Del Escritorio de Padre Juan

From the Desk of Fr. John Del Escritorio de Padre Juan
Monday, December 8 is the celebration of the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of the
United States. This is a holy day of obligation. We have Mass at 9:00am and 7:00pm
in church. Please make every effort to celebrate Mary’s intercession on our behalf.
We have a reconciliation service on Saturday, Dec. 13 at 10am in the church.
Although Advent is not a penitential season like Lent, still we can confess in order to
prepare ourselves for Jesus’ coming at Christmas. We will have a short service and
then offer time for individual confession. We had asked the calendar company to send
our parish calendars in November. We obviously have not received them yet. The calendar company apologized to us because they lost our order and so 2015 calendars will come eventually but they
will be late. Sorry for the inconvenience.
The novena in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe runs through Dec. 12. The celebration recalls the
visit of Mary to Juan Diego from Dec. 9 to Dec. 12, 1531. Mary promises her devotion and protection to the indigenous people in the face of the threat of the Spanish Conquerors. She continues to
give us her love and protection and continues to point to her Son as our Lord. The celebration ends
on Friday, Dec. 12 with Mañanitas at 5:00am in church and a Mass at 7:00pm in church. I hope you
can join us for the celebration of the Patroness of the Americas.
The 5:00pm Mass on Saturday, Dec. 20 will be the Filipino celebration of Simbang Gabi, a series of
Masses before Christmas. That night, we will have Mass with some Filipino songs included and
then afterward, we will have a huge feast. Please join us for this important celebration.
El lunes, 8 de diciembre es la celebración de la Inmaculada Concepción, Patrona de Estados Unidos.
Este es un día santo de obligación. Tenemos Misa a las 9:00 a.m. y a las 7:00 p.m. en la iglesia. Favor
de hacer todo lo posible para que nos acompañen en este día y celebrar la intercesión de Maria por
Tendremos un servicio de reconciliación el sábado, 13 de diciembre a las 10:00 a.m. en la iglesia.
Aunque el Adviento no es una temporada litúrgica de penitencia como lo es la Cuaresma, de todas maneras podermos confesarnos para así prepararnos mejor para la venida de Jesús en Navidad. Tendremos
un servicio corto en el cual tambien ofreceremos una oportunidad para confesión individual. Le pedimos a
la compañia que hace los calendarios que nos enviaran los calendarios en noviembre, perqo aún no los
hemos recibido. La compañía que hace estos calendarios se disculpo por haber perdido la orden. Los
calendarios para el 2015 llegarán tarde pero los tendremos eventualmente. Disculpas por la molestia.
La novena en honor de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe se llevará a cabo hasta el 12 de diciembre. Esta
celebración nos recuera la visita de la Virgen María a Juan Diego del 9 al 12 de diciembre en 1531.
María promete su devoción y protección a los indígenas al enfrentar las amenazas de los Conquistadores
Españoles. Ella continua dando su amor y protección a la misma vez que nos recuerda que su Hjo es
nuestro Señor. La celebración culmina el Viernes, 12 de diciembre con Mañanitas a las 5:00 a.m. en la
Ilgesia y una Misa a las 7:00 p.m. en la iglesia. Espero que nos puedan acompañar a celebrar a la
Patrona de las Americas.
La Misa de las 5:00 p.m. el sábado, 20 de diciembre será una la celebración Filipina de Simbang Gabi,
una serie de Misas antes de Navidad. Esa noche, tendremos una Misa con canciones Filipinas y después
de la Misa, una gran celebración con fiesta. Espero que nos puedan acompañar.
Songs for the 5:00 p.m., 9:15 a.m., and 11 a.m., Masses
Gathering Song: Where the Promise Shines
Where the world is waiting for an unknown day,
where a voice forgotten, cries “Prepare the way!”
Show us in a manger our redemption’s sign;
bring us to a morning where the promise shines.
Lead us on, lead us on to a morning where the promise shines.
Lead us on, lead us on to a morning where the promise shines.
Week Two – The Promise of Peace
Lector: Advent is a time for God’s people to reawaken their
All: Let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts.
Lector: Where there is division, we long for unity.
All: Let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts.
Lector: Where there is hostility, we long for resolution.
All: Let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts.
Lector: Where there is separation, we long for reunion.
All: Let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts.
Lead us on, lead us on to a morning where the promise shines.
Lead us on, lead us on to a morning where the promise shines.
to a morning where the promise shines.
