0BLIGHTCONE 2014 - Physics - North Carolina State University

May 26-30, 2014 (On-Site registration: Sunday, May 25, 2014)
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina
SECOND CIRCULAR (February 2014)
You are cordially invited to participate and present in the LC2014 workshop
“Theory and Experiment for Hadrons on the Light Front ”
under the auspices of the International Light-cone Advisory Committee (ILCAC) Inc.
This workshop is the 2014 edition of a series of prestigious conferences on lightcone
physics. It will be organized by the Department of Physics, College of Sciences of the
North Carolina State University (NCSU), Raleigh, North Carolina, USA and will be held at
the NCSU Campus, Raleigh, May 26-30, 2014. On-site registration/welcome reception is
from 6:00pm – 10:00pm Sunday, May 25th at the Hearth in Riddick Hall.
The workshop will cover the following topics:
Light Front Field Theory and QCD
12 GeV JLab Upgrade and Hadron Physics
Lattice Gauge Theories
LHC Physics
Relativistic Models for Hadrons and Nuclear Structure
Finite Temperature and Density
EIC Physics
AdS/CFT Duality
The central theme in this workshop is the interface between theory and experiment in
hadron physics. In anticipation of opportunities afforded by new facilities such as the 12
GeV upgrade of Jefferson Lab, the FAIR facility at GSI, J-PARC, and other facilities
around the globe, we plan to organize a timely scientific program to make a representative
impact on the forefront research development of nuclear, hadron and particle physics. We
encourage many young physicists to join and actively discuss with the world experts
participating in this meeting.
Important News
Registration online: http://www.physics.ncsu.edu/LC2014/
The deadline for registration is March 31 2014 at the Early workshop fee rates:
Regular registration fee (by 31 March 2014):
Reduced fee for students (by 31 March 2014):
Accompanying persons (by 30 April 2014):
Please, make your payment in US dollars with credit cards. We are unable to cover bank
charges due to legal legislation. Payment in cash during the registration on site will be
allowed only in exceptional cases and only after previous notification and permission from
the Local Organizing Committee.
IMPORTANT: Please note that payment is NOT possible after April 30th 2014. No Exceptions.
The North Carolina State University has issued strict regulations concerning finances that
we are obliged to follow. After registration, each participant will receive confirmation of
payment by email.
Late registration fee (1 April to 30 April 2014):
Late student fee (1 April to 30 April 2014):
Reservations must be done individually. On-site housing (Avent Ferry Complex, ES King
Village, Wolf Village) are available for the workshop participants. Cost about $40 ppn. A
list of hotels with special rates for LC2014 participants can be found under
“Accomodations” on the website.
Workshop Fees
A regular registration fee of $450 ($250 for graduate students) covers participation in
LC2014 and includes coffee breaks, 5 lunches, welcome party, conference dinner,
excursion, workshop poster, and online publication of the proceedings. After April 1st, 2014
the registration fee will be $500 ($300 for graduate students).
We are planning to publish the proceedings of the workshop with Springer Verlag as a
Special Issue of the journal Few Body Systems.
Let us know whether you need an invitation letter to process your visa.
Raleigh is served by the Raleigh-Durham International Airport. NCSU lies in the heart of
Raleigh. The Department of Physics is located in Riddick Hall on north campus. A map of
north campus is available at: http://www.ncsu.edu/campus_map/north.htm.
Research Triangle Area
Invited Speakers (more to be added as it progresses)
Ben Bakker (VU, Amsterdam)
Hrayr Matevosyan (Adelaide U.)
Wally Melnitchouk (Jefferson Lab)
Adnan Bashir (UMSNH, Mexico)
Silas Beane (UW, Seattle)
João Pacheco B. C. de Melo (UNICSUL)
Andreas Metz (Temple U.)
Daniel Boer* (U. Groningen)
Stan Brodsky (SLAC, Stanford)
Gerald Miller (UW, Seattle)
Anuradha Misra (Mumbai U.)
Maarten Buffing (VU, Amsterdam)
Ho-Meoyng Choi (KNU, South
Barbara Pasquini* (Pavia U.)
Teresa Pena (CFIF, Lisbon)
Korea) Ian Cloet (ANL)
Michael Engelhardt (NMSU)
Jen-Chieh Peng (Illinois U., Urbana)
Wayne Polyzou (U. Iowa)
Andrea Ferrero (CEA, France)
Tobias Frederico (ITA, Brazil)
Anatoly Radyushkin (Jefferson Lab)
Gianni Salme (INFN, Rome)
Stan Glazek* (Warsaw U.)
John Hiller (UMN, Duluth)
Ruben Sandapen (Moncton U.)
Matthias Schindler (South Carolina U.)
Tim Hobbs (Indiana U.)
Paul Hoyer* (Helsinki U.)
Nico Stefanis (Ruhr U., Bochum)
Peter Tandy (Kent State U.)
Anton Ilderton (Chalmers U. Tech. )
Xiangdong Ji* (Shanghai Jiaotong U.)
James Vary (Iowa State U.)
Raju Venugopalan* (BNL)
Vladimir Karmanov* (Lebedev Inst.)
Huey-Wen Lin* (UW, Seattle)
Michele Viviani (Pisa U.)
Simonetta Liuti (UVA)
Cedric Lorce (IPN, Orsay)
* To be confirmed
Scientific Advisory Committee
Ben Bakker (VU, Amsterdam)
Antonio Bassetto (INFN Padova, Italy)
Stan Brodsky (SLAC, Stanford)
Nicole d’Hose (CEA, France)
Tobias Frederico (ITA, Brazil)
Robert McKeown (JLab)
Berndt Mueller (BNL & Duke)
Piet Mulders (VU, Amsterdam)
Barbara Pasquini (Pavia, Italy)
Michael Pennington (JLab)
Wayne Polyzou (Univ. of Iowa)
Craig Roberts (ANL)
Andreas Schaefer (Regensburg, Germany)
Anthony Thomas (Adelaide, Australia)
Marc Vanderhaeghen (Mainz, Germany)
James Vary (Iowa State Univ.)
Guorong (Fan) Wang (Nanjing, China)
Local Organizing Committee
Chueng Ji (LC2014 Chair)
Wally Melnitchouk (JLab)
Haiyan Gao (Duke)
John Blondin (NCSU)
Dean Lee (NCSU)
Thomas Schaefer (NCSU)
Mithat Unsal (NCSU)
Rhonda Bennett (Administrative Support)
Leslie Cochran (Administrative Support)
Phone: +1-919-513-2182 (Rhonda Bennett)
Fax: +1-919-515-3099
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Mailing address
Prof. Chueng-Ryong Ji
Director of Graduate Program
Department of Physics, North Carolina State University
Box 8202, Raleigh, NC 27695-8202