) Source of Nutrient 15% Cu, 10% Zn, 5% S Delived Price/MT (Rp) Material Transport PPN Total Material 7 Zincop 25 Country % Solubility Note : Please attach laboratory analysis report for the above fertilizer * All quoted price include the transportation, loading and unloading cost at site (Estate Store). ……………………………………………….. (Supplier Authorized Signature) Jl. Propinsi Nanga Pinoh - Sintang, Desa Sidomulyo No. 05, Nanga Pinoh Kab Melawi, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia Tel: +6256822766 Fax: +6256822767 Remarks PT. RAFI KAMAJAYA ABADI (A Subsidiary of TDM Berhad, a Company listed in Bursa Malaysia) VISION 3022 Sustainable Plantations Attachment 2 Criteria Effecting Penalties 1. Short Weights In the Event of any shortage in the net weight, the supplier shall attend to the matter promptly on receiving the advice from the estate and make good on the shortage as soon as possible latest during the delivery of the last consignment. Should these shortage not being replaced the company shall has the right to deduct from the total value of the fertilizer supplied to a sum equivalent to the shortage by the following Penalty Computation. Penalty Value (RM) Whereby, A = = (A-B) x C Total Weight as invoice B = Total weight received C = Current tender price Detail of the Shortage and the Penalty computation is to be forwarded to the Central Purchasing for further action. Please do not raise any debit note. 2. Nutrient Shortage In the event of any shortage in nutrient content from the allowed variation as specified in Attachment 2, the supplier shall pay to the company twice the cost by the following penalty computation: - Nutrient Shortage based on the contracted price Transport incurred for the nutrient shortage if not delivered to site Labor incurred for the nutrient shortage Fertilizer analysis. Jl. Propinsi Nanga Pinoh - Sintang, Desa Sidomulyo No. 05, Nanga Pinoh Kab Melawi, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia Tel: +6256822766 Fax: +6256822767 PT. RAFI KAMAJAYA ABADI (A Subsidiary of TDM Berhad, a Company listed in Bursa Malaysia) VISION 3022 Sustainable Plantations Penalty Value (RM) = 2 x (W+Y+Z) Whereby : W = (A-B) x C X D A = 100% nutrient B = % Total nutrient as per analysis C = Total Weight received (batch) D = Current tender price Y = Cost of fertilizer analysis Z = other incidental costs 3. Late Deliveries Supplier shall commence delivery of the fertilizer within four (4) week of Verbal Notice of the order or within three (3) weeks of the receipt of the Purchase Order from the Estate Management whichever is later. The Estate management shall notify the supplier in writing of the required schedule for the deliveries by providing the Fertilizer Delivery Schedule at least within twenty one (21) days after the first delivery. In the event the supplier fail to make any of the required delivery within the twenty one (21) days period, the supplier shall be liable to a penalty calculated on the following Penalty computation: Penalty Value (RM) = AxBxC Whereby A = No of days delayed B = Balance of fertilizer not delivered C = Current tender price Detail of the late delivery and the penalty computation is to be forwarded to central purchasing for further action Jl. Propinsi Nanga Pinoh - Sintang, Desa Sidomulyo No. 05, Nanga Pinoh Kab Melawi, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia Tel: +6256822766 Fax: +6256822767 PT. RAFI KAMAJAYA ABADI (A Subsidiary of TDM Berhad, a Company listed in Bursa Malaysia) VISION 3022 Sustainable Plantations Attachment 3 PERATURAN UMUM TENDER TENDER GENERAL RULES 1) Semua Distributor yang mengikuti 1) All participating Suppliers must proses tender harus menyertakan provide the following documents dokumen-dokumen berikut listed below together with the bersama formulir tender yang completed tender form as follows: lengkap yaitu : a) Profil Perusahaan i) Legalitas Perusahaan ii) NPWP, SIUP dan SITU iii) Susunan pengurus perusahaan a) Company Profile i) Company Registration ii) NPWP, SIUP and SITU iii) List of Directors b) Informasi Keuangan i) Laporan Keuangan Teraudit ii) Daftar Debitur dan Kreditur (masing-masing minimal 5) iii) Fotokopi rekening perusahaan 3 bulan terakhir b) Financial Information i) Audited Financial Statement ii) List of Debtors and Creditors (minimum 5 each) iii) Copies of the latest 3 months Bank Statements c) Teknikal i) Keseragaman secara fisik dan kandungan hara ii) Penentuan kualitas iii) Jaminan ketepatan iv) Analisa laboratorium - Unsur hara - Persentasi Kelarutan c) Technical i) Homogenity physically and chemically ii) Quality process iii) Control assurance iv) Laboratory Analysis - Nutrient Content - Solubility Percentage Jl. Propinsi Nanga Pinoh - Sintang, Desa Sidomulyo No. 05, Nanga Pinoh Kab Melawi, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia Tel: +6256822766 Fax: +6256822767 PT. RAFI KAMAJAYA ABADI (A Subsidiary of TDM Berhad, a Company listed in Bursa Malaysia) VISION 3022 Sustainable Plantations v) Surat Penunjukkan sebagai pabrikasi pupuk atau distributor resmi dan surat rekomendasi yang lain yang membuktikan produknya berkualitas d) Hal-hal Lain i) Semua keputusan yang berkaitan dengan seleksi Kontraktor adalah hak perusahaan ii) Daftar harga yang telah dipersetujui oleh masingmasing pihak adalah final iii) Kontraktor diharuskan mengikuti semua Peraturan dan Undang-Undang yang berlaku iv) Wajib menghormati adat istiadat yang berlaku v) Authorized Letter as Fertilizer Producer or Appointment Letter as Distributor and other recommendation letters to prove product is high quality. d) Others matter i) All decision on the selection is final and solely at the discretion of the company. ii) Agreed quoted price is final and non-negotiable iii) Supplier must follows all the laws and regulation of Indonesia iv) Supplier shall pay and observe due respect to local customs and tradition Jl. Propinsi Nanga Pinoh - Sintang, Desa Sidomulyo No. 05, Nanga Pinoh Kab Melawi, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia Tel: +6256822766 Fax: +6256822767
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