NATIONAL LABORATORY FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING Hydraulics and Environment Department HARBOURS AND MARITIME STRUCTURES DIVISION March 2014 Page 2 of 32 NATIONAL LABORATORY FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING Hydraulics and Environment Department HARBOURS AND MARITIME STRUCTURES DIVISION 1. INTRODUCTION The Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC – the Portuguese Civil Engineering Laboratory) is a public institution of science and technology, covering the broad field of civil engineering. The Hydraulics Department started its activities in 1948, two years after LNEC was created, and includes the Harbours and Maritime Structures Division (NPE, its Portuguese acronym) which is responsible at LNEC for the research in the area of Port Engineering. Although most of the division work has been based on scale model testing of maritime structures, its activity domains also include the modelling of wave propagation from offshore to sheltered regions and of the wave effects on both moored and free sailing ships. This paper aims to describe the major research areas of the Harbours and Maritime Structures Division of LNEC as well as to illustrate the activities in those areas with some recent studies carried out at NPE. After this introduction, there is a brief description of the division history which is followed by a not so brief account of today’s activities in the division research areas. Then relevant studies carried out at NPE are described and the paper ends with some final remarks. 2. A BRIEF HISTORY Two years after LNEC’s foundation, the Hydraulics Section of LNEC was created. Four years later this section became the Hydraulics Division comprising two sections: the Fluvial Hydraulics Section and the Maritime Hydraulics Section. It was from the evolution of the latter section that the present day Harbours and Maritime Structures Division emerged. It was in the early fifties of the past century, with the scale model tests for the Lobito harbour (Angola, a former Portuguese territory in Africa) and for the Figueira da Foz harbour (in mainland Portugal) that in the then Maritime Hydraulics Section a long cycle of scale model test for port, harbour and coastal protection works began. During this cycle, which lasted up to the late sixties, several model testing technologies were developed. From 1968 on, the inclusion of a mathematician in the division staff made it possible to further the knowledge on the characterization of sea waves and on the simulation techniques for irregular sea waves. A direct consequence of this work was the construction in 1971 of the first irregular wave flume of LNEC, a turning point in the technological capabilities of the then Harbours and Beaches Division in what concerned wave generation. This enabled 2-D scale model tests for stability and overtopping of breakwaters being carried out with similarity conditions that are closer to the real working conditions of these structures. It must be pointed out that both the flume and the actuator characteristics were designed at LNEC. Something similar happened in 1982, when the division purchased its first irregular wavemakers for three dimensional scale model testing: these wave makers were totally designed at LNEC. They have been continuously used for stability and overtopping tests and for wave penetration tests of several harbour and coastal protection structures deployed both in Portugal and abroad. From 1983 to 1987, due to the international discussion prompted by the collapse of the Sines west breakwater on the scale effects in the model testing of this kind of structures a new, larger, irregular wave flume was designed (flume + wave maker) and built (only the flume) at LNEC. In the early nineties, two large irregular wave makers for 3-D scale model testing with larger geometrical scales were designed at LNEC. The use of these wave makers enables the reproduction in the wave basin of larger depths, something which is quite relevant for the physical modelling of the maritime regions of Madeira and Azores, two Portuguese archipelagos in North Atlantic. Based upon LNEC’s wave maker design experience, new wave makers were designed at LNEC and purchased, sponsored by the Portuguese Innovation Agency, AdI (MEDIRES research Page 3 of 32 project) and by the National Science Foundation, FCT (Portuguese Scientific Re-equipment project). Open software to compensate wave reflection by the wave maker was purchased from the University of Gent and was recently included in the NPE testing facilities. It must be pointed out that almost all the maritime structures designed in Portugal were tested through scale models built in the wave basins and / or the wave flumes of LNEC. In 1986, following a Ph.D. thesis on the behaviour of rubble-mound breakwaters, a new activity area related to the systematic inspection of maritime structures was started. In this inspection most of the maritime structures of the present Portuguese Port and Maritime Transport Institute have been inspected on a regular basis. Together with the scale modelling activity, the Harbours and Maritime Structures Division developed much activity in numerical modelling which led, for instance, to dropping physical modelling for studies of harbour resonance and of the behaviour of moored ships, and to the development of a new activity area related to the numerical modelling of ships navigating in confined waters. 3. RESEARCH AREAS The Harbours and Maritime Structures Division (NPE) was founded in 1949 and its activity consists of applied research and research under contract in the fields of design, safety and exploitation of maritime works, particularly harbours, port structures, underwater structures and coastal defense structures. In addition to physical modelling, which predominates, numerical modelling, field observations and office studies are currently applied methodologies. NPE performs commissioned studies in the following areas: Sea wave characterization; Hydraulic and structural behaviour of harbour, coastal protection and underwater structures; Ship behaviour in harbour approaches and when moored. NPE also conducts studies for the improvement of simulation techniques in physical models. Each subject area occupies a work group composed of a variable number of researchers and technicians, according to work necessity. Up to the present, NPE has performed more than a hundred and fifty research studies under contract, of which about forty for foreign clients, in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. Page 4 of 32 Sea wave characterization Sea wave prediction Stochastic modelling of sea waves Sea wave simulation Propagation and deformation of sea waves (refraction, diffraction, reflection) Wave penetration in harbours Harbour resonance Long period waves Structural and hydraulic Behaviour of harbour infrastructures, coastal protection structures and underwater structures Physical modelling of maritime structures o Stability and overtopping tests o Wave tests o Special structures tests Semi-submerged structures inspection and diagnosis Wave-structures interactions AMAZON Overtopping physical and numerical modelling Page 5 of 32 Ship behaviour in harbour approaches and when moored Simulation of ship navigation in coastal zones and in harbour approach channels 3623200 3623100 CoordY (m) 3623000 3622900 boundary ship axis 3622800 ship trajectory Tideal trajectory 3622700 337600 337700 337800 337900 338000 338100 338200 CoordX (m) Moored ship dynamics Risk Management in Maritime Infrastructure Risks: o risk of coastal flooding; o risks in harbour infrastructure related to: harbour structures cargo loading and unloading harbour navigation moored vessels o risks in coastal structures, submarine outfalls and water intakes; Computer tools: o Tools for risk assessment and mapping o Forecast and alert systems o Test beds o Tools for design and assessment of the safety of maritime structures using probabilistic and optimization methods Page 6 of 32 338300 Risk Management The ability of LNEC to carry out high level consultancy comes from the continuous work of its researchers to keep abreast of the knowledge in their expertise areas. This work is sponsored mainly by LNEC itself, through its four-year research plans or partially by the Portuguese Research Council or by the European Union structural funds. The programmed research areas of the Harbours and Maritime Structures Division are - Stochastic modelling of sea waves; - Deterministic modelling of waves and currents; - Navigation and moored-ship behaviour; - Behaviour of maritime structures. - Risk Management in Maritime Infrastructure In the following sections a brief description is made of the work being carried out in these areas. 