REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) FOR EMPANELMENT AND RATE APPROVAL FOR SUPPLY OF HAND HELD TERMINALS (HHT) IN PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK Punjab National Bank HO: Information Technology Division 5, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-01 Information Technology Division I.T Procurement Department Head Office, 5 Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110 001 Tel: (011)-23311452 23710021 Extn: 234, 233,462,408 Fax: (011) - 23321305 23320306 Page 1 of 42 RFP HHT PNB DISCLAIMER The information contained in this Request for Proposal Document (―RFP Document) or subsequently provided to Bidder/s, whether verbally or in documentary form by or on behalf of the Punjab National Bank or any of their representatives, employees or advisors (collectively referred to as ―Bank Representatives), is provided to Bidder(s) on the terms and conditions set out in this RFP Document and any other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided. This RFP Document is not an agreement and is not an offer or invitation by the Bank Representatives to any party other than the entities who are qualified to submit their Proposal (Bidders). The purpose of this RFP Document is to provide the Bidder with information to assist the formulation of their Proposal. This RFP Document does not purport to contain all the information each Bidder may require. This RFP Document may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for the Bank Representatives, their employees or advisors to consider the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of each party who reads or uses this RFP Document. Each Bidder should conduct their own investigations and analysis and should check the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information in this RFP Document and wherever necessary, obtain independent advice from appropriate sources. The Bank Representatives, their employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and shall incur no liability under any law, statute, rules or regulations as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the RFP Document. The Bank Representatives may in their absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information in this RFP Document. Note: wherever HHT appears it should be read with Micro ATM Page 2 of 42 RFP HHT PNB Tender for Empanelment and rate approval of Hand Held Terminals for Punjab National Bank involving supply installation maintenance of the HHTs and its system software 1. Date of commencement of 05-11-2014 Bidding Process. 2. Last date and time for sale of 11-11-2014 up to 1200 hrs Bidding Documents 3. Last date and time for Hash 11-11-2014 up to 1200 hrs submission 4. Last date and time for online bid 11-11-2014 up to 1700 hrs submission 5. Place of opening of Bids Punjab National Bank, Information Technology Division, Head Office,5- Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 1 6. Address for communication As above Tel:(011) 23311452 /23718045 Fax:(011) 23321305 7. Cost of RFP Rs.10,000/- (Nonrefundable) should be submitted online only in favour of Punjab National Bank before last date of bid submission in the following account: IFSC Code : PUNB0015300 Bank & Branch : Punjab National Bank, Sansad Marg, New Delhi -110 001 Account No. 0153002200175673 ( 16 digits) Imprest account – HO IT Division 8. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Rs.10.00 Lac should be submitted online before last date of bid submission or in the form of Bank Guarantee (BG) in favour of Punjab National Bank, IT Division payable at New Delhi. BG should be valid for six months from the date of bid submission (Annexure-Xiii). IFSC Code : PUNB0015300 Bank & Branch : Punjab National Bank, Sansad Marg, New Delhi -110 001 Account No. 0153002100567220 ( 16 digits) Imprest account – HO IT Division In case of unsuccessful bidder, EMD will be returned after completion of the bid process (without interest). 9. Contact to Bidders Interested Bidders are requested to send the e-mail to [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] and [email protected] containing following information, so that in case of any clarification same may be issued to them. Name of company, contact person, mailing address with Pin Code, Telephone No., Fax No., e-mail address, Mobile No. etc. Note: 1) Technical Bids will be opened online as well as in physical form but Commercial bid will be opened online only; Bidders may view the details through their terminal using their eprocurement [] registration login. 2) Vendors, who have not registered earlier with e-procurement site, would have to register with our e-procurement site. 3) All the technical supporting documents should be given in physical form only. Page 3 of 42 RFP HHT PNB To The Chief Manager I T Procurement Department Punjab National Bank I.T. Division, Head Office New Delhi Sir, Reg.: Our bid for Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Hand Held terminals and its System Software in Punjab National Bank We submit our Bid Documents herewith. We understand that You are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid received by you, and you may reject all or any bid. If our Bid for the above job is accepted, we undertake to enter into and execute at our cost, when called upon by the purchaser to do so, a contract in the prescribed form. Unless and until a formal contract is prepared and executed, this bid together with your written acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding contract between us. If our bid is accepted, we are to be jointly and severally responsible for the due performance of the contract. You may accept or entrust the entire work to one Bidder or divide the work to more than one bidder without assigning any reason or giving any explanation whatsoever. Bidder means the vendor who is decided and declared so after examination of commercial bids. The names of shortlisted bidders after the completion of first stage (Technical Bid), and the same of successful bidder(s) to whom the contract is finally awarded after the completion of second stage (Commercial Bid), shall be displayed on the Notice Board of the purchaser at Punjab National Bank, Information Technology Division, Head Office, 5, Sansad Marg, New Delhi110001. Dated at ____________this _______________ day of __________ 2014 Yours Sincerely For ______________________ Signature: _______________ Name: ___________________ PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK Page 4 of 42 RFP HHT PNB Punjab National Bank is one of the largest public sector banks with more than 6500 Branches/Offices geographically located all across India. The Bank is fully computerized and networked in order to achieve the effective and efficient customer services and Back office operations. Today‟s banking is a technology enabled service industry. Banking facilities are enabled through multiple delivery channels i.e. Branches, ATMs, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, Call Centre, Kiosks, Corporate Websites and Social Networking Sites. Banks have made huge investments in creating technical infrastructure for providing world class facilities to their esteemed customers. Punjab National Bank is the frontrunner in adoption of IT & ICT enabled initiatives in providing new age technology driven banking services to its customers. PNB has always looked at technology as a key facilitator to provide better customer service and ensured that its „IT strategy‟ follows the „Business strategy‟ so as to arrive at “Best Fit”. The Bank has made rapid strides in this direction. All branches of the Bank are under Core Banking Solution (CBS) since Dec‟08, thus covering 100% of its business and providing „Anytime Anywhere‟ banking facility to all customers including customers of more than 3000 rural & semi urban branches. The Bank has also been offering Internet banking services to its customers which also enables on line booking of rail tickets, payment of utilities bills, purchase of airline tickets, etc. Towards developing a cost effective alternative channels of delivery, the Bank with more than 8000 ATMs has the largest ATM network amongst Nationalized Banks. With the help of advanced technology, the Bank has been a frontrunner in the industry so far as the initiatives for Financial Inclusion is concerned. With its policy of inclusive growth, the Bank‟s mission is “Banking for Unbanked”. The Bank has launched a drive for biometric smart card based technology enabled Financial Inclusion with the help of Business Correspondents so as to reach out to the last mile customer. The Bank has started several innovative initiatives for marginal groups like rickshaw pullers, vegetable vendors, dairy farmers, construction workers, etc. Under Branchless Banking model, the Bank is implementing 40 projects in 16 States. The