Word by Sylvia G. Dunstan Music by Bob Moore Arr. By Joel Raney Word © 1995
GIA Publications, Inc. Music © 2003 and this Arr. © 2014 GIA Publications, Inc.,
7404 S. Mason Ave. Chicago, IL 60638. 800-442-1358 All Rights
Reserved. Used by Permission. Sole Selling Agent of this 2014 Arrangement Hope
Publishing Company, Carol Stream, IL 60188 800-3231049
Psalm Response:
I myself will shepherd them, for others have led them astray.
The lost I will rescue and heal their wounds
and pasture them, giving them rest.
Come unto me if you are heavily burdened,
And take my yoke upon your shoulders, I will give you rest.
Text: Isaiah 40-9ff, Ezekiel 34: 11, Matthew 11-28ff; Bob Dufford, SJ, b. 1943Tune:
Bob Dufford, SJ, b. 1943; acc. by St. Theophane Hytrek, OSF, 1915-1992, alt ©
1976, Robert J. Dufford, SJ and New Dawn Music
Communion Song: A Voice Cries Out
A voice cries out, “Prepare the way of the Lord,
Make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
Every valley shall be lifted up,
and every mountain made low.
The glory of the Lord shall be revealed;
All people shall see it together.
The mouth of the Lord has spoken it.
The glory of the Lord shall be revealed. (refrain)
Comfort, comfort my people;
Proclaim the promise of the Lord:
His name shall be called Emmanuel!
The glory of the Lord shall be revealed. (refrain)
Text based on Isaiah 40:1, 3-5;7-14 Music: Lloyd Larson (ASCAP) © 1993 by
Providence Press, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. (A Division of Hope Publishing
Company) International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved.
Lord, let us see your kindness; Lord, let
us see your kindness.
Let us hear what our God proclaims: Peace to the people of
God, salvation is near to the ones who fear God.
Kindness and truth, justice and peace; Truth shall spring up
as the water from the earth, justice shall rain from the heavens. The Lord will come and you shall know his love, justice shall walk in his pathways, Salvation the gift that he
Text: Psalm 85: 9-10, 11-12, 13-14; Marty Haugen (c) 1983 GIA Publications,
Inc.Refrain trans. (c) 1969 ICEL Music: Marty Haugen, (c) 1983, GIA
Publications, Inc.
Presentation Song: Like a Shepherd
Like a shepherd he feeds his flock
and gathers the lambs in his arms,
Holding them carefully close to his heart,
leading them home.
Say to the cities of Judah: Prepare the way of the Lord.
Go to the mountain top, lift your voice;
Jerusalem, here is your God.
Closing Song: Ready the Way
Ready the way, ready the way,
ready the way of the Lord.
Ready the way, ready the way,
ready the way of the Lord.
Make straight the road,
raise the valleys, and mountains made low.
Turning from sin, let the broken be whole,
and ready the way of the Lord.
As we wait for you,
give us the strength to walk in your truth,
so we may love more like you
and ready the way for you, Lord.
Text Based on Isaiah 40:3, 4a. Text and music © 2004, Curtis Stephan.
Published by®, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213.
All rights reserved.
Hoja de Cantos para la Misa de 12:30 p.m.
Canto de Entrada: Alegría de Esperar
Alegría de esperar, que está muy cercano el día.
En la carne de una virgin amanecerás, Señor.
En la carne de una virgen amanecerás, Señor.
Letra y música copyright Luis Elizalde y revista MELODIAS, Madrid,
España.Derechos reservados. Con las debidas licencias.
Nuestra respuesta es: Dejen que la paz de Cristo reine
en nuestros corazones.
Salmo 84:
“Muéstranos, Señor, tu misericordia
Y danos tu salvación, y danos tu salvación.”
Copyright 1982, SOBICAIN. Derechos reservados. Con las debidas licencias.
Inglés, Jaime Cortez, n. 1963, copyright 1993, 1998, Jaime Cortez. Obra publicada por OCP Publications. Derechos reservados. Música: Jaime Cortez, copyright 1993, 1998, Jaime Cortez. Obra publicada por OCP Publications. Derechos
Canto de las Ofrendas: .Preparen el Camino
Preparen el camino del Señor.
Preparen el camino del Señor.
Juan proclama en el desierto; ya se oye su pregón,
“Cambien todos hoy sus vidas que ya viene el Salvador”.
Voz de Juan que clama fuerte, “Vengan a pedir perdón,
Dejen todos sus pecados y reciban al Señor”.
