Page 1 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Sunday, September 22 2013 MAILING ADDRESS 444 Metairie Rd. ~ Metairie, LA 70005 CLERGY Pastor: Rev. Andrew C. Taormina Deacons: Mr. Arthur G. Kingsmill Robert D. Normand, M.D. Mr. Kevin J. Darrah RESIDENCE 105 Vincent Ave. ~ Metairie, LA 70005 VOL. 65 NO 37 Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH CENTER Secretary: Barbara Kirn Business Manager: Steve Vaccaro 444 Metairie Road Metairie, LA 70005 504-834-0340 Fax 504-837-8735 SCHOOL Principal: Barbara Martin Asst. Principal: Jack Glover Secretary: Liz Perrin Admin. Asst.: Cheryl Toujouse 215 Betz Place Metairie, LA 70005 504-833-1471 Fax 504-833-1498 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 4:00 P.M. Sunday: 8:00, 10:00 A.M., 12 noon & 6:00 P.M. Holy Days: Vigil:: 4:00 P.M. Feast: 6:30, 8:00, 9:45 (School) & 7:00 P.M. Weekdays: 6:30 & 8:00 A.M. Monday Monday-Friday; Saturday 8:00 A.M. Eucharistic Adoration Chapel: Open 24 hours daily. RELIGIOUS ED. OFFICE Director: Claudia Todaro 504-834-0348 YOUTH MINISTERS Sr. CYO (8-12 gds.) Dawn Sisung Kevin Sisung Jr. CYO (6-7 gds.) Sheila Palermo Tammy Yrle 504-415-9831 504-415-7943 504-833-0352 504-484-7019 Confessions: Saturday 5:00 - 6:00 P.M. or by appointment. COORDINATOR OF MUSIC MINISTRY Rendell James 504-834-0340 Baptism: Contact Parish Center 1 month prior to due date. Seminar 7:30 P.M. - Second Monday of the month. SHARING PROGRAM Nellie Sclafani Carol Pritchard Wedding: Contact parish clergy at least 6 months in advance. Coordinator: Linda Jones 504-421-7946 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Paul Laiche 504-835-6809 504-834-0340 Page 2 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER “EITHER YOU WILL HATE ONE AND LOVE THE OTHER . YOU CANNOT SERVE GOD AND MAMMON” VOL. 65 NO 37 T’S CORNER [email protected] Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 22, 2013 Jesus commends his listeners to be wise and prudent not just in the exercise of their material and financial resources, but more importantly in how they use these resources for advancing God’s kingdom and the work of the gospel. What we invest our time, money, and material resources in shows what we treasure or value the most. Some invest solely for their own personal advancement, comfort, and security. Some invest for the future well-being of others, such as loved ones or individuals they want to support or help in some way. Jesus warns us to invest in and not neglect what is most important and crucial—that which lasts forever. When we invest in God’s kingdom—his kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy—we are not only securing our relationship with God for all eternity, we are also promoting the spread of the Gospel and the advancement of God’s kingdom on earth. How we invest our lives and resources today has consequences not just for tomorrow or for the rest of our earthly lives, but for eternity as well. How invested are you in the kingdom of God and in the things that last forever? Possessions and material resources are a great responsibility. The Lord expects us to use them honestly and responsibly and to put them at his service and the service of others. We are God’s servants and all that we have belongs to him. He expects us to make a good return on what he gives us. God loves generosity and he gives liberally to those who share his gifts with others. Love of money and wealth crowd out love of God and love of neighbor. Jesus makes clear that our hearts must either be possessed