Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes Monday, June 2, 2014 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Town Offices A meeting of the Heritage Advisory Committee was held as noted above. Members Present: Bob Curgenven (Chair), Gleyn Beatty, Shawna Kelterborn, Deanna Schlosser, Alison Peck, Fred Robbins, Darlene Shaw Town Staff Present: Iza James, Emily Collins Regrets: Councillor Rob Hargrave, Lisa Shao 1. CALL TO ORDER Quorum established. 2. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOVED by Gleyn Beatty SECONDED by Shawna Kelterborn THAT the agenda be confirmed CARRIED 3. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None declared 4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Shawna Kelterborn SECONDED by Gleyn Beatty THAT the May 5, 2014 meeting minutes be confirmed, as amended. CARRIED 5. DELEGATIONS 5.1 Metrolinx - Grain Elevator Metrolinx made a presentation regarding the Grain Elevator. They reviewed history, regulatory framework and the assessment by their consultant Taylor Hazell Architects. Metrolinx indicated that they recognize that the structure is of heritage significance and has local historical value. They presented four options: 1. Retain and restore the structure - Metrolinx indicated that they have no practical use for the structure and that it is a liability and cost for Metrolinx to own. Metrolinx indicated that they want the space for parking and do not want to retain and restore the building. 2. Retain but do no restoration to the structure – Metrolinx indicated that they have no practical use for the structure and that it is a liability and cost for Metrolinx to own. Metrolinx indicated that they want the space for parking and do not want to retain the building. 3. Relocation - Metrolinx `s preferred option is to relocate the structure to a site not owned by Metrolinx. Metrolinx is willing to fund a relocation including the cost to dismantle, relocated and reassemble the structure, on the conditions that the relocation take place prior to March 31, 2015 and that the ownership and ongoing maintenance would no longer be their responsibility. Metrolinx indicated that they have the capital to relocation but do not have the operating budget for on-going maintenance of the structure. Metrolinx indicated that they would not consider a relocation to any of their properties. They indicated that the relocation will increase parking by approximately 25 spaces. 4. Demolition with plaques - Metrolinx indicated that the second preferred option would be demolition with plaques and salvaging of the materials. Demolition will increase parking by approximately 25 spaces. The Committee agrees with Metrolinx that the structure is of heritage significance and has local historical value. The Committee indicated that the structure has not been maintained during the period of time that Metrolinx has owned the property. Metrolinx acknowledged the comment. The Committee indicated that the timeline proposed by Metrolinx was unreasonably short considering that Metrolinx has owned the property for many years and that a deadline of less than 1 year is not appropriate given the historical significant of the structure to the community. The Committee indicated that it would forward any site that may be appropriate for relocation. The Committee indicated that they would be pleased to meet with Metrolinx at a future meeting for continued discussions. MOVED by Gleyn Beatty SECONDED by Fred Robbins CARRIED 6. CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS 6.1 Built Inventory Update Iza James and Emily Collins reviewed the work program to finalize the Stouffville inventory by the end of the summer. The final work is approximately 30 histories. It is estimate that by mid-June work will start on the Whitchurch inventories. For the rural properties, Emily will use the same process as the urban area and will start with photographing the properties, then architectural evaluation and finally research at the registry office to obtain the abstracts and historical information on each of the properties. The next report and public meeting is anticipated in mid 2015. 6.2 Plaques To be discussed at the next meeting 7. CORRESPONDENCE 7.1 Planning Application 6024 Main Street The Committee received the planning application for 6024 Main Street. The committee reviewed the materials provided and were of the opinion that the porch should not be closed-in. The Committee would be happy to speak with the homeowner to provide further explanation and details. 7.2 5192 Stouffville Road & 5226 Main Street The Committee received the material for 5192 Stouffville Road & 5226 Main Street. The Committee reviewed the materials provided and are of the opinion that there is heritage value in the existing buildings. Preliminary comments include the following and further comments will be provided at a later date. The existing heritage should be incorporated into the development of the site. The site should be developed as an entrance feature into historic Stouffville. The architectural details are greatly embellished and not in keeping with the heritage elements of the community. The heritage assessment provided is lacking in detail and there was information outstanding in the document. The heritage property should be further investigated and reviewed. 7.3 12668 Ninth Line The Committee received the planning application for 12668 Ninth Line. The Committee reviewed the materials provided and were of the opinion that there were no comments at this time. 7.4 11782 Ninth Line The Committee received the planning application for 11782 Ninth Line. The Committee reviewed the materials provided and were of the opinion that there were no comments at this time, however indicated that the proposal was not an appropriate entrance into the community. 7.5 12140 Tenth Line The Committee received the planning application for 12140 Tenth Line. The committee reviewed the materials provided and were of the opinion that the design, in particular the dormers and small window design, should be re-evaluated to be more consistent with the heritage of the period. The Committee would be happy to speak with the homeowner to provide further explanation and details. 7.6 14700 McCowan - Demolition Permit The Committee received the planning application for 14700 McCowan. The committee reviewed the materials provided and were of the opinion that under the current condition of the building that Committee would not be opposed to the demolition permit. The Committee would be support the salvage and reused of the material, where appropriate. 7.7 DWSG Report No new information to report 8. NEW BUSINESS 8.1 2014 Ontario Heritage Conference Fred provided a summary of the 2014 Ontario Heritage Conference he attended. 8.2 11742 Tenth line part of lot 42 con 9 Fred will review the property and will provide an update at the next meeting. 8.3 Doors Open 2014 The Town will be participating in Doors Open on June 7, 2014.More information is available at 9. NEXT MEETING The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 7, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. 10. MOTION TO ADJOURN MOVED by Alison Peck SECONDED by Fred Robbins CARRIED
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