02-25-14 IDT Report - Southwest Power Pool

SPP Integrated Deployment Test Report
February 25, 2014
6 Hours
SPP provides this report of the Integrated Marketplace 6‐hour Integrated
Deployment Test (IDT), the fourteenth in a series of 15 IDTs, which completed on
to the test, activity that occurred during the test, and an analysis/synopsis of the
The following events occurred and included the software and model indicated:
Event/Software Event Time/Software Version IDT Planned Start Time 0930 IDT Actual Start Time 0930 IDT Planned End Time 1530 IDT Actual End Time 1530 Planned URD Waiver Time Period HE 1000 through 1600 Actual URD Waiver Time Period HE 1000 through 1600 Planned NERC Waiver Time Period 0915 – 1545 Actual NERC Waiver Time Period 0915 – 1545 Commercial/Network Model Version PROD MAS 16.0 Settlements Model Version PROD MAS 16.0 Settlements System Software Version EMS Software Version Markets System Software Version Special Test Conditions (RSS, TLR,…) If Applicable Page | 1
eTerra 3.0.6 v 2.5 v 1.9.3 Ramp Sharing at 50% for RegUp and RegDown and 100% for Spinning and Supplemental Reserves ThefollowingSPPstafffilledtherolesthatareimportanttothecoordinationofthe
Key IDT Roles Contact MP Call Moderator George Kelly BA Call Moderator Brian Strickland Vendor Call Moderator Julie Bittle IDT Lead Runner Scott Stapels Thisreportincludesthefollowingsections:
1. Executive Summary ..................................................................................................... 3 2. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 3 3. Pre-Call ........................................................................................................................ 4 4. IDT Go/No-Go Roll Call ............................................................................................. 4 5. General Observations .................................................................................................. 8 6. Detailed Issues List...................................................................................................... 9 7. Performance Charts ................................................................................................... 10 Page | 2
The fourteenth IDT started on time, ran for six hours, ended on time and was very
successful. The transition from the EIS market to the Integrated Marketplace was very
smooth with no issues managing the SPP BA ACE. SPP was able to manage frequency
and ACE for the entire 6-hour duration of the test.
This was the first test using the Regulation priority groups for deploying Regulation
Up and Regulation Down.
During this IDT SPP also tested managing the SPP BA in BAAL (NERC’s Balancing
Authority ACE Limit) control mode.
This was the first test with the Integrated Marketplace scheduling/tagging system in
Production meaning that Market Participants were no longer required to submit dual tag
entries for their schedules. Market Participants were instructed to submit EIS schedules
only for today’s test. Beginning on February 22nd they were allowed to begin submitting
Integrated Marketplace schedules for Operating Days March 1st and beyond.
Ramp Sharing was “on” at 50% for Regulation Up and Regulation Down and “on” at
100% for Spinning and Supplemental Reserves for the entire test.
In order to validate that Southwest Power Pool (SPP) and Market Participant
Marketplace Protocols, SPP has scheduled 15 IDTs wherein SPP will focus on all
The fourteenth IDT was held on 02/25/2014 from 9:30 A.M. through 3:30 P.M. The
purpose of the test was to runtheIntegratedMarketplacewithRegisteredResources
morning ramp through the day’s slow load drop in order to test SPP’s ability to
managetheIntegratedMarketplaceduringsuch periodsandtocontinuetogather
1) BAs and MPs are able to rapidly switch from following Energy Imbalance
2) Maintain the overall SPP BA Area Control Error (ACE) and frequency in
acceptable ranges throughout the duration of the test.
3) Start and stop the test on time, as scheduled.
4) No major problems experienced by SPP or the MPs.
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For the 02/25 IDT, the pre-call was held on 02/24. SPP addressed some areas of
concern with the participants in an effort to improve system performance during the IDT.
SPP reiterated the need for the BAs and MPs to have a representative on the open
conference lines for the pre-call and during the IDT at the beginning of each call.
Roll-call was taken and representatives for all of the 16 BAs attended the call and
provided a preliminary “Go” for the next day’s IDT. For the MPs representing
Resources, there were ten MPs that were expected to be on the call but were not. SPP
was unable to confirm the status of these ten MPs that were not on the call.
