Land at Rectory Farm, Grantham 1 Welcome... WHY THIS SITE? THE SITE • • • The Government has laid down a challenge to Planning Authorities across the Country to boost significantly the supply of new housing in order to meet the needs of an ever expanding population. Grantham is required to deliver 13,600 new houses between 2006 and 2026. The Council’s approach to delivering this housing is set out in its Core Strategy (2010). The site is identified by Policy HS2 as part of a Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) referred to as the ‘North West Quadrant’; overall expected to deliver around 3500 new dwellings. The eastern half of the SUE (known locally as ‘Poplar Farm’) comprises 1800 dwellings, local centre, primary school and provision of the Pennine Way Link Road, and construction of the first of these dwellings has already commenced. • This consultation event is focused on the remaining part of the SUE (i.e. the western half to be known as ‘Rectory Farm’). Jelson Limited and Linden Homes are seeking the views of residents which will help to guide the preparation of a outline planning application for around 1400 new homes. • The forthcoming planning application will also include a Phase 1 detailed planning application for 201 of these homes, demonstrating a commitment to delivery of this site. LOCATION PLAN THE SITE THE SURROUNDING AREA Land at Rectory Farm, Grantham 2 Context... KEY CONSTRAINTS & OPPORTUNITIES DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES • Existing Landscape Features - retention of key features where possible e.g. the species rich hedges & pond. • Gonerby Tunnel Site of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI) north of site - a 5m buffer within the site is provided. • Wildlife Corridor - A 5.05ha space connects the Poplar Farm site to the north Gonerby Tunnel SNCI, to ensure the safe passage of badgers and other wildlife across the site. • Primary School Site Provision - 0.9ha reserved for the school extension is provided to link to the Poplar Farm site. • Sports Pitch Provision - Sports pitches (1 x adult size & 1 x junior size) totalling 1ha are proposed; these will be orientated to accord with FA guidance. • Barrowby Road Traffic Noise - A 10m buffer zone between road and proposed home frontage to Barrowby Road is provided. • Sustainable Urban Drainage (SUD) A SUD system is provided with surface water storage areas across the site. • Topography - regrading the site at the northern parcels to accommodate declining gradient towards northern boundary. • Archaeology - retention of key areas where possible to respond to surveys. • Structure and layout of adjacent SUE (Poplar Farm East) sets the context for this development in terms of routes, connections and location of school. + Respond to creating a new urban edge through sensitive treatment. + Deliver much needed housing for the District of South Kesteven on a strategic site reducing the pressure and impacts elsewhere in the District and within Grantham. + Incorporation of high quality landscaping, retaining existing features (e.g. hedges, trees, pond) where ever possible and using archaeology to inform structure. + Create a high quality and attractive place, understanding the local character and respect the context. + Create a permeable development with good linkage to surrounding areas and attractive through routes. + Provide affordable housing on site to accord with the housing needs of the District. + Creation of new open space and recreation areas across the site. + Include provision for the future growth of the school to support the wider strategic growth offered by this site and the adjacent Poplar Farm site. Land at Rectory Farm, Grantham 3 Access & Traffic... A TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT HAS BEEN UNDERTAKEN AND WILL BE SUBMITTED AS PART OF THE APPLICATION PACKAGE. • The site is in a sustainable location • It is accessible by a number of modes of transport • It will be served by two points of access as shown on Board 2 • The development would not impact on the safety or capacity of the local road network • The Pennine Way Link Road and pedestrian footbridge will be provided as part of the Poplar Farm development Bus routes in proximity Typical junction types proposed to improve access from Barrowby Road Landscape... Drainage... AN ASSESSMENT OF THE SITE’S LANDSCAPE CHARACTER AND ITS IMPACT ON LOCAL VIEWPOINTS HAS BEEN UNDERTAKEN. THIS ANALYSIS CONCLUDES THAT: THE SITE IS LOCATED WITHIN FLOOD ZONE 1 WHICH IS A LOW PROBABILITY FLOOD ZONE (< 1 IN 1000) AND ASSESSMENT HAS FOUND THERE IS NO SIGNIFICANT RISK OF FLOODING AT THE SITE. • The vast majority of existing landscape features (hedgerows, tree & pond) will be retained as part of the