Los jeans:

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Page 118
• Read about the history of jeans
and some Spanish variations of
the word
• Understand cultural perspectives
on parties
• Write a letter explaining your
clothing purchases
Core Instruction
• Read about Mexican involvement
in World War II
Standards: 1.2, 2.2, 3.2
Focus: Reading comprehension of an article
on the history of jeans
Pre-reading: Ask students to describe jeans.
Brainstorm reasons why jeans might be
popular in so many cultures. Ask them to
talk about the occasions on which they
wear jeans. Which brands of jeans are most
popular? Remind them that thinking about
what they already know about jeans will
help them better understand the story.
Reading: Point out to students that there
are a number of words in the article that
they may not understand, but that they
should focus on understanding the general
content, not the meaning of every word.
Provide them with a photocopy of these
two pages, and suggest that they underline
or highlight any areas of the reading that
they find difficult to understand.
Post-reading: If students still seem unclear
about segments of the story, review the
meanings of unknown words and have
them reread the passage. Have them
complete the ¿Comprendiste? and Y tú
¿qué dices?
Bellringer Review
Complete a class survey to
determine the most popular brand of
jeans by asking ¿Qué marca prefieres?
Los jeans:
Tolerating ambiguity
los pantalones más
populares del mundo
Posiblemente tienes jeans en tu armario. Muchas
personas, desde la Argentina hasta el Canadá y desde
el Japón hasta España, llevan estos cómodos y prácticos
pantalones. Se llevan en el trabajo, en la escuela y para
salir de noche. Dicen que los jeans son ropa democrática
porque los lleva gente de todas
las clases sociales.
Often when you read, you will find
unfamiliar words. Don’t stop, but
keep on reading, since the meaning
may become clear in context, or you
may decide the words might not be
necessary to understand the reading.
Un poco de historia
Levi Strauss, un joven alemán,
llegó a los Estados Unidos con
su familia en 1847 a la edad
de 18 años. Después de
trabajar algunos años con
su familia, Strauss viajó
a California para abrir
una tienda de ropa y
accesorios. Esta tienda
convirtió en
negocio próspero durante
los siguientes 20 años, y
Strauss se hizo rico.
el remache
la esquina
del bolsillo
el bolsillo
En el año 1872, recibió una
carta de Jacob Davis, un
sastre de Reno, Nevada, en
la que le explicó el
proceso que él inventó
para poner remaches en
Pre-AP* Support
Activity: Have students work in groups of three.
Assign to each student in each group either the
first half of the section Un poco de historia, the
second half of the section Yo digo “mahones” y
tú, ¿qué dices? Rotate reading aloud the three
sections in order in each group. Give students
three minutes to dicuss what they read and list
the main ideas. Then, have students regroup and
share their main ideas/information.
• Pre-AP* Resource Book: Comprehensive guide
to Pre-AP* reading skill development, pp. 18–24
2 tailor
118 ciento dieciocho
Tema 2 • Un evento especial
Multiple Intelligences
Heritage Language Learners
Musical/Rhythmic: Brainstorm a list of
adjectives or phrases that could describe jeans
(for example, apretado, flojo, azul, hecho de
algodón, práctico, cómodo, de moda). Ask
students to create a jingle that could be part of
an advertising campaign for a local store that
sells jeans. Have them include details about
why and where people buy them.
Have students choose an article of clothing
specific to their heritage culture and research its
history. Have students use their research to
write a brief report on the item. Review the
process of citing sources with students, and ask
that they do so when they turn in their papers.
las esquinas de los bolsillos de los
pantalones de hombres. El uso de los
remaches resultó en unos pantalones
bastante fuertes para aguantar los
rigores de un trabajo difícil y en
unos bolsillos más resistentes al
peso del oro.
Con el dinero de Strauss y la
invención de Davis, los dos
decidieron pedir la patente para
el proceso. En 1873 recibieron
la patente para poner los remaches
3 stand
up to
4 weight
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Page 119
en los pantalones y empezaron
a fabricar “overalls a la cintura”
o waist overalls (el antiguo
nombre en inglés de los jeans)
en San Francisco. Como
dicen, “el resto es historia”.
