MAY 2014 1 Iyar – 2 Sivan 5774 Friday, May 2 Family Night/Shabbat Rocks Service Sunday, May 4 Heh & High School Graduation Sunday, May 4th at 6:00 PM – CSI Yom Ha’Atzmaut Celebration Join us as we celebrate Yom Ha’Atzmaut complete with Israeli food, music by the CSI Band: Clifford Carter, Mark Fineberg, David Shiovitz & Rob Wallis and Israeli Dancing. $18 per family – please RSVP to [email protected] Friday, May 9 Nursery School Special Person’s Day – See page 9 Sunday, May 11 Happy Mother’s Day Monday, May 12 Sisterhood Mah Jong Tuesday, May 13 Ha Mishpacha Luncheon Friday, May 16 Bet Family Shabbat See page 6 Sunday, May 18 Women’s Book Club with Roni Shapiro Friday, May 30 Alef Family Service – See Page 6 Coming in June Sunday, June 1st – Last Day of Religious School – Celebrate Israel Parade in N.Y.C. Tuesday, June 3 – Tikkun Leyl Shavuot (evening) Wednesday & Thursday, June 4th & 5th Shavuot Services Friday, June 6th - Shabbat Under the Stars 6:15 PM Join us for Hors D’Oeuvres – 7:00 PM Family Night Service FROM THE RABBI, ideals it was founded upon. There can be of course legitimate debate as to how to achieve those ideals, but because their values are so similar, dual loyalties are actually positive, helping to bring about goals that are favorable to both countries. The same of course is true about American Jews. We feel that the foundation of both America and Israel rest on the same principles. There may be moments of disagreement about how to achieve the kind of society that both Israel and America want, but there is little difference on what those goals are. To be loyal Americans does not mean that we cannot be strong supporters of Israel. I firmly believe that our support of Israel as American Jews actually strengthens what America stands for in the world. This month we will celebrate the 66th anniversary of the founding of the Jewish State. As both Jews and Americans this is something we should be proud to be a part of. There is no greater symbol of what these two countries stand for than our loyalty to the ideals of both of them. As Jews, as Americans, and especially as American Jews, we are proud to stand with Israel. Steven C. Kane Recently there was talk about the United States letting Jonathan Pollard, the naval intelligence officer who was convicted of spying for Israel, go free as an incentive to get the Israeli government to continue with the peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian authority. While there are all sorts of complications with this possible action (for example, Israel has been letting Palestinians who were found guilty of terrorist attacks out of prison, and that is not the equivalent of Pollard's spying for a friendly country), what it has really raised once again is the question of "duel loyalties" of American Jews. Jews throughout the ages have always seen themselves as loyal to the country they were living in. Especially in modern times, Jews have served in the armed forces of nations, rising to the highest ranks. During World War l there were Jews who fought in the German army, opposing Jews fighting against them in other countries. But since 1948, when Israel was established as a Jewish State, the question of whether Jews were more loyal to the country they lived in or more loyal to Israel has become a real question in the minds of some. When Jonathan Pollard stole secrets and sold them to Israel, the question of Jewish loyalty became even more prominent. We know that friendly countries spy on each other (this happens in the "other direction" too), but what Jonathan Pollard did was damage our status as American Jews more than anyone else in modern times. The question of different loyalties though is not one that applies only to Jews. Indeed anyone who holds strong loyalties to one ideal or another can be accused of not always upholding the laws of the government of the United States. There have been people so committed to either far right wing or far left wing causes that they saw disobeying the laws of the United States as a higher cause than upholding the Constitution, or at least how the Constitution was interpreted by our courts and lawmakers. More importantly, it is certainly possible to have more than one country that draws our loyalty. No doubt that French, Irish or Italian Americans care very deeply about what happens in their country of origin. That of course does not mean that they are not loyal Americans. What it means is that they work towards having these countries and the United States espouse the same ideals and policies. What they have in common is the concept of western democracy, where the government reflects the will of the people, trying to better their lives through the L'hitraot, Rabbi Steven Kane Bulletin of Congregation Sons of Israel 1666 Pleasantville Road, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 A Conservative Synagogue Founded 1891-Affiliated With Our Mission Statement adopted 1999, revised 2007: Congregation Sons of Israel is an egalitarian, Conservative synagogue dedicated to imparting Jewish values and traditions from generation to generation in a welcoming participatory environment. We are a caring community committed to lifelong Jewish learning, the observance of mitzvot, meaningful prayer and charitable deeds. We promote spiritual, cultural and social connections within our community, to the State of Israel, and to Jews worldwide. Office: (914) 762-2700 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: (914) 941-3465 Steven C. Kane, Rabbi Jeffrey Shiovitz, Hazzan Roni Shapiro Ben-David, Educational Director Andrew Kagan Lisa Goodkin Roberta Kay Neil Schluger OFFICERS President Jack Zinn Vice President Vice President Robert Margolies Treasurer Vice President Dan Levine Secretary Vice President Daniel Singer Imm. Past Pres Reach CSI on the Web Page at Bulletin published 10 months a year, no issues in July & August Publication year 2013 – 2014 2 Issue 8 CANTORIAL NOTES Hazzan Jeffrey Shiovitz Later this month I will be attending the 6th Mazal Tov to Cantor Shiovitz upon receiving The Samuel Rosenbaum Award for Scholarship and Creativity. annual Cantor’s Assembly convention in Ft. Lauderdale. The Cantor’s Assembly, based at the Jewish Theological Seminary, is the largest organization of cantors in the world. I am honored to serve on the Executive Council of the C.A. as well as Chair of Publications since 1993. I am privileged to be presenting two sessions at the convention. The first is an illustration of my latest book, B’chol Dor Vador: In Every Generation, Jewish Holiday Songs. It has been very well received and we are nearing our second printing. I am also leading and producing an afternoon concert session titled “Gems of the Cantor’s Assembly”, featuring many favorite songs published by the Cantor’s Assembly. Most importantly, I will be honored with the Samuel Rosenbaum Award for Scholarship and Creativity. It will be the 14th time it will be awarded in our organization’s history. Have you ever wondered what happens when 400 cantors from the USA, Canada, Israel, Sweden and South America get together? A lot of interesting music and languages! The Bonaventure Hotel transforms itself into a synagogue, a concert hall, a recording studio and a 5day musical whirlwind. At the Bonaventure, the intimate setting allows us to make the hotel our own “hometown”. We get up in the morning and take part in Shacharit, led by a Hazzan who has only dreamed of davening a service before hundreds of very knowledgeable worshipers. Then there is the three-times-a-day task of entering the dining