following new age tech initiatives are implemented by PNB: Core Banking Solution Finacle from Infosys at all offices/branches of the Bank. Centralized Human Resource Management System (PeopleSoft) is implemented for pay-roll management and HR management. Enterprise wide Data Warehouse to facilitate Bank in warehousing data from OLTP systems and getting valuable information out of collected data through Data mining solutions to help the Management in decision making. Network Operations Centre for monitoring more than 10000 network links from Data Centre to the Branches and ATMs. Page 5 of 42 RFP HHT PNB Customer Relationship Management for managing potential client profiles and generating business by converting such potential clients. Bank has implemented Real Application Cluster technology in Core Banking Setup to cater the load of more than 5000 branches, delivery channels and other transactions load. Data Mart – CBS MIS CUBE dashboard facility is made available for providing up-to-date critical business information to the Top Management. Enterprise wide Document Management System (OmniDoc) is implemented for managing documentation in Forex back offices. The same is under implementation for other banking domain departments. On-line Credit Proposal tracking System is made available to our customers to online track the status of their loan proposals. Bank has procured and installed Sun Ray Desktop solution for centralized managing the desktop activities in the Data Centre. Also it helped in optimal utilization of available floor space in the Data Centre. Value added features like Utility bill payment, fund transfer etc. are made available through additional delivery channels. Treasury system from M/s Thomson Reuters has been implemented. Learning Management System with online assessment facility has been implemented. This enables bank to train our 53000 plus staff from their offices and home. Anti Money Laundering system has been implemented for transaction monitoring and regulatory reporting. Bank is in process of implementing several important IT initiatives like Lending Automation & Processing System; Fixed Asset Management System, Risk Management solutions etc. Other value added services – ASBA has been implemented through branch and internet banking module. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT Financial Inclusion has different connotation in developed countries and developing countries like India. In the developed countries, the focus is on small section of people who are excluded from formal credit markets whereas in India, our focus is on majority of population who do not even have an access to a bank account. Financial Inclusion may be defined as the process of ensuring access to financial services and timely & adequate credit to the financially deprived groups such as weaker sections and low income groups at an affordable cost in a fair and transparent manner. The vision for Financial Inclusion is: “To financially strengthening a majority of population by providing banking facilities and financial services, at a fair cost, based on transparency and equality”. Page 6 of 42 RFP HHT PNB It is the delivery of banking services to the poorest of the poor. The facilities of Savings Account with Overdraft and products like Remittances, GCC, Health Insurance, Micro Insurance, and Pension etc can be offered to the Financial Inclusion customers. Presently, PNB is providing Financial Inclusion solution to unbanked population through smart card based technology using Business Correspondent model. PNB FI technology model is a branchless banking smart card based model along with biometric features to offer banking products in rural villages where no other banking channel is present. The FI customers are offered Financial Services through Business Correspondents/Business Facilitator/Bank Personnel. All the Para Banking services are offered as per RBI guidelines. Recently, PNB has implemented the FI Gateway Solution with various software procured from Tata Consultancy Services Limited. The FI Gateway solution is integrated with PNB‟s Core Banking Solution. Using this Gateway Solution, PNB is now offering the online transaction facility wherein the B.C.Agent and Customers are being authenticated online and the customer‟s account balance is updated instantaneously. Thus PNB is offering both online and offline model for implementing the FI project and offering smart card less and smart card based solution. This PNB initiative to include the customers belonging to poor and illiterate segment of the society into mainstream banking channel using technology is bringing social changes in their life with the mission as under: “Banking for the Unbanked” Purpose of the RFP: The purpose of the RFP is to solicit proposals from qualified vendors for Empanelment and Rate Approval of Hand Held Terminals for Punjab National Bank (& its subsidiaries and sponsored Regional Rural Banks [RRBs]) involving supply installation maintenance of the HHTs and its system software. These HHTs will be used as field devices both in online modes and offline modes and supporting smart card based and cardless solution. On the said HHTs bank will implement its enrolment application and transaction application. Thus, these HHTs should be compatible with PNB‟s FI Gateway solution. These HHTS will be used as field devices for carrying out: a) EKYC based account opening b) AEPS transaction c) Aadhar seeding d) Rupay & PIN transactions e) Normal Biometric transactions The rate contract is applicable for Punjab National Bank and its authorized Business Correspondents Agents (BCAs). For BCAs bank will purchase the HHTs directly. Alternately the BCAs may also purchase the HHTs directly on the approved rates, terms and conditions. The purchase orders will be placed either by the bank‟s head office or by its controlling offices/ circle offices. Page 7 of 42 RFP HHT PNB Technical and commercial bids are invited from bidders for providing Hand Held terminal for Punjab National Bank. The Bank proposes to deploy Hand Held Terminals in approximate 10000 (Ten thousand) Villages/Locations across India. The number of locations may increase or decrease as per bank‟s actual requirement. INSTRCUTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Entities meeting the following criteria would be eligible to participate in the bid process: i. The bidder should be either Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of Branded HHTs or one of their authorized representatives in India. In case of authorized representative, a letter of authorization to this effect from OEM must be furnished. The authorization letter should mention that if authorized representative fails to meet the obligation for items supplied and / or to be supplied under this tender, then OEM would be responsible for all obligations for their items. ii. The bidder should have supplied at least 1000(One Thousand only) HHTs during the last two accounting years (2012-13 & 2013-14) to banks/ Financial Institutes/ Egovernance. The minimum turnover of the bidder should be Rs.5 Crore in the last accounting year (either 2012-13 or 2013-14). The bidder should have positive net worth in last 2 years (2012-13 & 2013-14) audited balance sheet. Relevant data should be submitted in annexure VII. Bidders to quote for HHTs of only one OEM. Bidders, who have not satisfactorily completed any of the earlier contracts with the Bank and/or who have been debarred by the Bank from participating in future tenders, will not be eligible for this tender. Bidder to submit an undertaking in this regard. Either OEM or only one of its authorized representatives in India shall participate in the tender. The bidder should have national presence and should be engaged in supplying and providing maintenance services for HHTs & peripherals in India for at least 3 years. The bidder/OEM should be having/ establish support offices/ Support Centers/ Support Locations with necessary support infrastructure for maintenance of HHTs and Peripherals items at bank‟s Head Office and Circe Office locations including state capitals. The bidder shall submit the complete list of such support Offices/ Support Centers / Support Locations along with bid. Further the selected bidder will be required to have/ to set up support facilities with necessary spare parts at Head Office and all the circle headquarters of the Bank. Bidder should have supplied HHTs to at least one organization under the category of Bank /Financial Institution/ PSU / Govt. Department / Reputed Ltd Company during the last 2 accounting years. (Documentary Proof of having done so, be also submitted viz. confirmation certificate for supply and implementation/installation of the HHTs etc.) iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Page 8 of 42 RFP HHT PNB xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. The company should be registered with Registrar of companies/firms in India. In case the bidder is Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) he/she shall have IP (Intellectual property) rights for the products offered to Punjab National Bank and an undertaking to this effect to be given. In case of authorized representatives/ reseller such authorization from the OEM should be submitted with the bid. Certificate of compatibility of device and application with the bank‟s FI system provided by M/s TCS or ATM switch managed by M/s FSS. STQC certification of the proposed Make and Model of the HHTs/ Sensor OR Evidence of having applied for STQC certification of the proposed Make and Model of the HHTs. Bank has the right to terminate the rate contract in case STQC certificate is not arranged within a reasonable time period. The payment application on micro ATMs for processing card and PIN transactions should be certified with PA-DSS certification. The PCI-PED should be an integral part of the device and not connected separately through USB or otherwise. 