INAHTA INAHTA Listserv Question & Answer Summary Health system cost-reducing program underway in the Netherlands: Have similar projects been undertaken by INAHTA members? Date of question: Origin of question: December 2013 Wim Goettsch, CVZ, the Netherlands Background: Recently CVZ started a new program to reduce the costs of the Health care system in The Netherlands. They would like to find organizations / persons that could help them to benchmark their project and methodology used. CVZ would be very interested to learn: if there are similar projects findings and results used methodologies and data models best practices anything else that might be relevant Here is a short description of their program: The Health Care Insurance Board (CVZ) started a program to further analyse the health care, as provided within the Dutch Health Insurance Act. We call this program "Zinnig en zuinig", which can be translated into "Sensible and economical". The purpose of this program is that we need to systematically analyse the health care to identify costs savingsin order to maintain quality, accessibility and future affordability. Rather than restricting access to certain elements of the health care, we would like to develop an approach where we will find treatments which are costly and not effective, or only effective for specific indications. Improvement of the effectivennes of health care will improve both the individual health as well as reduce costs. We will start with data analysis (changes in turnover, variance in costs), and a study of available literature and signals from GPs, Scientific Organizations, Insurance companies, Patients Organizations and others. We will then match our findings with thestakeholders and work with them to further analyse a number of these diagnoses and treatments. If during those conversations, supported by our data analysis, savings and health care improvements are identified, we will assist with the implementation and monitor the effectiveness of the implementation. Recently we announced this project in the field. Currently we are discussing our internal processes, methods and procedures. RESPONSES: Egon Jonsson, IHE, Canada IHE published this book a few years ago: IHE: Cost Containment and Efficiency in National Health Systems. Cost Containment and Efficiency in National Health Systems: A Global Comparison. Each chapter identifies the 4-5 specific policies with the highest impact for ... available at the following IHE web site There is also a very successful program in the US named “Choosing Wisely” available all over the web. There is also a program launched by the Ministry of Health of Alberta, named "System wide efficiency and cost savings". I represent the IHE on the Advisory Committee of that program. We meet quite frequently. It is essentially based on surveys to physicians and organizations in health care to identify diagnostic and therapeutic interventions with low or no value for the doctor or the patient, and to identify cost savings that could be achieved immediately, in the medium term, and in the long term. International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA) Page 1/3 Alun Cameron, ASERNIP-S ASERNIP-S did do a project for the Australian Federal government in 2008 to try and identify medical services funded through our medicare program that were outdated/inefficient/unsafe. The overall project is summarised in the attached paper. The rapid reviews that were associated with the project are available on our website, reports 63-67. (Note that these reports were really merely testing the usefulness of a rapid review in answering research questions with a limited scope; they didn’t receive any clinical input and were not used to inform any decision making). The project itself didn’t really progress any further, although the Australian Department of Health has recently established a framework to review services which are currently listed for medicare rebate, in addition to an evidence-based review of new items prior to listing. Ingrid Rosian, GOEG Regarding the inquiry about similar projects we can report one project (I think not directly relevant, more oganization issue) however I send you an abstract, which we have send for HTai-conference 2014. Cataract surgery in Austria: A budget impact analysis of day care versus inpatient care Ingrid Rosian-Schikuta, Herwig Ostermann, Anna-Theresa Renner Background: In Austrian public hospitals the most frequently performed surgical procedure is cataract surgery. The majority of cataract surgeries are still carried out as inpatient cases with an average length of stay of 2.3 days. Under the current Austrian health reform inpatient services, if medically reasonable, shall be substituted by day care to reduce health care expenditures. Objective: Primary goal of the study is to identify and evaluate the economic effects of reallocating even more cataract patients to day care. The main research questions are: Ø Is it possible to reduce health care expenditures by transferring the treatment of cataract in adult patients from inpatient to day care and if yes, by how much? Ø Does the organisational structure of the day care have any implications on the costs per surgery? Methods: To evaluate the effect of a shift from inpatient to day care a budget impact analysis from the perspective of the hospitals was conducted. The calculations are based on administrative data from public hospitals (costs), demographic projections and incidence rates. To back up the economic analysis international benchmarks, systematic reviews and medical guidelines were consulted. Results: Preliminary results show that increasing the share of day cases in a hospital-setting has a considerable cost reduction potential. If cataract surgery is carried out in a dislocated day clinic cost reductions of almost 50 % per case are feasible. However, results are subject to significant variations in public hospitals regarding costs and service provision. Mans Rosen. SBU Conclusion: Increasing the share of cataract day cases has a high potential of reducing financial expenditures of hospitals without compromising the service quality. On the contrary, more patients could benefit from a cataract surgery because the frequency of the surgery could be increased and hence waiting times could be reduced. To tap the full cost reduction potential a restructuring of the inpatient sector for day care is essential. At SBU, we have a database on knowledge gaps (at present 892, which can be used for identifying research questions and identifying areas for disinvestments. As a followup, we provide some information to the health services in Sweden on areas where disinvestment should/could be taken, e.g. corticosteroid injections for management of tendinopathy. International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA) Page 2/3 International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA) Page 3/3
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