room, seeing more food than you can imagine and remembering that we “eat to live” and hopefully refrain from the converse. Each morning we have workshops where we hear new music, learn new teaching techniques, what’s new in technology and share in panel discussions on the present state of the cantorate, retooling for the 21st century and the outlook for the Conservative movement. Being near Miami, there will be a big concert of Latin Jewish music. We will be meeting with leaders of AIPAC and Israel. Late nights, after the evening concerts, there is more music! Then it starts all over again. I love our conventions. They are a time to renew old friendships, make new ones, learn new music and re-charge my batteries. HA MISHPACHA Tuesday, May 13th – 12:30 PM at CSI Lunch will be served . . . Followed by Book DCDTeTje Hazzan Robert Shapiro And A Salute to Israel. Ha Mishpacha means the family. It is a group for couples and singles over 65. Each month a different musical, cultural, social or educational program will be presented. We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month – but please always check the Bulletin for the current month’s date. For more information Contact Cantor Shiovitz, 923-0175 MEET NEW FRIENDS – GREET OLD FRIENDS NURSERY SCHOOL P.T.A. Jenean Eichenholtz Spring has arrived in the nursery school! The kids are thrilled to be back out on their beloved playground and are having so much fun now that the weather has finally warmed up. The nursery school seder was a terrific event as always. Thanks to all the parents who helped prepare for the day and to all of those who joined our kids in celebrating this holiday. Plans are under way for end-of-year events for both parents and kids. The last Mom’s Night Out of the year will take place this month and the P.T.A. is busy putting together a fun celebration for the children as well. We hope everyone is enjoying the return of above-freezing temperatures! Happy Spring! 3 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL NEWS Roni Shapiro, Educational Director UPCOMING SCHOOL DATES TO ENTER ON YOUR MAY CALENDAR 1 2 3 4 6 Nursery School Play Group Family Night/Shabbat Rocks Junior Congregation Heh & High School Graduation (last day of H.S.) Nursery School Israel’s birthday celebration, USY Elections 8 Nursery School Play Group 9 Nursery School Special Person’s Day 10 Junior Congregation 11 NO SCHOOL – Happy Mother’s Day 13 Nursery School Sign Language 15 Nursery School Play Group 16 Bet Class Family Service & Dinner 17 Junior Congregation & last Kadima Service 18 Israeli Dancing 19 Nursery School Mad Science 20-21 Hebrew Assessments grades Alef-Dalet 22 Nursery School Play Group 24 NO Junior Congregation 25 & 26 NO SCHOOL 27 Nursery School Sign Language 27-28 Content Projects 28 Briarcliff Manor Fire Department visits N.S. 29 Nursery School Play Group 30 Alef Class Family Service & Dinner 31 Junior Congregation At this time of year religious school choices become very difficult. Many of our students play soccer, lacrosse or softball and therefore leave class early or do not come to class at all. Children who do not show up for their games are viewed in a negative manner since they are letting their team and/or coach down. In addition, those children whose parents choose to have them attend religious school and not their practice or game, sometimes feel embarrassed and disappointed that they have to be in synagogue instead of on the field. What’s the solution? I’d like to say - and I am not the only one who feels this way – no one should ever miss class or leave early from religious school for sports but we all know that is not realistic in this community where sports play such an important role in our children’s lives. But there is a compromise: 1) Alternate being late for sports and leaving early from religious school. 2) Parents should call teachers and get the work missed and then make sure that your child completes the assignments. 3) When picking up children early, they are not allowed to wait for you outside or in the office. The driver must come to the office and sign out the child(ren). We will then get the child(ren) from class. 4) Make sure that your child has fulfilled all Junior Congregation requirements and has completed all of their work. 5) Tell your child often that while sports are important so is learning about our heritage. June 1st – Last Day of Religious School All classes comes 9-11:00 AM Need Bar/Bat Mitzvah credit? Come to the …… RELIGIOUS SCHOOL F.Y.I. * Registration forms for the 2014-2015 school year will be emailed in May. * Registration forms are due by June 16th. If you register by the 16th, your $75 registration fee will be applied towards your tuition. * It is not too late to sign up for our Nursery School Camp with our terrific Camp Director, Aimee Axelrod. * Parents of our 4’s are welcome to come observe our fun Religious School Shorashim Class for kindergarteners taught by Michelle Korzen. Saturday, May 17th - 10:30-12:00 upstairs (A special Shabbat Learning service for 6th & 7th Graders led by Sheera Zuckerman) Put your service cards BEHIND the Blue tab that says “Shabbat morning attendance behind here.” 4 Abe Cohen/Fred Starler Tzedakah Fund and the JSAM Grant from UJA. Thank you to all the Dalet and Heh contributions which allowed our teams to far surpass our expectations We purchased 463 items and spent over $1,100.00 and we did it really fast. It was great to see the excitement and the competitive spirit of our teams. They hunted for the Kosher for Passover items carefully and stayed within their spending limits. Once all the items were transported back to CSI we filled all the Project Ezra boxes and then loaded Roni’s car with the additional items which she then brought to the Bronx Jewish Community Council Food Pantry, the largest in the East Bronx and the only Kosher one. Thank you to Shoprite of Croton for letting us have our event there and for overlooking all the chaos we caused. Thank you to Roni, the Dalet and Heh teachers and Stephanie Casper for being great spirited team leaders. Thanks to Josh Sarkozi for handling all the check outs and for making sure we spend the most without going over our limits. I hope there will be more of this type of Challenge in the future. On April 6th, CSI Teens led by event chair Shayna Roth headed to our local J-Serve Project at the Eugenio Maria Hostos School in Yonkers. CSI Teens joined with area Teens from JTeen, Rosenthal JCC and area synagogues for “Read to Succeed”, a literacy project. Our teens hosted a table featuring Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax. Following the environment theme, they helped the participant elementary students to read The Lorax and make bookmarkers out of recycled boxes. It is great to see our teens join in the international day of service. Todah Rabah Shayna and CSI teen participants! May 6th will be USY Elections so please save the date. FROM OUR YOUTH & FAMILY EDUCATOR, Beverly Sarkozi Before I tell you about all April has brought to CSI Youth, I need to step back to the end of March for a moment. I cannot say enough about the experience of Midnight Run but I do need to thank David Saias again for chairing the event along with our driver and navigators, Rob Berkenblit, Lou Wollin, Tom Hannan and Lee Gruber. Thanks to Josh Sarkozi for organizing and for making sure we had clothing to distribute. It was truly an amazing night lightning speed, sandwich making, loading cars and getting us on the road. Thanks to the teens and adults who facilitated that. The stops that we were assigned