2. COST OF BIDDING The bidder shall bear all the costs associated with the preparation and submission of bid and Bank will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. 3. BIDDING DOCUMENT The bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and conditions and technical specifications in the Bidding Document. Submission of a bid not responsive to the Bidding Document in every respect will be at the bidder‟s risk and may result in the rejection of its bid without any further reference to the bidder. 4. LANGUAGE OF BIDS The bids prepared by the bidder and all correspondence and document relating to the bids exchanged by the bidder and PNB, shall be written in English. 5. AUTHENTICATION OF ERASURES/OVERWRITING ETC. Any inter-lineation, erasures, or overwriting shall be valid only if the person(s) signing the bid initial(s) them. 6. AMENDMENTS TO BIDDING DOCUMENTS At any time prior to the last Date and Time for submission of bids, the Bank may, for any reason, modify the Bidding Documents through amendments at the sole discretion of the Bank. All amendments shall be uploaded on the Bank‟s websites ( and and will be binding on all who are interested in bidding. In order to provide prospective Bidders a reasonable time to take the amendment if any, into account in preparing their bid, the Bank may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for submission of bids. Page 9 of 42 RFP HHT PNB 7. Bank’s RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY BID OR ALL BIDS The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and annul the bidding process or even reject all bids at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders or without any obligation to inform the affected bidder or bidders about the grounds for the purchaser's action. The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any technology proposed by the vendor The Purchaser reserves the right to select more than one vendor keeping in view its large requirements. 8. MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL Bids once submitted will be treated, as final and no further correspondence will be entertained on this. No bid will be modified after the deadline for submission of bids. No bidder shall be allowed to withdraw the bid, if bidder happens to be successful bidder. 9. REVELATION OF PRICES The prices in any form or by any reasons should not be disclosed in the technical or other parts of the bid except in the commercial bid. Failure to do so will make the bid liable to be rejected. 10. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE BIDDING FIRMS The bidding firms are not allowed to impose their own terms and conditions to the bid and if submitted will not be considered as forming part of their bids. The bidders are advised to clearly specify the deviations, in case terms and conditions of the contract applicable to this invitation of tender are not acceptable to them. The bidders should also describe clearly in what respect and up to what extent the equipment and services being offered differ/ deviate from the specifications laid down in the specifications and requirements. 11. LOCAL CONDITIONS The bidder must acquaint himself with the local conditions and factors, which may have any effect on the performance of the contract and / or the cost. 12. CLARIFICATIONS If deemed necessary PNB may seek clarifications on any aspect from the bidder. However that would not entitle the bidder to change or cause any change in the substance of the tender submitted or the price quoted. Page 10 of 42 RFP HHT PNB 13. Performance Bank Guarantee: The successful bidders have to submit the Performance Bank Guarantee, detailed as under: a) The successful bidder has to submit the Performance Bank Guarantee valid for 5 years, detailed as under: L-1 bidder = Rs.20,00,000/-( Rs. Twenty Lac only)---40% orders L-2 bidder = Rs.15,00,000/-( Rs. Twenty Lac only)---30% orders L-3 bidder = Rs.15,00,000/-( Rs. Twenty Lac only) ---30% orders In case there is no L-3 bidder, then: L-1 bidder= Rs.30,00,000/-( Rs. Thirty Lac only)-----60% orders L-2 bidder= Rs.20,00,000/-( Rs. Twenty Lac only)---40% orders In case there are no L-2 & L-3 bidders, then: L-1 bidder= Rs.50,00,000/-( Rs. Fifty Lac only)-----100% orders It will be submitted centrally at HO-ITD level. b) In case vendor submits any false information or declaration letter during the tender process or period of rate contract, Bank shall invoke the EMD/ Performance Bank Guarantee submitted by the bidder to recover penalty/damages. In case vendor fails to perform the contract, Bank shall invoke the Performance Bank Guarantee to recover penalty/damages. c) EMD Money of un-successful bidders will be returned on completion of rate approval process whereas EMD of successful bidder will be returned on submission of the Performance Bank Guarantee. 14. OPENING OF BIDS All the bids will be opened at the date, time and locations mentioned in RFP (as per tender schedule). The technical bids will be opened in the presence of representatives of the bidders who choose to attend. 15. PERIOD OF VALIDITY Bid shall remain valid for six months from the date of bid opening prescribed by the purchaser. A bid valid for shorter period is liable to be rejected by PNB as nonresponsive. 16. BID CURRENCY All the prices shall be expressed in Indian Rupees only. 17. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS Bid must be received by the Purchaser at the address specified in Bid Document not later than the specified date and time as specified in Bid Document. In event of the Page 11 of 42 RFP HHT PNB specified date for submission of bids being declared a holiday for the Purchaser, the bids will be received up to appointed time on next working day. The purchaser may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for submission of bids by amending the bid documents in accordance to clause “AMENDMENTS TO BIDDING DOCUMENTS”, in which case all rights and obligations of the purchaser and bidders previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended. 18. LATE BIDS Any bid received by the Purchaser after the deadline for submission of bid will be rejected and/or returned unopened to the Bidder. 19. BIDDING PROCESS (TWO STAGES) For the purpose of the present job, a two-stage bidding process will be followed. The response to the RFP will be submitted in two parts: Technical bid Commercial bid Part I Part II For the purpose of the above scope of work, a two-stage bidding process will be followed. The response to the present tender will be submitted in two parts, Technical Bid and Commercial Bid. The bidders will have to submit the technical bid in physical as well as online form through bank‟s e-procurement system. Commercial bids should be submitted in online form only through bank‟s e-procurement system. The bidder will have to submit the Technical Bid in sealed envelopes, duly super scribing “Procurement of Hand Held Terminal devices for Financial Inclusion in PNB” and “TECHNICAL BID”. TECHNICAL BID will also contain all the documents mentioned under Annexure-XII. All the Annexure should be duly signed and sealed. TECHNICAL BID will NOT contain any pricing or commercial information at all. Technical bid documents with any commercial information will be rejected. In the first stage, only TECHNICAL BIDs will be opened and evaluated. Only those bidders satisfying the technical requirements as determined by the Bank and accepting the terms and conditions of this document shall be short-listed. All pages of the bid except amendable printed literature shall be initialed by the person(s) signing the Bid. The bid shall contain no interlineations, erasures or over writing except as necessary to correct errors made by the Bidder, in which case such corrections shall be duly confirmed under signature/initials of the person(s) signing the bid. Page 12 of 42 RFP HHT PNB In the second stage, the COMMERCIAL BID of only those bidders, whose technical bids are short listed, will be opened. Prices quoted by the bidder must be all inclusive, firm and final and shall not be subject to any escalation whatsoever during the period of the contract. Any revision of the prices of any of the equipment or services, during the period of contract shall be discussed and negotiated between the selected vendor and the Bank. Prices should be shown separately for each item of equipment, services and other aspects as detailed in the bid documents. Tenders not containing item wise prices are liable to be rejected. The prices quoted should also include all rights (if any) of patent, registered design or trademark and intellectual proprietary rights and the bidder shall indemnify PNB against all claims in respect of the same. Bidders are advised to go through payment terms as mentioned in General Terms and Conditions. 