3.1 Stochastic modelling of sea waves In spite of the availability of mathematical models able to simulate either in a deterministic or in a probabilistic way the propagation and deformation of sea waves from offshore to the coast, there is not yet an acceptable mathematical formulation for the behaviour of maritime structures at the coast under sea-wave action. Hence, the need for scale modelling these waves to get statistical information which is hard or even impossible to obtain deterministically is the main purpose of this research topic. The simulation techniques used are usually stochastic and the treatment is called of short term, since it is related to the production of wave records that are compatible with the stationarity hypothesis, in contrast to the long-term treatment, in which one studies the general wave regime during many years at a given location. In this research area two components are considered: a) short-term simulation of sea waves. This component deals with the generation of seawave records compatible with the stationarity hypothesis and it aims at the theoretical development of methodologies for physical and numerical simulation of sea wave records and wave generation and data acquisition in wave flumes and wave basins. Within the scope of this component an integrated software package code-named SAM (the Portuguese acronym for sea-wave simulation) was developed, Capitão (2002), and is in operation in the scale model tests carried out in LNEC wave flumes and wave basins. This package deal with both the production of sea-wave time series to control the wave maker, in order to produce the desired spectrum or record, and with the data acquisition and processing of the data collected at wave flumes and wave basins. Figure 2 presents a view of SAM’s interface. b) long-term sea-wave regimes. This component deals with the long-term treatment in which the general sea-wave regime at a given location along time is studied. Its objectives are to complete and to update the definition of the general observed and extreme sea-wave regimes at the west and south coasts of mainland Portugal. Page 7 of 32 Still within the scope of this component, there is work going on to include the numerical model SWAN, Booij et al. (1996), in the numerical procedure TRANSFER (Coli et al. 2002) that was developed at LNEC to transfer sea-wave regimes. 3.2 Deterministic modelling of waves and currents The main objective of this research area is the development and fine tuning of tools / procedures / numerical models to evaluate the sea-wave regime at coastal regions. For this, use is made of numerical models that deal with wind-wave generation, such as the alreadymentioned numerical model SWAN, as well as of models for sea-wave propagation and deformation from offshore to sheltered regions. Many wave propagation problems in coastal regions can be described by the mild-slope equation, the scalar equation first introduced by Berkhoff (1972). This equation, which is valid for both short and long monochromatic waves, evaluates the combined refraction and diffraction of surface waves propagating over mild-slope bottoms, like those encountered in harbours and other sheltered zones. At LNEC there are two numerical models which use this equation. The first one is a numerical model which is freely available on the internet: REFDIF, Dalrymple & Kirby (1991). It is based on the parabolic version of the mild-slope equation, a feature that makes it well suited to model coastal areas with a couple of tens of kilometres. The second model, DREAMS, Fortes (1993), solves the elliptic version of the mild-slope equation, by using the finite element method. The model can be applied to wave penetration or resonance studies in harbours or sheltered zones. However, the mild slope equation does not account for non-linear effects that are particularly important in the nearshore region, namely strong interactions of waves with the seabed topography, wave skewness and asymmetry of the wave profile and generation of harmonics. Nadaoka et al. (1994) present the so-called time-dependent nonlinear mild-slope equation, a weakly nonlinear and dispersive equation. This equation can describe the combined effects of nonlinear refraction and diffraction of surface waves over gently-varying depths. At LNEC, there is a finite-element model FEM_NMSE, Fortes (2001), which is based upon the two- and threedimensional versions of the time-dependent mild-slope equation. Some results were obtained for nonlinear waves propagating along a wave flume with sloping bottom and they are quite similar to those published in the literature. Another approach is to use the Boussinesq-type models that can provide a quite accurate description of the nonlinear wave phenomena in the nearshore zone. One of these models is the nonlinear FUNWAVE model which was developed by Kirby et al. (1998) and is based on the fully non-linear Boussinesq equation developed by Wei et al. (1995). This equation which can be applied from shallow to intermediate water depth is capable of simulating wave-wave interactions in shallow water, nonlinear shoaling, wave reflection, wave breaking and swash oscillations. The coupling of the several numerical models is being investigated now to allow for the propagation of sea states from offshore to sheltered regions. This implies the harmonization of the information transfer among those models and the definition of procedures to facilitate that transfer. Since some of the numerical models employed imply the solution of sets of linear equations with large matrices, there has been some effort in the implementation of more efficient storage procedures and of iterative methods to solve those equations as well as in the formulation of the finite-element problem using element-by-element approaches (Santos et al. 2003). 3.3 Navigation and moored ship behaviour At LNEC, there is a numerical model to simulate the ship manoeuvres at entrance channels and port areas, Santos (1991). This numerical model, code-named SIMNAV, computes the time evolution of the ship’s position and heading, taking into account the movements on the horizontal plane only. SIMNAV is based on the model of Inoue et al. (1981) and it considers several sources for the longitudinal and transversal forces, as well as for the yawing moment, that act on the ship: fluid reaction to the hull movement; the existence of rudder; propeller thrust; wind; waves (horizontal drift force and yawing moment); currents; tugs. Page 8 of 32 The wave forces included in the model are the mean drift forces that can be computed for a given wave frequency by using the WAMIT numerical model (Newman & Lee 2002) for the water depth range at the study region. This numerical model can be used to study two kinds of problems: - The assessment of the navigation conditions at a given entrance channel, to check its dimensions; - The selection of the best layout for an entrance channel. In the first case, for a given layout and for a set of test conditions, experienced operators make several voyages. From the statistical treatment of the deviations between the ship trajectories and the layout axis, exceedance levels can be set for each of the stretches into which the layout can be divided and from that analysis the most adequate width for a given stretch can be established. In the second case, it is more interesting to control the numerical model with an auto-pilot. Depending on the voyage characteristics, one can select the use of a simple position control (the ship must be as close as possible to the ideal trajectory) or of a velocity and position control (in each stretch of the ideal trajectory the ship should have the desired advance speed). To study the behaviour of moored ships there is at LNEC a numerical package code-named MOORNAV, Santos (1994). Use is made of the impulse response approach, Cummins (1962), whose implementation implies the solution, in the frequency domain, of the radiation and diffraction problems of the free-floating ship. The solution of the linearized radiation and diffraction problems is obtained by the WAMIT model, which evaluates the potential associated to each of those problems by means of a panel method. The impulse-response functions as well as the infinite frequency added-mass coefficients associated to each of the six degrees of freedom of the free-floating ship are obtained by Fourier transforming the frequency domain results of the radiation problems. The time series of the wave forces acting on the ship result from the superposition of the forces due to each of the incident wave components. That time series, together with the impulse-response functions, the added-mass coefficients and the characteristics of the mooring