by God’s love or our hearts will be possessed by the love of something else. Where is your treasure? VOCATION PRAYER CHALICE The Vocation Chalice will be at the home of Laura & Chip Brooks. Please join them in praying for vocations to the priesthood, permanent diaconate and religious life. Call the Parish Center (834-0340) to sign up to have the chalice in your home for one week. SANCTUARY LAMP This week the sanctuary lamp will burn In Memory of Charles Joseph Tusa. FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR There are no remembrances for flowers this week. RADIO ROSARY COLLECTION Each evening at 6:00 P.M. on the AM dial, the rosary is broadcast over station WVOG. The broadcast is sponsored by the Archdiocesan Holy Name Society. The broadcasts are particularly enjoyed and looked forward to by the elderly and the homebound. This weekend there will be envelopes in the church pews for donations to pay for the daily broadcast. Our goal is a very modest $600.00 towards the funds necessary to continue the broadcast. Please pick up an envelope and put a donation in it to keep the rosary on the air and drop it into the first and only collection along with your weekly contribution. If you have any questions about the rosary broadcast, please contact Mr. Paul Laiche at the Parish Center 8340340. WILLWOODS PRAYER BREAKFAST OCT. 3 The Tenth Annual Willwoods Community Prayer Breakfast will be held on Thursday, October 3 at 7:30 A.M. at the Metairie Country Club. The featured speaker will be Fr. James Wehner, S.T.D., Rector of Notre Dame Seminary. Tickets for the breakfast are $50.00 per person and can be obtained from The Willwoods Community (504) 830-3701. RCIA PROGRAM UNDERWAY The (RCIA) Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults has begun for the fall and spring sessions of 2013-14. The program will culminate at the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 19, 2014. Any adults who are interested in converting to the Catholic faith or any Catholic who has not yet been baptized or confirmed is encouraged to contact Claudia Todaro at the Office of Religious Education 834-0348 or Fr. T at the Parish Center 8340340 for more information about the program. AUGUST FINANCIAL REPORT Envelopes Loose Holyday (Assumption) Total Weekly Average (4) Parish Debt (8-1-13) Payments Interest and Fee Parish Debt Balance (8-30-13) $ 47,525.00 19,533.00 1,370.00 68,428.00 17,107.00 $ 2,071,497.38 -07,313.63 $ 2,078.811.01 Page 3 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER CELEBRANTS, READERS & EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS FOR SEPTEMBER 21 and 22 Saturday, 4:00 P.M. Celebrant: Fr. T Homilist: Deacon Kevin Darrah Reader: Carolyn Diaz EM: Julie Bellau, Kathy Calder, Dolores Cousans, Berthe Torrens and MaryBeth Torrens Sunday, 8:00 A.M. Celebrant: Rev. Leo A. Meyer Reader: Betty Laizer EM: Irene Briede, Jane Deas, Martha Gautier, Diane Killeen and FrancesDee Tarantino Sunday, 10:00 A.M. Celebrant: Fr. Raymond C. Finn, O.P. Homilist: Deacon Kevin Darrah Reader: Emmett Smith EM: Bob Menard, Adrienne Miller, Val Miller, Frank Palermo, Gayle Sarrat, Mickie Sarrat and Elizabeth Smira Sunday, 12:00 Noon Celebrant: Fr. T Reader: Paul Hurley EM: Jeannie Redmann, Rick Redmann, Meghan Reilly, Doug Robicheaux and Norris Robicheaux Sunday, 6:00 P.M. Celebrant: Rev. Michael Burke, O.P. Reader: Billy Dantagnan EM: Mary Kay Kurzweg, Jerry Kurzweg, Marie Puglia, V. M. Wheeler and Elois Williams VOL. 65 NO 37 RIGHT TO LIFE CALENDARS Right to Life