development proposals • • New green infrastructure (such as amenity grassland, trees and hedgerows, & wildlife habitats) will be created so as to introduce new landscape features into the site A sustainable drainage system (SuDS) has been outlined to accommodate surface water run off. Infiltration and attenuation ponds manage surface water run-off across the site, along with swales to capture the flow. These are all features integrated into the landscape design of the development. • Viewpoints in which the site is wholly or partially visible are confined to within a limited distance from the site boundary • Foul drainage from the site will be discharged to the Anglian Water Public Network, Anglian Water have agreed a programme of works to upgrade the sewers in the area to accommodate the development. • The topography of the site means that it is not visible in views from the west • A detailed drainage solution will be worked up in conjunction with the adjoining development. Viewpoints assessed in proximity to the site Swales, infiltration and attenuation areas Land at Rectory Farm, Grantham 4 Illustrative Masterplan... THE VISION The development will mark the western gateway into Grantham therefore will help to shape Grantham as a place of quality and distinctiveness, a vibrant place to the live, work relax and learn. The defining quality of the scheme will be responding to the landscape and the embodied archaeological history of the site, creating a scheme of visible quality within a rich landscape setting. The quality of the scheme, evident through the masterplanning process and on delivery of Phase 1 of the development, will demonstrate a new quality that sets Linden Homes and Jelson Limited apart from other homes being delivered within the area. The scheme will incorporate an area that will contribute to the delivery of a primary school as well as extensive openspace around the site, including the provision of sports pitches and play areas. BUFFER TO SNCI EXISTING HEDGEROWS RETAINED ACROSS THE SITE WHERE POSSIBLE GREEN WEDGES INTO THE SITE HELP SOFTEN THE URBAN EDGE STREETS CONNECT TO ADJACENT POPLAR FARM LOCAL AREAS OF PLAY ARE LOCATED AROUND THE SITE WITH CENTRAL NEIGHBOURHOOD EQUIPPED PLAY AREA OUTWARD FACING PROPERTIES SET BEHIND LANDSCAPE BUFFER OF WILDLIFE CORRIDOR SUDS SWALES & ATTENUATION AREAS ACROSS SITE WILDLIFE CORRIDOR 10M SET BACK FROM BARROWBY ROAD SECONDARY POINT OF ACCESS NEW ROUNDABOUT JUNCTION WITH BARROWBY ROAD & GLOUCESTER ROAD Land at Rectory Farm, Grantham 5 Phase 1 Proposals... SUDS SWALES ON STREET SUDS ATTENUATION AREAS LOCAL AREA OF PLAY WILDLIFE CORRIDOR NEW ROUNDABOUT JUNCTION TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN LATER PHASE SECONDARY (TO BE AGREED ACCESS TO BE USED WITH SOUTH AS PHASE 1 ACCESS KESTEVEN DC) To demonstrate a commitment to the development Jelson Limited and Linden Homes are keen to progress with Phase 1 of the proposed Rectory Farm development. A detailed scheme will be submitted seeking full planning permission for 206 homes, alongside the delivery of a significant section of the Wildlife Corridor, and a play area. THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT COMPRISES • No. 206 mixed type and tenure homes : - two to five bedroom - mews, semi-detached and detached homes - private sale and affordable • Local Area for Play (LAP) • Natural open space - delivery of 1.32ha of Wildlife Corridor, incorporating SUDS areas. Land at Rectory Farm, Grantham Development Benefits... THE SCHEME RESPONDS DIRECTLY TO THE OBJECTIVES OF THE COUNCIL’S CORE STRATEGY. THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS ARE PROVIDED: • A RANGE OF NEW HOUSES INCLUDING AFFORDABLE HOUSING • SUBSTANTIAL NEW PUBLIC OPEN SPACE • PROVISION OF NEW AND ENHANCEMENTS TO EXISTING WILDLIFE HABITATS • NEW SPORTS PITCHES • SUSTAINABLE DRAINAGE • AN EXTENSION TO THE PROPOSED ADJACENT SCHOOL Next Steps... A PLANNING APPLICATION IS CURRENTLY BEING PREPARED FOR SUBMISSION TO SOUTH KESTEVEN DISTRICT COUNCIL IN SPRING 2014. Thank You... Thank you for taking the time to view our Exhibition. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO TAKE FURTHER TIME TO We value your views and want to answer any REVIEW THE PROPOSALS, THESE BOARDS WILL questions you may have; please complete a BE AVAILABLE ONLINE TO VIEW FROM MIDDAY comment form and post it in the box provided. TOMORROW AT: We will review the responses received and, where appropriate, your ideas will inform the development of further proposals. A Statement of Community Involvement will also be prepared This web address is also provided on the comment and submitted with the planning application. form along with a return address. 6
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