system (mooring lines and fenders) make possible the assembly and solution of the equations of motions for the moored ship. This is a package which has proved well and is now being modified to include the effects of all the harbour boundaries in the ship behaviour, instead of the single fully reflective boundary close to the ship. It is worth mentioning that the numerical models and the scale model testing technology to study the moored ship behaviour are tools that, in Portugal, are available only at LNEC. 3.4 Behaviour of maritime structures This is the research area that is responsible for most of the consultancy activity of the Harbours and Maritime Structures Division. A great part of that activity is based upon scale-model tests carried out at the Maritime Hydraulics Testing Hall, Figure 3. This testing hall has an area of 6,500 square metres and is mostly occupied with testing flumes and basins for hydraulic model studies. Basins are used for three-dimensional studies of structure stability and wave penetration. Flumes are used for stability and overtopping tests of maritime structures. The main testing facilities at NPE are described in point 6.: The objectives of the research in this area are to understand and to quantify the wave propagation and dissipation in maritime structures, to develop methods for the hydraulics and structural design of these structures and to develop tools for the diagnosis of structures already in operation. Some work has been carried out in the characterization of the forces exerted by sea waves on pipelines protected by rubble-mound structures. Several tests were carried out in collaboration with the University of Cantabria (Spain) which aimed to analyse the influence of water depth, wave period, wave height and wave type (regular or irregular) on the forces on the pipeline and on the armour stability. Still in this area of forces on structures caused by sea-wave action, one must mention the analytical models developed for simple schematic perforated breakwater geometries that can be used in the preliminary design of this type of structures. The diagnosis of maritime structures in operation is a research topic that emerged as a followup of the contract for the systematic inspection of the rubble-mound structures of the present Portuguese Port and Maritime Transport Institute, a work that LNEC is carrying out since 1986 and that has focused only on the visual inspection of the emerged parts of the structures. It is now intended to incorporate in the forecast of the structure evolution the information that can be Page 9 of 32 obtained in the surveys of the envelope of both the emerged and submerged parts of the structures’ armour layer. In this diagnosis the methodologies for the probabilistic design of rubble-mound structures are used. At LNEC, there is already a numerical package that uses level II probabilistic methods to verify the safety of these structures with relation to the hydraulic instability failure mode of the armour layer (Sousa et al. 2004). The formulae implemented in that package do not take into account the existence of any initial damages in the structure, hence they are not the most adequate for the diagnosis of an operating structure which has not undergone recent repair or maintenance works. More promising formulae are those of Melby and Kobayashi (1999) for which the damage evolution of a rubble-mound breakwater at the end of a constant characteristics storm depends on both the structure initial status and the storm characteristics. Since those formulae are only valid for rockarmoured rubble-mound breakwaters, long duration scale-model tests have to be undertaken in order to establish the formulae coefficients for other armour layer elements. Also connected to this area, there has been some work at LNEC, in collaboration with Liverpool University, on the probabilistic assessment of overtopping risks in urban environments. Tools are being developed to support the evaluation of maritime structure overtopping, a task that has been carried out at LNEC with scale-model tests only. 3.5 Risk Management in Maritime Infrastructure The objective of this research area is to develop, test and validate methodologies, tools and test beds for risk management in maritime infrastructure, covering both long-term and short-term (emergency) risk management. The risks addressed by the team are: i) Risks in harbour infrastructure related to: a. Harbour structures b. Cargo loading and unloading c. Harbour navigation d. Moored vessels ii) Risk of coastal flooding iii) Risks in coastal structures, submarine outfalls and water intakes. The main computer tools and underlying methodologies are: i) An integrated decision-support tool for harbour management, which includes: a. Forecast service to account for the sea-wave effects inside harbour areas, namely on the port infrastructure, navigation and operations; b. Risk assessment (both qualitative and quantitative) and mapping, using GIS capabilities; c. Early-warning system to issue warnings to the responsible port institutions; ii) Two test beds in Sines Harbour and in Praia da Vitória Harbour (Azores), Portugal, to deal with risk in port infrastructure, navigation and operations; iii) A tool to store and to analyse data from the Portuguese Programme for Systematic Observation of Breakwaters, which aims to: a. store the data collected during LNEC’s campaigns of visual observation of the emerged part of the breakwaters’ armour layer in the Portuguese coast; b. carry out a risk assessment of the safety of the structure (both qualitative and quantitative); c. provide information to support the decision-making process on the need for repair works or other mitigation actions; iv) Tools for design and assessment of the safety of submarine outfalls and water intakes using probabilistic and optimization methods. The work is performed in straight collaboration with stakeholders and relevant private/public authorities who play an active role in risk management in maritime infrastructure, such as harbour authorities. The whole work takes into account the impact of climate changes through consideration of different scenarios and application of probabilistic and optimization models, an approach which is mandatory in an era of global warming, rising sea levels and increased storminess that may induce changes in frequency, severity and duration of hazards and extremes, and ultimately cause changes in risk situations. Some members of the team have specific academic/professional training on risk management and on geographical information systems. Page 10 of 32 4. STAFF The Harbours and Maritime Structures Division presently has researchers and technicians, listed in the table below, and also a variable number of research PhD and MSc. students. Name Position Conceição Juana Fortes Senior Research Officer Head of NPE Maria Teresa Henriques Secretary Maria Teresa Reis Research Officer Rui Capitão Research Officer Maria da Graça Neves Research Officer Rute Lemos Higher Research Technician Luís Gabriel Silva Senior Technical Officer Branca Branco Technician Liliana Pinheiro Fellow Research Trainee Ana Passarinho Grant Holder Joana Simão Grant Holder André Ramos Grant Holder 5. SOME RELEVANT STUDIES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Current relevant studies Project Name Entity RADE - REMOTE ACCESS TO DATA AND EXPERIMENTS” Project “Modelling of sea waves and currents” Project “Navigation and Maritime Structures’ Behaviour” DESTAQ - Development of Velocity Measurement Advanced Techniques for the Interaction Analysis between Detached Breakwaters and Harbour Structures SPACE – A Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic Model Development and Validation for Coastal Engineering Applications HIDRALERTA - FLOOD FORECAST AND ALERT SYSTEM IN LNEC/NPE LNEC/NPE LNEC/NPE FCT – National Research Council Page 11 of 32 FCT – National Research Council FCT – National COASTAL AND PORT AREAS HYDRALAB IV – “More than Water” Integrated Infrastructure Initiative Wave-structure interaction Research Council European Union LNEC/NPE Relevant studies concluded in the last 10 years Project Name Entity GUIOMAR – Geographical User Interface for Coastal and Marine Modeling MOIA – Operational Model for Harbour Management FCT – National Research Council FCT – National Research Council FCT – National Research Council FCT – National Research Council FCT – National Research Council FCT – National Research Council BRISA – Breaking waves and Induced SAnd transport Non-linear transformations of maritime waves in harbour areas Wave-group propagation and long period waves at the coast Stochastic modelling and simulation of sea waves Selected commissioned studies (2003-2013) The most commissioned projects are