ADVANCES IN PGPR RESEARCH: IDENTIFICATION, DEVELOPMENT AND APLICATION IN COLOMBIA BANANA CROPS Luz Edith Argel Roldán, John Jairo Mira Castillo MAGDALENA-GUAJIRA URABÁ 12643 Ha 90´000 boxes/year 34800 Ha INTRODUCTION Microbiological, Chemical and Physical Soil Degradation Fertilizer expensive Water and soil contamination for chemicals fertilizers Technological dependence Alliance with local universities (Spin off HABA) Clean production of bananas Screening for potential plant growth promoting rhizobacteria isolated from Bananas M. Sc. Tesis of Camilo Ramírez (2005) AIMS To know the potential of rhizobacteria associated to banana and plantain plants to promote growth and plant health • Isolate promissory bacterias from rizosphere • Physiological and chemical capacity to promote growth • Test of promissory isolates Sampling And Selective Isolation Rhizobacteria 66 Bacillus spp 105 isolates 38 Pseudomonas spp 1 Coco variable Gram KOH positive BIOCHEMICALS TESTS Pseudomonas spp Activity ACCase 4 isolates Siderophores production 11 isolates Growth Inhibition of Fusarium ox ysporum f.sp. Cubense 21 isolates BIOCHEMICALS TESTS… Bacillus spp. Pseudomonas spp. & Bacillus spp. β-1,3- Glucanases 8 isolates ISR C. lindemuthianum /P. vulgaris 9 isolates Phosphate solubilizing 11 isolates Quitinases 22 isolates Design of a production process and product development based on Bacillus spp. rhizobacteria to promote growth in Banana (M usa AAA) Luisa Fernanda Posada Uribe, María Ramírez Correa, Luz Edith Argel Roldán, John Jairo Mira Castillo y Valeska Villegas Escobar AIM Develop a biotechnology product based on rhizobacteria of the genus Bacillus spp. that promotes root growth and health of banana plants (Musa AAA) To isolate, to select and to identify Strain with potencial PGPR To Evaluate the effect of the formulations in greenhouse and field Cultivar and herbicide application as a source of variability 1.4E+07 43% a Herbicide Without Herbicide 1.2E+07 CFU /g Root a 1.0E+07 32% 8.0E+06 6.0E+06 4.0E+06 2.0E+06 b b a 72% b 0.0E+00 G. enano A Valery Cultivar M usa spp. Hartón AEFB Collection associated with Banana and Plantain TSB + 20% glycerol -80°C AEFB Collected 837 isolated PGPR Selection Strategies In vitro evaluation of PGPR traits (AIA and antimicrobial metabolites) Evaluation in a model plant of rapid growth and easy handling (corn) Evaluation of selected strains directly on banana plants 13 Test of PGPR Traits IAA Production Salwcosky Solution 562 Isolates (67%) C+ UA567 Ramírez (2008) IAA PRODUCTION 0 µg/mL 275 33% 2-15 µg/mL 404 49% 16-30 µg/mL 105 12% 31-45 µg/mL 43 5% 46-60 µg/mL 10 1% 837 isolates Musa spp. Ralstonia solanacearum EAP009 Fusarium oxysporum EAP004 Qualitative 153 (18.3%) inhibition halos 27 (3.2%) inhibición halos Quantitative 28 (3.3%) ]Inhibition diametre de = ó > a los C+ Inhibition Halos 5-12 mm C+: B. subtilis UA321 Ramírez (2008) Rhapsody B. subtilis QST713 Isolates Code B. amyloliquefaciens EA-CB0158 B. subtilis EA-CB1121 EA-CB0575 B. pumilus EA-CB0177 B. altitudinis EA-CB0686 B. cereus EA-CB0131 B. megaterium EA-CB0784 Photos Photos Villegas (2010) A 0,90 30 Peso aéreo (g) Shoot dryseco weitght Shoot dry weight a 