Renunciemos las envidias, odios, celos y rencor.
Perdonemos al hermano como Dios nos da el perdón.
Hay que construír, el reino de justicia, paz y amor,
Construyendo un mundo nuevo mientras vuelva el Redentor.
Letra y música: Fernando Rodríguez, siglo XX, Copyright 1989, OCP Publications.
Derechos reservados.
Canto de Comunión: Ven Señor, a Nuestra Vida
¡Ven, Señor, a nuestra vida, que ya estamos en Adviento!
Ven pronto, que te esperamos y salimos a tu encuentro.
¡Ven, Señor, a nuestra vida, venga a nosotros tu reino!
Lo anunciaron los profetas, y le vieron desde lejor;
Para cumplir sus promesas vino a salvar a su pueblo.
Nuestro mundo está esperando, el Señor sigue viniendo:
Ahora viene por la gracia al corazón de su pueblo.
Como Rey de las naciones y Señor del Universo
Vendrá al final de la Historia, a reunir a su pueblo.
“Preparadle los caminos”, Juan predica en el desierto.
La Virgen Madre concibe la Palabra en el silencio.
Letra y música copyright 1994, Antonio Alcalde, Bernardo Velado
Y San Pablo Comunicación, SSP. Derechos reservados. Administradora
exclusive en EE.UU.: OCP Publications.
Vendra el Señor
Vendrá el Señor; con su luz nos llenará.
Vendrá el Señor y a su pueblo salvará. (bis)
El llenará nuestra vida, El colmará nuestro amar.
El nos alumbra en la noche, nos da fuerza y nos da paz,
El nos alumbra en la noche; el Señor vendrá.
El es consuelo en las penas, El es la felicidad.
El nos comprende y nos ama, nos da fuerza y nos da paz.
El nos comprende y nos ama; El Señor vendrá.
Copyright 1982, Maximino Carchenilla y Ediciones Musical PAX-PPC. Derechos
reservados. Administradora exclusive en EE.UU.: OCP Publications.
Canto de Salida: Renuévanos, Señor
Renuévanos, Señor, llénanos con tu amor.
Sana el dolor de los sueños que perdimos.
Renueva nuestras vidas y el camino que escogimos.
Guíanos como familia en la fe.
Padre, transfórmanos. Abrázanos con tu Espíritu.
Ayúdanos a aceptarnos el uno al otro.
Rompe las cadenas de miedo que dividen nuestros hogares,
Para así vivir tu santa voluntad.
Copyright 1998, Tom Ratto y Armida Grajeda.
Publications. Derechos reservados.
Obra Publicada por OCP
Save the date for the Divine Inspiration’s Annual Christmas Concert on, Sunday, December
21st at 6:30 p.m. This year, we have invited the Rheinischer Gesang Verein Choral Group.
This 50 member men’s German Choral group under the direction of Dr. David Baar has performed throughout the United States and Canada. They have been together for 82 years,
keeping the traditions and legacies of the German culture alive through their inspiring music.
There is no charge for the concert but a free will offering will be greatly appreciated
to help offset any costs. We hope you will join us this year as Divine Inspiration
and the RGV choral group put you in the Christmas spirit!
Días Importantes para Recordar
Inmaculada Concepción de María
(Día de Obligación)
Lunes, 8 de Diciembre
9:00 AM Misa
7:00 PM Misa
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
(Holy Day of Obligation)
Monday, December 8
9:00 AM Mass
7:00 PM Mass
Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration
5:00 AM Mañanitas
7:00 PM Misa
Friday, December 12
5:00 AM Mañanitas
7:00 PM Mass
Celebración de Simbang Gabi
Simbang Gabi Celebration
Sábado, 20 de Diciembre
5:00 PM Misa
¡Esperamos que nos puedan acompañar!
Important Dates to Remember
Saturday, December 20
5:00 PM Mass
Hope you can join us!!!
Help a Local Family Get a
Christmas Dinner
Each year the Jewel stores ask their shoppers to add another
$1 or $2 to their receipt when they are checking out.
The money is then used to purchase Christmas dinners to distribute
to local needy families. The dinners from the stores at
Roselle/Wise and Barrington/Schamburg are received and
distributed through our Food Pantry at Holy Spirit.
For the past few years the stores have requested that we staff
a table inside the store to help them solicit these donations. Usually the food pantry volunteers do this in
addition to their food pantry responsibilities. This year several people from the parish helped in the Thanksgiving
effort which was a big success.