briefly described in the following table: Lages harbour - Flores Island - Azores (Portugal), 2003/2004 Rehabilitation of the breakwater of Lajes harbour. Stability and overtopping twodimensional scale model tests. Lagoa harbour - S. Miguel island-Azores (Portugal), 2003/2004 Improvement of the wave conditions into Lagoa fishing harbour. Stability and overtopping threedimensional scale model tests of the new maritime Works and wave conditions study. Page 12 of 32 Praia da Vitória harbour Terceira island - Azores (Portugal), 2003/2004 Rehabilitation of the South breakwater of Praia da Vitória harbour. Stability and overtopping twodimensional scale model tests. Melilla harbour (Spain) 2003/2004 New protection works of Melilla harbour (Spain). Stability and overtopping two-dimensional scale model tests for three different cross-sections. Punta Langosteria harbour (Spain), 2004 Stability and overtopping three-dimensional tests of a winter head for the new breakwater to protect the Punta Langosteria harbour. Figueira da Foz harbour (Portugal), 2004/2005 Rehabilitation works of the South breakwater´s head, which protects the entrance of Figueira da Foz harbour. Stability and overtopping three-dimensional scale model tests. Page 13 of 32 Luanco harbour (Spain), 2004/2005 New Luanco´s harbour (Spain). Stability and overtopping twodimensional and three-dimensional scale model tests. Wave conditions study. CEODouro - Douro river mouth (Portugal), 2004/2006 3D scale model tests for a wave energy power plant for the river Douro’s mouth, in the North of Portugal. The main goal of the 3D tests was to study the hydrodynamic characteristics of the plant and to validate the relevant parameters, such as the maximum levels attained by the free surface and by the pressures developed in the air chambers. Figueira da Foz harbour (Portugal), 2005/2006 Extension of the North breakwater of Figueira da Foz harbour. Stability and overtopping threedimensional scale model tests. Póvoa de Varzim harbour (Portugal), 2005/2006 South breakwater root of the Póvoa de Varzim harbour. Stability and overtopping twodimensional scale model tests. Page 14 of 32 Vila do Porto harbour Sta. Maria island - Azores (Portugal), 2004/2005 New recreational and pleasure of Vila do Porto harbour. Stability and overtopping threedimensional scale model tests of the protection works of Vila do Porto harbour. Wave conditions study. Socorridos, Madeira (Portugal), 2005/2006 New multi-purpose terminal of Socorridos. Stability and overtopping threedimensional scale model tests and wave conditions study. Vila Franca do Campo fishing harbour - S. Miguel - Azores (Portugal), 2006/2007 New Vila Franca do Campo fishing harbour. Stability and overtopping three-dimensional scale model tests of the protection works. Wave conditions study. Ericeira harbour (Portugal), 2005/2006 Rehabilitation works of the breakwater of Ericeira fishing harbour. Stability and overtopping threedimensional scale model tests. S. Mateus harbour Terceira island – Azores (Portugal), 2006/2007 Improvement of the wave conditions inside the fishing harbour basin. Stability and overtopping three-dimensional scale model tests of the new maritime works. Sea wave conditions study. Page 15 of 32 Sines harbour (Portugal), 2006/2007 Extension of the West breakwater of the Sines harbour to permit reutilization of a petrol terminal. Stability and overtopping twodimensional scale model tests of three different cross-sections. S. Pedro do Estoril artificial surfing reef (Portugal), 2009 3D scale models tests for the implementation of artificial surf reefs at São Pedro do Estoril. Analysis of local surfing conditions. Amboim Harbour (Angola), 2009-2010 Stability and overtopping three-dimensional scale model tests. Sea wave conditions study. Expansion of Porto Novo Harbour, Santo Antão Island, Cape Verde (2010) Stability and overtopping three-dimensional scale model tests. Page 16 of 32 Sal-Rei harbour protection breakwater (Cabo Verde), 2010 Stability and overtopping three-dimensional scale model tests. Pressure transducer tests. Detailed Modelling Studies for Colwyn Bay Coastal Defence Scheme, (Wales), 2010 Two-dimensional physical model tests of the armour stability and wave overtopping of eight different cross-sections of the rock revetment. Rabo de Peixe Harbour – Azores (Portugal), 2011 Stability and overtopping three-dimensional scale model tests. Sea wave conditions study. Page 17 of 32 Tanger Fishing Harbour, Morocco, 2012 Stability and overtopping two-dimensional scale model tests of the new Tanger fishing harbour. Velas Harbour, S. Jorge Island, Azores (Portugal), 2012 Stability and overtopping three-dimensional scale model tests. Poças Harbour, Flores Island, Azores (Portugal), 2012 Stability and overtopping three-dimensional scale model tests. Sea wave conditions study. Page 18 of 32 Nacala a Velha Harbour (Angola), 2012 Stability and overtopping two-dimensional and threedimensional scale model tests. Angeiras Harbour (Portugal), 2012 Stability and overtopping three-dimensional scale model tests. Sea wave conditions study. Marina Luanda, Angola (2013) Stability and overtopping two-dimensional and threedimensional scale model tests. Sea wave conditions studies. Page 19 of 32 6. EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES The Harbours and Maritime Structures Division (NPE) owns the following infrastructures and equipment: EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES NPE owns a testing hall for hydraulic tests with an area of 6,500 square meters. This hall is mostly occupied with testing flumes and basins for hydraulic model studies. Basins are used for three-dimensional studies of structure stability and wave penetration. Flumes are used for stability and overtopping tests of maritime structures. The main testing facilities at NPE are: Wave basin, 16.2 x 6.8 m²; Wave basin, 38.1 x 15.7 m²; Wave basin, 44.0 x 23.0 m²; Wave basin, 30.0 x 19.6 m²; Four mobile, 6.0 m long, irregular wave generators for use in the wave basins (maximum water depth: 50 cm); Two mobile, 6.0 m long, irregular wave generators for use in the wave basins (maximum water depth: 80 cm); Regular wave flume, 60 cm wide, 38.0 m long Irregular wave flume, 1.6 m wide, 49.4 m long, fitted with a wind generating system; Irregular wave flume, 3.0 m wide, 73.0 m long, with an enlarged, 11.0 x 3.0 m², section in which it is possible to perform three-dimensional stability tests. This flume is equipped with a rolling platform crane and it can be divided in three sections; Large 3-movement rolling platform, which serves 30% of the testing hall. Wave tanks Wave flumes Page 20 of 32 Three motor pump groups for the basin irregular wave generators, which make it possible to perform three simultaneous three-dimensional tests. In the testing hall there is a Control Room where a centralised control of the entire irregular wave flumes and basins resides. This Control Room also receives all electric signals that convey information from models (resistive probes, force and movement sensors, video, intercoms). Also in the Control Room resides a computer software package, named SAM, which includes a set of methods for the characterization and numerical and physical simulation of sea waves (including wave groups) and processing wave data either from nature or from the wave flumes and tanks. The software package SAM was recently upgraded with a new sub-module containing an active wave absorption system which, since was written in LabVIEW language, was easily embedded into the already existing SAM 3 module. This new sub-module enables real-time paddle compensation of unwanted reflected waves produced by either the model being tested or the paddle itself which used to compromise the accuracy of the physical tests performed in a laboratory environment. Numerical and physical simulation of waves in flumes/tanks using SAM software. Page 21 of 32 The table below lists a few more numerical simulation computer programs developed at LNEC. Program Name Brief description ADAPTA Graphical fit of extreme distributions of wave regimes ANOI Wave record analysis BACKTRACK Refraction wave propagation model DREAMS Refraction-diffraction-reflection wave propagation model INTERPOL Interpolation program for the TRANSFER methodology MOORNAV Dynamic analysis of moored ship behavior PARASODE Probabilistic risks related to overtopping of breakwaters and to dune erosion REFRAC Regular wave propagation model REFSPEC Irregular wave propagation model SIMNAV Ship maneuvering model SMB Wind-wave generation model Two main software packages were developed at LNEC: Software Package Brief description SOPRO Characterization of sea waves close to coastal protection structures and within ports and assessment of their