were filled with a huge number of people. Each stop gave our 15 teens a wonderful opportunity to put a face on the homelessness of New York City. I was moved by the sight of our children placing blankets on sleeping homeless, helping people choose the right size clothing, handing out meals and pouring hot chocolate. I was touched by their enthusiasm at each location and how they jumped out of the vehicles to start helping. They unloaded at each stop without hesitation and only hesitated to depart each stop for fear of leaving someone without. I thank your children for being so selfless as to spend a Saturday night working with us. I deeply appreciate all of you who drove with us since that is an integral piece of this huge undertaking, excuse the cliché but we truly could not do it without you. Those of you who came to pack and send us off were also an integral piece of this process. Having such a short time to sort, pack, load and leave could never have happened without your help. Just remember we distributed over 120 meals (including the 40 we needed to purchase at McDonalds). We took ten 40 gallon totes and numerous boxes filled with clothing and toiletries. We returned with very little. Midnight Run is a very worthy cause and supporting them is a proud moment for our community. The next amazing event at CSI was our first ever Supermarket Challenge. Josh Sarkozi had a vision of taking CSI Youth to the supermarket and to challenge them to shop for the food pantry. Well, when Judy Boehr, Social Action Chair, said her Project Ezra donations were not filling the number of boxes needed, we took that vision and turned it into “The CSI Supermarket Challenge” for our 6th and 7th graders. Forty shoppers along with their teachers formed 8 teams. We then descended on the Shoprite of Croton for a shopping extravaganza. These purchases were sponsored by Rabbi Kane through the C kies for Kid’s Club (C.K.C.) The next Cookies for Kids Club bake will be held on Sunday, May 18th, 10 - 11:00 AM in Rms. 3 & 4 at CSI. Families are welcome to join the C.K.C. as we perform a mitzvah. Come bake cookies for families with sick children and draw pictures for the children in the hospital. Cookies and pictures will be delivered to the Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital in Valhalla. CSI NURSERY SCHOOL REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for the 2014-2015 school year. Please call the synagogue office, 762-2700, for information and registration forms. 5 Passover Supermarket Challenge All Bet Families are invited to join us for the Bet Family Dinner and Service Friday, May 16, 2014 6:15 Dinner served, 7:30 PM Bet Class leads the service Oneg to follow services Cost $22 per adult, $15 per child (5-13); $65 per family Please RSVP to [email protected] by May 12th, and mail or drop off your check payable to CSI to the synagogue/school office. We gratefully acknowledge the support received from the Fund for Jewish Education Sponsored by Caroline and Joseph S. Gruss Life Monument Funds, Inc. And All Alef Families are invited to join us for the Alef Family Dinner and Service Friday, May 30, 2014 6:15 Dinner served, 7:30 PM Alef Class leads the service Oneg to follow services May 2014 Cost $22 per adult, $15 per child (5-13); $65 per family RELIGIOUS SCHOOL REGISTRATIONS Watch for your religious school registration packets and be sure to register by the deadline, June 16, 2014. Those families who register by the 16th will have the $75 registration fee applied to tuition. (A reminder that your account must be current in order for your registration to be processed.) Please RSVP to [email protected] by May 25th, and mail or drop off your check payable to CSI to the synagogue/school office. 6 showing. She also helped plan the menu at Magic Wok. Thank you Barbara for all your hard work! The Social Committee had three successful social functions this year. They included going to see Jon Lovitz at Levity Live Comedy Club in Rockland in October, viewing a unique movie, “Orchestra of Exiles”, at CSI in January and enjoying going to the Jewish Film Festival in March described above, The Social Committee includes very helpful, caring and supportive people including Hagit Barzilai, Barbara Block, Sharon Orenstein, Ziona Rubin, Ruth Speier, Ellen Weiser and Debra Young. Thank you for another great year! This will be the last article of the year. If you are interested in becoming involved on the Social Committee, please contact Barbara Schoenfeld at [email protected] MEMORIAL GARDEN SPRING – 2014 Ryna Lustig, Chair The CSI Memorial Garden is located in the rear of the synagogue property opposite the school wing and playground. The space was cleared from existing brush and bramble and the first trees were planted over twenty years ago. There are a mixture of spruce trees, flowering trees, oaks, perennials and our expanding lilac garden. It truly is a peaceful spot away from the action, where it is easy to sit on a bench under a tree and think or remember. We have included personal donations in memory of loved ones as well as community donations in memory of tragic national events. The space is filing up with trees and memories. New plantings for the next season are always welcome. Our new garden area is along the front stone wall. We are planting a row of Star Magnolias and would love to have additions to that garden. We are blessed with a beautiful campus-like property for our synagogue. The wooded characteristic gives it a special quality that is different from synagogues in city environments or in residential neighborhoods. You can enjoy the plantings as they mature and also know that they are a gift to the next generation. If you are interested in being part of the CSI landscape in any way, please feel free to contact Ryna Lustig at 271-5130. Deadline for the June Bulletin is Friday, May 9th. Please get your articles in on time. Have graduation news you would like to share? Kids going off to college? Where will they be going and what will their major be? Is there is a valedictorian or salutatorian in our midst? Have any of your children received scholarships or other awards of recognition? We would be happy to include this news in our June issue. Social Committee Barbara Schoenfeld, Chair WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB On March 23rd, the Social Committee organized a wonderful film event at The Jacob Burns Film Center in Pleasantville. We had 49 people who came to see an Israeli film noir, “The Wonders”. Afterwards, we dined at Magic Wok, a Chinese Restaurant nearby, with delicious vegetarian appetizers, including dumplings, mixed vegetables with tofu, sesame noodles, scallion pancakes, green beans with garlic sauce and fruit and cookies for dessert. The enjoyable film event could not have been possible without Barbara Block who organized it, bought tickets for everyone, communicated with those interested, and gave out tickets on the day of the You are invited to join Roni Shapiro at her home, 26 Pocantico Road, Ossining, on Sunday, May 18th, at 7:00 PM when the Women’s Book Club will discuss My Father’s Paradise: A Son’s Search for his Jewish Past in Kurdish Iraq, by Ariel Sabar. Please RSVP to [email protected] 7 were gracious, warm and welcoming. After Carole and I joined CSI, I was soon invited onto the Ritual Committee which subsequently led to my joining other committees, then elected to the Board, then a member of the Executive Committee and now as President. Also from our earliest days as members, the Croton families who went out of their way to bring Carole