calendars will be on sale after all of the Masses the weekend of October 5 and 6. They are $5 each and donations are welcome. FATHER SEELOS MEMORIAL MASS A Mass in honor of Blessed Francis X. Seelos’ Feast Day of the 146th anniversary of his death will be celebrated on Sunday, October 6. Archbishop Gregory Aymond will be the celebrant and homilist for Mass at 1:00 P.M. at St. Mary’s Assumption Church (corner of Josephine and Constance Streets, New Orleans). Prior to Mass will be veneration of the relic missionary crucifix of Bl. Seelos; one-on-one intercessory prayer in back of church and in the shrine. Starting at 11:45 A.M., venerate his relic as you and your loved ones enter. The gift shop will be open before and after Mass. Wheelchair accessible/free parking available. Also, the Seelos Gala Benefit will be held the following Sunday, October 13 at 5:30 P.M. in the Audubon Tea Room, 6500 Magazine Street. You may purchase tickets in advance either online at or by calling 525-2495. READINGS FOR SEPTEMBER 22 thru 28 Sun. Am 8:4-7; Ps 113:1-2, 4-8; 1 Tm 2:1-8; Lk 16:1-13 Mon. Ezr 1:1-6; Ps 126:1-6; Lk 8:16-18 Tues. Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20; Ps 122:1-5 Wed. Ezr 9:5-9; (Ps) Tb 13:2-4, 7-8; Lk 9:1-6 Thurs. Hg 1:1-8; Ps 149:1-6a, 9b; Lk 9:7-9 Fri. Hg 2:1-9; Ps 43:1-4; Lk 9:18-22 Sat. Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a; (Ps) Jer 31:10-13; Lk 9:43b-45 ARCHDIOCESAN NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING CLASSES With professional instruction, Natural Family Planning has proven itself to be safe, effective, and a moral way for couples to plan their families. It is a method which respects the meaning of human sexuality as God created it and thus marital love is enhanced and strengthened. Come join the class series that Family Life Apostolate is offering in the Sympto-Thermal Method of Natural Family Planning conducted by Mrs. Kelly Donahue and Mrs. Gayle Rizzo of the Archdiocese of New Orleans. The dates of the class series are September 28, October 12, October 26 and November 23. The classes will be held in the St. Rita Community Room in Harahan. Preregistration is required and the cost is $100. for more information and registration please call Family Life Apostolate at 861-6243. COMING EVENTS IN THE PARISH Saturday, 9/21 LA Legion of Our Lady of Prompt Succor Rosary Group; 3:20 P.M. in church to pray for averting of hurricanes Sunday, 9/22 Special collection to be taken up at all Masses this weekend for the Holy Name Society Radio Rosary Thursday, 9/27 1) Deacon Ed’s rosary group; 6:00 P.M., Ave. B entrance 2) Holy Name Society radio rosary; 6:00 P.M., Parish Center conference room CATHOLIC EDUCATION—A MUST BEFORE SACRAMENTS CELEBRATED Our Archdiocese requires two years of Catholic education before a person can receive First Holy Communion or Confirmation. If you child does not attend a Catholic school, we can help. Our Parish School of Religion meets Sunday evenings 4:00-5:00 P.M. Give your children the spiritual nutrition they need for healthy faith-filled lives. Teach them about God. Teaching your baptized children about their faith is an obligation—not an option. Call Claudia in the Office of Religious Education at 834-348 for more information. Page 4 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER ARCHDIOCESAN WORKSHOPS FOR NEW MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Workshops for NEW Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are scheduled as follows: Saturday, September 28, 