Presidential Search Committee Minutes July 21, 2014

Presidential Search Committee Minutes
July 21, 2014 - CORRECTED
Attendees: Dave Parker (faculty), Gary Neill (faculty), Perry Culwell (Prof Tech), Donna Duncan (WFSE),
Anthony Zavalla (AFT), Maria Anastario (exempt), Michelle Iko (exempt), Eric Palo (exempt), Dan
Hammes (Foundation), Pamela Teal (Business Community), Todd Pierce (Advisory Board), Susan Palmer
(Board Liaison), Lesley Hogan (Campus Liaison)
Absent: Joe Spieldenner (student), Leslie Lehnhoff (faculty)
Called to order at 2:35 pm, Monday July 21, 2014 in the Board Room of Renton Technical College.
Introduction of Committee members made and comments provided by Ms. Palmer.
Board Role and scope reviewed. Discussion took place regarding nomination of a search committee
chair and after discussion, tabled until a later meeting.
Position profile was reviewed and discussion took place on duties and responsibilities of the Presidency
as well as qualifications required. The committee liked the idea that business was considered a core
competency and that a wide net would be cast.
After discussion of the timeline, the committee agreed to try to meet towards the end of
August/beginning of September. It was requested that Kendra Smith (Director of Communications and
Marketing) be invited to talk about marketing materials.
Further discussion took place regarding campus forums and how to involve the advisory committees and
external areas to gather their feedback.
A doodle poll will be emailed to the committee to find a consensus date.
The committee did a quick overview of websites, online forums, etc.
Meeting adjourned at 4:00 pm.