On 02/25 SPP opened the conference call lines and took a Go/No-Go vote. The BA’s
were polled on the reliability conference call and all 16 BAs gave a “Go” (two of the
BA’s gave their Go/No-Go vote on the open MP call due to reliability/marketing code of
conduct issues).
Next, the marketing representatives for the BAs and MPs representing Resources
provided a “Go”. There were two MPs that was expected to be on the call that were not.
Refer to the following tables for the names of the representatives that provided a
“Go” for the 02/25/2014 IDT:
Begin IDT End IDT Go/No‐Go Go/No‐Go AEP (CSWS) – American Electric Power Service Corp. “Go” – Tyler Springer “Go” NPPD – Nebraska Public Power District “Go” – Matt Lockard “Go” “Go” – Chad Verbanzik “Go” “Go” – David Rector “Go” “Go” – Mike Fuller “Go” “Go” – Clay Carr “Go” BA Reliability Attendance: SPS (XCEL) – Southwestern Public Service Company CUS (SPRM) – City Utilities of Springfield OKGE – Oklahoma Gas and Electric WFEC – Western Farmers Page | 4
WR – Westar Energy “Go” – Mark Scheve “Go” “Go” – Rebecca Hohnstein “Go” “Go” – Shaun Owens “Go” EDE – Empire District Electric “Go” – Chuck Davis “Go” INDN – City of Independence “Go” – Rebecca Beeker “Go” “Go” – Bill Nolte “Go” KCPL – Kansas City Power and Light “Go” – Karl Bodenheimer “Go” MPS – Missouri Public Services (KCPL) “Go” – Karl Bodenheimer “Go” Begin IDT End IDT Go/No‐Go Go/No‐Go OPPD – Omaha Public Power District “Go” – Mark Trumble “Go” GRDA – Grand River Dam Authority “Go” – Chris Dill, Matt Foote “Go” LES – Lincoln Electric System Marketing KBPU (KACY) – Kansas City Board of Public Utilities SECI – Sunflower Electric Power Corp. BA Reliability Attendance (On MP Call): BA Marketing Attendance: Begin IDT Go/No‐Go OPPD – Omaha Public Power District (Marketing) “Go” – Mark Trumble, Carla Fitzpatrick GRDA – Grand River Dam Authority (Marketing) “Go” – Matt Foote AEP (CSWS) Marketing – American Electric Power Service Corp. “Go” – Terry Gates Page | 5
BA Marketing Attendance: NPPD – Nebraska Public Power District (TEA) CUS (SPRM) – City Utilities of Springfield (TEA) Begin IDT Go/No‐Go “Go” –Eric Wacker “Go” – Jeremy Hatfield (TEA) SPS (XCEL) – Southwestern Public Service Company “Go” – Ashley Gibbons OKGE – Oklahoma Gas and Electric “Go” – Richard Owen WFEC – Western Farmers (ACES) “Go” – Howard Wong SECI – Sunflower Electric Power Corp. (ACES) “Go” – Howard Wong GSEC ‐ Golden Spread Electric Cooperative (ACES) “Go” – Howard Wong WR – Westar Energy “Go” – Justin Campbell MP ‐ DGPM ‐ Dogwood Power Management “Go” – Justin Campbell MP ‐ MIDW ‐ Midwest Energy “Go” – Justin Campbell MP ‐ CHAN ‐ City of Chanute “Go” – Justin Campbell LES – Lincoln Electric System Marketing “Go” – Steve Haun KBPU (KACY) – Kansas City Board of Public Utilities “Go” – Jerin Purtee EDE – Empire District Electric “Go” – Josh Tupper INDN – City of Independence On BA Call KCPL – Kansas City Power and Light “Go” – Chris Bridges MPS – Missouri Public Services (KCPL) “Go” – Chris Bridges Page | 6
MP Attendance: AECC ‐ Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corp. Begin IDT Go/No‐Go “Go” – Brad Johnston BCV ‐ Blue Canyon Wind Power – Blue Canyon VI “Go” – Joe McDermott SUSP ‐ Sustaining Power Solutions – Blue Canyon V “Go” – Joe McDermott BUFF ‐ Buffalo Dunes Wind Project (ENEL) – CHSM ‐ Chisholm View Wind Project (ENEL) – CALP – Calpine Energy Services “Go” – Sharon Ready FPLP ‐ Nextera Energy Power Marketing “Go” – Jennifer Buckner CMRN ‐ Cimarron Wind Energy (Nextera) “Go” – Jennifer Buckner MJST ‐ High Majestic Wind (Nextera) “Go” – Jennifer Buckner MNCO ‐ Minco Wind (Nextera) “Go” – Jennifer Buckner GOOG – Google Energy “Go” – Curtis Tarwater FREM ‐ City of Fremont “Go” – Mark Trumble DRDG ‐ Dempsey Ridge Wind Farm “Go” – Gary Brown EXGN ‐ Exelon Generation Company “Go” – Mike Worthington FR2W ‐ Flat Ridge Wind Energy KMEA ‐ Kansas Municipal Energy Agency MEUC ‐ Missouri Joint Municipal Electric Commission “Go” – Ryan Blaine “Go” – John Seck “Go” – Rebecca Atkins MEAN ‐ Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska “Go” – David Beard NGP1 ‐ Noble Great Plains Windpark “Go” – James Lewis OMPA ‐ Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority SWE – Southern Company Service “Go” – Mike Mushrush “Go” – Emily Jackson TPS ‐ Tenaska Power Services “Go” – Michael Bivona KPP ‐ Kansas Power Pool (Tenaska) “Go” – Michael Bivona Page | 7