Many people still want to help the food pantry but are not available during the daytime hours or cannot do the
tasks involved in running the food pantry. This is another opportunity to help us with this effort. If you can spare
any time on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, December 12, 13, or 14, or December 19, 20, or 21, please contact
LaVerne Horgan at 847‐843‐2487.
Thank you very much.
If you are interested in
helping local families for Christmas, we
have the “Giving Tree” located in the
Gathering Space.
Choose an ornament with a
gift suggestion in the range of $25.
Purchase the gift but do not wrap it.
The gift may be put in the large box
located in the Gathering Space or
brought to the office.
These gifts will be distributed to the
families that use the CHS Food Pantry.
Please deliver the gifts to the church
or to the parish office by
Sunday, December 14th.
The Bread and Wine for the month of
has been donated by
Hagg Family
in Loving Memory of
Arvid Hagg
God our Father,
we thank you
that in the vastness of your creation
there is something special
about the beauty of this earth.
Into our world
which you love so much
you sent Jesus, your Son
- your Word
who became a human being
and made his home among us.
Breathe your Holy Spirit into us
once again
that we may grow in a sense of wonder
and proclaim to be good
all that you have made.
May we live more fully
as brothers and sisters
of one another
and of Jesus, your Son.
Liturgy/Liturgia Outreach/Opción Misionera
December 6, 2014 - December 14, 2014
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Ann Prokop, Jerry & Lenore Malkowski
Vicente Sanchez
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Randal Fisher, Adam Rydzy
Dan Santerior
Brian Blum
Margot Velasquez, Brigido Lopez
Monday, December 8, 2014
Brother Tom Minta
Michael Jennings
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Edith Torres
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
People of the Parish
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Communion Service
Friday, December 12, 2014
5:00 am Mañanitas Our Lady of Guadalupe
7:00 pm Mary Thomas
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Maniola Family, Carlos Sanchez
Irine Czubski, Joan Kramer
Mary & Frank Steponak
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Peter Witek, Walter Rimkus
Dolores Baumgartner, Arvid Hagg
Paul Tomasula
Andrew Steeves, Elizabeth Espedido
Jose Guadalupe Pena, Anita Viramontes
Sunday Collection
November 30, 2014
Sunday Collections: $ 12,251
Services & Other collections: $ 1,341
Thanksgiving: $2,974
E-giving and automatic deposits: $ 1,063
Capital Collections:$ 25
TLC Renewal Project: $ 450
SVDP: $ 255
Circulo: $ 80
For easier, automatic giving, sign up at
The second collection this weekend will be the final in
pew collection for the TLC campaign. All of these funds
will be used for the purchase and upkeep of our Parish.
Thank you for your generosity.
for the Week of December 6/7, 2014
For the Sick
Owen Adam, Feliza Bastidas, Aurelia Barajas
Donna & Howard Bartel, Tita Barnett, Bastian Family
Dorothy Blickhahn, Alan Bold, Greg Bongiorno
Elizabeth Bryant, Carolina Cardenas, Brittany Carminati
Tom Carroll, Val Clore, Salvador & Maria Contreras
Linda Corona, Geri Czech, Steve Davis, Alicia Diaz
Bob Dillon, Micah Doherty, Tony Durante, Barbara East
Jack Fairchild, Henry Fenhouse, Wynne Fitzgerald
Rafael Flores, Dorothy Fugarino, Freddy Fuhrmann
Katie Gadbaw‐Kapaun, Ana Garcia, Arturo Garcia
Rosario Garcia, Donna Gavin, Dani Gintzler, Blanca Gonzalez
Suzanne Gonzalez, Dave Gregory, Norm Gunsaullus
Donna Heffington, Betty Hefron
Guillermina Hernandez, Glyn Hughes, Bob Ida
Wanda Jarzabek, Deacon Jaime & Carmen Juarez
Betty Johnson, Erin Keller, Peggy Klauke, Ed Kolasa
Jackie Kratovil, Joan Krupa, Annette Kucharski, David Larkin, Jr.