Standards: 1.2, 1.3, 3.1
Resources: Answers on Transparencies
Focus: Verifying reading comprehension
Suggestion: For item 1, provide students
with a blank timeline and ask them to fill
in the details. Encourage them to
summarize what they have read in their
own words instead of copying the answer
directly from the reading.
Yo digo “mahones”
y tú, ¿qué dices?
Si tienes amigos que hablan español
debes saber que hay varias palabras
que se usan para decir “jeans.”
Por ejemplo, se les llaman “vaqueros”
porque los vaqueros del
oeste de los Estados
Unidos usan este tipo de
pantalón. En Cuba les
dicen “pitusa” mientras
en México les llaman
“pantalones de mezclilla.”
Algunas personas usan
las palabras “tejanos” y
palabra más común sigue
siendo simplemente “jeans”.
1. En 1847, Levi Strauss llegó a los Estados Unidos. En
1872, Strauss recibió una carta de Jacob Davis, un
sastre de Reno, Nevada. En la carta describió su
invencion. En 1873, Strauss y Davis recibieron la
patente y empezaron a fabricar “waist overalls.”
2. Davis le escribió a Strauss para explicarle su nuevo
proceso para poner remaches en las esquinas de los
bolsillos de los pantalones de hombres.
3. Davis contribuyó el proceso para poner los remaches
y Strauss contribuyó el dinero.
Y tú, ¿qué dices?
Standards: 1.1, 1.3
Y tú, ¿qué dices?
1. Haz una línea cronológica (time line) con las
fechas mencionadas en esta lectura. Incluye
las tres fechas y describe lo que pasó en
cada una.
1. ¿Estás de acuerdo con la expresión “los
jeans son ropa democrática”? ¿Por qué?
2. ¿Por qué escribió Jacob Davis una carta a
Levi Strauss en 1872? ¿Qué dijo Davis en
la carta?
3. Jacob Davis y Levi Strauss empezaron un
nuevo negocio. ¿Qué contribuyó Davis?
¿Y Strauss?
2. ¿Llevas jeans? ¿Por qué?
3. Entre tus amigos, ¿qué ropa y colores están
de moda hoy en día?
Suggestions: If students do not agree
with item 1, have them explain why not.
If students answer affirmatively in item 2,
have them provide examples of where it is
appropriate to wear jeans, and where they
must dress more formally.
Answers will vary.
Más práctica
WAV Wbk.: Writing, p. 45
Guided Practice: Lectura, p. 88
Real. para hispanohablantes,
pp. 82–83
For Further Reading
Student Resources: Realidades para
For: Internet Activity
Web Code: jdd-0217
ciento diecinueve
Capítulo 2B
hispanohablantes: Lectura 2, pp. 84–85; Lecturas
para hispanohablantes 2, “Algo viejo, algo nuevo,
algo azul y algo hispano,” pp. 35–36, “Jeans: La
obsesión continúa,” pp. 101–102; Guided Practice:
Lectura, p. 88
Enrich Your Teaching
Resources for All Teachers
Internet Search
Assign pairs of students to a different decade
of an earlier century and have them research
clothing styles in different countries for that
era. Ask students to prepare a poster presentation, including illustrations and key facts.
Have students present their posters to the class,
and then hang them in chronological order in
the room.
Have students find more information on the
clothes of a certain period using the Internet.
moda en los años (decade or
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Page 120
Perspectivas del mundo hispano
Core Instruction
Standards: 1.2, 2.1, 2.2
Focus: Reading about a specific type of
Suggestions: Have students describe a
family celebration. Who was there? What
did people have to eat? Was there music
playing? What was being celebrated? Did
they have fun? Remind students to
compare celebrations they have been to
with la parranda as they read. Encourage
them to prepare answers to the questions
that they will ask their classmates. In large
classes, you may want to guide students
through the process of collecting
information to summarize the results.