effects on ships manoeuvres SAM Numerical and physical wave simulation, data acquisition in scale model tests and wave generation and absorption control COMPUTER HARDWARE At NPE there exist an extensive number of PCs for individual use, all with printers. Two of the PCs are reserved for secretarial use and the others are linked together through the LNEC intranet and with a number of other peripheral hardware (printers, plotters, cameras, data acquisition boards, video equipment, etc.). There exist also 2 powerful workstations running UNIX and LINUX operating systems to help the more computing demanding of numerical studies. In the Control Room there are several PCs, three of them with a data acquisition controller board. Page 22 of 32 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE NPE is assisted by LNEC’s Computing Resources Division, the Centre for Scientific Instrumentation and the General Maintenance Division, all residing in LNEC’s premises. In addition, NPE has the support of all of LNEC's operative departments and of the Library, Printing Office, and Translation Office. This is the research area that is responsible for most of the consultancy activity of the Harbours and Maritime Structures Division. A great part of that activity is based upon scale-model tests carried out at the Maritime Hydraulics Testing Hall. 7. EXTERNAL COLABORATION NPE cooperates scientifically with a number of both national and international institutions in its field of expertise. Below are a listed a few selected institutions: National Institutions Faculty of Sciences from the University of Lisbon (Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa); The University of Algarve (Universidade do Algarve); Department of Mechanical Engineering of the New University of Lisbon (Universidade Nova de Lisboa). Department of Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering of the Higher Technical Institute – IST– of the Technical University of Lisbon (Universidade Técnica de Lisboa); Foreign Institutions Several European institutions that participate in the “Integrated Infrastructure Initiative HYDRALAB III and IV”, where LNEC is also a participating fellow, namely: DHI (Denmark), HR Wallingford (United Kingdom), Deltares (Holland), Marintek (Norway), IFREMER (France), Cedex (Spain), etc.; Oceanographic and Coastal Engineering Group – GIOC – from the Cantabria University (Universidad de Cantabria, Spain); Maritime Engineering Laboratory of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain); Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil). Leeds University (United Kingdom). The Foundation of the University of Rio Grande (Fundação Universidade do Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil); 8. SOME OF THE MOST RELEVANT AND RECENT (2008-2013) PUBLICATIONS CONCERNING MODEL SCALE TESTS 2008 Papers in journals FORTES, C.J.E.M.; NEVES, M.G.; PINHEIRO, L., CAPITÃO, R.; MENDES, L., MONTEIRO, P.; PALHA, A (2008) - Modelação numérica e física de um recife artificial para surf na praia de S. Pedro do Estoril. Revista da Engenharia e Vida, Maio. NEVES, M.G.; REIS, M.T.; LOSADA, I.; HU, K. (2008). Wave overtopping of Póvoa de Varzim breakwater: physical and numerical simulations. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 134(4), pp. 226-236. ISSN: 0733-950X. REIS, M.T.; NEVES, M.G.; HEDGES, T.S. (2008). Investigating the lengths of scale model tests to determine mean wave overtopping discharges. Coastal Engineering Journal, World Scientific, Vol. 50(4), pp. 441-462. ISSN: 0578-5634. Page 23 of 32 Papers in conferences FORTES, C.J.E.M.; NEVES, M.G.; REIS, M.T.; SANTOS, J.A.; CAPITÃO, R.; LEMOS, R.; PINHEIRO, L.; PALHA, A.; SOUSA, I. (2008) - Physical modelling of wave propagation and breaking in a flume using different geometric model scales. Proc. CoastLab08, 2nd International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection, 2 a 5 de Julho, Bari, Itália, pp. 237-248. FORTES, C.J.E.M., NEVES, M.G., MENDONÇA, A., PINHEIRO, L., LEITE, L., MENDES, L., MONTEIRO, P., PALHA, A., BICUDO, P., CARDOSO, N. (2008) - An artificial surfing reef in São Pedro do Estoril beach, Portugal. Numerical and physical modeling studies. 30th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2008, ASCE, Hamburgo, Alemanha, 31 de Agosto a 5 de Setembro (com referee). FORTES, C.J.E.M.; NEVES, M.G.; PINHEIRO, L.V.; LEITE, L. (2008) - Physical model studies of an artificial surfing reef in S. Pedro do Estoril beach. Mediterranean Days of Coastal and Port Engineering. Palermo, Itália, 7 a 9 de Outubro. FORTES, C.J.E.M.; PINHEIRO, L.; LEMOS, R.; PALHA, A.C.; SANTOS, J.A. (2008) – Modelação numérica e física da propagação da agitação sobre uma praia com inclinação constante. II Conferência Nacional de Métodos Numéricos em Mecânica de Fluidos e Termodinâmica, Universidade de Aveiro, 8 e 9 de Maio. OKAMOTO, T.; FORTES, C.J.E.M. (2008) – Experimental verification of the maximum vertical speed of free surface as the wave breaking index. COASTLAB 2008 – Second International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection. Bari, Itália, 2 a 5 de Julho de 2008. PINHEIRO, L. V.; FORTES, C.J.E.M.; WALKLEY, M. A. (2008) - Numerical and Physical Wave Propagation in Vila do Porto Harbour. Mediterranean Days of Coastal and Port Engineering. Palermo, Itália, 7 a 9 de Outubro. REIS, M.T.; NEVES, M.G.; FORTES, C.J.E.M. (2008). - Influence of physical model scale in the simulation of wave overtopping over a coastal structure. Proc. PIANC Mediterranean Days of Coastal and Port Engineering, 7 a 9 de Outubro, Palermo, Itália. REIS, M.T.; NEVES, M.G.; HU, K.; TEN VOORDE, M. (2008). Numerical and physical modelling of wave overtopping over a porous breakwater. Proc. 18th International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 6-11, 2008 (CD-Rom). (com arbitragem científica) Technical reports LEMOS, R.; SILVA, L. G. - Porto da Horta (Ilha do Faial – Açores). Ensaios de agitação em modelo reduzido, relatório 118/2008 - NPE, Março de 2008. Pág. 40; Qua.: 8; Fig. 4; Fot.: 10 LEMOS, R.; SILVA, L. G. - Ensaios em modelo reduzido da reconstrução do molhe Oeste do porto de Sines, relatório 141/2008 - NPE, Março de 2008. Pág. 95; Qua.: 9; Fig. 3; Fot.: 103. LEMOS, R.; SILVA, L. G.; NEVES, M. G. - Correcção do cais para ferries do Porto de Vila do Porto (Ilha de Santa Maria – Açores). Ensaios em modelo reduzido, relatório 236/2008 - NPE, Junho de 2008. Pág. 65; Qua.: 11; Fig. 9; Fot. 12. SILVA, L. G.; RITA, M. M. - Quebra-mar do porto da Ericeira - Parecer, Abril de 2008. Pág. 9; Qua.: 0; Fig. 0; Fot.: 12. 2009 Papers in journals REIS, M.T.; NEVES, M.G.; HU, K. (2009). Wave overtopping of a porous structure: Numerical and physical modelling. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56, pp. 539-543. ISSN: 0749-0258. LEMOS, R.; FORTES, C.J.E.M.; GIL, L.; NEVES, M.G. (2009) – The Influence of the Geometric Scale Model on the Physical Modelling of the Wave Propagation and Breaking in a Flume. Journal of Coastal Research, SI56, 1000-1004. ISSN: 0749-0258. Papers in conferences FORTES, C.J.E.M.; NEVES, M.G.; LEMOS, R.; REIS, M.T.; SANTOS, J.A.; PINHEIRO, L. (2009). Projecto COMIBBS: Modelação física da propagação de ondas em frente a uma estrutura costeira. Proc. 6ªs Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia Costeira e Portuária, AIPCN/PIANC, Funchal, 8 e 9 de Outubro de 2009. FORTES, C.J.E.M.; NEVES, M.G.; SANTOS, J.A., LEMOS, R. (2009) - Composite modelling methodology for the simulation of wave propagation reaching coastal defences. Preliminary application. 