and me into the CSI community gave us a warm and welcoming feeling that has never left. We just attended Seders at two different Croton households, both CSI members, one of which was a member family back when we first joined. This has been the path of my Jewish journey. It is these Jewish relationships that I value, that I’ve learned so much from, that I’ve been so grateful for. It is those kinds of relationships that we want to engender throughout our community - each of us helping the other on his or her Jewish journey, whatever that may be. It is time for us to think about a truly different approach. Quoting Rabbi Wolfson, “Our new goal is served by putting people before programs. Let’s inspire [our members] to see Judaism as a worldview that can inform the many different levels of relationship in their lives. Let’s work toward a rededication of our mishpachah, our people, to a renewed Relational Judaism.” PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE, Andrew Kagan I was recently at a Leadership Seminar sponsored by The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. The evening was entitled, "Nametags Are Not Enough: Building Community Through Relationships". Following a general introduction, we spent some time discussing the concept of Relational Judaism, as described and promoted by Rabbi Ron Wolfson in his book, "Relational Judaism: Using the Power of Relationships to Transform the Jewish Community". He writes it at a time when congregations everywhere are facing serious membership challenges. Our synagogue is by no means the only one trying to figure out ways to address a decline in membership. Different congregations, large and small, have tried many different things. There has been no shortage of guesses as to why congregations are shrinking and no limit on the proposals to turn things around: more programs; better programs; more marketing; better websites; smartphone apps; etc. It is not that any (or all) of these are unimportant, or ineffective. They may succeed in bringing a potential congregant in the door. However, Rabbi Wolfson points out that these are not what is going to keep anyone coming back. Quoting from his article, Rabbi Wolfson’s “vision of Relational Judaism is to strengthen Jewish consciousness and commitment by encouraging individuals to build relationships with nine levels of Jewish experience: self, family, friends, Jewish living, community, peoplehood, Israel, world and God… This shape shifting begins with a question: What’s the goal? The goal of Jewish institutions is not selfpreservation; it is to engage Jews with Judaism. It’s not gaining more members; it’s gaining more Jews. It’s about people, not programs. It’s about deep relationships, not fee-for-service transactions. It is time we turn the paradigm of programming to-engage-Jews on its head, envisioning a new approach that begins with engaging Jews in a personal relationship with other Jews and Judaism and then program events for them.” My relationships at CSI have always been the most important part of my continued membership. From the first day I walked into CSI on a Shabbat morning back in 1984, all the way to the present, I have deeply valued the relationships I have built with my fellow congregants and felt comfortable and welcomed. My first contact was with members of the Ritual Committee who approached me the second time I came to services and offered me an Aliyah. They Congregation Sons of Israel Nursery School Summer Camp Briarcliff Manor Monday, June 30th – Friday, August 15th 9:00 - 11:55 AM Ages: almost 2 to older 4's “A Summer filled with fun and exploration” Weekly Themes Arts & Crafts Music Water Play Sports Science Specials Cooking Snacks Register Now at 914-762-2700 or email : [email protected] Extended day available: Kids Karousel For more information call 914-923-0160 Note: Applications are being accepted for summer camp counselors. Please email [email protected] 8 ♥ SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE Judy Boehr, Chair ♥ ♥ ♥ CSI NURSERY SCHOOL “SPECIAL PERSON’S DAY” Friday, May 9th 9:00 – 10:45 AM Thanks to everyone who helped make this year's Passover Food Drive a success. We combined our donations with The Westchester Jewish Center in Mamaroneck and the Pleasantville Community Synagogue to fill 58 boxes for Project Ezra. This represented a significant portion of the 300 boxes that were delivered to poor, elderly Jews on the Lower East Side. Because of a terrific supermarket shopping competition among the Dalet and Heh classes at the Hebrew School (thanks to Josh Sarkozi for this great idea!), we were also able to send a huge carload of Passover Food to the Kosher Food Pantry in the Bronx (thanks to Roni and her family for making the delivery to the Bronx.) A special Todah Rabah to the families who helped sort and pack the food for the Project Ezra boxes: Michael, Sarah, and Laura Teitelbaum; Beth, Mark, and Jacob Roth; Kiera and Jamie Berkenblitt; Julia and Jewel Weiss; Carol, Jason, and David Levitt; Rachel Rosen; Randi and Jonathan Schonfeld; Stephanie and Jessica Casper; and Alexis Packer. You were a great team (some of whom are pictured below)! Each child is permitted up to two special persons, who can be family or friends. Note: Special Person’s Day replaces our traditional Mother’s/Father’s Day Programs. This year at our special person’s celebration we will be baking cookies and making cards for special people in our community: ♥ The 3’s ♥ ♥ The 2’s ♥ under the direction of teachers Michelle Korzen & Tami Drucker will bake for the Police Department under the direction of teachers Toni Band, Faith Kavy, Sue Hartman & Beverly Wizwer will bake for the Post Office ♥ The 3’s under the direction of ♥ Maris Aschen & Aimee Axelrod will bake for Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital Thank you to our food packers! (picture complements of Dr. Michael Teitelbaum) ♥ The 4’s under the direction of ♥ Lori Kavy & Elizabeth Dworkin will bake for the Fire Department BRIARCLIFF MANOR FIRE DEPARTMENT VISITS CSI NURSERY SCHOOL Thank you ShopRite, Thornwood And Peter Romero, Manager for your generous donation to our Project Ezra Passover Food Drive. With your help we provided for those who cannot afford to observe Passover without assistance. The Briarcliff Manor Fire Department will visit our nursery school students on Wednesday, May 28th. 9 NEWS FROM SISTERHOOD Marion Jablansky Also, we are always looking for new ideas, so if you have any suggestions or wish to lead or help with an activity, please let us know. Our officers/chairpersons are always happy to get your input. On April 1, Rosh Chodesh Nissan, over 30 women participated in a Zumba Gold class with Cindy Katz, followed by a lively discussion about Passover. Thanks Cindy, we had a great work out! We then tasted different types of food, from homemade macaroons to Keftes De Prasa (Leek Fritters: yummy). We shared ideas for enhancing our Seders, like playing Passover Jeopardy and having a Seder Scavenger Hunt. The Rosh Chosdesh programs are wonderful, but they are also very expensive to run. Please consider donating to the Rosh Chodesh fund and remember to pay your Sisterhood dues when reminded to do so. On Wednesday, June 11, at 8 PM, Sisterhood will be having a first annual year-end paid up membership celebration. Sisterhood has a lot to celebrate this year. Membership and participation are up, the programs and fund raisers are successful and we are installing new lighting in the social hall for the entire congregation to enjoy. All Sisterhood members are invited to a cake