Answers will vary.
Extension: Have students draw a Venn
diagram comparing la parranda with the
types of parties that they attend.
Additional Resources
Student Resource: Realidades para hispanohablantes, p. 86
La parranda
Un amigo te invita a su casa. Cuando llegas,
encuentras a gente de todas las edades, niños y
adultos. Se oye música. Alguien te saluda. Otra
persona empieza a hablar contigo. Hay varias
personas bailando en pareja . No ves a tu amigo.
Luego alguien te invita a bailar. ¿Qué está
ocurriendo aquí?
Es una parranda. Una parranda es una fiesta con
comida, refrescos, música y baile. En las casas
hispanas se celebran parrandas cuando hay algún
evento especial, como una boda o alguna fiesta
nacional. En estas fiestas participan los miembros
de la familia y los amigos. Todos comen, bailan y
se divierten. A veces, hay parranda todo el día.
En general, las casas hispanas tienen un patio y
una sala grande. La sala es el cuarto que usa la
familia para las grandes ocasiones. Durante las
fiestas normalmente hay espacio para bailar.
Frecuentemente en vez de discos compactos, hay
una orquesta. Muchas veces los miembros de la
familia o los amigos componen la orquesta y tocan
música para bailar.
¡Compruébalo! Pregúntales a tus compañeros de clase si les gusta hacer
fiestas con su familia. Pregúntales si bailan en pareja frecuentemente.
Pregúntales cómo debe ser una buena fiesta. Según los resultados, completa
las siguientes oraciones.
¿Qué te parece? ¿Qué indican las respuestas de tus compañeros sobre
las fiestas familiares? En tu opinión, ¿qué debe ocurrir en una buena fiesta?
Considera los diferentes tipos de fiestas. ¿Qué hay de bueno en cada una?
Mis compañeros de clase creen que hacer una fiesta con su
familia es buena idea.
1. Mis compañeros de clase creen que hacer una fiesta con su
familia es . . .
2. Mis compañeros de clase bailan en pareja . . .
3. Mis compañeros de clase creen que una buena fiesta debe ser . . .
1 in
120 ciento veinte
Tema 2 • Un evento especial
Multiple Intelligences
Heritage Language Learners
Logical/Mathematical: Have students prepare
a graph of the results of questions in the
¡Compruébalo! Ask them to calculate the
percentage of students who enjoy celebrating
with their family or who dance with a partner.
Have them present their graph to the class.
Have students write a five-paragraph essay
describing a family celebration. Encourage them
to include details that may make their
celebration unique. Provide students with a
writing rubric specific to Spanish, focusing on
details such as accents and word order. Review
your expectations before students begin.
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Page 121
Presentación escrita
Encontré unas gangas
Presentación escrita
You received $200 for your birthday ($100 in cash and
$100 in gift certificates) and just purchased several
articles of clothing with the money. Write an e-mail to
a friend describing your shopping trip.
Standards: 1.1, 1.3, 3.1
Focus: Writing an e-mail about purchases
during a shopping trip
Suggestions: Encourage students to be
imaginative as they describe their
shopping trips. Tell them to think of a
store that they don’t normally shop in and
to name items that they don’t normally
buy. Remind students to include a
greeting and a closing to their e-mail, and
to ask questions of the recipient. After
describing their trip, students might want
to ask where the recipient last shopped
and what he or she bought. Encourage
students to focus on the use of the
preterite tense as they peer edit. If
possible, respond to their message as
though you were the friend, and
comment on what they wrote.
1 Prewrite Think about what you bought. Copy and fill in the
following chart.
¿Dónde . . . ?
¿Por qué
te gusta(n)?
Using a chart
When writing, it is helpful to
have a way to organize your
thoughts. A chart or a graphic
organizer is a good way to
do this.
