164 YOUR NAME c I o r {$ +: Ul English201 PensumI (Part I) l. P=t c 3 . 0! =! I ' ,t r i: J t i a' ;iic 3l6 i: i :. of two parts.Thisis PartI. Rightafterit comesPartIl, on Wyatt'spoem thistimeconsists Note:yourpensum TheyFleefrom Me. You must handin bothpartsto receivecredit.Whenyou'vecompletedbothparts,staple a sectionto thepagestogether.(Nopaperclips.No doingthat stupidturning-over-the-corner-and-teqring "makethemsticktogether."Noneof that.STAPLE BOTH PARTSTOGETHER andthenI cangradethem to you.Otherwisenot.)Also,pleasenotethatyou areto cut your pensumalongthe andreturnthe assignment line in the left-handmargin.Pensathataren'tcut to size,or thataretorn out andhaveraggededges,tendto get lostin transit.(l'll explainaboutthisin class.) Fi{ ! t+l l g ro l< : E-s.i A tii A verb is an action word--e.g. ran, jumped, smiled, read, thought, etc. ,i ti; tB, ,o a The subjectof a verb (actionword) is the doer of the action."John kicked the table." Il q iT i8 il i$ tfii t tr' ci. o ri o lr : !.. ,g l,B,,E ti t a ,,f;' l Fr s. r The ohject of a verb is what the actionwas doneto: "John kicked the table." A noun is a person,place,or thing. A pronoun is a word that "standsin for" a noun- "The table is square.ft is an heirloom." An antecedezlis the noun that the pronounstandsin for- "The table is square.It is an heirloom." So: to find the antecedentof a pronoun, find the noun that it standsfor. Example: what is the antecedentof ir in the above sentence?lt's the table: Why? Becauseyou need to know that it "standsfor" the table to understandthe sentence"lt is an heirloom." IB it io COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING rir 8 .t I til 3 l1 rli t ,1 i! Exercise I tli{ l3_ Harry picked the taggerwort up and put it back in the shed. l ;i . t?tl r& l {1 * tit*,i3 tg i!' rtri -z You are aboutto learnhow to do syntacticanalysis.It is very easy,andjust meansusing your head to seehow the grammar of a sentencecontrols the meaning of the word. For instance,taggerwort is not an Englishword. (l just madeit up.) t- d' t o !. But watch. If I were to tell you that it had to be one of the following four items,you could tell me which one fits just by usingyour innatesenseof English grammar.Circle the meaningthat taggerwort has to be: ,i a) red b) very t6s c) hopeful d) an antiqueinstrumentusedfor digging up diseasedturnips l* tl t+ iitr Now comesthe exciting part. Eventhoughyou didn't know what a taggerwortwas, you did know that, given the abovechoices,it had to be one definition and that it couldn't be any of the other three.In simple language,explainto me how you knew that. (Say what part of speech-verb, noun, pronoun- toggerwort has to be. Why?) t: ir t3 i; ti ti I$ EverysingleSYNTAX sectionin yourpensaexercises will follow exactlythis principle.Don't let it get complicated or confusing(like "grammar"in highschool).If you couldfigureout in this exercise, you cangeta perfectscoreon everysyntaxsectionthisterm. Exercise2 i$ IF tf ri is ri ri lF rB John cooked dinner, and then he went to a movie. I ) What is the subjectof cooked! (give one word) 2) Whatmakesit the subject? (seedefinitionof "subject"above) 3) What is the object of cooked(give one word) 4) What makesit the object?(seedefinition of "object"above) li ti 5) What is the antecedentof he? (give one word) l1 6) What makesit the antecedent?(seedefinition of "antecedent"above) lp t? la ti Exercise3 r3 1) What is the subjectof loves(give one word) rl It r3 llarry, the fat man who lives down the street from me,loves cheeseburgers. 2) Thereare four nouns(Harry, mon, street,cheeseburgers) in the sentence.Only one of them is the subjectof loves.Explain the reasoningthat led you choosethe one you did. (seedefinition of "subject" above) 166 c Exercise4 I t: $ The first time I saw her,I thought she had a smile that lit up the room. Ir l+ r!. I ) What is the subjectof lit? (give one word) : 1 'E 2) Explain the reasoningthat led to your choice (seedefinition of "subject" above) c g o ta f .t a' tri ti I6 ls Ii. t3{ t: i !. Exercise5 ! George kicked the leg of the table. o o Itr,t iir$s o a a :A I ) What is the verb in the sentence? 