Kathleen & Wally Lebbin, Stephanie Libreros, Michelle Liu
Jose Lopez, Herminia Magaña, Kelly Main‐Johnson
Nicole Mayle, Martin McKean, Shannon McMahon
Enedina Mendez, Maria Guadalupe Mendoza, Virginia Mika
Michael Minch, Jenny Moreno, Brendan Murphy
Marge O’Connor, Juanita Ornelas, Raquel Ortega, Laura Ortiz
Michael Pastuszka, Eva Perez, Doyle Petty, Gloria Phee
Louis Pinstock, Marilyn Piotrowski, Nancy Quiroz
Keith Raak, Kelsey Ramirez, Melecia Rayes, Carli Recchia
Kathleen Riley, Francisca Rodriguez, Maria Rodriguez, Jhonny
Romo, Irene Schreiber, June Schultz, Linda Smith
John Teague, PFC Raymond Teichman, Marina Thijn
Paula Tobe, Matt & Paddy Toole, Karla Van Cott
Gretchen Vapnar, Felipe Varela II, Teresa Velazquez
Nancy Vesely, Eric Von Schaumburg, Betty Walker
Drake Wallis, Frank Widner, Jennifer Wise
Gabriel & Izadora Young, Roy Zemack, Zenaida Zepeda
May they Rest in Peace
John Rogers
Presider/Preaching Schedule
December 13/14, 2014
5:00 PM
7:45 AM
9:15 AM
11:00 AM
12:30 PM
Fr. John Dearhammer
Fr. George Kane
Fr. John Dearhammer
Fr. John Dearhammer
Fr. Scott Hebden
Fr. John Dearhammer
Fr. George Kane
Fr. John Dearhammer
Fr. John Dearhammer
Fr. Scott Hedben
Formation Evangelización
2nd Sunday of Advent
"One mightier than I is coming after me." In today's Gospel, John the Baptist
speaks about what's to come. It's going to be different. It's going to be
better. When he comes‐‐the Messiah‐‐something amazing is going to hap‐
pen. "I have baptized you with water," John says, but "he will baptize you
with the holy Spirit." With the coming of Christ, we move from water to
Spirit‐in other words, from the natural to the supernatural. Jesus takes our lives
to a new level. But we have to be ready to join in on this spiritual journey.
That's why John went around baptizing people for the repentance of their sins.
He wanted to be sure their spirits were open to the Spirit. He wanted to help them
be ready when the time came.
During Advent, we take a similar approach. We focus on what lies ahead:
the coming of Christ. Of course he already came at the first Christmas when he
was born of the Virgin Mary. Certainly, part of this season involves preparing for
Christmas when we remember this original "advent" of the Lord. But another
important element of these days is to make ourselves ready for the second
coming of Christ. This is the moment for which we must always be ready. But we
have an advantage that John's followers did not have. We already have the Spirit
of the Lord in our hearts as baptized Christians. Now, the Lord himself is at work in our
souls to prepare us for his return. The question is only how cooperative we are going to be in the process.
How attentive will we be to the promptings of this Holy Spirit which are often as quiet as a whisper?
Let's be sure, during the busy pre‐holiday bustle, to set aside enough quiet time that we can properly
"prepare the way of the Lord" by listening to his voice.
Parish Information Informacion de la Parroquia
Weekdays / Entre Semana
Mon-Fri 9:00 am
Weekends / Fin de Semana
Saturday 5:00 pm
Sunday 7:45 am
9:15 am (Signed for deaf)
11:00 am
12:30 pm (en Español)
Circulo de Oracion: Viernes, 7:30 pm
Guadalupanos: 12 de cada mes, 7:00 pm
Veneración al Santísimo: Primer
Viernes de cada mes, 8:00 pm
Pastoral Staff/Equipo Pastoral
Rev. John Dearhammer . . . . . .Pastor
Rev. George Kane . .Pastor Emeritus
Marianne Supan OP . .Pastoral Associate
Rosi Viquez . . . . . . . .Liturgy Director
Linda Donaldson . . . . . .Music Director
Weekend Assistance
Anna O’Donnell.. . . . .Business Manager
Linda Donaldson..............Office Manager
Maria Borla - Parish Secretary
Bulletin Coordinator
Office Support Staff
Peg Ghionzoli
Rev. Scott Hebden
Religious Education/Doctrina
Religious Ed Office . . . . . .882-7584
Rosi Viquez - Director/Coordinadora de
Doctrina (English and Spanish programs)
Alicia Lozano . . . . . . . . . . . . .Secretary
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday * 9:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Friday * 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday * 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Sunday * Closed
Wojciech Gracz.... Facilities Manager
Diaconal Couples/Parejas Diaconales
Wayne & Helen Beyer
Xavier & Cecilia Carrera
Mario & Graciela Contreras
Ray & Jan Doud
Mike & Pat Enger
Sung & Angela Han
José and Ivonne Paz
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11-18-2014 05:14:17 PM