2013 or Saturday, October 19, 2013 or Saturday, November 9, 2013 The workshops will be held at: Our Lady of the Rosary Church 1322 Moss Street New Orleans, Louisiana 70119 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. (Presenter: Rev. Msgr. Kenneth Hedrick) The workshop will focus on the theology of ministry and the Eucharist and ministering communion to the sick. Persons attending the workshop must have the permission and recommendation of their pastor. If you are interested in attending a workshop, please call the Parish Center at 834-0340. We must register with the Archdiocese all those who will be attending the workshop. PRAYER LIST FOR OUR SICK C. J Accardo, Carolyn Aiavolasti, Thomas Albrecht, Marian Alcantara, Ellen Aleman, Abbie Amato, Mr. Anthony, Jonathan Artigues, Michael Asevedo, Doris Aucoin, Joe Ayala, Jr., Al & June Bertucci, Joshua Bibeau, Mayli Bienes, Debbie Bolt, A. Brad Booth, Nettie Bostick, Carolyn Bowers, Ashley Burns, Truman Caire, Beth Cairo, Myrtle Mary Calvert, Wilfred Carvalho, Pat Casey, Diane Cash, John Castjohn, Adrianne Cavanaugh, Ruchelle Chavaud, Cynthia Chaumont, Richard Childress, Levie Chauvin, Bessie Christofell, Suzanne Colligan, Felicie Cornman & family, Mr. David, Birdie Dedinsky, June DeJong, Sr. Mary Delahoussaye, Bill Dermady, Tweet & Octave Desforges, Jerry Ducote, Edwin Dudoussat, Shelly Ditta Doucet, Britney Dugas, Pattie Eilertsen, Courtney Elmer, Maria Dolores Fernandez, Linda Foto, Cindie Fuhrman, Rachel Gallois, Vincent & Dee-Dee Giambrone, Gary Gilmore, Lee Guidry, Linus Guidry, Brent Hahn, Brian Hammond, Bob Harper, Chris Hebert, Geraldine Hebert, Mimi Heebe, Deacon Samuel Henry, Lynn Burk Hughes, Jr., Betty Ignitius, Breann Ivers, Roland Johnson, Nathalie Johnston, A. M. Kelly, Kensie, Norma Kimble, Arghiro Kleamenakis, Teddy Kraft, Julie Laizer, Joe Landry, Roseann LeBlanc, Robert Lemann, John Liukkonen, Donald Madden, Haley Martin, Clyde Matherne, Ben A. Martinez III, Bella and Susan, Lillian McCarthy, Smyth McCrae, John McMahon, Jeff Mechlin, Fr. Jack Melito, C.M., Ellen Merrill-Calvert, Anna Mary Miester, Fr. James Miller, Jason Miller, Margot Miller, A.T. Mora, Glenn Moore, Julia Murray, John Noto, Christopher Nuessly, Judi Olson, Anthony Orlando, James Ott, James Patterson, Bill Pearson, Abby Perez, G. David Perrin, Jr., Dwight Perry, Rosemae Plaisance, Carol Powell, Brian Quartano, Leah Quartano, Emil Ranallo, Joseph Redmond, Jr., Ruth Regan, Nancy Rhodes, Carolyn Riviere, Harold Rodrigue, Jean Rowen, Deirdre Saling, Gary & Vicki Scallon, Nan Schellhaas, Grace Schmitt, Gisela Segura, Ray Smith, Jr., Elizabeth Smira, Gabriel Smira, Jim Spiers, Mary Dodd Stalling, Harlie Stevens, Joan Stubbs, John Swiler, Jr., Diva Tempestini, Steve Terrebonne, Ronald & Christine Timm, Judy Thorne, Paul Trapani, Jr., Diane Tregre, Kathy Trentacoste, Grace Touchet, Annie Ulmer, Kayla Vogelaar, Hil Wegener, Dr. Mark Wegmann, Calvin Whitker, Tommy Whittaker, Marilyn Wicks, Danny Wiggins, Mary Ann Wilson, Bernard Wood Please note: Prayer List is now in alphabetical order. VOL. 65 NO 37 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday, September 21, 2013—4:00 P.M. Grace & Joe Pistorius, Pat Cousans Shirley Greiner, Frances Ferran, Catherine O’Neil Mary Ann Corpora, Robert Wayne Fontenot Della Rose Fontenot, Lester J. Grush Raymond Bailey, Sr., Raymond Bailey, Jr. In memory of Mr. & Mrs. C. L. Phillips, Jr. Mildred Strassel Facio, Robert Henry Facio, Sr. Elizabeth Rooney Fitzwilliam, Mary Ellen Rooney Esmond De