4th International Short Conference/Course on APPLIED COASTAL RESEARCH. LIM – Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Barcelona, Espanha, 15-17 de June Page 24 of 32 OKAMOTO, T.; FORTES, C.J.E.M.; NEVES, M.G. (2009) – Análise das velocidades horizontais na simulação da rebentação sobre um perfil barra-fossa. III Conferência Nacional em Mecânica de Fluidos, Termodinâmica e Energia (MEFTE – BRAGANÇA 09), Bragança, 17 e 18 de Setembro de 2009 REIS, M.T.; NEVES, M.G.; HU, K.; LOPES, M.R.; SILVA, L.G. (2009). Final rehabilitation of Sines west breakwater: physical and numerical modelling of overtopping. Proc. 9th Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters: Adapting to Change, 16 a 18 de Setembro, Edimburgo, W. Allsop (Ed.), Thomas Telford, London, Vol. 2, pp. 636-647; discussão: pp. 671-672. ISBN: 978-0-72774131-8 (com arbitragem científica). Technical reports LEMOS, R.; SILVA, L. G. - Porto da Madalena (Ilha do Pico – Açores). Ensaios em modelo reduzido, relatório 26/2009 – NPE, Fevereiro de 2009. Pág. 145; Qua.: 50; Fig. 11; Fot.: 46. OLIVEIRA, F.; FREIRE, P.; SANCHO, F.; SILVA, L. G.; GRAHAM, S.; HU, K.; WINFIELD, P. Detailed Modelling Studies for Colwin Bay Coastal Defence Scheme. Inception Report, September 2009. Pág. 77; Qua.: 3; Fig. 40; Fot.: 0. SILVA, L. G. - Ensaios em modelo reduzido de estabilidade e galgamentos do prolongamento do molhe Norte da entrada da Ria de Aveiro, relatório 133/2009 – NPE, Abril de 2009. Pág. 35; Qua.: 11; Fig. 14; Fot.: 13. SILVA, L. G. - 1ª Fase da expansão do porto de Palmeira (Ilha do Sal – Cabo Verde). Ensaios de estabilidade e galgamentos em modelo reduzido. Ensaios adicionais, relatório 276/2009 – NPE, Setembro de 2009. Pág. 15; Qua.: 4; Fig. 2; Fot.: 9. SILVA, L. G. - Porto da Horta (Ilha do Faial – Açores). Ensaios de estabilidade e galgamentos de troços singulares do quebra-mar Norte, relatório 145/2009 – NPE, Maio de 2009. Pág. 55; Qua.: 10; Fig. 9; Fot.: 52. SILVA, L. G. - 1ª Fase da expansão do porto de Palmeira (Ilha do Sal – Cabo Verde). Ensaios de estabilidade e galgamentos em modelo reduzido, relatório 228/2009 – NPE, Julho de 2009. Pág. 65; Qua.: 18; Fig. 5; Fot.: 70 SILVA, L. G. - Jamestown Harbour (Santa Helena Island). Wave disturbance tests, relatório 310/2009 – NPE, Outubro de 2009. Pág. 25; Qua.: 12; Fig. 3; Fot.: 8 SILVA, L. G. - Ensaios em modelo reduzido de estabilidade e galgamentos do prolongamento do molhe Norte da entrada da Ria de Aveiro. Ensaios adicionais, relatório 317/2009 – NPE, Outubro de 2009. Pág. 20; Qua.: 7; Fig. 3; Fot.: 8. SILVA, L. G.; NEVES, M. G. - Porto da Horta (Ilha do Faial – Açores). Ensaios esquemáticos para avaliação da reflexão e da transmissão de uma estrutura transparente, relatório 235/2009 – NPE, Julho de 2009. Pág. 20; Qua.: 3; Fig. 3; Fot.: 5. 2010 Theses LEMOS, R.- Verificação de Fórmulas para a Evolução da Erosão em Quebra mares de Taludes. Tese de Mestrado em Engenharia Civil. Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Lisboa, Janeiro de 2010. Papers in conferences D’ALESSANDRO, F.; FORTES, C.J.E.M.; ILIC, S.; JAMES, M.; SANCHO, F.; SCHÜTTRUMPF, H.;TOMASICCHIO, G.R. (2010) – Wave storm induced dune erosion and overwash in largescale flume experiments. Proceedings of thw HYDRALAB III Joint User Meeting, Hannover, February. ISBN-978-3-00-030141-4 LEMOS, R.; SANTOS, J.A. - “Measuring Armour Layer Erosion in Scale Model Tests”CoastLab2010 – Barcelona – Espanha, Outubro de 2010 LEMOS, R.; SANTOS, J.A. – “Verificação de fórmulas para a Evolução da Erosão em taludes de Quebra-mares”- XXIV Congresso Latino-americano de Hidráulica. Punta del Este - Uruguai, Novembro de 2010 MENDONÇA, A.; PROENÇA, B.; FORTES, C.J.E.M.; NEVES, M.G. (2010) - Modelação numérica e física de um recife artificial para surf na praia de S. Pedro do Estoril. Revista Gestão Costeira, Volume 10, N. 1 - Março. APRH/UNIVALI. ISSN: 1646-8872. REIS, M.T.; NEVES, M.G.; SILVA, L.G.; WILLIAMS, A.; HU, K.; WINFIELD, P. (2010). Physical model tests of new linear defences for Colwyn Bay. Proc. CoastLab10, 3rd International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection, 28 de Setembro a 1 de Outubro, Barcelona, Espanha. Page 25 of 32 Technical reports LEMOS, R.; SILVA, L. G. - Porto Amboim harbour (Angola). Wave disturbance scale model tests, relatório 406/2010 – NPE, Dezembro de 2010.Pág. 20; Qua.: 1; Fig. 5; Fot.: 0. LEMOS, R.; SILVA, L. G. - Porto Amboim harbour (Angola). Stability and overtopping scale model tests of a new breakwater. Complementary tests, relatório 407/2010 – NPE, Dezembro de 2010.Pág. 20; Qua.: 6; Fig. 10; Fot.: 0. LEMOS, R.; SILVA, L. G.; NEVES, M. G. - Porto Amboim harbour (Angola). Stability and overtopping scale model tests of a new breakwater, Relatório 307/2010 – NPE, Setembro de 2010.Pág. 105; Qua.: 39; Fig. 38; Fot.: 0. NEVES, D.; ENDRES, L.A.M.; FORTES, C.J.E.M.; OKAMOTO, T. – Metodologias de análise dos ensaios em modelo físico. Relatório BRISA 02/2010 Novembro de 2010. NEVES, D.; ENDRES, L.A.M.; FORTES, C.J.E.M.; OKAMOTO, T. – Análise da rebentação de ondas. Compilação e tratamento dos dados obtidos nos ensaios em modelo físico. Relatório BRISA 05/2010 Dezembro de 2010. NEVES, M. G.; SILVA, L. G. - Ensaios em modelo reduzido da Marina Pêro de Teive (Ponta Delgada – Açores). Avaliação das pressões na laje do novo Terminal de Cruzeiros, relatório 141/2010 – NPE, Abril de 2010.Pág. 20; Qua.: 3; Fig. 5; Fot.: 0. REIS, M. T.; NEVES, M. G.; SILVA, L. G. - Detailed Modelling Studies for Colwyn Bay Coastal Defence Scheme. Physical model tests of new linear defences, relatório 214/2010 – NPE, Junho de 2010. Pág. 65; Qua.: 18; Fig. 15; Fot.: 18. SILVA, L. G. - Porto da Horta (Ilha do Faial – Açores). Ensaios de estabilidade e galgamentos de um perfil alternativo para o Quebra-mar Norte, relatório 143/2010 – NPE, Abril de 2010.Pág. 25; Qua.: 7; Fig. 2; Fot.: 16. SILVA, L. G. - Ensaios em modelo reduzido da marina Pêro de Teive (Ponta Delgada - Açores, relatório 241/2010 NPE, Julho de 2010.Pág. 60; Qua.: 26; Fig. 8; Fot.: 19. SILVA, L. G.; REIS, M. T. - Construção da expansão do porto de Sal-Rei – 1ª fase (Ilha da Boavista – Cabo Verde). Ensaios bidimensionais em modelo reduzido, Parecer Técnico, Maio de 2010. Pág. 10; Qua.: 0; Fig. 0; Fot.: 8. SILVA, L. G.; REIS, M. T. - Construção da expansão do porto de Sal-Rei – 1ª fase (Ilha da Boavista – Cabo Verde). Ensaios bidimensionais em modelo reduzido, relatório 242/2010 - NPE, Julho de 2010. Pág. 25; Qua.: 2; Fig. 2; Fot.: 23. SILVA, L. G. - Molhe Norte do Douro. Parecer sobre anomalias no seu funcionamento, relatório 333/2010 – NPE, Outubro de 2010. Pág. 40; Qua.: 4; Fig. 3; Fot.: 23. CD. SILVA, L. G.; NEVES, M. G. - Expansão do porto de Porto Novo (Ilha de Santo Antão – Cabo Verde). Ensaios em modelo reduzido, relatório 410/2010 – NPE, Dezembro de 2010. Pág. 50; Qua.: 9; Fig. 11; Fot.: 70. SILVA, L. G. - Expansão do porto de Porto Novo (Ilha de Santo Antão – Cabo Verde). Ensaios em modelo reduzido, Parecer Técnico, Julho de 2010. Pág. 23; Qua.: 0; Fig. 5; Fot.: 27. SILVA, L. G.; NEVES, M. G. - Expansão do porto de Porto Novo (Ilha de Santo Antão – Cabo Verde). Ensaios em modelo reduzido, relatório 410/2010 – NPE, Dezembro de 2010. Pág. 50; Qua.: 9; Fig. 11; Fot.: 70. 2011 Chapters in books GERRITSEN, H.; SUTHERLAND, J.; SANTOS, J.A.; VAN DEN BOOGAARD, H.; CAÍRES, S.; DEIGAARD, R.; DIXEN, M.; FORTES, C.J.E.M.; FREDSOE, J.; FREIRE, P.; VAN GENT, M.; GIRONELLA, X.; GRUNE, J.; GRUNNET, N.; JENSEN, P.M.; LEMOS, R.; NEVES, M.G.; OBHRAI, C.; OLIVEIRA, F.; OLIVEIRA, T.; OUMERACI, H.; PALHA, A.; PINHEIRO, L.; SCHMIDTKOPPENHAGEN, R.; SCHMIDTKE, U.; REIS, M.T.; RITA, M.M.; SANCHO, F.; SIERRA, J.-P.; SOUSA, I.; SUMER, B.M. (2011). Chapter Six (Composite Modelling) in Users Guide to Physical Modelling and Experimenation: Experience of the HYDRALAB Network. IAHR Design Manual, L.E. Frostick, S.J. McLelland & T.G. Mercer (Eds.), CRC Press/Balkema, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 171-219 (ISBN 978-0-415-60912-8). KIRKENGAARD, J.; SANCHEZ ARCILLA, A.; BTETELER, M.; CAPITÃO, R.; DOORN, N.; FORTES, C.J.E.M.; SCHÄFFER, H.; SCHMITT-KOPPENHAGEN; STANSBERG, C.; SUTHERLAND, C. (2011). Chapter Two (Waves) of the Users Guide to Physical Modelling and Experimentation. IAHR Design Manual, CRC Press, ISBN 978-0-415-60912-8, P. 19-38. WOLTER, G.; ALLSOP, W.; HAMM, L.; MÜHLESTEIN, VAN GENT, M.; BONTHOUX, L.; KIRKENGAARD; CAPITÃO, R.; FORTES, C.J.E.M.; GIRONELLA, X.; PINHEIRO, L.; SANTOS, J.; SOUSA, I. (2011). Chapter Three (Breakwaters) of the Users Guide to Physical Modelling and Experimenation. IAHR Design Manual, CRC Press, ISBN 978-0-415-60912-8, P. 39-66. Page 26 of 32 Papers in journals MENDONÇA, A.; FORTES, C.J.E.M.; CAPITAO, R.; NEVES, M.G.; MOURA, T.; ANTUNES DO CARMO, J. (2011) - Wave hydrodynamics around a multi-functional artificial reef at Leirosa. Journal of Coastal Conservation. ISSN: 1400-0350. REIS, M.T.; NEVES, M.G.; LOPES, M.R.; HU, K.; SILVA, L.G. (2011). Rehabilitation of Sines West Breakwater: wave overtopping study. Maritime Engineering Journal, Proc. ICE, Vol. 164(MA1), pp. 15 32. ISSN: 1741-7597. Papers in conferences LUÍS, L.; FREIRE, S.C.; REIS, M.T.; RODRIGUES, E.; SILVA, G. (2011). Ampliação do porto de pesca de Rabo de Peixe, São Miguel, Açores. Estudos, projectos e ensaios físicos tridimensionais. Proc. 7ªs Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia Costeira e Portuária, AIPCN/PIANC, Porto, 6 e 7 de Outubro de 2011. LOPES, H.G.; PINTO, F.T.; VELOSO GOMES, F.; CABRAL, J.P.; SANCHÉZ, R.M.; NEVES, M.G.; REIS, M.T. (2011). Análise Bidimensional do Comportamento Hidrodinâmico de Estruturas Costeiras Através de Ferramentas de Processamento de Imagem. Proc. 7ªs Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia Costeira e Portuária, AIPCN/PIANC, Porto, 6 e 7 de Outubro de 2011. MASE, H.; YASUDA, T.; MORI, N.; MATSUSHITA, H.; REIS, M.T. (2011). Effects of wave steepness and wave breaking on stability of wave dissipating blocks. Proc. 6th International Conference on Coastal Structures, 5 a 9 de Setembro, Yokohama, Japão. (com arbitragem científica). NEVES, D.R.; FORTES, C.J.E.M.; ENDRES, L:A:M:; OKAMOTO, T. (2011) – Modelação física da propagação e rebentação de ondas num canal. 