0,80 25 ab 0,70 abc abc abc abc 0,60 20 c c 0,50 15 0,40 0,30 10 EACB0158 (25%) EA-CB0177 (14%) 0,20 5 0,10 0,00 EA-CB0158 EA-CB0177 EA-CB0131 EA-CB1121 EA-CB0686 EA-CB0784 PSA (g) % Incremento C- EA-CB0575 0,78 0,67 0,65 0,62 0,61 0,61 0,56 0,48 25 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Isolates Aislado bacteriano B a 0,40 Peso seco raíz (g) Root dry weight 0,45 45 40 a ab 0,35 ab 35 ab ab 0,30 30 b 0,25 0,20 Control 0,15 b 25 20 EA-CB158 15 0,10 10 0,05 5 0,00 PSR % Incremento EAEAEAEACB0177 CB0784 CB0158 CB1121 0,41 39 0,37 32 0,34 26 0,34 26 EAEACB0686 CB0131 0,33 24 Aislado bacteriano Isolates 0,30 24 C- EACB0575 0,25 0 0,24 0 0 EA-CB0177 (39%) EA-CB0784 (32%) 9,0 8,4 20 ab ab ab Longitud aérea (cm) Shoot longitude (cm) 8,0 abc 18 abc bc c 7,0 16 14 6,0 12 5,0 10 4,0 8 3,0 6 2,0 4 1,0 2 0,0 LA (cm) % Incremento 0 EACB0158 EACB1121 EACB0177 EACB0686 EACB0131 EACB0575 EACB0784 C- 8,4 18 8,2 16 8,1 15 7,9 13 7,5 8 7,4 7 7,3 5 6,9 0 Bacterian isolate Aislado bacteriano Uninoculated C- Inoculated 158 LA EA-CB0158 (18%) EA-CB01121 (16%) EA-CB0177 (15%) EA-CB0686 (13%) Measurements Microorganisms Pseudostem B. cereus EA-CB0131 Root B. subtilis EA-0575 Fresh weight B. pum ilus EA-0784 Dry weight B. subtil is EA-1121 TREATMENT Formulated Strain Pesta EACB 0131 EACB 0575 EACB 0 784 EACB 1121 0 Talc EACB 0131 EACB 0575 EACB 0 784 EACB 1121 0 Absolute Control Whitout inoculation 0 20 plants/treatments Reinoculation Monthly Measurements Foliar Emit Longitude Stem diameter Flowering Weigth Raceme Experimental field AUGURA, CarepaAntioquia. Lote 4. TREATMENT PRODUCTION TIME PROGENY (months) T131 P131 T575 P575 T784 P784 T1121 P1121 T0 P0 Absolut Control 7.06 abc 7.26 abcd 7.41 abcde 6.8 a 6.92 abc 8 de 6.94 abc 7.54 abcde 7.67 cde 7.67 cde 8.07 e 1.58 MONTHS OF DIFFERENCE 1.266 MONTHS OF DIFFERENCE TREATMENT T131 P131 T575 P575 T784 P784 T1121 P1121 T0 P0 Absolute Control leaves Bacota- bellota Stem Progeny Corm PRODUCTION TIME FLOWERING (months) 7.05 abc 7.05 abc 7.25 abc 6.68 a 7.25 abcd 7.63 de 6.85 ab 7.29 bcd 7.45 cd 7.4 cd 8.26 e Strains EACB-0158, EACB-0177, EACB-0575, EACB-0784 and EACB-1121 were the best in vitro in corn plants Strains P575, P784, T575, T784 Showed the best results in banana plants in greenhouse Bioformulation P575 showed the best response in growth promotion and reduction time of the crop in the field. (6 weeks) CONCEPTUAL DESIGN OF PRODUCTION PROCESS OF Bacillus subtilis EA-CB0575 FOR PROMOTING GROWTH IN Musa AAA Luisa Fernanda Posada Uribe M.Sc. Candidate (2012) AIMS To design conceptually the production process of the strain Bacillus subtilis EACB-0575 to promote growth in Musa AAA To develop a Bacillus subtilis culture medium and to optimize the physico chemical factors involved in plant growth at bioreactor level. To Scale of biomass production To Evaluate the effect in promoting growht in greenhouse To Desgin conceptually the production process OUR NEXT STEP BIOPROSPECTING OF TROPICAL BIODIVERSITY TEST OF PROMISSORY ISOLATES FORMULATION OF BIOPESTICIDES CO- DEVELOPMENT Biological Solutions for Agriculture CLEAN AGRICULTURE Thank You [email protected]
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