20. SUBMISSION OF BIDS 20.1 All the interested bidders should register themselves in the e procurement system for submitting the bids online. 20.2 The bidders shall duly complete the formats of Bid and the same should be submitted online through our e-Procurement System using their Digital Signature at website . 20.3 All the Technical supporting documents should be submitted manually before the final date & time of bid submission at the following address. Bank will not be responsible for any postal delay The Chief Manager Punjab National Bank, Hardware Procurement Section, I.T. Division, HO: 5 Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110 001 21. CONTENTS OF DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED Documents required in Technical Bid (Sealed Cover) 1. Check List as per Annexure XII 2. Supporting documents in respect of eligibility criteria. 3. Bidders Information as per Annexure VIII 4. Acceptance of the General terms and conditions as contained in Annexure-I including scope of work Annexure II 5. Acceptance of Compliance Statement-Annexure VI. Page 13 of 42 RFP HHT PNB 6. Document indicating the feature of the product. 7. ISO Certification/ STQC certification/other relevant certifications, if any. 8. Audited balance sheet and profit & loss account statement for 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14. 9. Bid Earnest Money in the form of Demand Draft/Bank Guarantee. Please mention the tender name with year and company name at the back of DD/Pay order. 10. Service Support set up details as per Annexure IX. 11. Performance Statement as per Annexure X. 12. Letter of Authorization for granting the person the right to sign the bid and binding the bidder as the constituted attorney of the company. Annexure VII 13. Additional Functionalities as per Annexure V 14. Signed copy of the RFP document (each page signed with seal). 22. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION The bids will be examined by PNB to determine whether they are complete, contain any computational errors, whether required bid security has been furnished, etc. and whether the bids are generally in order. Bids from agents without proper authorization from the manufacture will not be accepted. Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis. If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantities, the unit price shall prevail and total price shall be corrected. If the bidder does not accept the correction of the errors, his bid will be rejected. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words will prevail. A bid determined as not substantially responsive will be rejected by PNB and may not subsequently be made responsive by the bidder by correction of non conformity. PNB may, at its discretion waive any minor non conformity or irregularity in a bid which does not constitute a material deviation, provided such waiver does not prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any bidder. 23. EVALUATION AND AWARD CRITERIA After opening of the technical bids, all the documents and annexure (except commercial documents/offer) will be evaluated first by the bank. PNB will determine to its satisfaction whether the bidder selected as having submitted the best evaluated responsive bid is qualified to satisfactorily perform the contract. The decision of PNB will be final in this regard. The determination will take into account bidder‟s financial, technical and support capabilities, based on an examination of documentary evidence submitted by bidders. Technical Evaluation: Page 14 of 42 RFP HHT PNB a) Bank will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether required information have been provided as underlined in the bid document, whether the documents have been properly signed, and whether bid documents are generally in order. b) Compliance to Bidders‟ Qualification Criteria stipulated in Annexure A of the RFP. c) Compliance to Technical Requirement stipulated in the „Hardware Specifications for HHT/ device‟, duly supported by documentary evidence will be evaluated in detail. d) Review of written reply, if any, submitted in response to the clarification sought by the Bank e) Technical skill set available, availability of customer support personnel etc., would be considered. f) Bank may interact with the Customer references submitted by bidder, if required. g) Bidders may be called to make presentation of the product offered by them as per the schedule decided by PNB. PNB may also visit and inspect the onsite / manufacturing/ development centers and other installation of the bidders. The HHTs will be used as field devices both in online modes and offline modes and supporting smart card based and cardless solution. The HHTs should be compatible with Bank‟s FI Gateway Solutions and shall be able to host and run bank‟s owned customer enrolment application and transaction application. Bank has procured FI Gateway solution and relevant software from M/s Tata Consultancy Services Limited. The bidder has to approach M/s Tata Consultancy Services Limited / FSS or any other vendor of the bank along with HHT and its SDK and technical specifications. The concerned vendor of FI gateway or ATM switch will examine the proposed HHT which is compatible to Bank‟s FI solution/Software and will certify that they are ready to make necessary modifications in the existing customer enrolment and transaction applications to make it compatible with the said HHT (make and model to be mentioned specifically in the document) within a period of 30 days (from date of declaration of L1). The cost of modifications or customization in the software will be borne by the bidder. If the bidder changes the model of the HHTs during the currency of the rate contract, bidder has to re submit the STQC certificate for the new model and undertake the necessary modifications in the software (if required) with M/s TCS at his/her own cost within a reasonable time mutually agreed between the bank and the bidder without affecting the services. Only those bidders who satisfy the technical requirements, accept the terms and conditions of this RFP document and submit the above certificate shall be short-listed for further evaluation. Bank will split the orders for HHTs among three bidders (who have successfully demonstrated Proof of Concept) in 40:30:30 ratio. The L-1 bidder will be given 40% of Page 15 of 42 RFP HHT PNB the orders. The L-2 & L-3 bidders will be given offer to match with the L-1 prices. Upon his/her acceptance, 30% of orders shall be given to such L-2 & L-3 bidders. If L-2 & L-3 bidder fails to match the L-1 prices within one week, the offer of matching the L-1 prices will pass on to the subsequent bidders only (subject to successful demonstration Proof of Concept). In case no bidder agrees to match L-1 prices, the complete order will go to L-1 bidder. The technically qualified and commercially evaluated bidders will be asked to match with the L-1 prices. Further such bidders will be asked to demonstrate Proof of Concept (POC) free of cost. In case the bidders fail to demonstrate successfully & satisfactorily within the given time frame (normally within 30 days including 20 days for application customization, if required) his/her offer will be cancelled, EMD forfeited and the offer will be transferred to the subsequent bidder & so on. The subsequent bidder has to match with the L1 bidder‟s rate and have to demonstrate POC successfully & satisfactorily. Scope of POC (Proof of Concept) After necessary modifications in the existing customer enrolment and transaction applications by Bank‟s existing vendor (wherever required), the bidder has to demonstrate online and offline enrolments and customer transactions in test mode using bank‟s FI Gateway/ ATM switch solution. The POC will be organized in the bank‟s premises. Commercial Evaluation: The commercial bids for only those bidders will be opened who have qualified on the basis of technical evaluation and reviewed to determine whether the commercial bids are substantially responsive. Commercial bids that are not substantially responsive or incomplete in any manner are liable to be disqualified. Evaluation will be done based on prices quoted as mentioned in commercial offer as per annexure --. L-1 Formula: cost of 1 unit of HHT will be taken to determine L-1 vendor. The award of contract will be based on evaluation of technical and commercial bids. The L1 price for the awarded contract will be decided as per online reverse auction process and the guidelines for the same are available on our website 24. VERIFICATION OF REFERENCE INSTALLATIONS PNB may, if deemed necessary, conduct verification of reference installation to satisfy themselves on the performance of the equipment / services offered with reference to their requirements. 