and dessert social, “Under the New Lights” to inaugurate the new lights that were made possible by you! Mah Jong nights continue to be popular! It is such a fun game to play and there is always a beginner’s table. Don’t miss out on this hottest trend. The next game will be on Monday, May 12 at 7:30 PM at CSI. Sisterhood is looking for 2 special women who would like to take over the Mishloach Manot program. Running this program is in itself a mitzvah, as it enables the members of our congregation to participate in the mitzvah of mishloach manot, and at the same time raises money for such things as our Rosh Chodesh programs and the new lights in the social hall. If you have any interest in doing this program, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Annleah Berger ([email protected]) or Sharon Richter ([email protected]). They will be happy to discuss this program with you. As you can see, being a part of Sisterhood is a rewarding experience. If you haven’t already done so, pay your dues and be a part of this wonderful organization. These varied programs will not be able to continue without your support. The CSI bulletin and the CSI website are great sources of information. Continue to read future bulletins, as well as check the website for future Sisterhood programs. President: Robin Ginsberg Immediate Past President: Elizabeth Dworkin Treasurer/Financial Secretary: Sharon Richter Recording Secretary: Beth Levine Corresponding Secretary/ Bulletin: Marion Jablansky Membership: Annleah Berger Gift Shop: Annleah Berger / Robin Ginsberg / Jill Greenstein / Marion Jablansky / Sharon Orenstein Gift tip: How about an apron to wear when you barbeque this summer? = the website for Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, the organization to which your Sisterhood belongs. Log in and check it out today! Sisterhood Membership 2013-2014 To join, please send your check for $25.00 dues, payable to CSI Sisterhood and return it with this form to: CSI Sisterhood, 1666 Pleasantville Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Name_______________________________ Phone_______________________________ Email _____________________________ For questions concerning membership or to sign up for one of our committees please P E O P L E Call Annleah Berger: 914-762-5312 COMING IN JUNE: We celebrate Shavuot beginning with our Tikkun Leyl Shavuot (study session) on Tuesday evening, June 3rd at 9:00 PM and Wednesday & Thursday mornings, June 4th & 5th at 9:30 AM. There is no school on the 4th & 5th. Holiday services also Wednesday evening, the 4th at 6:30 PM. 10 P E O P L E 17 Elliot & Toni Band 20 Joel & Linda Feldman Stuart & Rhoda Holzer 21 Gary & Deborah Woll 22 Harold & Beth Levine 23 William & Patricia Robbins Alan & Resa Mestel Michael & Melissa Reiner Daniel & Laura Gold Doron & Roberta Bar-Levav 24 Richard & Cindy Katz Jeffrey & Nance Lichtman David & Deborah Levitt Jack Zinn & Darlene Fairman 25 Scott & Melinda Lanoff Robert & Ellen Kilman Steven & Maxine Juvelier 27 Claude Tusk & Joyce Perlmutter Richard & Stacy Charney 27 Jeff & Cindy Kabat 29 Jonathan & Jill Lerner Glenn & Aimee Axelrod Jason & Diane Eidlitz Stewart & Jennifer Kamen 30 Andrew & Allison Markowitz 31 Stanley & Alice Goldstein Mazal Tov to: Elaine & Andrew Bloom on the birth of their granddaughter, Jenna Reese Klatsky, daughter of Meredith & Jason Klatzky. Judy Boehr upon being honored as a recipient of the Julian Y. Bernstein Distinguished Service Award on May 14th, 7:30 PM, at the Jewish Community Center of Harrison. Admission is free and everyone is welcome. Beth Reisman and Talia Shiovitz upon being named “Youth of the Year” by the Federation of Jewish Men’s Club. Barry Yellen upon being named “Man of the Year” by the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs. Note: Beth, Talia & Barry will receive their awards at the annual dinner of the FJMC on Sunday, May 4th, 1:30 PM at the New City Jewish Center. To place an ad in the award journal and/or purchase dinner tickets, go to: Thank you to: Cindy Katz for introducing the Zumba to CSI women at our April Rosh Chodesh program. Each child brings his or her own blessings into the world. The following children, members of our congregation and/or school, will celebrate a birthday during the month of May. They will be called to the bimah to receive a blessing on Friday, May 2nd, at our 7:00 PM Family Night/Shabbat Rocks service. Only the names of those students present will be called. Please take your name card out of the “birthday” box in the front lobby and present it to a Ritual Committee usher if you would like to be called up to receive a birthday blessing. Sarah Aframian Gabriel Korner Lior Ben-David Brett Lachtman Jamie Berkenblit Jordyn Lorenz Andrew Birnbaum Maxwell Parker-Blue Joshua Cooper Sarah Payes Miles Eichenholtz Evan Pergament Noah Eichenholtz Madelyn Polenberg Simon Eichenholtz Arielle Schutt Jack Ginsberg Zoey Stern Devyn Gluck Vanessa Tawil Jared Haberman Ryan Wancier Ian Horowitz Julia Woolf Mason Kleiner Jason Yules Speedy Recovery Susan Hartman. Condolences to: Eric Leibert on the death of his father, Stewart Leibert. Merrie Satran on the death of her aunt, Sondra Baum. We Mourn the Death of our Long-Time Member JEANNE WHITE. Our condolences to her son, Leon, extended family and friends. Mazal Tov to the following members who will celebrate anniversaries in the month 1 Aaron & Mayra Stern Neal & Suzanne Haber William & Natalie Gorlin 4 Neil & Dale Sirota 10 William Null & Lauren Thaler 11 Thomas & Carol Neuman 15 Edward & Karen Scharf Steven & Allison Packer 17 Robert & Ellen Ludwig of May. 37th 31st 20th 17th 33rd 27th 42nd 41st 27th 31st 32nd 32nd 21st 21st 15th 22nd 17th 16th 16th 18th 17th 16th 35th 24th 36th 42nd 31st 24th 17th 15th 50th 39th 26th 15th 33rd 11 \ PJ LIBRARY AT CSI – Merrie Satran Sunday, May 5th - 11:00 AM Heh & High School Graduation April was a busy month for PJ Library! We celebrated the fact we could have chametz again by eating lots of pasta and cookies!!! It was super yummy after a week of not eating anything leavened! In addition to devouring all of the bread products, we learned more about Israel!!!! We did lots of crafts based on spring time and Israel. It was a lot of fun! Looking ahead, please keep your eyes open for information on our next event. Here is a clue- It will be a play date outside and we will be singing songs! More information will be on the way next month. A special thank you to our teachers: Mrs. Malvina Browne, Mrs. Sheera Zuckerman, Mrs. Toni Band, Mrs. Roni Shapiro-Ben David & Mrs. Beverly Sarkozi Students please come in Breakfast sponsored by the parents. donation requested.) Shabbat attire. ($18 per family OUR MAY B’NAI MITZVAH Hi, my name is SARAH DOLGIN. I live with my mom, dad, and sister in the towns of Tarrytown and Briarcliff. I am extremely excited to say that my Bat Mitzvah is coming up soon, on May 3, 2014! I currently attend Briarcliff Middle School. It has been an amazing experience for me, as this huge Middle School milestone has been reached. At school, I have been involved in winter track, a passion of mine. For the past few years I have been doing the Tough Kids Triathlon. It has really taught me how to build stamina and learn how to interact with kids I am not familiar with. As well, I will soon be performing a NYSSMA solo for the oboe, a wind instrument that I play in band class. The instrument was hard at first, but with lots of patience it has become another one of my passions. Middle School has really given me a chance to branch out and become an individual. My