Vun, Sr., Harold Andrew Buchler Sunday, September 22, 2013—8:00 A.M. Purgatorial List & Parishioners, Christopher Briede Louise Laiche, Estelle Laizer, Ines de Gruy Preston Collins, A. Faustino Fernandes Randall William Perrone, Brian Paul Garsaud Bill Berridge, Joy Daray Seeger Birthday intentions of Oneil Williams* Sunday, September 22, 2013—10:00 A.M. Stephen Laizer III, Thelma Laizer, Stanley Brandon Donald Gahagan, Gregory Stephen Brunet, Harold Andrew Buchler Janet Brignac, Aimeé Perrault, Lucy Sortino Special intentions of Donna & Lynn Dantin* Sunday, September 22, 2013—12:00 Noon Anthony Culotta, Jules Vulliet, Anne P. Potts Robert Bridgewater Sunday, September 22, 2013—6:00 P.M. Leila Schafer, Diane Cash, Doris Becker Petre Bernice Cerniglia, Birthday ints. of Clay LeJeune* Monday, September 23, 2013—6:30 A.M. Ines de Gruy, Preston Collins, A. Faustino Fernandes In memory of JoAnn L. Bates and Paul T. Bates, Sr. In memory of Rev. Tom Kinney Monday, September 23, 2013—8:00 A.M. Jim Smith, Harold Andrew Buchler Bill Berridge, Bruce Beter Doris Becker Petre, Anthony Culotta In memory of Rev. Tom Kinney, Robert Bridgewater 90th birthday of Oneil Williams* Tuesday, September 24, 2013—6:30 A.M. Ines de Gruy, Preston Collins, A. Faustino Fernandes Tuesday, September 24, 2013—8:00 A.M. Jim Smith, Harold Andrew Buchler, Bill Berridge Anne P. Potts, Doris Becker Petre, Joy Daray Seeger Anthony Culotta, Robert Bridgewater Wednesday, September 25, 2013—6:30 A.M. Ines de Gruy, Preston Collins, A. Faustino Fernandes Successful surgery for David Alleman* Wednesday, September 25, 2013—8:00 A.M. Jim Smith, Harold Andrew Buchler, Bill Berridge Doris Becker Petre, Anthony Culotta, Adam Pritchard Joy Daray Seeger, Robert Bridgewater Thursday, September 26, 2013—6:30 A.M. Ines de Gruy, Preston Collins, A. Faustino Fernandes Thursday, September 26, 2013—8:00 A.M. Jim Smith, Harold Andrew Buchler, Bill Berridge Sadie Demma Sortino, Donald Ward, Anthony Culotta Greta LeBlanc Acomb Friday, September 27, 2013—6:30 A.M. Ines de Gruy, Preston Collins, A. Faustino Fernandes Friday, September 27, 2013—8:00 A.M. Jim Smith, Harold Andrew Buchler, Bill Berridge Dr. Joseph Brinz, Stuart Douglass, Christopher Briede Anthony Culotta Saturday, September 28, 2013—8:00 A.M. Ines de Gruy, Bill Berridge, Anthony Culotta Anne P. Potts, A. Faustino Fernandes *Denotes living Page 5 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Francis Xavier #022588 444 Metairie Road Metairie, LA 70005 PHONE 504-834-0340 CONTACT PERSON Barbara Kirn SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher® 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9.0® PRINTER ??? NUMBER OF PAGES SENT Cover + 3 text pages + this page = 5 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION September 22, 2013 TRANSMISSION TIME Friday by Noon SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS SPLIT-SHIP FedEx shipping address (church): St. Francis Xavier Church 444 Metairie Road Metairie, LA 70005-3407 FedEx shipping address (Direct Mail): Direct Mail Plus 1431 Edwards Avenue Harahan, LA 70123 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER VOL. 65 NO 37 Page 6 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER VOL. 65 NO 37 Page 7 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER VOL. 65 NO 37 Page 8 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER VOL. 65 NO 37 Page 9 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER VOL. 65 NO 37
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