The fourteenth IDT started on time at 9:30 A.M., ended as scheduled at 3:30 P.M.,
and it was very successful. SPP was able to manage ACE and frequency for the entire six
hours and there were no major problems for either SPP or the MPs. The following is a
summary of high level observations:
A reminder that BAs and MPs are requested to be on the calls on time.
The previous concerns with heavily loaded constraints were addressed and
were not an issue during the test nor are they expected to be in future IDTs.
The timing for cutting in and out of the test was good.
The Switchover to Integrated Marketplace setpoints was very smooth with no
problems maintaining ACE or frequency. The successful entry was attributed
to EIS and IM Resource Plans matching up very well.
The large price differences between EIS and Integrated Marketplace LIP/LMPs
during previous IDTs was not an issue during this test.
Ramp sharing was on (50%) for Regulation Up and Regulation Down and on at
100% for Spinning and Supplemental Reserves for the entire test.
During the IDT there were no naturally occurring RSS Events.
Deploying Regulation Up and Regulation Down utilizing the 6 priority buckets
worked very well:
a. Will provide an update to the Joint Working Group on 2/26.
b. SPP will recommend that 6 priority groups be activated at Go-Live to
mitigate potential slow regulation response.
c. SPP estimates 4-6 Resources per priority group.
d. An average clearing of 10 MW clearing of Regulation per Resource.
e. Expected to deploy 40-60 MW on a bucket before moving to the next.
Tested BAAL Control for the entire IDT. Tested managing the SPP BA ACE
with BAAL control in place of CPS control. During this time CPS2 violations
aren’t applicable
All 72 RTBM intervals solved and were approved on time.
SPP informed MPs that they could submit either “Fixed” or “Market” Offers
for Regulation service instead of asking the existing providers in the EIS
Market to submit fixed offers for this product on the same resources identified
as carrying it in the EIS Market Ancillary Services Plans. Additionally, SPP
requested that the MPs also submit “Fixed” or “Market” Offers for Spinning
and Supplemental Reserves.
SPP did not put any restrictions on what MPs should submit Turn Around
Ramp Rate Factors (TARRF) at for this IDT.
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The following provides detail for the issues experienced during the 02/25 IDT.
Description / Observation / Issue There were no reportable issues during the 02‐25 IDT. Page | 9
Status and Follow Up Notes 7.
The following charts provide analysis of the overall performance during the IDT.
SPP ACE vs. L10:
BAAL Control from
9:30 AM – 3:30 PM
CPS2 Violations were not applicable
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SPP ACE and Regulation Deployed:
NSI and NAI / ACE, Frequency and Regulation Deployed/Generation and Load:
Page | 11
Generation Setpoints and Generation Actual:
SPP ACE, Regulation Deployed, and Market Wind Output:
Page | 12
Total Regulation Cleared:
Average difference between EIS LIPs and Integrated Marketplace LMPs:
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Average EIS LIPs:
Average Integrated Marketplace LMPs:
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