25. CONTACTING PNB OR PUTTING OUTSIDE INFLUENCE Bidders are forbidden to contact PNB or its Consultants on any matter relating to this bid from the time of submission of commercial bid to the time the contract is awarded. Page 16 of 42 RFP HHT PNB Any effort on the part of the bidder to influence bid evaluation process, or contract award decision may result in the rejection of the bid. 26. CANCELLATION OF BID/ BIDDING PROCESS PNB reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders or any obligation to inform the affected bidder or bidders of the ground for its action. 27. SIGNING OF CONTRACT The successful bidder(s) shall be required to enter into a rate contract with PNB, within 30 days. Page 17 of 42 RFP HHT PNB Annexure I GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. ACCEPTANCE OF ORDER:The vendor shall acknowledge orders in ITOT system from the date of receipt of the order from the respective Circle Offices and ITD. The orders downloaded from the system would be construed as a purchase order issued by the competent authority to place the order. Bank has a right to cancel the order if the same is not accepted within a period of 7 days from the date of order, otherwise it will be considered as accepted. 2. TAXES The prices are inclusive of all charges, Taxes, Statuary levies etc. except Sales Tax/VAT, Octroi /Entry Tax which will be paid on actual basis. The Excise/Custom duty will however have to be mentioned separately in the invoice where applicable and the bank may set off the applicable Excise/ Customs duty against the Duty Free Scrip for which bank is eligible under chapter 3 of Foreign Trade Policy. 3. DELIVERY PERIOD: The solution should be delivered within 4 weeks from date of placing the Purchase Order. 4. PAYMENT 100% within 4 weeks of installation. In case installation of equipment is delayed due to Bank and the delay is more than 15 days then payment will be made as under: 80% on delivery of equipment (within 4 weeks) 20% after 3 months of delivery after submission of undertaking by vendor that installation will be carried out as and when desired by the Bank. In case of delayed delivery or incorrect delivery or partial delivery, then date of receipt of the correct and final component shall be treated as delivery date for penalty and other calculation. 5. WARRANTY: The HHT should have a warranty of three years which shall be applicable from the date of installation of HHTs. In case warranty period is beyond the expiry date of performance bank guarantee, the performance bank guarantee should be suitably extended to cover the warranty 6. ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT (AMC) The vendor should also quote separately for AMC at site 3 years for HHTs from the date of expiry of warranty. The AMC rate should not be more than 8%. For Handheld terminals, Vendor should undertake to provide maintenance support at agreed rates Page 18 of 42 RFP HHT PNB and arrange for spare parts for a minimum period of 6 years (3 Years Warranty + 3 Years AMC). Comprehensive annual maintenance contract has to be entered separately with the bank, for this purpose. The bidder shall provide support services for 24x7 hrs with 24 hrs response time unless specified otherwise and also have to execute Master AMC Agreement with the Purchaser without any exception. In case of repair or replacement of any part of the equipment, Bank will pay on the basis of actual cost. 7. PENALTY CLAUSE Related to HHT: The Bank shall have the right to impose penalty on vendor as under: In case of late delivery of equipment by the vendor, 1% per week of the value of undelivered portion of the purchase order after 6 week, subject to maximum of 10% of the undelivered portion of the equipment. In case of any problem in the HHTs, it should be rectified in maximum 2 working days. Failure to do so will attract penalty @1% of AMC charges per hour subject to maximum of 25% of AMC charges will be recovered from the vendor. During warranty period failure to do so will attract penalty @ 1% of the purchase rate of the items per week subject to maximum 10%. This penalty amount may be discounted for any of the future payments to the bidders or from the EMD kept as performance bank guarantee with the bank. The purchaser is entitled to deduct the penalty from the purchase price or any other amount, which is due to supplier from this contract, or any other contract or by invoking the Bank Guarantee. 8. INSURANCE The Handheld terminals supplied under the contract shall be fully insured till delivery at designated places by the bidder against loss or damage incidental to manufacture or acquisition, transportation, storage and delivery. Bank will not be responsible for any loss to bidder on account of non-insurance to any equipment or services 9. GOVERNING LAWS AND DISPUTES All disputes or differences whatsoever arising between the parties out of or in relation to the construction, meaning and operation or effect of these Tender Documents or breach thereof shall be settled amicably. If, however, the parties are not able to solve them amicably, the same shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the applicable Indian Laws, and the award made in pursuance thereof shall be binding on the parties. The Arbitrator/Arbitrators shall give a reasoned award. Any appeal will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts at Delhi. Page 19 of 42 RFP HHT PNB The vendor shall continue work under the Contract during the arbitration proceedings unless otherwise directed in writing by the Bank or unless the matter is such that the work cannot possibly be continued until the decision of the arbitrator or the umpire, as the case may be, is obtained. The venue of the arbitration shall be Delhi. The scope for arbitration is available only for successful bidders. 10. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES If supplier fails to deliver any or all goods or perform services within stipulated time schedule, the purchaser shall, without prejudice to its other remedies under the rate contract, deduct from the ordered price, as liquidated damages, a sum equivalent to 1% of the order value for each week of delay subject to the maximum of 10%. The penalty will be charged on order value for the items for which delivery is delayed. 11. USE OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION The supplier shall not, without the Bank‟s prior written consent, make use of any document or information provided by Purchaser in Bid document or otherwise except for purposes of performing contract. 12. PATENT RIGHTS The supplier shall indemnify the Purchaser against all third party claims of infringement of patent, trademark or industrial design rights arising from use of the Goods, or any part thereof in India. The supplier shall, at their own expense, defend and indemnify the Bank against all third party claims or infringement of intellectual Property Right, including Patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret or industrial design rights arising from use of the products or any part thereof in India or abroad. The supplier shall expeditiously extinguish any such claims and shall have full rights to defend it there from. If the Bank is required to pay compensation to a third party resulting from such infringement, the supplier shall be fully responsible therefore, including all expenses and court and legal fees. The Bank will give notice to the Supplier of any such claim without delay, provide reasonable assistance to the Supplier in disposing of the claim, and shall at no time admit to any liability for or express any intent to settle the claim. The Supplier shall grant to the bank a fully paid-up, irrevocable, non-exclusive license throughout the territory of India or abroad to access, replicate and use software (and other software items) provided by the supplier, including-all inventions, designs and marks embodied therein in perpetuity. Page 20 of 42 RFP HHT PNB 13. ASSIGNMENT The supplier shall not assign, in whole or in part, its obligations to perform under the contract, except with the Purchaser‟s prior written consent. Bank will split the order for HHTs among the two successful bidders in the ration 60:40. Bank reserves the right to award contract to more than one bidder, if the bank so desires. 