October 2014 - Kansas Water Office

Basin Advisory Committee
Meeting Notes
Smoky Hill-Saline Basin Advisory Committee Meeting
1:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Hays, KS
Members in Attendance: David Bailey (Chair), Sandy Beisner, Bernie Kitten, Allen Roth, Bill Scott, Greg Swob,
Martha Tasker
Members Absent: Chris Meyer, Eric Moden, Hank Royer
Others in attendance: Doug Schneweis (KDHE), Randy Barton (LLSH WRAPS), Shawn Esterl (SA Co. Health) Kevin
Urban (SA Co. Health), Stacie Minson (KSU), Mike Corn (HDN), Nicholas Willis (WSU), Katie Miller (Burns &
MacDonald), Tracy Streeter (KWO) and Diane Knowles (KWO)
Welcome and Introductions: Chair David Bailey welcomed those in attendance and self introductions were made by all
BAC Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved as presented.
Agency Reports:
Lower Lower Smoky Hill WRAPS – Randy Barton reported on the WRAPS projects and recent tour.
KSU – Stacie Minson reported on the WRAPS tour, water conservation efforts at Fort Hays University and the project in
the Munjor watershed.
Public Comments: There were no public comments.
BAC Business:
Approval of past Meeting Notes: Martha Tasker made the motion to approve the March 2014 meeting notes with
correction. Allen Roth seconded; the motion was carried.
KWA Update: David Bailey reported on the August KWA meeting where the 50 year Vision for water was worked on.
KWA also heard an update on the aqueduct study.
BAC Member Reports:
Recreation – Bill Scott reported that Ransom and the Cedar Bluff area are better off than late May. Cedar Bluff Reservoir
is up to about 40% of conservation pool. Fishing was good this year. Livestock ponds have filled. He is concerned for
bird populations in the area.
Public Water Supply – Martha Tasker noted that conditions around Salina are better than a year ago. Kanopolis is above
conservation pool and even released some water for flood protection purposes. The US Army Corp of Engineers is
rebuilding the dam near the Salina intake. The Special Access District (Salina and the Irrigation District) is progressing.
Chair David Bailey, Other PWS, Ellsworth, KS  Vice Chair Martha Tasker, Municipal PWS, Salina, KS  Sandra Beisner,
Industry/Commerce, Ellis, KS vacant, At Large West,  Bernard Kitten, Irrigation, Hays, KS  Chris Meyer, Agriculture, Sylvan Grove, KS
 Eric Moden, At Large Central, Wakeeney, KS Bill Scott, Recreation, Ransom, KS  Greg Swob, Fish & Wildlife, Hays, KS  Allen Roth,
Conservation/Environment, Hays, KS  Hank Royer, At Large East, Abilene, KS  KWO Planner: Diane Knowles, 785-296-3185
[email protected]
Basin Advisory Committee
Meeting Notes
Irrigation – Bernie Kitten reported that the City of Hays has had 22.82” of precipitation so far in 2014. However the city
remains in a Water Watch. He also noted the practical saturated thickness adjustments to Ogallala formation saturated
thickness and how it affects estimates (lessens amount) of water in the aquifer.
Conservation/Environment – Allen Roth noted there is good participation in conservation programs in Ellis, Trego and
Russell counties. A number of livestock feeding structures are being built with concrete floors and roofs.
Commerce/Industry – Sandra Beisner reported on the recent MOKAN Take Charge Challenge where 19 businesses
participated to save energy and conserve water. Winners included the City of Hays and Northwestern Printers. She also
noted the city of Ellis is still in a Water Emergency.
Fish and Wildlife - Greg Swob noted that the rains have improved fishing and hunting.
Other Public Water Supply – David Bailey reported that Kanopolis Reservoir is in good shape improved conditions in
Bill Scott added that at Senator Huelscamp meetings recently both the Vision and the aqueduct study came up.
Membership: The BAC still has an opening for an At-Large West member.
Kansas Water Plan – Basin Description: Diane requested comments on the draft basin description as it is a work in
progress. Sandra Beisner noted it was very helpful for her as a new member on the committee.
A number of issues were pointed out to check on accuracy including: average temperature ranges, annual snowfall
averages; use of Lake or Reservoir for Kanopolis (not consistent/which should it be); update of RC&Ds to reflect if they
exist still; link for WRAPS for the basin and link for NPDES; add complete list of those having NPDES permits or don’t
list Hays (City of Salina has one);
Governor’s 50 year Vision for Water
Tracy Streeter provided an overview of the 50 year Vision for Water work done by KWA at their August meeting and the
online survey questions. He also requested comments on the Vision’s first draft. He explained the goal setting statements
are examples to help generate discussion.
Comments and Discussion included:
1. Concern that state owned facilities need to be evaluated for water conservation;
2. Make reuse easier;
3. Are the goals on page 7 of the draft Vision possible?
4. The big issue is water for the future verse economic growth;
5. Water is relatively cheap, tie cost of water to education;
6. Regional goal setting is a good approach;
7. Educate everyone and include conservation in that education;
8. Everyone plays a minor role in water use compared to irrigators;
9. We cannot wait until 2035;
10. It should be the state’s role to regionalize water supply;
11. It should be the state’s role to ensure viable drinking (domestic) water;
Chair David Bailey, Other PWS, Ellsworth, KS  Vice Chair Martha Tasker, Municipal PWS, Salina, KS  Sandra Beisner,
Industry/Commerce, Ellis, KS vacant, At Large West,  Bernard Kitten, Irrigation, Hays, KS  Chris Meyer, Agriculture, Sylvan Grove, KS
 Eric Moden, At Large Central, Wakeeney, KS Bill Scott, Recreation, Ransom, KS  Greg Swob, Fish & Wildlife, Hays, KS  Allen Roth,
Conservation/Environment, Hays, KS  Hank Royer, At Large East, Abilene, KS  KWO Planner: Diane Knowles, 785-296-3185
[email protected]
Basin Advisory Committee
Meeting Notes
12. How to ensure compliance with water used? DWR doesn’t have enough staff. Enforcement must be significant
and meters must be accurate;
13. Hold meetings at the Universities to reach future generation;
14. How will the 50 Year Vision affect WRAPS funding?
15. Protection should remain important at all reservoirs not just the top 5; and
16. The Vision document is needed.
Basin Activities/Updates
Drought: Diane provided an overview of drought conditions and activities and asked about local conditions.
Kansas Aqueduct Study: Diane reported that the engineering firm and legal review are both underway. A stakeholder
advisory meeting was held in White Cloud in August. Another stakeholder advisory meeting will be held later in October
in Ulysses.
Other Business:
Message(s) to the KWA: no message
Governor’s Conference on Water and the Future of Kansas will be held in Manhattan on November 12 & 13. Sign up
soon as it is filling up.
The next meeting in March, date to be set later.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned by a motion by Greg Swob, seconded by Martha Tasker and carried at 3:25
Chair David Bailey, Other PWS, Ellsworth, KS  Vice Chair Martha Tasker, Municipal PWS, Salina, KS  Sandra Beisner,
Industry/Commerce, Ellis, KS vacant, At Large West,  Bernard Kitten, Irrigation, Hays, KS  Chris Meyer, Agriculture, Sylvan Grove, KS
 Eric Moden, At Large Central, Wakeeney, KS Bill Scott, Recreation, Ransom, KS  Greg Swob, Fish & Wildlife, Hays, KS  Allen Roth,
Conservation/Environment, Hays, KS  Hank Royer, At Large East, Abilene, KS  KWO Planner: Diane Knowles, 785-296-3185
[email protected]