7as Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia Costeira e Portuária, Porto, 6 e 7 de Outubro. REIS, M.T.; NEVES, M.G.; LOPES, M.R.; SILVA, L.G. (2011). Estudos de galgamento do Molhe Oeste do Porto de Sines. Proc. 7ªs Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia Costeira e Portuária, AIPCN/PIANC, Porto, 6 e 7 de Outubro de 2011. SILVA, L.G. (2011). Estudos de hidráulica marítima em modelo físico reduzido realizados no LNEC. Passado, presente e futuro. Proc. 7ªs Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia Costeira e Portuária, AIPCN/PIANC, Porto, 6 e 7 de Outubro de 2011. Technical reports LEMOS, R.; SILVA, L. G. - Porto de Pesca Tânger (Marrocos). Ensaios bidimensionais em modelo reduzido, Relatório 235/2011 – NPE, Julho de 2011. Pág. 50; Qua.: 12; Fig. 9; Fot.: 27. REIS, M. T.; NEVES, M. G.; SILVA, L. G. - Construção da expansão do porto de Sal-Rei (Ilha da Boavista – Cabo Verde) – 1ª fase. Ensaios tridimensionais em modelo reduzido, relatório 74/2011NPE, Fevereiro de 2011. Pág. 50; Qua.: 13; Fig. 10; Fot.: 33. REIS, M. T.; SILVA, L. G.; NEVES, M. G.; LEMOS, R. - Obras de expansão do porto de pesca de Rabo de Peixe (Ilha de São Miguel - Açores). Ensaios em modelo reduzido, relatório 247/2011NPE, Julho de 2011. Pág. 95; Qua.: 51; Fig. 11; Fot.: 62. SILVA, L. G. - Ensaios em modelo reduzido do Porto da Madalena (Ilha do Pico – Açores), Relatório 241/2011 – NPE, Julho de 2011. Pág. 45; Qua.: 12; Fig. 4; Fot.: 31. SILVA, L. G.; REIS, M. T. - Construção da expansão do porto de Sal-Rei – 1ª fase (Ilha da Boavista – Cabo Verde). Ensaios tridimensionais em modelo reduzido. Relatório de progresso, relatório 5/2011-NPE, Janeiro de 2011. Pág. 10; Qua.: 0; Fig. 0; Fot.: 8. 2012 Papers in journals MENDONÇA, A., FORTES, C.J.E.M., CAPITÃO, R., NEVES, M.G., ANTUNES Do CARMO, J.S., MOURA, T. (2012). Hydrodynamics around an Artificial Surfing Reef at Leirosa, Portugal: A Case Study. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE (doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000128). NEVES D. R.C.B., ENDRES L.A.M., FORTES C.J.E.M., OKAMOTO T. (2012). Directional Spreading Model in a Wave Channel. Wave Propagation and Wave Breaking. Ocean Engineering Journal, Elsevier, 55, 148–160 ( DAVYT D.P., TEIXEIRA P.R.F., RAMALHAIS R., DIDIER, E. (2012). Numerical simulation of wave action over a wave energy device of the oscillating wave column type. Revista de Ciências Exatas e Engenharias, ISSN 0102-7352, 21(1), pp 51-71. OLIVEIRA, F.S.B.F., REIS, M.T., FREIRE, P., NEVES, M.G., SANCHO, F., SILVA, L.G., CLÍMACO, M., VICENTE, C.M. (2012). Aplicação de Modelação Numérica e Física para o Estudo da Reabilitação e Proteção da Praia de Colwyn Bay, País de Gales, Reino Unido. Revista de Page 27 of 32 Gestão Costeira Integrada (Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management), Vol. 12(3), pp. 323 342. ISSN: 1646-8872. MASE, H.; TAMADA, T.; YASUDA, T.; HEDGES, T.S.; REIS, M.T. (2012). Wave runup and overtopping at seawalls buit on land and in very shallow water. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, ASCE. ISSN: 0733-950X. (accepted) Papers in conferences FORTES, C.J.E.M., SANTOS, J.A., PINHEIRO, L.V., CAPITÃO, R., REIS, M.T., NEVES, M.G., SILVA, L.G., LUÍS, L., TITO, T., CARVALHO, R., VAZ, J. (2012). Port studies in Portugal: Numerical and physical modelling tools. Proc. PIANC 2nd Mediterranean Days of Coastal and Port Engineering, 23 a 25 de maio, Valência, Espanha, Asociación Técnica de Puertos y Costas (ATPyC), pp. 343-364. NEVES, D.R.C.B., ENDRES, L., FORTES, C.J.E.M., OKAMOTO T. (2011). Physical modelling of wave propagation and wave breaking in a wave channel. Proc. 5th International Short Conference on Applied Coastal Research (SCACR), 6 a 9 de junho, Aachen, Alemanha. (Publicado em 2012) NEVES, D.R.C.B., DIDIER, E., REIS, M.T., NEVES M.G. (2012). Overtopping of a porous structure using a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Numerical Model. Proceedings of the 4rd International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection, CoastLab 12, Ghent, Belgium CONDE, J.M.P., FORTES, C.J.E.M., DIDIER, E., NEVES, D.R.C.B (2012). A contribution to the study of wave propagation and wave breaking: Physical and numerical modeling. Proceedings of the 4rd International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection, CoastLab 12, Ghent, Belgium CAPITÃO, R., CONDE, J.M. (2012). Implementing the AWASYS wave absorption system in a peculiar wave flume. Proceedings of the 4rd International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection, CoastLab 12, Ghent, Belgium. DIDIER, E., NEVES, D.R.C.B., Martins, R., Neves, M.G. (2012). Modelação de um quebra-mar de talude impermeável: comparação entre modelo numérico SPH e modelo físico. Proc. V Seminário e Workshop em Engenharia Oceânica – V SEMENGO, ISBN 978-85-7566-236-7, 7 a 9 de novembro, Rio Grande, RS-Brasil, pp. 71-83. CONDE, J.M.P, REIS R., FORTES, C.J.E.M., NEVES, D.R.C.B. (2012). Modelação Física da Propagação de Ondas em um Canal. Proc. V Seminário e Workshop em Engenharia Oceânica – V SEMENGO, ISBN 978-85-7566-236-7, 7 a 9 de novembro, Rio Grande, RS-Brasil. Technical reports LEMOS, R.L., SILVA, L.G., NEVES, G.,CAPITÃO, R. (2012) - Nacala a Velha Harbour. Twodimensional Scale Model Tests. Report 132/2012, NPE, LNEC, 2012. REIS, M.T., SILVA, L.G. (2012). Ensaios em modelo reduzido do Porto das Poças (Ilha das Flores – Açores). Relatório 173/2012, NPE, LNEC, 2012 LEMOS, R.L., SILVA, LG, NEVES, M.G. (2012). Porto de São Roque (Ilha do Pico-Açores). Relatório 243/2012, NPE, LNEC, 2012. SILVA, L.G., NEVES, M.G. (2012). Ensaios em modelo reduzido do Núcleo de pesca do Porto da Madalena. Relatório 28/2012, DHA/NPE, LNEC, Lisboa, Fevereiro de 2012. LEMOS, R., FORTES, C.J.E.M., CAPITÃO, R. (2012). Remote Access to Experimental Facilities. RADE – Fourth and Fifth Experiences on Remote Access. HYDRALAB IV report, Novembro de 2012, Lisboa. 2013 Papers in journals ROCHA, M.V.L., SILVA, P.A., MICHALLET, H., ABREU, T., MOURA, D., FORTES, C.J.E.M., (2013). Parameterizations of wave nonlinearity from local wave parameters: a comparison with field data In: Conley, D.C., Masselink, G., Russell, P.E. and O’Hare, T.J. (eds.), Proceedings 12th International Coastal Symposium (Plymouth, England), Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 65, pp. xxx-xxx, ISSN 0749-0208. PINHEIRO L.V; SANTOS, J.A.; FORTES, C.J.E.M. (2013). “Simulação numérica do comportamento de navios amarrados em bacias abrigadas”, VETOR - Revista de Ciências Exatas e Engenharias, Rio Grande, v.23, n.1, ISSN IMPRESSO: 0102-7352. ROCHA, T., FORTES, C.J.E.M., REIS, M.T., Santos, J.A., Neves, D.R.C.B., Portela L., Taveira Pinto, F. (2013). “Avaliação Comparativa do Risco de Galgamentos na Praia da Vitória, Terceira, Açores”, VETOR - Revista de Ciências Exatas e Engenharias, Rio Grande, v.23, n.1, pp. 104-120. ISSN IMPRESSO: 0102-7352. Page 28 of 32 ROCHA, M.V.L.; COELHO, C.; FORTES, C.J.E.M. (2013). Numerical modeling of groin impact on nearshore hydrodynamics, Ocean Engineering, 74, 260–275 pp, DIDIER, E.;, MARTINS, R. ; NEVES M.G. (2013). Numerical and Experimental Modeling of Regular Wave Interacting with Composite Breakwater, Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, Vol. 23, Nº 1, March 2013. MENDONÇA, A.; LOSADA, M.A.; REIS, M.T.; NEVES M.G. (2013). Risk assessment in submarine outfall projects: The case of Portugal, Journal of Environmental Management, 116 (2013) 186-195, Agosto 2013. MASE, H.; TAMADA, T.; YASUDA, T.; HEDGES, T.S.; REIS, M.T. (2013). “Wave runup and overtopping at seawalls built on land and in very shallow water”. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 139(5), pp. 346-357. ISSN: 1943-5460. DOI: 10.1061/ (ASCE) WW.1943-5460.0000199. RAPOSEIRO, P.D.; FORTES, C.J.E.M.; CAPITÃO, R.; REIS, M.T.; FERREIRA, J.C.; PEREIRA, M.T.S.; GUERREIRO, J. (2013). “Preliminary phases of the HIDRALERTA system: Assessment of the flood levels at S. João da Caparica beach, Portugal”. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 65, pp. 808-813. ISSN: 0749-0208 DOI: 10.2112/SI65-137.1 TEIXEIRA, P.R.F.; DAVYT, D.P.; DIDIER, E.; RAMALHAIS, R. (2013). Numerical simulation of an oscillating water column device using a code based on NaviereStokes equations, Revista Energy, Volume 61, 513-530pp. ISSN: 0360-5442. MATOS, M.F.; FORTES, C.J.E.M.; AMARO, V.; SCUDELARI, A.C. (2013). Análise Comparativa da Agitação Obtida com o Modelo Numérico (SWAN) na Modelagem de Ondas do Litoral Setentrional do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil e Dados de Campo. Revista da Gestão Costeira Integrada 13(3): 283-299 pp.