14. PREDISPATCH INSPECTION Bank shall be free to carry out pre-dispatch inspection as and when required by the Bank. The bidder shall make all necessary arrangement for this purpose. Bank will also conduct the random acceptance testing of select HHTs and peripherals etc. to ascertain their configuration and quality. 15. DELAYS IN THE SUPPLIER’S PERFORMANCE Delivery of the goods and performance of the Services shall be made by the supplier in accordance with the time schedule specified by purchaser. Any delay in performing the obligation by the supplier will result in imposition of liquidated damages and/or termination of rate contract for default. 16. CONTRACT BETWEEN BANK AND SHORTLISTED BIDDER The shortlist bidder shall be required to execute Agreement cum SLA (Service Level Agreement) and NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) with the Bank. 17. DURATION OF CONTRACT The rate contract will be valid for two years from the date of signing the rate contract. However, during the currency of the contract with the Bank if there is any general reduction in rates due to any change in guidelines of any concerned government body or principal supplier(if any), then the bidder has to pass on the proportionate benefit to the Bank. Bank also has the right to extend the existing contract for the period of one year which will be subjected to the review of the quality of services provided by the service provider. 18. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT The quality of services given by the vendor will be reviewed every 3 months and if the services are not found satisfactory, the bank reserves the right to terminate the contract by giving 30 days notice to the vendor. The decision of the bank regarding quality of services shall be final and binding on the vendor. If the vendor fails to execute the work or any part thereof in accordance with the contract. If abandonment of the work or any part thereof by the vendor. Page 21 of 42 RFP HHT PNB If the progress made by the vendor is found to be unsatisfactory. Failure to deposit the performance bank guarantee asked for under the contract. If the vendor fails to deliver any or all of the services at the nominated site within the time-period(s) specified in the contract In the event of commencement of liquidation or winding-up (whether voluntary or compulsory) of the vendor or appointment of a receiver or manager of any of the vendor's assets and/or insolvency of the vendor. Distress, execution, or other legal process being levied on or upon any of the vendor's goods and / or assets. If the vendor shall assign or attempt to assign his interest or any part thereof in the contract. Other conditions: 1. The entire activity under this facility would be guided by and conform to guidelines of PNB, government agencies, legal provisions etc if any. 2. No right to employment in the Bank shall accrue or arise, at any point of time under this project to any of the bidder or its personnel or agents. 3. In the event of exit of the Vendor from the project, all the records & confidential information as would be required by the bank shall be handed over to the bank in form (as prescribed by the Bank at the time of exit). Page 22 of 42 RFP HHT PNB Annexure II SCOPE OF WORK The successful bidder will be responsible for:a) Supply, Installation, Configuration and Maintenance of HHTs as per technical specifications. b) The HHTs should be provided along with required SDK software applications related to the same. c) Bidder has to ensure that the HHT, application software functionalities and any other components, equipments, peripherals involved in implementation of the smart card solution should meet the current guidelines & or standards issued by IDRBT, UIDAI, RBI, IBA, Government authorities (if any) and should continue to comply with any amendments / changes made to these standards by the above referred authorities, without any additional cost to the Bank. d) Bidder to ensure that the HHTs devices should be compatible with the bank‟s FI gateway / ATM switch applications and get certified from approved vendor at their own cost. e) Bidder has to ensure that the HHT device/ sensor should be certified by STQC (refer Micro ATM standards version 1.5.1 and any subsequent versions) f) The HHT software should be on a scalable architecture. g) Vendor has to provide necessary SDK software technical details related to HHT and give training to banks technical team on the same. M/s TCS or other authorized vendors involved in the project for undertaking any customization in the application wherever required. h) The Vendor will bring in all the required technology and infrastructure, including hardware, software, personnel, technical services, connectivity; maintenance, provide training and operational support for the end-to-end infrastructure supporting the bank. i) Technology standards will have to meet specific minimum requirements of State Government, GOI, recommendations of RBI etc if any. j) Vendor shall abide by the checks and controls specified by the Bank. k) Vendor shall assist the Bank in identifying potential risks in the devices, remedy of any of the identified risks, develop strategies to measure, monitor and mitigate those risks and implement new controls. l) Vendor shall cooperate with the Bank‟s internal audit teams and third-party external auditors for conducting periodical audit and shall also assist in strengthening of processes by attending to audit points. m) In addition to security features deployed in the technology, vendor‟s operational procedures should ensure protection of the bank from business risk (from system error, human error, negligence and mismanagement) and fraud risk (loss to earnings or capital due to intentional deception by employees, customers, agents, external entities, etc). n) Vendor will take due care of the support infrastructure so as not to cause disruptions to services to the customers. The vendor should either repair Page 23 of 42 RFP HHT PNB defective HHT or any part or replace within 48 hours from the day he receives such HHT. The vendor has to maintain a buffer stock of 5% of the total purchased HHTs free of cost at bank‟s head office and Circle Offices so that replacement of the defective HHT can be done immediately to meet the emergent requirements in the field and to continue the bank‟s business. o) Vendor has to build support centers at each location having 20 or more HHT installations/ in use. The bidder/OEM should be having/ establish support offices/ Support Centers/ Support Locations with necessary support infrastructure for maintenance of HHTs and Peripherals items at bank‟s Head Office and Circe Office locations including state capitals p) Vendor will be required to provide the verified credentials of each and every person deployed in the project. q) Selected vendor will be responsible for managing the actions and activities of its personnel or the personnel of its subcontractors, etc involved in the project and will be accountable for all the personnel deployed/engaged in the project. r) Vendor will be responsible to deliver HHTs to the locations specified by the Bank. Bank will not bear the cost of delivery of HHTs and other components . s) Orders will be placed by circle offices/ Head Office as per bank‟s requirements and vendor has to complete the order in the stipulated time frame. t) All the related activities related to maintenance of the HHT will be done by selected vendor. u) All the HHTs or any other part lost during transport, having technical or manufacturing defect will be replaced free of cost. v) HHT should be delivered with HHT Case/ leather bag with necessary literature and technical specifications. w)The bank may provide the customer enrolment application, transaction application etc. to the bidder at a central location for pre configuration of HHT.The bidder will deliver the HHTs with bank‟s applications and other utilities, if any , preloaded exfactory. Subsequently these may be taken care at bank‟s head offices and circle office locations by the bidder. x) Patches and upgrades 1. For HHT and its system software the bidder has to manage the relevant patches. 