THE INSTITUTE OE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OF INDIA Tnterna I A udit Stdnda rds Boaro Model Question Paper Certificate Course on Concurrent Audit of Banks (This Model paper contains 20 Questions. However, the final examinatio:r contains 100 Questions. You will be given 90 minutes to complete the test) Baicll. Name Membership Number Number of Suestions: 20 Directions of the Questions: Choose the Iight ansrver to each question out oI the options provided QUESTION PAPER ABOUT THE TEST 1. This test has equal marks. : fifty HOW TO ANSWER 1. 2. 3. (20) quesiions lo examine yoLu abilities. Each question carties r There is only one co ect ansn'er for each question and ans."\.er the questions b), wdting the iight opiions in Ansn er Colurnn. There is no negative marking. Do the rough work onl1, on Tg51 pap"r. Follow the instructions of the invigilator'. AFTFR THE TEST 1. At the end of the test, lemain Sheets From your seated until thc invillilator collects the A1-6wer seats. ANY CANDIDATE GIVING/ SEEKING/ RECEIVING ASSISTANCE OR FOUND COPYINC WILL BE DISQUALIFIED Questions Cuidelines of conducting internal environment is provided in (a) 10 (b) 12 SIA / concu(cnt audii Pronounced by ICAI (c) 1a (d) 16 i Which Actin India addresses the issue of laundeted noney coming into and going out of India (a) PMLA (b) SOX Act, 2002 (c) Anti-Bibery Act (d) SAITFAESI Act 2002 Lrad IRi-l A,-e-5mLnt oI the b, rr'r\dr unrl\r\lor (a) Assessing the repayment Capacity (b) To fix ihe pricing oI the producr (c) To revie\,. the units performance dl None of the above The term cost of capital for a project depends on: (a) The use to which the capital is put, i.e. the proj€ct (b) The company's cost of capital (c) The indLLSIry cost ol capital (d) A1l of the above I ITF stands I for (a) International Tclecom Facilit)' (b) Integrated Text leature (c) InteErated Tesi Facilitv (d) Nonc of the above ueqlion' Q (errLrar Banl,' lndi,r, i'" _ rlion r i,'eo odnk' ll ''la*'f-'l,J_: lry"r (a) Co-operative Socieq/ registered under the Co oPeratiYe Societies Act (b) Body coiporate constituted under sPecial statute/s (c) ComPan)' registered under the lndian ComPanies Act1956 (d) either (b) or (c) The full form of NIPBF is: (a) Maximum Permissible Bank linance (b) Minimum Possibie Bank Finance 1,, Vld\inu'-r lro\ i-ion of Brnl fd, -r n; (d) None of the above deal vvithi (a) filuncial suPervision of banks/financial institutions (b) policJ, planning of cooPerative banks (c) mana8ement of forex/forex reserves (d) caPital manaBement and btsiness of banks The Reserve Bank of India Act,t934 CRII and SLR are techniques of (a) Co-OPerative Banks (b) State Bank of India does not : (c) RBi d) TDBI 10. Bancassurance is : (a) an insurance scheme to insure bank dePosiis (b) an insurance scheme exclusively for the employees of banks (c) a composite financial seNice offering both bank and insurance prodtlcts (d) a bank deposit schcme exciLrsively for ernPloyees of insurance comDanies C 1 S. No. 14. Questions Answers bdr\ir! Banl,irSR.gulnlionA.llo4o\^d-(.d(ledi^regLrl'le: {dr lle-, r\ e B.,nk ol lnlli" r(1, 13. _ (or( ror oJn[:ng (on panie(L) rooper.rli\e ldnd oe\cloPme_t bdr k\ (d) primary agricultural credit societies B,rnk { grarl...r ovcrordft o AB, IIIatsdn'llro,kdFbl-.'hi'i. .c.ur.d by: T-) D U (d) lr\ pUlh.crtiorbr pledee () nortgdec (d) a--igrm. rt I5. 16. 'PIN' in ATM card is : (a) Permanent InJormation Number (b) Personal Identification Number (c) Professional Identilication Number Id) Permanent Identification Number "Buy Now - Pay Later " is commonly used for (a) Credit cards (b) ATM Cards (c) Charge Cards (d) None of the above a B r 17. Long Form Audit Report (LFAR) is prcpared/ submitted by: (a) bank's concurrent auditor/s (b) RBI inspector/s (c) stahrtory auditors (d) all oI the above 18. l,Vhich ol the lo11o1\,ing asset/s is/arc not NPAS: (a) Fixcd Assets (b) Standard Assets (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Neithcr (a) nor (b) '19 Concepi of Dynamic Provisioning is introduce.l bv: (a) ICAI (b) RBI & BASEL fc) Bankinq Requlation Act, 19.19 A C A B S. No. Ouestions (d) Concurrent Audit Manua1 20. Which of the following tecluriques can be applied in concurrent au dit in CBS environment: (a) Exception report review (b) inspectiory observatioq recaiculation (c) auditing 'through' ihe computer 1d) all of lhe abore B
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