2 Draft Use your answers to the questions above to write
a first draft. You may want to begin your e-mail with:
¡Hola! Para mi cumpleaños recibí $200 para comprar ropa
nueva. Decidí ir al centro comercial porque . . . Encontré . . .
Compré . . .
3 Revise Read through your e-mail. Check for spelling, accents,
forms of the preterite, and agreement. Share the e-mail with a
partner. Your partner should check the following:
• Is the e-mail easy to understand?
• Does it include all the information from your chart?
• Is there anything you should add or change?
• Are there any errors?
Have students include a copy of their
e-mail in their portfolio.
Pre-AP* Support
Pre-AP* Resource Book: Comprehensive guide
to Pre-AP* writing skill development, pp. 25–35
4 Publish Rewrite the e-mail making any necessary changes or
corrections. Send it to your teacher or your friend, or print it
out and add it to your portfolio.
5 Evaluation Your teacher may give you a rubric for how the
e-mail will be graded. You will probably be graded on:
• how easy the message is to understand
• clearness and completeness of the information
• accuracy of verb forms, spelling, and agreement
• use of vocabulary
e-amigos: Have students write their
e-amigos and describe a recent shopping
trip. Encourage them to ask at least three
questions to find out where their e-amigos
went shopping and what they bought.
Have students print out their e-mails or
send them to you for your review.
ciento veintiuno
Capítulo 2B
Additional Resources
Student Resources: Realidades para
hispanohablantes, p. 87; Guided Practice:
Presentación escrita, p. 89
Enrich Your Teaching
Resources for All Teachers
Score 1
Score 3
Score 5
How easily your message
is understood
You are difficult to understand
and have many grammatical
You are fairly easy to understand You are easy to understand and
and have occasional grammatical have very few grammatical
Completeness of your
You provide some of the
information required.
You provide most of the
information required.
Your use of accurate
spelling and grammar
You have many misspellings and
grammatical errors.
You have several misspellings and You have very few misspellings
grammatical errors.
and grammatical errors.
You provide all of the
information required.
Assessment Program: Rubrics, p. T28
Give students copies of the rubric before
they begin the activity. Go over the
descriptions of the different levels of
performance. After assessing students,
help individuals understand how their
performance could be improved.
5:30 PM
Page 122
Core Instruction
Preparación para . . .
Se estima que entre 250,000 y 500,000
hispanoamericanos sirvieron en las
fuerzas armadas 8 durante la Segunda
Guerra Mundial. Esto representa entre
el 2.5 por ciento y el 5 por ciento de
todas las personas que participaron
en la guerra.
Standards: 1.2, 3.2, 5.2
Resources: Voc. and Gram. Transparencies:
Map 12
Focus: Reading about Mexican participation
in World War II; building background
knowledge to prepare for the Videomisterio
Suggestions: Before students read the
first paragraph, ask them to list what they
know about World War II. Who was
involved? Why did war break out?
Encourage students to ask their history
teachers for specific details concerning the
war. Have them discuss the effects of any
war on the countries involved. Suggest
that students not only focus on the effects
on the soldiers, but also on the rest of the
Have students read the first paragraph and
the captions for the photos on p. 122. Ask
them to name two reasons the Mexicans
were welcomed into the United States
during World War II. What did they receive
in exchange for helping the United States
in the war? Before students read the
second caption on p. 122, ask them to say
who they think were the principal participants in World War II. Are they surprised
to learn that between 2.5% and 5% of all
the people involved were Mexican? Why or
why not? Point out the poster at the top
of the page. Ask students to compare it to
posters that they may have seen in their
history books, soliciting people to join the
army. Have students say whether or not
they think this type of poster is an effective
way to get people to enlist in the armed
forces. Would they join the armed forces
to fight in a war? Encourage them to
provide reasons for their answers.