Bat Mitzvah project is visiting the Atria, an assisted living home for the elderly. I sing for them and play the piano for them. It has been a lifechanging experience for me to interact with these admirable people. With every visit I see the change of the attitudes of the people that I interact with. I always love seeing their faces light up with the touch of music. It is my passion to help others and give them the gift of music because I believe that music brings a unique kind of happiness Outside of school, I participate in many fun activities that can sometimes make my schedule a little overwhelming, but I wouldn’t change them for (continued on next page) Heh Class Graduates Jacob Aframian Guy Barzilai Jamie Berkenblit Andrew Birnbaum Ben Cooper Benjamin Diamond Katya Di Donato Sarah Dolgin Gregory Fishkin Max Hertz Sophie Jelinek Samantha Kilman Russell Kleiner Jacob Kronethal Sarah Jane Kugelmas Harrison Landau David Levitt Alexander Marshak Josh Moskow Sophie Nadel Julia Orientale Maxwell Parker-Blue Maddie Plank Sarah Raphael Rachel Rosen Hannah Rosenberg Madeline Rosenberg Joshua Ross Elan Roth Caleb Schumacher Joshua Sirota Brett Smoler David Sternberg Julia Woolf Jaden Zak USY Graduates Molly Charney & Beth Reisman who will speak at our Graduation Ceremony on the 5th. MAZAL TOV to our graduates! 12 MAY B’NAI MITZVAH (continued) the world. I take part in piano lessons with my amazing piano teacher, Alice Finger, as well as participating in the school play of Peter Pan. Being part of these activities is wonderful and fun. I have to admit that it isn’t always easy going to Hebrew School, but as I have come of age I now understand how my teachers, as well as my parents, have guided me in becoming a Jewish young woman. I can’t wait for my Bat Mitzvah and I am ready to move on to Hebrew High School! I would like to thank Roni Shapiro, Cantor Shiovitz, Rabbi Kane, all of my Hebrew School teachers, my mom, dad, sister, and all of my friends for helping me reach this amazing day. I look forward to my Bat Mitzvah! but I am actually thankful to share it, for I will have someone by my side the whole time. My Bat Mitzvah is important to me because it marks the official day I become a woman in Judaism. I will be responsible for fulfilling God’s commandments and doing His mitzvot. I would like to thank my parents for leading me through this process and encouraging me to do my best but not stress out about everything. I would also like to thank my older sister who previously set an example of what it is like to become a Bat Mitzvah. Lastly, I would like to thank Cantor Shiovitz and Rabbi Kane who will have made this day possible. I can’t wait to finally take the next big step of my life and follow the path on an amazing new journey. Hello my name is ANDREW BIRNBAUM and on May 10, 2014 I will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. I live in Briarcliff Manor, New York with my mom Audrey, dad Richard, sister Laura and my brother Daniel. I am in 7th grade at Briarcliff Middle School. My favorite subject is Social Studies because I think it is interesting learning about our country’s past. Other things I like to do through the school are after-school activities like cross country in the fall and baseball in the spring. Outside of school I enjoy playing baseball, football, tennis etc. I also like to watch TV, listen to music, play video games and spend time with my friends and family. For my Bar Mitzvah project I am volunteering at the local Atria assisted living center for the elderly. I helped set up their Super Bowl Party and I call out bingo with them every weekend. I feel good that I can help do something entertaining for the elderly people of Briarcliff. I would like to thank all of my previous Hebrew School teachers for teaching me how to read, write, and understand the Hebrew language. I would also like to thank Cantor Shiovitz, Rabbi Kane, and Roni Shapiro for all their help and guidance over the last few years. Lastly, I would also like to thank my family because I would never have never finished this without them. My name is HANNAH COTEL-ALTMAN and I am in seventh grade at Solomon Schechter School of Westchester. My Bat Mitzvah is on May 17, 2014. I have a twin sister named Alexa who I am sharing my Bat Mitzvah with. Being able to have a Bat Mitzvah is such a privilege to me because it is the official day I become a Jewish adult. Also, I look forward to being able to take on the challenge of following God's commands. I would like to thank my family for leading me throughout the process of becoming a Bat Mitzvah. I would also like to thank Rabbi Kane and Cantor Shiovitz who made this day possible by teaching me and allowing me to understand the true meaning of a Bat Mitzvah. Thank you to everyone who has helped make this day as special as it could be. I look forward to the next big chapter of my life as I become a woman and follow the path of Judaism. Hi, my name is SOPHIE JELINEK. On May 24th, 2014, I will be called to the bimah to recite my Torah portion, B’midbar. Supporting me as I make my way to becoming a Bat Mitzvah will be my parents Melissa and William Jelinek, my younger brother Benjamin, my golden retriever Kira, and my awesome babysitter Amanda. My family and I live in Briarcliff Manor where I attend Briarcliff Middle School along with all my friends. This year, I’m in the 7th grade, and a part of my school’s orchestra playing the cello. During my free time, I enjoy fashion designing, and as of this year, I have joined an intense volleyball (continued on next page) My name is ALEXA COTEL-ALTMAN and I am a 13 year old seventh grader at Solomon Schechter School of Westchester. My Bat Mitzvah is on May 17th, 2014 and I am sharing it with my twin sister, Hannah. A lot of people say to me that I must hate having to share my big day with someone else, 13 MAY B’NAI MITZVAH (continued) clinic called Alpha Gamma. I’ve always loved dogs so I thought of volunteering for the SPCA as a great opportunity for my Bat Mitzvah project. I have taken part in a program called “Click and Treat”. The objective of this program is to train dogs to act appropriately while possible adopters are looking at them. The reason for this is because people tend to want to stay away from dogs that are barking and jumping all over the place, so if they act appropriately, it will be more likely for them to be adopted. My inspiration for choosing the SPCA as my project is my dog. We adopted Kira, who is 8, after her owner died. After just her first day here, I could tell she was so happy to have a new home with owners who could play with her. Since we adopted her, she is happier and healthier than ever! My personal goal is to have all the dogs perfectly trained so they have a better chance of being adopted and having a nice home to play in. With my Bat Mitzvah right around the corner, I’m more than excited and a bit anxious to become a Bat Mitzvah. Five years of Hebrew School at CSI has helped me prepare for the fast approaching day. I would also like to give a special thanks to all of my Hebrew School teachers, Cantor Shiovitz, Rabbi Kane, and to all of my family and friends who have helped me work towards this special occasion. Again, everyone has been amazing in helping me make my way to the bimah. Thank You! :) amazing feeling. Becoming a Bat Mitzvah is very important to me, especially because I get to do so at CSI. I have been going to CSI since I was two years old and I volunteered at their camp last summer. All of the teachers at CSI have taught me so much and helped to guide me towards