International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ’14) Cordoba (Spain), 8th to 10th April, 2014 exÇxãtuÄx XÇxÜzç tÇw cÉãxÜ dâtÄ|àç ]ÉâÜÇtÄ(RE&PQJ) ISSN 2172-038 X, No.12, April 2014 Photovoltaic energy system A. Mohamed CHERFI, F.Z Zerhouni 1 Department of Electrical Engineering University of Sciences and Technology Mohamed Boudiaf (U.S.T.M.B.O) BP 1505, Oran El M'Naouer, Oran, Algeria e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Abstract.Studies proved that photovoltaic generators cannot deliver maximum power constantly.Therefore, it is necessary to insert an adaptation stage between the generator and the load.In this paper we studied the various influential conditions on the electric characteristics of the photovoltaic generator. We also proposed an adaptation stage: a static converter of a step-up structure (boost). The voltage generatedmay dependon the materialusedfor manufacturingthe cell and on various factors; temperature, insolation....The combination in severalPVcells gives a serial/parallel of photovoltaicgenerator (GPV). 3. Modellingof a photovoltaic cell Keywords APVcell canbe modelledfromequation (1) definingits staticbehaviour. Photovoltaic, converters, boost, maximum power point. This equation considers the short-circuit current strongly varied withirradiance and different resistances modelling losses due to connections. 1. Introduction Nowadays, the energy consumption worldwide is increasing to the point that our modern society would be hard if it should go without. Most of this power consumption comes from fossil fuels.The massive use can lead.The rarefaction and the exhaustion of these reserves is a reality. There is an imminent danger induced by the changes mainly through pollution and global warningby the rejections of gases with greenhouse effect [1]. Indeed, today, the principal problem is the reduction of the conventional energyconsumption for the adaptation of renewable energy. 2. Photovoltaic energy Photovoltaic (PV) solarenergy isthedirect conversion ofaportion of solar radiationto electrical energy. This energy conversion is carried out through a photovoltaic (PV) cell based on a physical phenomenon called the photovoltaic effect to produce an electromotive force when the surface of the cell is exposed to light. Thus, in static, the behaviour of a PV cell consisting of a PN junction based on silicon can be described by the following equation [2]: Vcell+Icell.Rs Vcell+Icell.Rs Icell=Icc-I0[exp( A.Vt )-1]-( Rp ) (1) Where I0 (A) is the saturation current, Vt (V) the thermodynamic potential, A is the ideality factor, ICELL (A) isthe cell terminal current, VCELL (V) is the terminal voltage (V), ICC (A) is the short-circuit current of the cell, Rp (Ω)is the shunt resistance characterizing the leakage currents of the junction and RSis (Ω) is the series resistance representing various resistances of contacts and connections. Figure 1 illustrates the electric equivalent sheme of a PV real cell. Fig.1 The equivalent circuit of a real PV cell Figures 2 and 3 show current-voltage and power-voltage characteristics obtained at STC. Equation (1) is the expression ofthe cell voltage according to the current: Vcell=-Rs.Icell + A.Vt.Ln[ Icc-Icell+I0 I0 ](2) 4. Electric characteristics of a photovoltaic module For modelling,we chose PV KyoceraK51LA361 cells. ThetableI showsthe various parameters of this module at reference conditions"STC" (Standard Test Conditions). Table I. –Module parameters 5. Influence of temperature and irradiance on the GPV’s characteristics Temperature and sun lightare the keyparametersfor determining the generator photovoltaic cells GPV’selectrical characteristics. To see theinfluence of these twoparameters on theGPV characteristics,we plotted the GPV’selectrical curves fordifferentirradiances (T= 25° C)and differenttemperatures(E=1000w/m2) using the following equations [3]: E2 Parameters Values Voc(v) 21 Icc(A) 3.25 Vopt(v) 17 Iopt(A) 3.02 Ns 36 Pm(w) 51 I2=I1+Icc. -1 +T2-T1.α0(3) E1 V2=V1+T2-T1.β-Rs.I2-I1-Kc.I2(T2-T1) (4) V2, I2, E2, T2 arerespectivelyoutput voltage, output current, solar radiation, and temperature atdesiredconditions. V1, I1, E1 and T1 arerespectivelyvoltage, output current, solar radiation, and temperature at measuredconditions. Iccis theshort circuit currentat referenceconditions.β is a coefficient taking into accountthe temperature effectonthe voltage(β =-7.8* 10-2V / °C). α0 is a coefficient taking into accountthe temperature effect onthe current (α0 =1.6 *10-3A / °C). Rs is theseriesresistance. Kcis thecorrection factorcurve(Kc=5.5 *10-3Ω / °C). A. The irradiance effect Results obtained for the GPV’s electric characteristics, versus the irradiance are: Fig.2 Current-voltage characteristics Fig.4 irradiance effect on the current-voltage characteristics Fig.3 Power-voltage characteristic. 6. The maximum power point There is aparticular point PPM on the I(V) curve, At this point, power P is maximum. It iscalled optimalPower . The coordinatesofthis point areVopt andIopt (Figure 8)[4]. Fig. 5irradianceeffect on the power-voltage characteristics. When we vary irradiance at constanttemperature, the short-circuit current and the maximum power vary proportionally with irradiance. Open circuit voltage remains almost constant. B. The temperatureeffect The temperaturehas amajor influence onthe electrical characteristics of the GPV. Figures 6and 7 present the GPV variations according to the temperature at constant irradiance (E=1000W/m2). Fig.8 photovoltaic module PPM A. The irradiance effect on the PPM, The following figures represent the irradiance effect on the PPM coordinates: Fig.6 temperatureeffect on the current-voltage characteristics Fig.9the irradiance effect on the optimal voltage (Vopt). Fig.7 the temperature effect on the power-voltage characteristics. The open circuit voltage is inversely proportional to the temperature. The short-circuit current increases with the temperature. This increase is less than the voltage drop. Fig.10the irradiance effect on the optimal current(Iopt). the temperature. On the other hand, the optimal current remains almost identical. 