MINUTES Meeting Date Time Place Housing Investment Group Wednesday 9 April 2014 10.00 am Spotlight, 30 Hay Currie Street, London E14 0RZ Summary minutes of the meetings of the Housing Investment Group will be published on the GLA’s website at www.london.gov.uk/mayor-assembly/mayor/investment-performance-board/ housing-investment-group (except in those cases where information in the papers may be exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act). Meetings of this internal officer-level Group will not be held in public and are only open to those invited to attend by the Chair of the Group. Members Present: Richard Blakeway, Deputy Mayor for Housing, Land and Property (Chair) David Lunts, Executive Director - Housing and Land Simon Powell, Assistant Director - Strategic Projects and Property Nick Salisbury, Homes for London Board Member Mike Youkee, Homes for London Board Member GLA Officers: Fiona Duncan, Head of Area - North East David Pealing, Board Coordinator Invitees: Neal Hunt, Director of Development, Poplar HARCA (Items 7 and 8) Michael Bell, Strategic Planning Manager, LB Tower Hamlets (Items 7 and 8) Alison Thomas, Private Sector & Affordable Housing Manager, LB Tower Hamlets (Items 7 and 8) 1 Apologies and Chair's Announcements (Item 1) 1.1 Apologies for absence were received from Jamie Ratcliff. 2 Declarations of Interest (Item 2) 2.1 There were no declarations of interest. City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, London SE1 2AA Enquiries: 020 7983 4100 minicom: 020 7983 4458 www.london.gov.uk Greater London Authority Housing Investment Group Wednesday 9 April 2014 3 Minutes of the Meeting Held on 19 March 2014 (Item 3) 3.1 DECISION: That the minutes of the meeting of the Group held on the 19 March 2014 be agreed. 4 Actions Arising (Item 4) 4.1 Members received an update on matters arising from previous meetings of the Group. 4.2 DECISION: That the update on actions arising from previous meetings of the Group be noted. 5 Development of a New School at Greenwich Peninsula (Item 5) 5.1 The Group received a report outlining a proposed transfer of GLA Land and Property Limited (GLAP)-owned land on the Greenwich Peninsula to the Royal Borough of Greenwich (RBG) for the provision of a new combined primary and secondary school. 5.2 Members discussed the impact of pollution from the A102 approach to the Blackwall Tunnel and it was noted that this matter would be addressed at the planning stage, although it was not envisaged that there would be an issue at this time. 5.3 DECISIONS: (a) That the proposal that GLAP enters into a temporary three year lease with RBG to allow the local authority to draw down GLAP land to construct a temporary two form primary school on plot M0302 be endorsed; and (b) That the proposal that the Mayor delegate authority to the Executive Director of Housing and Land to approve the terms of a permanent lease with RBG to draw down land to enable the construction of a permanent primary and secondary school on plot M0302 and part of plot M0301 be endorsed. 6 Disposal of Units 3 and 4 Lamson Road (Part Reserved) (Item 6) 6.1 The Group received a report outlining the proposed sale of the long leasehold of, and the onward disposal strategy for, the final two units at Wildspace, 6-10 Lamson Road. 6.2 Members discussed the suggestion that disposal of the freehold for the site be considered at a future meeting of the Group. The Chair suggested that before any freehold proposals were brought before the Group, that details of all GLAP-owned freeholds should be collated and presented strategically, in order to allow Members to consider individual site issues in context. It was anticipated this would be brought to a meeting of the Group in late 2014. Greater London Authority Housing Investment Group Wednesday 9 April 2014 6.3 DECISIONS: (a) That the sale of the long leasehold and the onward disposal strategy be endorsed; and (b) That a paper outlining all GLAP-owned freeholds be brought to a future meeting of the Group. 7 Presentation - Thameside West (Item 8) 7.1 The Group received a presentation from the Assistant Director - Strategic Projects and Property on the Thameside West area as background to a site visit of the area by the Group to take place immediately after the meeting. 7.2 Members asked whether the area had been considered as a future Housing Zone. The Group heard in response that this was not anticipated as the high percentage of GLA-owned land in Thameside West meant that the additional levers for development that a Housing Zone could offer were not necessary for this site. 7.3 The Group heard that any future development of the site depended on the future decision to be made by Transport for London on the proposed Silvertown Crossing. 7.4 DECISION: That the presentation be noted. 8 Presentation - South Poplar & Poplar Riverside (Item 7) 8.1 The Group received a presentation from the Director of Development at Poplar Housing and Regeneration Community Association (HARCA), on South Poplar and Poplar Riverside as background to a site visit of the area by the Group to take place immediately after the meeting. 8.2 Members noted that despite making up less than 2% of the area of Greater London, that 10% of potential new housing completions lay in the borough, and that half of that potential lay in the South Poplar and Poplar Riverside area. 8.3 Representatives of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets outlined the following key asks for unlocking development in the area: Improving the public realm around and across the A12 and A13 roads as well as Bow Creek; Decontamination of land that formally accommodated industrial sites; Better working with land owners; and Improved political promotion of the area. Greater London Authority Housing Investment Group Wednesday 9 April 2014 8.4 DECISION: That the presentation be noted. 9 Date of Next Meeting (Item 9) 9.1 The next meeting of the Group was scheduled for 7 May 2014 at 2.00 pm in Committee Room 3. 10 Any Other Business the Chair Considers Urgent (Item 10) 10.1 There were no items of urgent business. Contact Officer: David Pealing, Board Coordinator Telephone: 020 7983 5525; Email: [email protected] Minicom: 020 7983 4458
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