Of Rainfall and Marine Snow

Of Rainfall and Marine Snow
Workshop: 17 - 21 March 2014, Leiden, the Netherlands
Herman Clercx, TU Eindhoven
Gregory Falkovich, Weizmann IS
Bernard Geurts, U Twente
Rudie Kunnen, TU Eindhoven
Chao Sun, U Twente
Gregory Bewley, MPIDS Göttingen
Lance Collins, Cornell U
Armann Gylfason, Reykjavik U
Alessandra Lanotte, CNR-ISAC Lecce
Chung K. Law, Princeton U
Federico Maggi, U Sydney
Eckart Meiburg, UC Santa Barbara
Ryo Onishi, JAMSTEC
Raymond Shaw, Michigan Tech
Fabrice Veron, U Delaware
The Lorentz Center is an international
center in the sciences. Its aim is to
organize workshops for scientists in an
atmosphere that fosters collaborative
work, discussions and interactions.
For registration see: www.lorentzcenter.nl
Phytoplankton bloom off the coast of Iceland. Image taken
by NASA’s Aqua satellite on June 24, 2010
Poster design: SuperNova Studios . NL