7. Influence ofseries résistanceon theelectrical characteristic To see the effect of the series resistance on the electrical characteristic of the GPV, we plotted the curves for Rs1= 0Ω, Rs2=0.4 Ω and Rs3 = 1Ω. Fig.11 The irradiance effect on the PPMpower . The results obtained are represented on the figure (15): B. The temperature InfluenceonPPM, Vopt, and Iopt The temperature effect on the PPM parameters isrepresented by the following figures: Fig.15 Effect of series resistance on I–V behaviour From the figure (15), we notice that when Rs decreases the slope of curve I-V increases. Fig.12 The temperature effect on the optimal voltage(Vopt). 8. Structure of the static converter of energy The choice of the conversion structure is carried out according to the load. We chose the boost conversion for our load: a battery of 24V. Thecircuit diagram isshown in the following figure: Fig.13 The temperature effect on the optimal current (Iopt). Fig.16 Boost converter equivalent circuit The application of the Kirchhoff’s(see figure 17) gives two operation phases [5]: Fig.14 The temperature effect on the PPM power. When we vary the temperature, the optimal voltage and the maximum power point are inversely proportional to Fig.17 two operation phases A. First time interval (switch closed) Is=Ipv(1-α). The mosfet is closed on the interval of Tclosed= αT (α: the converter cyclic ratio ). di Vl=Vpv=v=L. →di=v. dt dt (5) L A. The ripple current The ripple current is defined by the following equation: ∆IL=Imax-Imin= By solving this differential equation, weobtain the following formula, which expresses the evolution of the inductorcurrent: Vpv →i= .t+Imin L ∆IL=Imax-Imin= Vpv L.f .α(10) This expression shows thattheripple current decreaseswhenthe switching frequencyforthe value of theinductanceL increases. At t=α.t, we have: i=Imax B. The ripplevoltage we obtain the Following equation: Imax= B. Vpv .αT→ L Vpv L .αt+Imin(6) Second time interval(switch open) To determine the expression of the ripple voltage ∆VS, we assume that the current Isperfectly constant [6]. We have the following relation: 1 ic Vc=Vs= ) i.dt →Us= .t+cst(11) C c With cst: a constant. The switch is open on the intervaloftopen = (1-α) *T, the inductor voltage is then: di dt VL=Vpv-Vs=L. →di=(Vpv-Vs). (7) dt L By solving this differential equation, we obtain the following formula, which expresses the evolution of inductor current: i= Vpv-Vs L (t-αT)+Imax(8) • cst=Vmax -→ 0 ≤ t ≤ αt : + àt=α.t→Vs=Vsmin Ic Vsmin= .αt+Vmax(12) C We have:Ic=-Is, we obtain the ripple voltage expression on the condenser output: Is ∆Vs = Vmax − Vmin = C.f .α(13) C. Simulation of the boost converter undermatlab At t=T, we have: i=Imin The following figure represents the block diagram of the boost converter: we obtain the following equation : Imin= Vpv-Vs L .T(1-α)+Imax(9) The value of average voltage at the inductor terminals is defined by the following formula: Vs= Vpv 1-α If we consider that the converter is ideal (output 100%), we can write: Pe=Ps→Vpv.Ipv=Vs.Is We obtain then the average value of current Is crossing the load: Fig.18 boost converter block diagram The simulation results of the boost converter are represented by the following figures: References [1] MedKhaled KAHALERRAS & Mohamed CHERFI, Conversion de l’énergieéolienne en énergieélectrique par ungénérateur, Badji-Mokhtar university, Annaba (2010), PP.1. Fig.19 Inductor current, voltage [2] Jean-François REYNAUD, Recherchesd’optimumsd’énergies pour charge/décharged'unebatterie à technologieavancéedédiée à des applic ations photovoltaïques », Toulouse University III - Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (2011), PP.43. [3]FZ zerhouni, Adaptation optimale d’une charge à un générateur photovoltaïque,University of Sciences and Technology Mohamed Boudiaf, Oran(1996). [4]M.BOUKLI-HACENE Omar , Conception et réalisation d’un générateurphotovoltaïque muni d’un convertisseur MPPT pour unemeilleuregestionénergétique ,AbouBakrBelkaiduniv ersity , Tlemcen (2011),PP.14-15. Fig.20 MOSFET current, voltage [5]RedaMerahi, Modélisation d’un dispositif MPPT pour l’étude de l’augmentation de la puissance produite par les générateursphotovoltaïque, Badji-Mokhtar university, Annaba (2010), [6] BenoîtIssartel , Conception d’un convertisseur DC/DC de type boost ,Polytech’Clermont-Ferrand, France, PP.8. Fig.21 Diode current, voltage Fig.22 load voltage 8. Conclusion In this paper, we show the principal characteristics of a photovoltaic generator (GPV) and the effect of irradiance and temperature on these characteristics. We also studied the adaptation of the DC-DC boost converter. The use of this structure is an economic solution compared to the pull-down structure as the nonreturn current from the battery to the GPV’s protection can be provided directly by the diode acting as a freewheel in the structure.
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