Direct attention to ¿Sabes que…? Stress
the importance of the Congressional
Medal of Honor. Bring in a newspaper
article recounting when someone won the
medal. You can use the Internet or library
resources to find information and a photo
of one. Make photocopies of it to share
with your students. Ask them to describe
reasons people might receive such an
La participación hispana en
la Segunda Guerra Mundial
La Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939–1945)
cambió el destino de los hispanohablantes
en los Estados Unidos. A partir de1 diciembre
de 1941, muchos estadounidenses dejaron
sus trabajos para ir a luchar 2 en la guerra.
Por eso, muchos mexicanos llegaron a
trabajar en los Estados Unidos. En el
videomisterio vas a ver algo relacionado con
este tema.
En 1942, los gobiernos 3 de los
Estados Unidos y de México
firmaron el acuerdo 4 del programa
de “braceros”, que les permitió a
trabajadores agrícolas mexicanos
trabajar en los Estados Unidos. La
mayoría de los mexicanos llegaron
a trabajar en el campo y usaron
sus brazos (por eso se llamaron
Algunos braceros se enlistaron 5
en el ejército6 de los Estados Unidos.
Después de su servicio militar,
ganaban la ciudadanía 7
1 From
4 pact,
2 to
Braceros mostrando el signo
para la victoria en 1944
3 governments
5 enlisted
6 army
7 citizenship
122 ciento veintidós
8 armed
Tema 2 • Un evento especial
Multiple Intelligences
Students with Learning Difficulties
Visual/Spatial: Have students create a poster to
persuade people to enlist in the armed forces,
or to suggest ways in which people can help in
times of war. Encourage them to use both illustrations and slogans.
Prepare a graphic organizer to help students
comprehend each aspect of the reading. In the
center, write la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Then
write heads for three sections—Los mexicanos
en los E.E.U.U., Los soldados hispanoamericanos, and La Medalla de Honor. Have students
note one or two important pieces of
information under each section.
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Page 123
Este monumento en Los Ángeles, California,
conmemora a todos los soldados del ejército de
los Estados Unidos que han sido condecorados 9
por el Congreso con la Medalla de Honor.10 Está
especialmente dedicado a los 39 hispanoamericanos
que han ganado ese honor. En la Segunda Guerra
Mundial, doce mexicoamericanos y un cubano
recibieron la medalla.
Algunos países
hispanohablantes también
participaron en la Segunda
Guerra Mundial. Por ejemplo,
México envió un escuadrón11
aéreo mexicano llamado la
Unidad de Caza 201. El
escuadrón, llamado “Águilas
Aztecas”, luchó en las Filipinas
y tuvo la reputación de ser
Suggestions: Direct attention to Para
pensar. To help students answer the
question, remind them that there are
always political, economic, and social
aspects of war. Have them list types of
people who might be involved in or
affected by each aspect. If students have
difficulty answering, encourage them to
consider those who are concerned with a
soldier’s well-being.
Answers will vary but may include medical
personnel or manufacturers.
¿Sabes que . . . ?
La Medalla de Honor del Congreso es una
condecoración que les dan a los soldados del ejército
norteamericano por su admirable participación en la
guerra. Es el honor más prestigioso que puede recibir
un soldado. Más de 3,400 medallas han sido entregadas
a lo largo de la historia de los Estados Unidos.
Golfo de México
Para pensar
Aunque en las guerras siempre necesitan la
colaboración de muchas personas, éstas no sólo tienen
que ser soldados. ¿Qué otras personas crees que son
necesarias en tiempo de guerra? ¿Para qué crees que
pueden ser necesarias?
9 decorated
with honors
Los Ángeles
10 Congressional
Medal of Honor
600 millas
600 kilómetros
ciento veintitrés
Capítulo 2B
the reputation of being ferocious
Enrich Your Teaching
Resources for All Teachers
Culture Note
Internet Search
The pilots of Mexican Fighter Squadron 201
flew the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt fighter
plane in World War II. The squadron’s pilots
participated in almost 60 combat missions
against Japanese forces in the Philippines as
part of the U.S. Fifth Air Force. Several of the
Mexican pilots were killed in action.
Have students learn more about the individual
stories of the farm workers who came to the
United States from Mexico during World War II.
los braceros