this special occasion. I'm thankful to all of the people who have helped me become a Bat Mitzvah. My friends, teachers, and family have been some of the most important people in my life and I'm thankful to have them all by my side. A special thanks goes to Rabbi Kane and Cantor Shiovitz for helping me prepare for my special day. My name is MAXWELL PARKER-BLUE. My parents are Valerie Parker of Briarcliff Manor and Greg Blue of Ossining, NY and I have one little sister, Josie Parker-Blue. Well, she's not that "little" anymore but you know what I mean. I am a seventh grader at Briarcliff Manor Middle School and am involved in music, sports and other activities. I play trumpet in the school band, jazz band and was also selected for the 2014 Rivertowns Honors Band. I also have run track and cross country. As an avid reader and one interested in movies and technology, I was drawn to the school critics club too. My Bar Mitzvah project was to visit a couple of homes for the elderly and spend time with the residents. One is a Jewish home in New Jersey where my Nana's husband lives. I had the opportunity to speak with a former cantor and talk about his life growing up and his experiences teaching kids my age. The other is a Christian home in Connecticut where my grandfather lives. We talked a lot, explored the community and met others there. It's interesting how people of the same age from different religious backgrounds can have very different experiences when they were growing up. I really enjoyed being able to spend some time speaking with the elderly people living in these communities. I have been at CSI since as long as I have lived in Briarcliff Manor (which is since 3rd grade). I want to thank all my family for being supportive of me. I also would like to thank the Rabbi, Cantor, Roni and my teachers for their help in getting me to this day. Some of the special people I will be remembering on the day of my Bar Mitzvah will be my namesake greatgrandfather Max, whom I was named after, but never met, and my grandmother Merolyn who died when I was six. Mazal Tov to the Dolgin, Birnbaum, Cotel-Altman, Jelinek, Woolf & Parker-Blue Families who will assist in hosting the Oneg Shabbat at our 7:00 PM Family Night / Shabbat Rocks service on Friday, May 2nd in honor of their childrens’ achievements. Hello, my name is JULIA WOOLF. I am being called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on May 24th, 2014. My family has supported me through the entire process of becoming a Bat Mitzvah -- my mom Dale, my dad Bruce and my sister Lily. We live in Chappaqua and I attend Seven Bridges Middle School. I am in seventh grade, a member of the orchestra and the goalie on my travel soccer team. In my spare time I love to play soccer and tennis, go to the mall and spend time with friends. My friends have also supported me through this entire process. For my mitzvah project, I volunteer at the Edenwald Cottage School as part of the tutor-mentor program. I was assigned a buddy who I have grown very close to. We have a strong bond, which I wouldn't trade for anything. The boys and girls living at the school come from broken homes and have both mental and emotional disorders. Working with these kids is very challenging, but also very rewarding. Knowing that I can be a beacon of light in the life of someone who is less fortunate than I is an 14 Family members enjoy the April 6th “Drum Tale Program” along with R.S. children PURIM CELEBRATED IN OUR NURSERY SCHOOL Nursery School students attentively listen as they celebrate Purim complete with costumes! Nursery School Teachers, Ms. Korzen, Ms. Band & Ms. Kavy do their part. Children use their class made pasta box/groggers which are then donated to the food collection. A Reminder: The installation of new lights for our social hall began on April 24th. Installation will continue into early May. This may cause us to move social hall events to other areas. Please be patient as this project, complements of our Sisterhood fund raising, is completed. We are sure you will be pleased once the installation is complete. 15 May 1 – 31, 2014 1 Iyar – 2 Sivan 5774 Note: Shabbat ends 1 hour after Friday’s C/L Time Changes in calendar events may take place – please check our website for up to date information Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri May 1 1 Iyar 7:15 AM Minyan 9:15 AM Playgroup (meets in wing) May 2 2 Iyar 7:00 PM Family Night/Shabbat Rocks Service Social Hall light project continues. May 4 4 Iyar 9:15 AM Minyan Gift Shop Open 10:30 & 11:15 AM Adult BM Class 11:00 AM Heh & HS Graduation Last day of HS 6:00 PM Yom Ha’Atzmaut Family Celebration with CSI Band & Dancing May 5 5 Iyar Yom Ha’Atzmaut 7:15 AM Minyan 9:15 AM N.S.P.T.A. Meeting 11:00 AM Women’s Torah Study . May 11 11 Iyar 9:15 AM Minyan MOTHER’S DAY May 12 12 Iyar 7:15 AM Minyan NO SCHOOL/ OFFICE CLOSED ___________________ May 18 18 Iyar Lag B’Omer 9:15 AM Minyan Gift Shop Open 10-11:00 AM Cookies For Kids Club 10:30 & 11:15 AM Adult BM Class R.S. Israeli Dancing 7:00 PM Women’s Book Club with Roni Shapiro My Father’s Paradise by Ariel Sabar May 25 25 Iyar 9:15 AM Minyan NO SCHOOL OFFICE CLOSED May 6 6 Iyar 11:15 AM Jews in the News 12:30 PM Yiddish Club May 7 7 Iyar R.S. Israel Program May 8 8 Iyar 7:15 AM Minyan 9:15 AM Playgroup (meets in wing) R.S. Israel Program 7:00 PM Caring Community. 10:30 AM Ha Mishpacha Discussion Group with Shari Baum USY Elections CL: 7:33 PM May 9 9 Iyar 9:00 AM Nursery School Special Person’s Day 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Service Sat May 3 3 Iyar Emor 9:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service BM SARAH DOLGIN 11:00 AM Junior Congregation May 10 10 Iyar Behar 9:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service BM ANDREW BIRNBAUM 11:00 AM Junior Congregation CL: 7:40 PM 7:30 PM Men’s Club 7:30 PM Sisterhood Mah Jong Rabbi at AJC Global Forum May 13 13 Iyar Nursery School Sign Language May 14 14 Iyar Rabbi at AJC Global Forum 11:15 AM Jews in the News 12:30 PM Ha Mishpacha Luncheon & Program May 15 15 Iyar 7:15 AM Minyan 9:15 AM Playgroup (meets in wing) Rabbi at AJC Global Forum 9:30 AM Nursery School Mad Science “Rocket Show” 8:45 PM Talmud ____________________ May 20 20 Iyar 11:15 AM Jews in the News 12:30 PM Yiddish Club 6:15 PM Bet Family Dinner 7:30 PM Bet Family Shabbat Service May 17 17 Iyar 9:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service ALEXA & HANNAH COTEL-ALTMAN BM 10:30 AM Kadima 11:00 AM Junior Congregation Rabbi at AJC Global Forum __________________ May 19 19 Iyar 7:15 AM Minyan May 16 16 Iyar 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Service CL: 7:47 PM ____________________ ___________________ May 21 21 Iyar May 22 22 Iyar Hebrew Assessment 7:15 AM Minyan Alef-Dalet 9:15 AM Playgroup 7:30 PM Executive Committee __________________ May 23 23 Iyar 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Service 10:30 AM Ha Mishpacha Discussion Group with Shari Baum Hebrew Assessment Alef- Dalet _____________________ May 24 24 Iyar Bemidbar 9:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service BM SOPHIE JELINEK & JULIA WOOLF CL: 7:54 PM May 26 26 Iyar 9:15 AM Minyan Memorial Day NO SCHOOL OFFICE CLOSED May 27 27 Iyar Nursery School Sign Language 11:15 AM Jews in the News May 28 28 Iyar Yom Yerushalayim Briarcliff Manor Fire Departments visits Nursery School May 29 29 Iyar 7:15 AM Minyan 9:15 AM Playgroup May 30 1 Sivan Rosh Chodesh Sivan 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Service 6:15 PM Alef Family Dinner 7:30 PM Alef Family Service 