First Circular Symposion Vienna 2

First Circular and Call for Papers
“10 Years of EU Eastern Enlargement –
The Geographical Balance of a Courageous Step”
organized by
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Urban and Regional Research
in cooperation with
Austrian Geographical Society (ÖGG)
Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM)
Southeast Europe Association (SOG)
Vienna [Wien], Austria
3rd – 4th December, 2014
Administrative Subdivision of Central and Southeast Europe,
Atlas of Eastern and Southeastern Europe
Dear colleague,
You are cordially invited to take part in the international scientific symposium “10 Years of
EU Eastern Enlargement – The Geographical Balance of a Courageous Step” in Vienna, 3rd –
4th December 2014, organized by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Urban and
Regional Research, in cooperation with the Austrian Geographical Society, the Institute for
the Danube Region and Central Europe and the Southeast Europe Association.
Topic of the symposion
The symposium will highlight ten years of Central and Southeast European EU membership
and the related developments and results in various fields under the various aspects of human
This includes in regional terms Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic,
Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia; but also Romania and Bulgaria – although members of the
EU only since 2007. The regional and temporal frame is also extended to Croatia (EU
member since 2013) and the effects of pre-accession policies and processes on EU candidates
in Southeast Europe.
In terms of thematic scope, the symposium addresses predominantly the fields of political
geography, economic geography, social and cultural geography, population geography,
migration studies, urban studies, regional development, rural development, tourism geography
and transportation geography.
It is the intention of the symposium to present views from both inside the region in question
and from the outside, i.e. from neighbouring countries and major political players in Europe
and beyond. Thus, the symposium aims to identify and outline successes and problem areas
resulting from EU accession in the countries directly affected, as well as answering the
question of what this means for the political, economic and cultural situation in wider Europe.
Potential subtopics (This is not intended to be the structure of the symposium nor a complete
list, rather a list of topics which could be addressed)
- Socio-economic spatial disparities
- Rural development
- Development of agriculture
- Urban development
- Metropolitan network
- Transportation network (TEN-T)
- Modal split in transportation
- Administrative structure (administrative subdivision, devolution of powers,
administrative regionalisation)
- Cross-border co-operation
- Population development
- Migration
- Economic development
- Labour market
- Effects of EU regional policy and funding on economic and regional
development (Regional Policy, the Common Agrarian Policy)
- Ecological aspects of economic development
- Strategies for European spatial development
- Industrial development
- Conversion of old industrial and mining sites
Power industry, power supply and power transportation systems
Tourism development
Tourism as a factor of regional development
Foreign direct investment
Foreign trade networks
Development of political relations
Development of the political landscape (party system, political culture,
political participation, civil society, co-operation with state and other public
Space-related identities (European, national, regional, local)
Minority policies and development of ethnic and linguistic minorities
Cultural diversity versus cultural homogenization and globalization
Language policies (national and European level)
Status of religion and religious institutions in society
Development of the educational system (including European exchange
Geopolitical aspects of EU enlargement
External EU relations
The European integration process (finality, subsidiarity, further enlargement)
Public response to EU accession and further European integration
Scientific council and paper selection committee
Hansjörg BREY, Southeast Europe Association
Heinz FASSMANN, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Urban and Regional Research
Peter JORDAN, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Urban and Regional Research
Susan MILFORD, Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe
Christian STAUDACHER, Austrian Geographical Society
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Theatersaal, Sonnenfelsgasse 19, 1010 Wien
15th September 2014: Registration and announcement of papers. There is no registration fee.
Please, find the registration form enclosed. Please send completed forms to
[email protected]
30th October 2014: Submission of abstracts (max. 400 words)
A 2nd Circular with a detailed programme of the symposium will follow after the deadline
for registration.
We look forward to welcoming you in Vienna and with kind regards,
on behalf of the organizers
“10 Years of EU Eastern Enlargement –
The Geographical Balance of a Courageous Step”
organized by
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Urban and Regional Research
in cooperation with
Austrian Geographical Society (ÖGG)
Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM)
Southeast Europe Association (SOG)
Vienna [Wien], Austria
3rd – 4th December, 2014
Registration form
Please return to [email protected] or send by fax to +43 (1) 51581/3533 by 15th
September 2014
I will participate in the Symposium in Vienna
I wish to present a paper titled (Presenting a paper is not a condition for participation.)