2) Why did you choosethatastheverb? I 3) What is the object of the verb?(give one word) 3 o 4) Explain why an answerthat gavemore thanone word would not get credit iH IF e tf I c ri o is t; Exercise6 F =r l) What is the verb in the sentence? J ! d t The roof of the houseof my uncle's neighbor leaks day and night. ris o tg o t l* I ti 3 + a l1 ! tl,,te t$I 2) Whatis the subjectof theverb?(giveoneword) 3) Expfainwhy an answerthat gavemorethanoneword would not get credit ! o l; t? d ' oq l{ - Exercise 7 r3 George bought a garden hose,a hubcap for his Chevrolet, and a wax candle for that night's dinner with Sue, never suspectingthat it would melt and run down all over the new table cloth that his mother had given him for his birthday. o ti, E tgI .9_ c' z , E. ,i l) 1ris a pronoun. Why is it a pronoun? 3) What is the antecedentof il? (give one word) 4) Explain why an answerthat gave more than one word would not get credit 167 NAME il t+ ii tr ti ii iiig English201 PensumI (Part lllThey FleefromMe Answer all questionsin the spaceprovided.(If you don't know what the termssubJecl,object, lrn(lantecedentmean, it is essentialthat you study the sectionon "How to Do Your PensaExercises"beforegoingany further. Make sureyou know exactlvwhat grammaticalfunction is meantby eachterm beforeyou fill in the blanks.) Syntax linel: Whatistheobjectof seelfl(giveoneword) line 5: Whatis the objectof puf! (give_one word) line I l: Whatis the subjectoffalf? (giveoneword) r$ line 12:Whatis the obiectof caughf?(giveoneword) l$ IF line 13:Whatis the subiectof did?(giveoneword) rl ExplicativeParaphrase tf is ii ig li lF l1 tl t$ lp t? l{ iir3 Givean explicativeparaphrase ofthe following.(Ifyou aren'tsurewhat an "exDlicativeDaraDhrase" is. studvthe section "How to Do Your Pensa"until y.ouunderstand -eiactly what is beingaskedfor. basicallyi"trinslate intb phiir English." [Do not givefancy"interpretivd"comments.l) did me seek now thqt range afier a pleasantguise all is turned Ifainwould know OEI) Give.theappropriateOED definitionof the following.(Besureyou givethe numberof the appropriatedefinitionas well as copyingitiito ihe spaceprovided.If you don't giveihd number',the-reare caGiiahich I riih ui unr-uiJio givd-c.edla-dyour answer.) l: sometime l0: array l0: guise 16:through 20: served 168 NAME rf t+ iitf tl'8. English201 Pensum2: That Timeof YearThouMays't in Me Behold Answer.all questionsin the spaceprovided. (lf you don't know what the terms subjea, object, and antecedentmean, it is essentialthat you study the sectionon "How to Do Your PensaExercises".beforegoing ahy further. Make sure you know exactly what grammatical function is meant by each term before you fill in the blanks.| | ri t3 i; :i l$ i$ tfi tf ri ls ri ti Svntax l: What is the ob.iectof behold (give one word) 5: What is the obiect of see'st?(give one word) 6: Whatis thesubiectoffadeth?(giveoneword) 8: What is the subiectof seals?(give one word) l4: What is the obiect of love?(give one word) Explicative Paraphrase ''explicative paraphrase" is, study the section -G.,Y."T explicative^paraphraseof the following. (lf you aren't sur-ewhat an "How to Do Your Pensa" until y.ouunderstand-eiaCtly what is being asked for. ilasicallf i "trinslate int6 plaiir English." 'rinterpretiv6" comments.l) [Do not give fancy the twilight of such day lconectanswermustexptainsuchf t lF rB ri seals all up in rest l1 thou must leave ere long li rl t1 l; t? l{ ti r3 r3 the glowing of suchJire [correcr answer mustexplain sac]l OED Cive the appropriate tte OED definition of the following. (Be sure you give the number of the appropriate definition as well as provided.If copving it into the space copying sDaceprovided. you don't lfvou give Ihe number-,thele are ca-ses dr in which I wiil ba unable to give credit to your answer.) behold choirs lqte
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