• NO.I-1901217!2014/EsttDirectorate General, ITB Police Block No.2, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003 915 Dated:-lH.7.2014 Memorandum Subject: Conduct of Examination-{20I4) Limited Departmental Competitive for the post of Sub-Inspector/GO. As per existing Standing Order NO.1 1/2012 dated 16.10.2012, the eligibility 'criteria for conduct of Sub-Inspector's Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for GD Cadre in ITBP is as under: Eligibility conditions: Constables/GD, Head Constables/GD, ASI/GD and Tradesmen (Cobbler, Tailor, Gardener, Carpenter, Plumber, Painter, Electrician, Welder, Black Sm ith, Mason, Cook, Water Carrier, Washerman, Barber, Sa fai Karamchari, Storeman) who meet the QRs to appear in SI/LDCE will be e[igible to appear in the said LDCE. a) Service eligibility:A candidate should years of service, including basic training, stipulated for the receipt of applications. b) Age: - The upper age limit for appearing years as on the last date stipulated applications. c) Educational qualification: have completed as on the last in the LDCE will be 32 for the receipt of Graduate. d) Service record: A candidate should have maintained ACRs of last four years and should have unblemished records till the issue of offer of appointment. e) Physical standards: Inspectors. f) Medical category: g) In a[l, three chances four date As applicable to directly 'Good' service recruited Sub- SHAPE-I will be given for appearing in LDCE. h) Female candidates can also apply for LDCE(SI/GD)-20 14, however, pregnancy at the time of PET will be considered a disqualification and pregnant female candidates shall be rejected att this stage. Contd ... :2: 2.{a) T;le last date of receipt of application in concerned Frontier HQr for appearing in LDCE(SI/GD)-2014 will be 30.9.2014. As per para2(a) of Standing Order No.11/20l2, service eligibility will be dlterrnined as on the last date stipulated for the receipt of a plications, hence, Candidates fulfilling eligibility conditions as 01 30.9.2014 will be permitted to appear in LDCE(Sl/GD)-2014. (b) The upper age limit for appearing Jill be 32 years as on the last date applications Le. 30.9.2014. in the LOCE(SI/GO)-20 stipulated for the receipt 14 of (c) FL appearing in LOCE, a candidate should have maintained '$ood' ACRs of last four years and should have unblemished service records for. last 04 years till the issue of offer of appointment. If ACR grading of any year is not available due to participation in training, basic training performance of the ; ctndidate (d) will be considered. Aige relaxation will be given to 90vernment rules. No relaxation candidates for LDCE. SC/ST will candidates be given as to per OBC (e) PPlications complete in all respects should be forwarded by nits to their respective Frontiers by 30.9.2014. Service p~ rticulars of the candidates viz RegtI.No., rank, name, Father's Name, Unit, date of birth, date of appointment, service , as on 30.9.2014, education qualification, whether belongs to SIC/ST, medical category, minor/major punishment, eward/gOOd entry, ACR grading for last 04 years, E/Vigilance Clearance, integrity, Number of chances availed. r~ commendation, remarks (if any) should be forwarded by Unit t6 their respective Frontier. Passport size photograph & Edn Qualification Certificate must be attested by any Gazetted Officer of the Unit/Formation where applicant is posted. ~owever, DE/Vigilance Certificate of the candidates must be aftested by the Head of the Office. In case, H.O.O. is away on leave/duty, officiating officer will attest the same. (f) Pill Frontiers I'l l HQrs will forward spect to North West Frontier a d 8th NORF will forward the u 1der their control directly to a plication will be entertained the application complete in all 7'" by 12.10.2014. Commandant applications of eligible persons North West Ftr HQ, ITBP. No after 12.10.2014 in North West F!rontier. Contd. , .0 • :3: (g) If a candidate is on deputation with other department, borrowing department will forward his application duly attested and complete in all respect directly to concerned Unit of the individual. No application will be entertained at Dte.Gen., ITBP. If any shortcoming is found in application of candidates who are on deputation, Unit/Formation will make correspondence directly to concerned borrowing department. No correspondence will be entertained at Dte.Gen.,ITBP in this regard. 3. The responsibility to conduct the LOCE(SIIGO)-2014 to fill up 75 vacancies (Gen-55, SC-14 & ST-06) of SliGO in ITBP, is assigned to lG. North West Ftr, ITBP as Nodal Officer. The venue of LOCE will be at Chandigarh based Units which will be selected and confirmed by IG, NW Frontier. Sh. Rajesh Kumar, IPS, DIG (NW) Ftr. is nominated as Presiding Officer of the board' for conducting LDCE-2014. Remaining Members of the board and Doctors for Medical Examination will be nominated by Nodal Officer. The LDCE(Sl/GD)-20l4 will be conducted as per following schedule: Stage -1 : Checking of service records 14'h to 25th October, 2014 -Checking of service record of eligible candidates to be done by the board for which no marks have been allotted. Nodal officer will allot roll numbers centrally to all eligible candidates for appearing in LDCE(SI/GD)-20 14 as per Para-9(a) of Standing Order 11/2012. Stage-II Written Examination (OMR) Based: 10'h November, 2014 - There will be one question paper of objective one question paper of objective type multiple choice questions consisting of 200 marks with 3 y, hours duration to assess candidates in the following subjects on OMR system: I. 2. 3. 4. General intelligence and reasoning General awareness and professional knowledge Numerical ability Comprehension and communication skill Total = 200 Marks -50 -50 -50 -50 For qualifying/selection, a candidate shall secure atleast 45':;'. marks in each part & 50% marks in aggregate. Relaxation of 5% marks will be given tn the candidates be!on~ to SC/ST categories. Contd 4 " , :4: Stager III: Physical November, 2014. Stage~IV NoveI1ber . to Measurement: Physical Efficiency Test 22"a November, 2014. Stage V : Medical Nove 1ber 2014. ll'h November, 2014 (of qualifying nature) November Examination to 15'h to 17'h 29'h "Detailed medical examination of those candidates who are succe sful in the written & PET will be conducted. Each candidate will b declared either "fit" or "unfit" and no one will be categorized as "te 11porarily unfit". 4. General guidelines 16.10.2012 may be followed , contained in Standing by all concerned. Order No 11/20 12 dated 5. ~n completion of the process of Stage-IV & Stage- V, the North West Ftr "jill forward proceedings to Dte. Gen., ITBP by 12'h December. 2014, completed in all respects and indicating the order of merit of candidates! for preparation of the final merit list after which the result will be declared accordingly by the'Dte. Gen. & offer of appointl issued. Distributio I. All Frontier/Zonal HQrs , ITBP All SHQrs., ITBP. 2. o DlsG (Admn)/ (Ops) / (Trg), Dte. Gen\., ITBP. J. CAO, CRO, ITBP. 4. SAO (R), CRO, ITBP. 5. All - Trg. Centres, ITBP. 6. All _:Units / Base Hospital/Composite Hospital, 7. t11 The Commandant, 7'h & 8 NDRF. 8. AIG I(Admn), SPG Dwarka, New Delhi. 9. 10. Grolp Comdr. (Estt), NSG. NeVi Delhi. 11. eBI, CGO Complex, apu Dham, New Delhi 12. lB, Delh' Police HQr, ~91Delhi 13. 14. DC (Admn) / DC (E1JP). DIe. Genl.. rTBP. 15. Order folder. I ITBP. ff/1 .DWi~~1 General (Estt) (K, Dy. Inspector .1.
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