2. Additionally the bidder has to provide the system software patches to the bank‟s central FI gateway server so that the same can be pushed to the HHTs connected to FI gateway server. Other Conditions: a) The entire activity under this facility would be guided by and conform to guidelines of PNB, Reserve Bank of India, UIDAI, IBA, NPCI, State and Central Governments, legal provisions etc. if any issued from time to time. b) End-to-end solution (inclusive of technology and support services) would be outsourced to one or more eligible Vendor initially or for a defined period as decided by the Bank as per terms mentioned in the RFP. c) No right to employment in the Bank shall accrue or arise, at any point of time under this project to any of the bidder or its personnel or agents. d) In the event of exit of the Vendor from the project, all the records & confidential information as would be required by the bank shall be handed over to the bank in form (as prescribed by the Bank at the time of exit). Page 24 of 42 RFP HHT PNB e) Bank reserves the right to change the Vendor with one month‟s notice to the concerned person. f) A detailed agreement with SLA (service level agreement) will be done with the vendor specifying roles and responsibilities. This will include Non-Disclosure clauses also. g) The bidder also has to provide the adequate no of connectors/convectors and extension cables for the devices. Page 25 of 42 RFP HHT PNB Annexure: III Hardware Specifications for HHT/POS device: Device specifications Micro ATMs may be all-in-one integrated devices, or mobiles / PCs / tablets with accessories. Banks procuring micro ATMs may choose to award higher technical scores for particular form factors, or optional features, which meet their own business requirements. Component Minimum Requirement Bidders’ Relevant Compliance information, [Yes/No] if any Biometric scanner Connectivity Specified below The device must provide for two channels (of service provider‟s choice) of network connectivity. Security 2048-bit PKI, 256-bit AES, Base64, SHA-256 for full compliance with Aadhaar Authentication API specifications (9). Non-volatile storage Must be capable of storing audit trails of at least 1000 transactions. Display Must be capable of displaying last 10 transactions without scrolling horizontally. Each transaction must display at least the date, type, and amount. Printer Must be able to print out transaction status and a ministatement of at least the last 10 transactions. Receipts and other printed items must be legible for at least two months from the date of printing. Battery Rechargeable battery, with minimum 4 hours battery life. Power Adaptor AC/DC Adaptor with surge protection. Environment Operating temp: 0°C to 50°C. Storage not including battery: 0°C to 55°C. Magstripe reader and As per specifications mentioned integrated PIN pad below Page 26 of 42 RFP HHT PNB Speaker A facility should be provided for voice confirmation of the transaction. Location The terminal should have the capability to communicate its location (Industry standard 16 channel NMEA Compliant GPS support or Cell Tower Location or any other dynamic method for approximate Lat-Long location) QR code Ability to read QR code from the reader(Optional) Aadhaar letter, of size 21mm x21mm, 600 DPI, and Error Correction Code Level M (Medium). EMV EMV Level 1 and Level 2 capability(Mandatory) certification as per specifications mentioned below NFC reader Contactless smart card readers (Optional) compliant to ISO 14443 A and B cards (for all four types of NFC tags) and ISO/IEC 18092. Note - At a future date, as the device ecosystem matures, the MicroATM specifications may have to be refreshed and some of the optional items may be made mandatory. In case MicroATM specifications are refreshed, devices conforming to the earlier specifications do not need to be upgraded; the new specifications will apply only for new procurements thereafter Biometric scanner specifications All MicroATM devices should use the STQC certified Scanner + Extractor to meet the technical specifications as defined by UIDAI. Certified devices should carry the Aadhaar logo on the device. The use of the Aadhaar logo should be in accordance with the guidelines issued by UIDAI. Detailed guidelines on the STQC certification process, and list of certified devices are available on the STQC website: Page 27 of 42 RFP HHT PNB Parameters Specifications Extractor Quality Optical/multispectral/capacitance technology 1. If platen area is 15.24 mm x 20.32 mm or more: 1.1 Provisional certificate would be issued without any fied testing; 1.2 Final certification would be subject to sensor-extractor meeting <2% FRRin Aadhaar athentication system (at FAR of 0.01%) for which detailedguidelines will be published by STQC. 2. If platen area is 12.8 mm x 16.5 mm or more but less than 15.24 mm x20.32 mm, certification would be suject to sensorextractor meeting <2% FRR in Aadhaar authentication system (at FAR of 0.01%) for which detailed guidelines will be published by STQC. Any other Technologies 3. <2% FRR in Aadhaar authentication set up (at FAR of 0.01%) would need to be demonstrated. Detailed guidelines and other requirements specific to the technology will published separately by STQC. Must be listed on “IAFIS Certified Product List” posted on https// aspx under “PIV Single Finger Capture Devices” OR Lab Test conformance report showing compliance to ISO 197944 Annexure A OR any other equivalent conformance report (to be approved for equivalence by expert committee appointed by Competent Authority · MINEX compliance NFIQ Quality Software · Number of Minutiae generated by extractor to be in conformance to ISO Specification. Tested for at least 12 Minutiae points generated under test conditions. Inbuilt NFIQ quality software either at device level or extractor level. Minimum Platen Area Image quality Bidders’ Complia nce [Yes/No] Relevant informati on, if any Page 28 of 42 RFP HHT PNB Parameters Specifications Resolution Minimum 500 DPI with 5% margin on the lower side 8 bit, 256 levels Grey scale/ Image type Extractor & Image Template Standard Latent detection Platen Preferred Operating Temperature Preferred Storage Temperature Preferred Humidity ESD Environment, health and safety Safety EMC compliance Bidders’ Complia nce [Yes/No] Relevant informati on, if any ISO 19794-2 for fingerprint minutiae template and ISO 19794-4 for Fingerprint Image Template Preferable Rugged, minimum IP 54 rating preferable Prefer scratch resistant features 0 to 45 degree Centigrade 0 to 50 degree Centigrade 10 to 90% >= 8Kv ROHS certification UL or IEC60950 compliance FCC class A or equivalent Operating system Vendor needs to declare the compatible environment operating system Connectivity · Standard USB connectivity for PC based application. · Connectivity for POS devices. Magstripe reader and integrated PIN pad specifications Magstripe reader Security PCI-PED for POS version 2 and above ISO triple-track 1/2/3, bi-directional, highcoercivity 1. 3DES encryption 2. TMK/TPK support with all keys remote download capability 3. UKPT / DUKPT capability PCI (Payment Card Industry) PED (Pin Entry Device) for POS fully integrated with the device. Page 29 of 42 RFP HHT PNB The payment application on micro ATMs for processing card and PIN transactions should be certified with PA-DSS certification (2) (3). Until the application is PA-DSS certified, the micro ATMs may not be able to process card and PIN transactions, but may process BC transactions as defined in these standards, so long as all other security requirements are met. Please refer to: =PA- DSS EMV compliance EMV capability is currently optional, but may become mandatory based on guidelines from RBI on securing card present transactions (2). Please refer to: Note: 1. All Micro ATM devices should be certified by STQC to meet the technical specifications as defined by UIDAI. Detailed guidelines on the STQC certification process are available on the STQC website:‐testing-and-certification 2. The OEM should also release patches and upgrades in respect of new guidelines defined by UIDAI/IDRBT. Page 30 of 42 RFP HHT PNB Compliance of below mentioned details to be submitted by bidder: The device being submitted is fully compliant with Micro ATM Standards version 1.5.1. The proofs of necessary certifications are attached with this letter. Device Make List Device name Model List Device model number Hardware Co Biometric scanner List make of scanner Non-volatile storage List all channels available (Single/Dual SIM GPRS, CDMA, PSTN, Ethernet, Wifi, etc) List storage capacity Display List size of display Printer List whether thermal / impact Battery Power Adaptor List whether battery is rechargeable, battery life in hours Meets standards: Yes / No Environment Meets standards: Yes / No Magstripe reader and PIN pad Meets standards: Yes / No Speaker Meets standards: Yes / No Location Meets standards: Yes / No Connectivity Proofs of certification (Attached) 1. STQC certification of Scanner + Extractor meeting UIDAI standards 2. PCI-PED compliant PIN pad Yours sincerely, (Authorized signatory) Page 31 of 