7:30 PM Board of Trustees CL: 8:00 PM 16 May 31 Naso 9:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service BM MAXWELL PARKER-BLUE 11:00 AM Junior Congregation 2 Sivan CONTRIBUTIONS (received by April 10th) ABRAHAM COHEN/FRED STARLER MEMORIAL TZEDAKAH FUND In Memory of From Jeanne White Helen Chuckrow CANTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Mazal Tov From Barbara & Henry Mr. & Mrs. Richard Watt Schoenfeld on the birth of their granddaughter, Kayla Cantor Shiovitz upon Larry, Rob & Eli Karp & receiving the Samuel Liz Susman Karp Rosenbaum Award Sarah Shiovitz upon Mr. & Mrs. Marc Auslander her Senior Recital In Memory of Raymond Weinberg JEFFREY DITTELMAN/ROBINOV CAMP RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND Mazal Tov From Barry & Karen Rabbi & Mrs. Steven Kane Malmet on the birth of their granddaughter, Brooke Olivia Van Wagner Elaine & Andrew “ Bloom on the birth of their granddaughter, Jenna Reese Klatsky From Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kaye CARING COMMUNITY Thank you for From HaMishpacha lunch Diane Trilling “ Monica Wollner Speedy Recovery Sue Hartman From Rabbi & Mrs. Steven Kane In Memory of Harold Feldman Jeanne White Sondra Baum Stewart Leibert Samuel Gabriel Anne Hoch From Belle Feldman Rabbi & Mrs. Steven Kane “ “ Gerald Sherr “ Speedy Recovery Barbara Weiss Etti Cziment “ From Renee Sampson T. Rae Lyons Sam & Ruth Papa In Memory of Bessie Kaplan Alfred Kaplan Goldie Kirwin Ernie Kirwin Charlotte M. Elman Ethel Sherman From Stanley & Jewell Kirwin “ “ “ Esther Schwartz Louis Sherman & Marci Dressler Adele Feldman “ The Kutcher family Louis Sherman & Marci Dressler EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Thank you for Rosh Chodesh Program ” “ “ “ From Ellen Weiser Ruth Speier Barbara Block Barbara Schoenfeld Marion Jablansky Malvina Browne From Judith Rosof Sol Krongelb T. Rae Lyons Renee Sampson Sarah Shulman Belle Feldman Sam & Ruth Papa Annleah Berger In Memory of Irving Pedowitz From Mara & Greg Mortman Harold Feldman Hannah Donneson Natalie Kutcher Soloman Sherman In Memory of Jeanne White “ “ “ “ “ “ “ In Honor of From The birth of our Dr. Andrew & Elaine Bloom granddaughter, Jenna Reese Klatsky ETZ CHAIM - TREE OF LIFE FUND In Honor of From The birth of Esther Adele Feldman Schwartz’s 3rd great-granddaughter, Mimi In Memory of Cynthia Miller Jeanne White 17 From Jewel & David Weiss Ali & Phil Edelstein ETZ CHAIM (continued) In Memory Of Jeanne White Morris Yohai a most special program on Israel’s National Anthem, entitled Ha Tikvah Hope Reborn. Dr. Baltsan researched Ha Tikvah for some 6 or 7 years and has produced the definitive work on the origins and development of the music and lyrics of the anthem. The Westchester Jewish Council invites you to join them at the 2014 Celebrate Israel Parade on Sunday, June 1st. The parade runs from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM along 5th Avenue in Manhattan (between 57th and 74th Streets). For more information contact Donna at [email protected] or 914-328-7001. On Sunday, June 8th, the Kol Rinah (Joyous Voice) Chorale presents its annual Spring Concert, an eclectic offering of songs inspired by Jewish traditions and cultures ranging from ancient to contemporary melodies, from liturgical to secular themes and including folk, Baroque, Israeli and Gospel genres. Free kosher refreshments will be available. The concert begins at 2:00 PM at the Yorktown Jewish Center, 2966 Crompond Road, Yorktown Heights. Tickets can be purchased at the door or online at a discount: From Stuart & Barbara Sherr Roberta & Rick Kay RACHEL GREENSTEIN CHILDREN’S RESOURCE LIBRARY FUND In Memory of From Ann Alpert Kathy & Len Levin IRA KESTENBAUM BEAUTIFICATION FUND Mazal Tov From Ellen & Stephen Mr. & Mrs. Richard Watt Weiser on the birth of their granddaughter, Zoey MEMORIAL GARDEN FUND In Memory of From Minnie Levine Annleah Berger PRAYER BOOK FUND In Memory of From Arnold Sankin Susan, Kenneth, Genna, Alyssa & Lindsey Sankin Justin Strawgate Mr. & Mrs. Howard Code & Family CSI NURSERY SCHOOL MOMMY & ME PLAYGROUP RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Thank you for From The Scholar-in-Residence Program Robert & Tammy Fetter “ Roberta Berman In Memory of Aaron Wasserstrom Robert M. Karp Ruth Sherman, Harry S. Wolff Jeanne White Join the CSI Nursery School Playgroup For Children up to 23 Months Come with your little one and make new friends while we sing songs, play parachute games, create projects and listen to stories or be more active with your child and climb through From Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Goldstein Lawrence Karp & Family Pam Sherman “ “ tunnels, slide down slides, jump on the trampoline, play on the mats or bounce in the jumpy castle. Thursday mornings from 9:15-10:00 AM. May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 STUDY IN ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory of From Cynthia Miller Helen Chuckrow Cost $12.00 per session. Checks are made payable to CSI Playgroup. Sign up now by calling 762-2700 or email [email protected] JEWISH/COMMUNITY NEWS/EVENTS On Tuesday, May 6th, at 8:00 PM, Bet Torah in Mt. Kisco invites you to join them for a Yom Ha’Atzmaut (Israel Independence Day) celebration featuring one of Israel’s most prominent classical musicians, Astrith Baltsan who will present CSI’S YELLOW PAGES Each month in this column we highlight a few of our advertisers. If you know a business person (continued on next page) 18 Rabbi Kane (Elijah) prepares to blow the Shofar at the Nursery School Seder. CSI YELLOW PAGES (continued) who could benefit by placing an ad in our bulletin, have them contact Lora at 914-762-2700 or email [email protected] Also, if you use one of our advertisers, please don’t forget to tell them you saw their ad in the CSI Bulletin. Spring has finally arrived and our pets will be finally able to spend more time outdoors. Along with that however comes the chance of flea and tick infestationss. To protect your loved pets contact Dr. Glenn Zeitz or Dr. Paul Klainbard at the Hudson Veterinary Hospital, 176 North Highland Avenue, Ossining. Call 914-762-0063 to schedule an appointment. They can also help wth low cost spay/neutering Thursdays and a full medical/surgical facility to treat an ill pet. Weinstein Memorial Chapel, 1652 Central Park Avenue, Yonkers, 914-793-3800, can help with a dignified and respectful service at your time of need. They also specialize in Pre-Need Planning and have served the Jewish Community for over 75 years. A member of the Jewish Funeral Directors of America, Weinstein is the only Jewish Family owned Chapel in Westchester. Yes, Mother’s Day is this month! Don’t know what to buy that special mother in your life? Stop by Matero Fine Jewelry & Design, conveniently located in the Millwood Town Plaza, 238 Saw Mill River Road, Millwood. Call Steve or Sue Matero at 914-944-1495 for information and store hours. Planning a graduation or other party? Don’t know where to start? Call Alperson Party Rentals, 107 Fairview Park Drive, Elmsford, 914-592-8300. They’ve got what you need to party! You can also visit their showroom or their website, for great ideas. Our social hall was full as Nursery School Students, teachers and parents celebrated Passover. Our Nursery School Passover Seder-April 11th CSI NURSERY SCHOOL REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for the 2014-2015 school year. Please call the synagogue office, 762-2700, for information and registration forms. 19 20 21
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