| DOI:10.5894/ rgci378. NEVES, M.G.; DIDIER, E.; ROBERT, M.; LOSADA, I.J. (2013). Reducción de la reflexión en el interior des puerto de Vila do Porto, Azores. RIBIM - Revista Iberoamericana de Ingeniería Mecánica, Vol. 17(2), 139-148 pp. ISSN 1137-2729. MUÑOZ-PEREZ, J. J.; ROMAN-SIERRA, J.; NAVARRO-PONS, M.; NEVES, M.G.; del CAMPO, J. M. (2013) Comments on “Confirmation of beach accretion by grain-size trend analysis: Camposoto beach, Cádiz, SW Spain” by E. Poizot et al. (2013). Geo-Marine Letters 33(4). ISSN: 1432-1157 . doi:10.1007/s00367-013-0344-0 Papers in conferences LEMOS, R.; SILVA, L.G (2013). “LNEC experience in maritime hydraulic studies. scale model tests and recent damage assessment techniques”. Proc. PIANC 3nd Mediterranean Days of Coastal and Port Engineering, 22 a 24 de Maio, Marseille, França. PINHEIRO L.V; FORTES, C.J.E.M.; SANTOS, J.A.; FERNANDES J.L.M. (2013). “Numerical software package SWAMS – Simulation of Wave Action on Moored Ships”. Proc. PIANC 3nd Mediterranean Days of Coastal and Port Engineering, 22 a 24 de Maio, Marseille, França. INVERNO, J.; NEVES, M.G.; DIDIER E. (2013). “Numerical simulation of wave interacting with a submarine outfall using IH-2VOF”. 6th SCACR – International Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research, 4 a 7 de Junho, LNEC, Lisboa. RODRIGUES, S.; NASCIMENTO, M.F.; FONSECA, N.; SANTOS, J.A.; NEVES, C.F. (2013). “Numerical simulation study on the propagation of waves generated by vessels using a modified version FUNWAVE”. 6th SCACR – International Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research, 4 a 7 de Junho, LNEC, Lisboa. VIEIRA, A.S.; MACIEL G.F.; FORTES, C.J.E.M.; MINUSSI, C.R.; SOBRINHO, M. DALL’AGLIO (2013). “Comparative analysis of the SWAN numerical model predictions and of the pressure sensor measurements at the Ilha solteira Lake”. 6th SCACR – International Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research, 4 a 7 de Junho, LNEC, Lisboa. REIS, M.T.; HEDGES, T.S.; NEVES, S.; NEVES, M.G.; HU, K.; MASE, H. (2013). “Extending the H&R wave overtopping model to vertical structures”. 6th SCACR – International Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research, 4 a 7 de Junho, LNEC, Lisboa. CAPITÃO, R.; NEVES, M.G.;.FORTES, C.J.E. M.; PINHEIRO, L. (2013). “An analysis of the response of Sines’ terminal XXI basin to long waves’ action”. 6th SCACR – International Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research, 4 a 7 de Junho, LNEC, Lisboa. LEMOS, R.; SANTOS, J.A. (2013). “Photogrammetric profile survey in scale model tests of rubblemound breakwaters”. 6th SCACR – International Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research, 4 a 7 de Junho, LNEC, Lisboa. MENDONÇA, A.; SOLARI, S.; LOSADA, M.A.; NEVES M.G.; REIS, M.T. (2013). “A tool for the design optimization and management of submarine outfall projects: application to a portuguese case-study”. 6th SCACR – International Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research, 4 a 7 de Junho, LNEC, Lisboa. Page 29 of 32 BRAVO, A.A.; SANTOS, J.A.; REIS, M.T. (2013). “Comparison of two wave overtopping calculation tools based on neural network analysis”. 6th SCACR – International Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research, 4 a 7 de Junho, LNEC, Lisboa. REIS, R.; GABRIEL, S.; FORTES, C.J.E.M.; MOURA, D. (2013). “Contribution for the assessment of the wave characteristics at galé beach: evaluation of two modeling approaches”. 6th SCACR – International short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research, 4 a 7 de Junho, LNEC, Lisboa. LEMOS, R.; SANTOS, J.A. (2013). “Photogrammetric profile survey in scale model tests of rubblemound breakwaters”. 6th SCACR – International Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research, 4 a 7 de Junho, LNEC, Lisboa. CONDE, J.M.P.; FORTES, C.J.E.M.; DIDIER E. R. LEMOS, R.; REIS, R. (2013). “Physical modelling of bichromatic wave propagation and wave breaking in a wave flume”. 6th SCACR – International Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research, 4 a 7 de Junho, LNEC, Lisboa. CONDE, J.M.P.; FORTES, C.J.E.M.; DIDIER E. R. LEMOS, R.; REIS, R. (2013). “Physical modelling of bichromatic wave propagation and wave breaking in a wave flume”. 6th SCACR – International Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research, 4 a 7 de Junho, LNEC, Lisboa. LOPES, H.; TAVEIRA PINTO, F.; VELOSO GOMES, F.; CHINA, R.; CABRAL, J.; GADELHO, J.; NEVES, M.G.; REIS, M.T. (2013). “Laboratory techniques – image processing tools on physical model tests”. 6th SCACR – International Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research, 4 a 7 de Junho, LNEC, Lisboa SANTOS, F.L.; REIS, M.T.; FORTES, C.J.; LOTUFO, A.D.P.; MACIEL, G.F. (2013). “Rede ARTMAP Nebulosa Aplicada ao Estudo de Agitação Marítima no Porto de Sines/Portugal”. Proc. 1st BRICS Countries Congress (BRICS-CCI) and 11th CBIC Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence, September 8th-11th, Recife, Brazil, 2013. PINHEIRO, L.V.; FORTES, C.J.E.M.; SANTOS, J.A.; FERNANDES J.L.M. (2013). “Numerical simulation of the behaviour of a moored ship inside an open coast harbour” V International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering, MARINE 2013, 29 a 31 de Maio, Hamburgo, Alemanha. Technical reports LEMOS, R.; FORTES, C.J.E.M.; CAPITÃO, R. (2013). “RADE – Sixth Experience on Remote Access”. Report HYDRALAB IV no. 1/2013, LNEC, Lisboa. LEMOS, R.; CAPITÃO, R.; FORTES, C.J.E.M. (2013). “RADE – Seventh Experience on Remote Access”. Report HYDRALAB IV no. 2/2013, June, LNEC, Lisboa. REIS, R.; FORTES, C.J.E.M. (2013). “Aplicação do modelo SWAN na caracterização da agitação marítima: Praia da Galé”. Relatório EROS no. 1/2013, Janeiro, LNEC, Lisboa. AFONSO; C.; NEVES, M.G.; REIS, M.T.; OLIVEIRA, J. (2013). Adaptações para Reforçar a Estabilidade de Emissários Submarinos em Terrenos Lodosos. Relatório Técnico-Científico Intercalar. Projeto nº 2012/23027 - AREDIS. WW - Consultores de Hidráulica e Obras Marítimas, S.A. e LNEC, maio. FORTES, C.J.E.M.; REIS, M.T.; SILVA, L.G.; PINHEIRO, L. (2013). “Caracterização das condições de dinâmica costeira e avaliação dos impactes da construção da Marina Luanda. Estudo III: Análise das condições de agitação marítima no interior da marina e análise da estabilidade e galgamentos da obra principal de proteção da marina”. Relatório 192/2013 – NPE, LNEC, Lisboa, junho de 2013. SILVA, L.G.; REIS, M.T. (2013). “Caracterização das condições de dinâmica costeira e avaliação dos impactes da construção da Marina Luanda. Estudo III: Análise das condições de agitação marítima no interior da marina e análise da estabilidade e galgamentos da obra principal de proteção da marina. Ensaios adicionais. Relatório Final”. Relatório 225/2013 – NPE, LNEC, Lisboa, julho de 2013. AFONSO; C.; NEVES, M.G.; REIS, M.T.; OLIVEIRA, J. (2013). Adaptações para Reforçar a Estabilidade de Emissários Submarinos em Terrenos Lodosos. 2º Relatório Técnico-Científico Intercalar. Projeto nº 2012/23027 - AREDIS. WW - Consultores de Hidráulica e Obras Marítimas, S.A. e LNEC, novembro. SILVA, L.G.; REIS, M.T.; NEVES, M.G. (2013). “Caracterização das condições de dinâmica costeira e avaliação dos impactes da construção da Marina Luanda - Ensaios de agitação em modelo reduzido da marina”. Relatório 404/2013 – NPE, LNEC, Lisboa, dezembro de 2013. LEMOS, R. (2013). “Modelação computacional em MATLAB. Dos fundamentos às aplicações”. Relatório 04/2013 – HIDRALERTA, LNEC, Novembro, LNEC, Lisboa. Page 30 of 32 9. FINAL REMARKS Nowadays, LNEC’s Harbours and Maritime Structures Division has a staff of 12 people, of which 8 have a University degree and of these 4 hold a Ph. D degree. In this division there has been a lot of high-level consultancy work related to harbour research activities commissioned by both Portuguese and foreign institutions. To improve the results from scale-model testing a stereo-photogrammetry tool that compensates for the air-water interface at the flume was developed at the Institute for Systems and Robotics, from the Lisbon Technical University, and is now in its final testing stage. It is expected that more quantitative information related to armour layer stability can be extracted in an easy way (without emptying the wave flume or the wave basin) during scale model tests with rubble-mound structures. The integration of the results from numerical and scale model tests is to be achieved through the development of an early-warning system for the safety of navigation, port operations and port infrastructure, that has just started. Page 31 of 32 Page 32 of 32
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