42 RFP HHT PNB Annexure - IV Responsibility Matrix Facility Facility Activity Description HHTs HHT related software applications – necessary customization by M/s TCS at cost of the bidder within the given time frame Update/ customization in HHT applications Integration with other components of the bank‟s FI gateway solution. Training to Business Correspondent Agents Training to bank‟s technical team on SDK Central Management / Inventory Management tool / software having following features Re-issuing of lost/stolen HHTs Information update HHT tracking Other related MIS HHT management activities Bank Technology Service Provider Page 32 of 42 RFP HHT PNB ANNEXURE - V List of Additional Functionalities being offered as part of the Solution, without any Additional cost module wise. S. No. Module Functionality Page 33 of 42 RFP HHT PNB ANNEXURE-VI COMPLIANCE STATEMENT DECLARATION We hereby undertake and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions stipulated by the Bank in the RFP including all annexure(s), addendum(s) and corrigendum(s) Signature and Seal of Bidder We certify that the systems/services offered by us for tender conforms to the Technical specifications stipulated by you with the following deviations List of deviations 1) 2) 3) 4) (If left blank it will be construed that there is no deviation from the specifications given above) Signature and Seal of Bidder Page 34 of 42 RFP HHT PNB ANNEXURE-VII LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION CHIEF MANAGER, PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIVISION NEW DELHI-110 001 DATE: DEAR SIR, WITH REFERENCE TO YOUR TENDER NO __________________; I HEREBY AUTHORIZE ________________ (NAME), ________________ (DESGINATION) TO SIGN THE BID ON BEHALF OF _______________________. HIS/HER SIGNATURE IS ATTESTED BELOW. THANKING YOU. YOURS SINCERELY, __________________ Page 35 of 42 RFP HHT PNB Annexure-VIII BIDDER’S INFORMATION Name: Constitution: Address: Names & Addresses of the Partners if applicable Contact Person(s) ______________________________________ Telephone, Fax, e-mail _________________________________ Number of years of experience in implementation and manufacturing of HHTs devices and HHT Solution _________ Please give brief financial particulars of your firm for the last 2 financial years along with the volume of business handled. (The information will be kept confidential) Year 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Net Profit Total Turnover Is company ISO Certified? If yes, provide information along with true copy of certificate. ________________________________________________ Signature: Seal of company Page 36 of 42 RFP HHT PNB ANNEXURE- IX SERVICE SUPPORT DETAILS Sr. No. Location Address Office Telephone Number Fax No. Name of contact Person with contact number Status of Office working days & hours No. of Maintenanc e Engineers Signature and Seal of Bidder Page 37 of 42 RFP HHT PNB ANNEXURE-X PROFORMA FOR PERFORMANCE STATEMENT (FOR A PERIOD OF LAST 2 YEARS) NAME OF BID NAME OF FIRM Order Placed by (Full Address of Purchaser ) Orde r No. and Date Descriptio n and Quantity of ordered Equipment Valu e of Orde r Date of Completion As per contrac t Remark (reason for late delivery) Actua l Performanc e of equipment (Attach certificate from customer) Signature and Seal of Bidder Page 38 of 42 RFP HHT PNB ANNEXURE-XI PROFORMA FOR COMMERCIAL OFFER (per unit) PART-A: S No Particulars 1. Make and Cost in Cost in Model figures. words HHT (Hardware + application software) as per generic configuration as per annexure -III with integrated keypad, Smart Card Reader etc. Cost for finalization of L-1 bidder Part: B: 2. AMC AMC rate Per Annum In percentage Note: 1. AMC Rate (%) -The AMC rate should not be more than 8% of final rates for HHTs and the bidder shall be required to quote the rate applicable for 3 years for HHTs after the expiry of warranty period. Page 39 of 42 RFP HHT PNB Annexure-XII Check List Technical Bid Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Documents Supporting documents in respect of eligibility criteria. Bidders Information as per format as per Annexure VIII Acceptance of the General terms and conditions as contained in Annexure-I including scope of work Acceptance of Compliance Statement-Annexure VI Document indicating the feature of the product. ISO Certification/ STQC certification/other relevant certifications, if any. Audited balance sheet and profit & loss account statement for 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14. Bid Earnest Money in the form of Demand Draft/Bank Guarantee. Please mention the tender name with year and company name at the back of DD/Pay order. Service Support set up details as per Annexure IX. Performance Statement as per Annexure X. Letter of Authorization for granting the person the right to sign the bid and binding the bidder as the constituted attorney of the company Annexure VII Additional Functionalities as per Annexure V Signed copy of the RFP document (each page signed with seal). Submitted in Bid Online Bid x Physical Bid ✓ ✓ ✓ x ✓ ✓ ✓ x x ✓ ✓ x ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ x ✓ ✓ Commercial bid (Only Online) Sl. No. 1. Documents Submitted (Yes/No) Commercial bid as per Annexure XI Page 40 of 42 RFP HHT PNB Annexure-XIII Performa for the Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit (To be stamped in accordance with stamp act) Ref: Bank Guarantee # Date Punjab National Bank Information Technology Division 5, Sansad Marg New Delhi 110001 Dear Sir, In accordance with your bid reference no. _______________________________________Dated__________M/s_____________ _________________________having its registered office at ______________________________________________herein after Called „bidder‟) wish to participate in the said bid for supply, installation and maintenance of Hand Held Terminals (HHTs) for the year 2014-15 at Punjab National Bank, Information Technology Division, 5 Sansad Marg New Delhi 110001 having its Head Office at 7, Bhikhaiji Cama Place New Delhi 110066. An irrevocable Financial Bank Guarantee (issued by a nationalized / scheduled commercial Bank) against Earnest Money Deposit amounting to Rs.10,00,000/- Rupees (in words___________) valid up to xx.05.2015 is required to be submitted by the bidder, as a condition for participation in the said bid, which amount is liable to be forfeited on happening of any contingencies mentioned in the bid document. M/s_________________________________ having its registered office at __________________________ has undertaken in pursuance of their offer to Punjab National bank (hereinafter called as the beneficiary) dated __________ has expressed its intention to participate in the said bid and in terms thereof has approached us and requested us___________________________ (Name of Bank)________________________ (Address of Bank) to issue an irrevocable financial Bank Guarantee against Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) amounting to Rs 10,00,000/Rupees (in words___________) valid up to xx.05.2015. We, the ___________________________ (Name of Bank)________________________ (Address of Bank) having our Head office at ______________________ therefore Guarantee and undertake to pay immediately on first written demand by Punjab National Bank, the amount Rs. 10,00,000/-Rupees (in words_____________) without any reservation, protest, demur and recourse in case the bidder fails to Comply with any condition of the bid or any violation against the terms of the bid, Without the beneficiary needing to prove or demonstrate reasons for its such demand. Any Such demand made by said beneficiary shall be conclusive and binding on us irrespective of any dispute or difference raised by the bidder. Page 41 of 42 RFP HHT PNB This guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain valid up to xx.05.2015. If any further extension of this Guarantee is required, the same shall be extended to such required period on receiving instructions in writing, from Punjab National Bank, on whose behalf guarantee is issued. "Not withstanding anything contained herein above Our liability under this bank guarantee shall not exceed Rs 10,00,000/- Rupees (in words__________). This bank guarantee shall be valid up to xx.05.2015. We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this bank guarantee only if you serve upon us a written claim or demand, on or before xx.05.2015 before 14.30 hours (Indian Standard Time) where after it ceases to be in effect in all respects whether or not the original bank guarantee is returned to us." In witness whereof the Bank, through its authorized officer has set its hand stamped on this _____________ Day of ______________2014 at __________________ Name of signatory Designation Bank Common Seal Page 42 of 42 RFP HHT PNB
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