Fine structure of blood capillaries

Classic Pages
Fine structure of blood capillaries
Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 24, p. 1424, 1953
ches t to a separate culd evacuati n chamber. T
allows the preparation of many diffe ep a r a t i o n of manydiffe
in a short period o[ time. Resultsar • u l t s a r i b l e tu those ob-
68. The Siibmicroscopic StructureolAni
ol Animal Epidermis.
Mtdical Ri
mly i J Ilir i-piili-niiis nf
The RttikrjdlrrInstUuIrfurMtdicalRi
nstUuIr fur
regular layer of relatively dense material surrounds the out
side surface of the endothelia. In favorable places, it appears
as a felt of extraordinarily fine fibrils, -M OOA in diameter
This layer corresponds- apparently to the basal membrane
I lie
host m lor
y p
ing fluids across the capillary w
y acc
high permeability rate at the capillaries. For the interstitial
lymph the system could work without any additional complication; for the blood plasma, however, a protein-retaining
device has to be postulated at the level of the endothelial cells
urther Studies an IhB Min
my at
numbers of f
furfnec.I:e. The
To in vcfiiKatc ihc effi!« ol fiwitioii nr>>n the resolution of line
ions of the rat kidney hy the electron
used, all buffered at pH 7.4
ells, (l i ) hy liifl 5 of fibntus
ird tfic cell inlei
md (e)
UsO,. ilmi O-iO.onlv). F)i:tt renjilslswereobtained by rapid peri of the kidney of ancsthcl fued animals with Ringer's
risk* - With
i|rilhrii«s. Tin; ' "foot processes*" of the pcricyt
-ral c pi tliL'l iiim ':if nawiiuiirs c^ijisLilel were must clcark'
skeins {presuinnlily keratin) nre h.
regions of ihe cell and lie rxir.ilkl f
•brirlgK 1 ' arc•! m-inn* ,,f a,
(if 1;
of the cell in
material direiScd'frnm then
by the prt'stn
The cpidenna
branes, (I)) under this a layerof Li
arranged in lay
Of the Pulmonary Alveolar Wall in
09. Ulliflstn.!
laboratory Mai
mtftt of Atialomy, Louisiana Stole University School of Medicine,
New Orleans, Louisiana.—The alveolar walls of the lung are
covered by a surface layer of epithelium which encloses a rich
capillary network and tissue spaces.'
fluid in which elastic fibers, un
cytoplasmic debris arc suspend
osmium irregularly, are (enesira
and are structurally amorphou
ca. 300-350A thick, describe he
and do not aggregate to form fibersvisiblei
scope. A basement •
than m m A thick, adhere* to
capillary endothclium. The blooil-ai
attenuated epithelium and endo
potential - tissue space between t
of these membranes.
70. Pine Structure of Blood Captlluies. GEORGE E. PALADE,
TTb RtekefdUr Iniliiult for Medical teuonk. Sew York if,
New York.—The structure of blood capillaries was studied in
a number of organs such as skeletal muscles, heart, intestine,
and pancreas. The endothelial cells form a continuous lining.
Besides the usual cell components (nucleus, mitochondria,
endoplutnk reticulum, small granular component), they
possess two characteristic structural elements, namely: (a)
intracellular fibrils of ~24OA diameter; (b) a large number of
vesicles concentrated immediately under the cell membranes
facing both the capillary lumen and the pericapillary spaces.
The vesicles, w m c times tightly packed in la yers, are spherical
in ahape and measure --650A in diameter. Many of these appear to open a t the surface of the cell membrane. A thin b>
i,iin:il surface of tlic |ii >.\iinal con\"alutcil tubule
organdies of the Hirsh
th all fixatives, including
Bakrr typc-r,.j|j;i l..,dy w
Ohserrnlions on Ihe Fine Structure of Hepatic Cells.
DON \V. FAIVCETT.1 77K Rocttjcllc
Institute JOT Medical
rch, jV«w York 21. A'(W York.—In an electron microscope
- uf rat liver nciv .ibscrvaiioiis liavc liecn marie on the
of allachincnlufllic cells, the nature of their free surface,
in ihe slructuri: and mctbod of divi^iun of their
m jchumlria. Cell surfnees •.-oiit^uuiis "-ith uthur liver cells
have numerous Blud-likc processes which fit exactly into conies of appropriate shape in the surface ol the opposing
These processes are often expanded at their tip while (he
An s < locWng structure results which closely r
rtise and tenon. Assuming that the ectoplasmof liver c '
is elled, this device would insure firm attachment of a d j a c i
DE,lls. Cell surfaces which face sinusoids are covered n ,
d e l i filiform processes which are believed greatly to in:rease the surface area available for interchange of n i a t e i
be I wren the hlfwx 1st ream nnd ihp interior of theccil. The milochondrti posses? two distinct membranes. The outer is a
into nsirrow Mds and slender villi which project jn^'^r^
Under c
«! uhic
t«il by a thin transverse pan
, comprised c
two closely appr(j\inialet1 mcnibr.incs t i c
margin v.ith the inner inilLK.-hondn.jl iiicin
;. The mtcrio
jf the niitachondrion >, i
i r
luilvcs each limited by its own inciiibtJnc but bo th c o n t a i n c
within a common outer mitochondria I mi
This doubl
This brief statement announced the discovery of capillary endothelial vesicles and contained Palade's
hypothesis that these organelles may account for the high capillary permeability to fluids and solutes.
This work immediately started a lively controversy about the molecular mechanisms of capillary permeability. Palade did not publish his full study until 1961.
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Classic Pages
Circ Res. 1970;27:482
doi: 10.1161/01.RES.27.3.482
Circulation Research is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231
Copyright © 1970 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.
Print ISSN: 0009-7330. Online ISSN: 1524-4571
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